MTL - Chasing Summer-Chapter 82

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July is the height of summer.

Surrounded by greenery outside the teaching building, the entire university town is shrouded in sunlight. Students with young and energetic faces ride bicycles across the campus. There is a road on the campus of Lian University that is full of hydrangea, and the blue-green hydrangea blooms against the scorching sun.

At the end of the semester, Lin Zexia was busy preparing for the final exam.

The professional teacher circled a lot of key points for them. Most of the time at the end of the semester, she and Chi Yao wrote questions in the study room.

"It's so hard to memorize," she wrote halfway, lying on the textbook, "...I don't want to take the exam."

After finishing speaking, she asked again: "Is the final exam of your major difficult?"

She actually wanted Chi Yao to comfort her: "After all, it is an ace major, with such a high score line, the final exam must be difficult."

However, she forgot that Chi Yao and she are not from the same world at all: "Just flip through the books."


"You can't answer me like this," Lin Zhexia used her status privileges, "I am your girlfriend, you have to follow me."

Chi Yao held a pen between his fingers.

The black fountain pen inadvertently turned half a circle between his distinct fingers, and then he said, "It's hard."

Lin Zhexia: "How difficult is it?"

Chi Yao leaned back: "I'm afraid I won't pass."

Lin Zhexia said: "Don't worry, although you are not as smart as I am, there should be no big problem in passing."

Chi Yao raised his chin slightly: "Thank you for your encouragement."

Lin Zhexia: "You're welcome."

"Is the play over?" Chi Yao let go of the pen, stretched out his hand in front of her, held two pages of paper between his fingertips, and lightly turned over the page that had been standing in front of her for almost half an hour, "Continue to memorize after the performance. "


Another thing happened this semester.

After Chi Hanshan returned the funds, he planned to buy back the apartment in Nanxiang Street.

"I thought about it with your mother. Since you still plan to stay in Lianyun for development, you still need a place to live."

When calling one day, Chi Hanshan discussed with Chi Yao: "Since your mother and I are staying in Beijing, we can feel more at ease if you live alone in Lianyun."

"It's just that the transaction cycle has only just passed two years, and people may not be willing to sell it, but your mother and I have also found other listings in the same community..."

Chi Yao only said: "Don't force it, I can figure out a way about the house in the future."

Chi Hanshan said on the phone: "No force, no force, your mother and I have enough cash flow."

Coincidentally, the male owner of that family happened to change his job, and the family was planning to change their life in another city, and the procedures were handed over very quickly.

After Chi Yao told Lin Zhexia about this, Lin Zhexia was happier than himself.

She never thought that the house could be bought back, and that she and Chi Yao could visit each other like before: "Really? Then when my mother nags me, I can go to your place to avoid it again."

"Not mine."

Chi Yao corrected her, "Now that's your home too."

Lin Zhexia let out an "oh", and asked belatedly: "Then what do you mean by saying that you can find a way by yourself in the future? Did you ever think about buying the house back?"

"I planned to save money after work," Chi Yao said casually, "It's just that, my girlfriend will have to wait a few more years."

Lin Zhexia was inherently impressed.

In the past, she and Chi Yao lived in their own homes, so it was hard to think of the reason why she had to wait a few more years.

Although she didn't ask, but based on Chi Yao's understanding of her, she didn't have to think about it: "Do you know the synonym for girlfriend?"


"It's my future wife."

The two are still walking forward. This road continues to extend outside the school. It looks long and endless, but both sides of the road are covered with greenery, and the hot summer sun passes through the gaps. Chi Yao led her and continued: " After that, we will probably stay in Lianyun to work, and Aunt He probably doesn't want you to go too far, so we have to consider the issue of the wedding room."

Lin Zhexia was stunned for a long time.

She didn't know that Chi Yao had such a plan.

It turned out that she had been put into his future with great care.

When she came back to her senses, she was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice, "You haven't proposed yet, and I haven't said that I want to marry you, so why are you in the wedding room?"

Chi Yao's eyebrows moved slightly: "You want to abandon me all the time?"

Lin Zhexia: "... That's not what it means."

On the day of the summer vacation, she, Chi Yao, and He Yang drove back to Nanxiang Street together.

The three made an appointment to meet at University City Station.

He Yang snorted on the phone at first, and said deliberately: "I don't want to be a light bulb, I want to go back alone."

At that time, Lin Zhexia had already packed his luggage, dragging the suitcase and waiting for him in Chi Yao's rented house.

The phone is on speakerphone.

So He Yang heard his two ruthless voices.

Chi Yao and Lin Zhexia said in unison: "Oh."

