MTL - Charm King Poison Queen-Chapter 1283 【V147】Escape from danger, recognize each other

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  Chapter 1283【V147】Escape from danger, recognize each other

  The news of Ning Yue's disappearance caused an uproar on the island, and everyone, including Island Master Zhao, was alarmed.

   Island Master Zhao hurried over from home, wondering what happened, he brought her fireworks this morning, why did she disappear in a blink of an eye?

"In the afternoon, my young lady was resting in her room. Qiuyue suddenly ran over and said that Concubine Liu Gui was ill, so she didn't want to alarm the imperial physician, so she invited my young lady to have a diagnosis and treatment. Who would have thought that this diagnosis and treatment would kill her..." Dong Mei cried like rain, remorse in her heart, it would have been fine if she hadn't left the young lady at the beginning, the matter of finding someone is a big deal, and it's a big deal to leave it to Zhen'er... But what's the use of regretting? In this world, I have never regretted taking medicine.

Concubine Liu still had golden needles stuck in her body. From this, it can be inferred that Ning Yue disappeared on the way to acupuncture for Concubine Liu. If she left by herself, she would have pulled out the golden needles first. Looking at her appearance, the possibility of being kidnapped is even higher. In addition, Qiuyue at the door was also dazed, which further confirmed this inference.

  A little girl was kidnapped and she was pregnant. The king of Nanjiang couldn't imagine what Ning Yue would go through.

   Concubine Liu Gui was the only person at the scene, and possibly the only witness. The Nanjiang king ordered the imperial physician to forcibly shake her awake.

  Concubine Liu Gui was dizzy: "What happened?"

  The King of Nanjiang asked in a deep voice: "The princess of the county has come to your room, do you know where she is?"

   "Has the princess of the county been here? The concubine doesn't know..." Concubine Liu Gui completely lost her memory. She was in a coma from the beginning to the end, and knew nothing about what happened.

  The king of Nanjiang was so depressed that he woke up Qiuyue again.

"The servant was guarding the door and saw a shadow on the ground. The servant thought it was some court lady and eunuch, so she didn't take it to heart and waved him away. When he came up, he covered the mouth and nose of the servant, and then the servant fainted." Qiuyue Say.

   "Can you see clearly whether it is a man or a woman? Appearance?"

  Qiuyue shook her head.

Everyone could see that Qiuyue did not lie. Afterwards, the king of Nanjiang questioned the people in the yard one by one. Because Qiuyue told them not to disturb the princess of the county to give needles, they all went back to their rooms. The movement, the movement in the corridor, is also ignorant.

   Xuanyin couldn't wait any longer: "I'll find someone!"

   Island Master Zhao said thoughtfully: "Did she go to find that girl?"

   "Which girl?" Xuanyin and Nanjiang Wang asked in unison.

Island Master Zhao said: "In the morning, Yue'er came to my place to ask for fireworks. She said she saw an old friend, and asked me to call out all the female relatives in the yard for her to recognize. Let's recognize it until the end. There is no such person. I laughed at whether she was dazzled, maybe... she thought she didn't have dazzled, so she went to find that person?"

To find someone, you have to pull out the golden needle first. Xuanyin doesn't agree with Island Master Zhao's conjecture, but the old a little suspicious. It's the first time Yueyue has been on Spirit Snake Island, so it's impossible to know the residents on the island. He has been there before. Ma Jinyan pretended to be Prince Gong, but other possibilities could not be ruled out.

   Xuanyin asked: "Which girl looks like? What's her name?"

  Zhao Daozhu said: "I don't know about this, Yue'er only said that there is a golden butterfly mark on the back of that person, Master Zhongchang, have you heard of this person?"

  Xuanyin's complexion changed suddenly.

  He remembered the assassination in the afternoon, and it was also a woman with a golden butterfly mark on her back. Leaving aside the dream, the golden butterfly woman who appeared in reality is really disgusting!

   Now, he even began to suspect that the golden butterfly woman wanted to kill Yueyue in Island Master Zhao's yard, but Yueyue found out in advance and delayed the assassination.

  As for why Fang Fang wanted to kill Yueyue, thinking about that dream, he thought that maybe the other party was after him.

  I want to kill Yueyue, seduce him, and become his queen.

  He will not be fooled!

  If he sees her, he must kill her!


Ning Yue was put on a human skin mask by the man in black robes, and put on new fiery red clothes. The clothes were wide enough to cover her slightly protruding abdomen. Of course, she was only less than three months old, and even ordinary skirts would She doesn't show her pregnancy very much, and this attire looks more like a girl who is not pregnant.

   As if these were not enough, he (she) painted her a very delicate makeup.

  She is like a doll, letting the other party play with her.

  He (she) also knows to wash away her smell and apply a new balm to her. In fact, since she became pregnant, she no longer used balm and cream, for fear that some of the ingredients would affect the fetus. At this time, the man kept rubbing it on her body, and she couldn't help frowning: "I said, can you not put it on my skin? It's the same with your clothes."

  That person didn't seem to be negotiable. After hearing this, he paused for two seconds, and it really smeared on her clothes.

  Ning Yue has completely become a strange woman. She doesn't need to look in the mirror to know that at this moment, she might not even recognize her own parents.

  The smell of the balm is very good. It is not the kind of inferior product on the market. The man behind this scene should be quite rich.

  The person in front of him seemed to have some mental problems. He always muttered a few phrases, never said a complete sentence, and laughed foolishly from time to time. Ning Yue guessed that he (she) was the culprit.