He Yang: "No—shouldn't you keep me?! Coax me, comfort me, tell me that I still have a place in your hearts, and you still need a friend like me—"

Lin Zhexia thought for a while: "To be honest, it's not really necessary."

Chi Yao didn't even think about it: "Are you important?"

He Yang: "..."

Lin Zhexia: "Then you take a taxi yourself, we have already packed our things, and we will walk directly from the apartment later, instead of going to the station."

He Yang dragged his suitcase and hurried out of the school: "Wait for me, I'm just kidding, you really called a car? Are you a brother? If you are a brother, just wait for me! If you don't coax me, forget it ! You have to wait for me!!"

Finally Chi Yao called a taxi.

He Yang sat in the front with great anger, and Lin Zhexia sat with him in the back seat.

Lin Zhexia smoothed things over: "Da Zhuang, don't be angry."

He Yang: "Don't call me, I'm just an outsider."


However, within ten minutes of the friendship between the two of them, He Yang recovered by himself: "The house has been bought? Is the house tidied up? Then I can live with you during the holidays."

Chi Yao only threw him three words: "It's not convenient."

He Yang: "What's the inconvenience?"

Chi Yao: "I have a girlfriend, it's inconvenient."


The driver pull over and stop.

He wants to get out of the car.

Lin Zhexia sat in the back row, listening to the bickering between the two primary school students, while sending messages to Lin He.

- mom , i ' m in the car

Lin He's news came back quickly: Did you bring the keys?

- brought

-Aren't you and Uncle Wei at home?

Lin He: I forgot to tell you that we are traveling outside and haven't come back yet.

- Xiao He, I think you have forgotten my daughter.

Lin He: You are not at home.

Lin He: I really forgot.

Lin Zhexia: ...

Lin He: Don't tell me, when you first went to Lian University, I really couldn't sleep at night. I'm not used to it when you're not at home. But people are very adaptable, and now I feel that you are not at home so pure.

Chi Yao noticed that her face was constantly changing, and asked her, "What's wrong."

"My mother and Uncle Wei are not at home," Lin Zhexia relayed, "They have already forgotten about me."

Chi Yao raised his hand and patted the top of her head: "I'll accompany you."

Lin Zhexia didn't feel anything wrong at first.

After all, the three words "I'll accompany you" couldn't be more simple love words.

However, when they got out of the car and went home, Lin Zhexia tidied up the room. Lin He was not at home, so she could only change the sheets and quilts by herself. After working for half a day, she took a shower and was about to turn off the lights and go to bed when the doorbell rang.

Lin Zhexia opened the door in her pajamas: "Why are you here?"

Chi Yao: "Accompany you."

The pajamas that Lin Zhexia was wearing were very thin, white, and made of cotton. Chi Yao was very impressed with this dress, she used to wear it often in summer.

"I'm going to sleep," she said after letting him into the house.

Chi Yao walked towards her room familiarly: "Sleeping with you is the same."

The originally quiet atmosphere suddenly became extremely ambiguous because of this sentence.

Chi Yao also just took a shower at home, the hair on his forehead was not completely dry, and the boy was taller than her, Lin Zhexia could only look up at him slightly. She clearly saw Chi Yao's darkened eyes, and the silver earrings.

The boy's pale complexion was highlighted by the black T-shirt. Perhaps it was because he had seen each other honestly. Lin Zhexia's eyes moved down. When he touched the waist and abdomen, he clearly saw the clothes in his eyes, but his mind automatically The familiar outline of abdominal muscles emerged.

At this moment, the two of them were facing each other, standing in her bedroom.

This place is more hidden from her than any other place.

Because this bedroom is the most familiar place she has lived in since she was a child.

There are too many figures and memories of her growing up.

The desk was used by her every day. In the bookcase, there is a wishing card and the "couple photo" in high school. In the closet next to it, the scarf he knitted in high school is properly stored.

But because of this, when Chi Yao's kiss fell, her heartbeat was stronger than ever.

Outside the window, the sound of cicadas came through the window.

The touch on her lips was as strong as the scorching sun in the daytime, and her lips were bitten by him from time to time, causing a fine tremor. Lin Zhexia trembled slightly, as if unable to support herself, she let the kiss get deeper and deeper.

The only support point for her was the desk behind her, and her back was tightly pressed against the edge of the desk.

Chi Yao seemed to realize that she was about to lose her strength, so he put one hand around her waist and easily hugged her.

The kiss lasted a long time. From the desk, all the way to the bed that she is so familiar with.

"It's a coincidence."

Chi Yao supported the bed with one hand, raised his head slightly back when speaking, and said while opening a slight distance.

Lin Zhexia's whole head was dizzy, as if he was short of oxygen, so he could only ask him in a daze: "...What a coincidence."

"Sheets and quilts," said Chi Yao, "the same as when I kissed you secretly that day."

Lin Zhexia lowered his eyes.

There are only two sets of quilt covers for her in summer, and the set she changed into today is indeed the one she used the most in the past.

When he said this, she lay on the bed, as if recalling how she felt lying here with a fever the day Chi Yao left.

It's amazing.

They are now, literally kissing here.

It's just that kissing is easy to get offended, and the situation gradually got out of control. Lin Zhexia couldn't help but push him with her hand, reminding: "There is no...that at home."

Chi Yao naturally knew it too.

He didn't intend to be the last, so he stopped and hugged her for a while.

Finally, the boy took her into his arms and kissed her on the forehead.

Lin Zhexia felt the feathery touch in the darkness, and asked, "Did you kiss me like this back then? It was the day you left."

After she finished speaking, she felt a slight tremor in the chest of the person holding her, and she let out a "hmm".

Then Chi Yao lowered his head again and whispered in her ear:

"Good night."

This holiday, Chi Yao only stayed at her house for one night.

The next day, Lin He and Wei Ping finished their tour and arrived home in the evening.

Wei Ping was wearing a colorful beach hat, and the two of them looked like they had just returned from a beach vacation: "Xia Xia, do you want some coconut juice? Uncle will prescribe one for you."

"Are you going to the beach?" Lin Zhexia greeted them at the door, "...The coconut is so heavy, you don't need to bring me three."

Wei Ping opened the suitcase, and there were three coconuts in the heavy box.

He took out the coconuts one by one and said, "One for you, one for Chi Yao, and one for He Yang."


Lin He entered the room after Wei Ping. She was wearing a holiday-style long dress, and she couldn't help but criticize when she got home: "Look, what did you make the living room look like when I left? , can you collect this pile of snacks?"

She said, inspecting all the way to the kitchen: "I don't know how many times I have to tell you to wash the pot when cooking noodles."

If it was before, Lin Zhexia would definitely find Lin He very annoying.

But after being away from home for so long, even these nagging and scolding became warm.

A college student who tried to be independent in school, returned home and became the "child" before.

Lin Zhexia held the freshly opened coconut and explained: "I was about to wash, and you just came back."

Lin He looked at the time and couldn't understand her better: "It's already half past seven."

"Comrade Lin Zhexia, tell me, how long have you been preparing for this?"

Lin Zhexia replied honestly: "More than an hour."


After Lin He came back, her life at home became difficult.

The weather outside is getting hotter and hotter. In August, the sun is so hot that people dare not run outside.

Like countless holidays before, she slumped on the sofa at Chi Yao's house, hugged the iced watermelon, dug and ate it with a spoon, and watched the summer TV series at the same time.

Chi Yao sat beside her.

Other Faxiao gathered on the sofa on the other side, some were playing video games, some were chatting, and the whole living room looked like a mess.

"Brother Yao, Brother Xia—poker, do you want to play?" Someone raised his voice and asked.

Lin Zhexia dug a piece of watermelon, without looking back: "I won't hit it."

Chi Yao: "Women sing and husbands follow."


The TV series was still old-fashioned and bloody, Lin Zhexia was complaining about the plot to him while stuffing watermelon into his mouth.

Chi Yao asked her, "Is it sweet?"

Lin Zhexia nodded and fed him a piece.

The TV quickly went into a commercial.

Chi Yao was dragged to play two rounds of poker by the other couriers during the commercial break.

Lin Zhexia looked up from the TV and looked around, the furnishings of Chi Yao's house had been restored to their original appearance. A group of teenagers were sitting together, the one in the middle casually played the cards, and occasionally the other people said something, he twitched the corner of his mouth lightly and laughed.

On the TV, the sound of advertisements came out loudly, mixing with their voices—

The watermelon in her hand is very icy, which dispels the impetuousness and heat of summer, and has a healing feeling of coolness.

It's the same as countless summers before.

As if everything was the way it should be, never changed.

In the middle of the vacation, Lin Zhexia met his former friends.

Chen Lin and Tang Shuxuan changed their hairstyles, looking more youthful and lively.

When several people chatted about the past, they could already treat it as a joke and tease each other: "I actually asked you for Chi Yao's contact information. The night I was severely rejected, I was in a very complicated mood."

"You had a crush on that senior before."

"You were still fighting in the forum before, and the school next door asked someone to block you."


On the day she had dinner with Chen Lin and the others, Chi Yao also met with Xu Ting. Xu Ting studied forensic medicine at University, but he was still the same as before, looking "pretty unreliable".

Lin Zhexia was sitting in the restaurant, chatting with them when her phone vibrated.

It was a photo sent by Chi Yao.

Boyfriend: [photo]

In the photo, Xu Ting made an exaggerated "yeah".

Boyfriend: He said he wanted to say hello to you.

Lin Zhexia smiled and replied: Thank you. received.

When I got home that day, Lin He asked her about the dinner party. Lin Zhexia said, "It's pretty good. Tang Shuxuan is doing a summer job, and Chen Lin is also a tutor. By the way, Tang Shuxuan is also in a relationship. Her boyfriend is her boyfriend A professional boy, the two of them are in a good relationship."

Lin He: "Look at others, and then at you."

Lin Zhexia knew what she meant to say that others were working hard to make money. She admitted that she was a little lazy during this holiday, so she said: "I was looking for a job, but I didn't find a suitable one in the end. I will look at it later. Look."

"And," she said again slowly, "I also have a boyfriend, at least I'm not lost in the relationship."

Lin He: "..."

Lin Zhexia, who was talking about looking for a "summer job", searched for a few days, but couldn't find a job for the time being, and organized new activities in the small group.

[South Lane Street Squad]

Da Zhuang: Do you want to go to the market to shoot guns tomorrow?

Da Zhuang: The first prize is a game console, the second prize is a pair of Bluetooth headsets, the third prize is useless, a doll, but this useless doll can be given to Brother Xia to play with.

Lin Zhexia: ...?

What is useless to her.

They often organize various activities in the group.

A very boring and childish proposal, once sent, immediately received enthusiastic responses.


-Count me in

- i go too i go too

- let me show you what a sharpshooter is

So everyone made an appointment to go to the market to shoot guns tomorrow afternoon.

Da Zhuang: @林满夏, Brother Xia, will you go?

Lin Zhexia typed: Isn't shooting a gun a bit too childish?

The next second, she couldn't wait to send the past two words: what time?

At noon the next day, after dinner, Lin Zhexia wanted to sneak a popsicle from the refrigerator, but was banned by Lin He: "You ate too much yesterday, don't eat today."

Lin Zhexia reluctantly closed the refrigerator door: "Oh."

But she didn't give up, and while waiting for the elevator at the door, she sent a message to Chi Yao.

- do you have popsicles at home

- If you have one, secretly bring me one when it comes out

- Forget it, I'll go to the canteen to buy it myself, don't tell my mother, do you have anything you want to eat?

Chi Yao should be busy, so he took the time to reply her with one word: water.

It was close to one o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Zhexia sat at the door of Chi Yao's unit and waited to go downstairs to join her.

It's really hot.

The dry wind blows hot air.

Like the first day she came to Nanxiang Street, she sat at the entrance of his house, holding a bottle of cold soda in her hand, and biting an old-fashioned popsicle in her mouth.

After waiting for about five or six minutes, there was a sudden "click" from the unit door behind him.

For a moment, Lin Zhexia almost thought that this familiar "click" sound came from many years ago.

The same sound passes through the silent and long years, and coincides with the present.

She turned around slowly.

The young man was against the strong light, his eyebrows were deep, his appearance was extremely eye-catching, his chin was thin, and there was a kind of arrogance and wantonness soaked from his bones. Breaking into her field of vision with an almost dazzling appearance.

He took the bottle of steaming soda, unscrewed it casually, and said, "Let's go, girlfriend."

Lin Zhexia paused before following him.

The popsicle in my mouth is very cold, and the sun above my head is very hot.

The Nanxiang street sign stands not far away.

Many trivial fragments about summer flashed through Lin Zhexia's mind. The stories seemed to always happen in this season. The last thing she thought of was the secret love and heartbeat between the two that only she knew.

Every time he chased her, she was chasing that summer.

That summer with each other.

Always warm and never ending.

【End of text】

The author has something to say:

It's over here~~ The summer of 2022 is just over.

I hope this article brings you a little joy and warmth.

It was the first time I wrote a romance, and I was apprehensive. Finally, on the eve of my birthday, I took the opportunity to make a birthday wish for myself "to do what I am afraid to do", and then I mustered up the courage to start the article.

In addition to the different channels, the writing method of this book is also very different from the previous ones. It is the first time to write such a purely emotional essay, and the content is driven entirely by emotional development. I tried to prepare as much as possible, but it is impossible to have a fully prepared day for anything. I still encountered countless trivial problems during the period, but no matter what, "doing" itself is the most important thing.

I will do my best this time, thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard.

We are destined to see you next time~