  Ning Yue has a very strong ability to set words, even Sikong Shuo has been set by her, but the person in front of her is a fool, which makes all her speech skills in vain.

   As a result, Ning Yue felt more and more that the mastermind behind the scenes was not simple, forcing her to have no room for maneuver.

   While thinking about it, the man finished applying the balm, and looked at Ning Yue steadily, as if he felt that Ning Yue's complexion was not rosy enough, so he applied a little more rouge.

  He (she) is wearing a black cloak, half-hidden face, said to be a woman, the outline is too tough; said to be a man, the skin is too smooth.

   "Hey, are you a man or a woman? Do you have a name?"

   "Hey...hey..." He (she) just smirked like that.

  Ning Yue turned her face away feebly.

  The other party suddenly grabbed her chin, forced her to turn her face, and forced her to open her mouth. She was shocked: "What are you doing?"

   "Eat candy, hey, eat candy..." He (she) smiled silly, and stuffed a milky white pill into Ning Yue's mouth.

  The pill was cold and melted in the mouth, even if Ning Yue wanted to spit it out, she had no chance.

   Soon, Ning Yue felt a tickle in her throat, and wanted to ask, what did you do to me, but she couldn't make a sound.

   Was dumbed down by poison.

   What a thoughtful thought.

   Now, even with her voice, it is impossible for her to prove that she is Ma Ningyue.

  She has completely turned into another woman...a woman whom she told Xuanyin to kill.

  She suddenly regretted that she had been provoked by that butterfly woman so much that she lost her sense of proportion, and she tried to set the blame on herself, but in the end she set the blame on herself.

  She really suspected that Butterfly Woman did it on purpose, in order to lure her into the game, force her to provoke the relationship between Xuanyin and Butterfly, and then turn herself into a butterfly, and kill herself with Xuanyin's hand.

  It seems that the mastermind behind the scenes has a general understanding of her habits and thinking.

  Of course, these are just her conjectures, and there may be other possibilities, but she has not discovered it yet.

   Even if found, it may not be useful.

  If Xuanyin finds out this appearance, Xuanyin will definitely kill him without hesitation.


No useful information was obtained from Concubine Liu Gui. Xuanyin and Island Master Zhao began to search separately. The King of Nanjiang and King Xuan were also in the search ranks. Two quarters of an hour later, King Xuan returned to the designated meeting place, sweating profusely. Said: "I searched all the residences of the prince and the empress, but I didn't find the princess of the county... Hey, did the princess of the county go out to play with Xuanyin? Until now, I haven't seen anyone from Xuanyin!"

   Xuanyin frowned secretly, will Yueyue be with Sikong Shuo? Impossible, the two of them are not like the kind of people who will leave a mess, the golden needle on Concubine Liu Gui said everything, Yueyue was taken away.

   "The two of them are not together, Prince Yinjun has official business, so he is busy." He said without changing his expression.

   King Xuan panted and said, "That's it, then let's see if Father and Island Master Zhao have found anything?"

   Soon, the king of Nanjiang came back, thinking that he was old and sick, and insisted on looking for Ning Yue himself, which was really not easy.

   Xuan Yin looked at him with a less cold look.

  The king of Nanjiang inquired about the military camp, but found nothing.

  The search area of ​​Island Master Zhao is relatively large, it is the core residential area of ​​the entire Spirit Snake Island, and he came back a little later.

   "How is it, Master Zhao?" Xuanyin asked.

   Island Master Zhao shook his head: "No one has seen Yue'er, and no one knows a woman with a golden butterfly on her back."

  Xuan Yin stared intently, his deep pupils were like gemstones in a deep pool, clear and cold, even the words he said were chilling: "Uncle Zhao, is Spirit Snake Island big?"

   Island Master Zhao thought for a while: "It's not too big. If you walk from east to west, it takes about a day. From south to north, it takes a little longer, a day and a half. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

   Xuanyin said seriously: "I want to search the island."

   "Search the island?" Island Master Zhao rolled his eyes, "Master Zhongchang suspects that the princess is no longer here?"

"Not only that, but there are also all ports where ships are not allowed to leave. Although I personally think that the possibility of leaving the island is unlikely, but just to be on the safe side, I would like to ask Island Master Zhao to cooperate. I am the ambassador of this trip, and the mission Any problems with anyone here, I will bear the blame." Xuan Yin said coldly.

   Island Master Zhao nodded: "Okay, I understand, I'll do it now."

  It was night, Xuanyin, Zhao Island Master, and Xuan Wang divided into three groups and led their subordinates to start a comprehensive search of the island.


  Ning Yue fell into a drowsy sleep, woke up and found herself tied behind her back to a big rock.

  The man was opposite her, eating a box of delicate pastries.

  Ning Yue was hungry and unable to speak, so she kicked a small stone beside her.

  The man looked over.

  Ning Yue opened her mouth and said silently, "I'm hungry."

  The man tilted his head, puzzled.

  Ning Yue looked straight at the pastries in his box.

  The man seemed to understand, and brought a piece of pastry to Ning Yue's lips.

  Ning Yue opened her mouth and ate it.

  The pastry looks exquisite, but the taste is average, but Ning Yue is hungry, so it still tastes delicious.

   After eating a piece, Ning Yue looked at the man's box again and continued to drool.

  The man fed Ning Yue another piece.

  Ning Yue ate too fast, choked on the food, and coughed desperately.


  The man looked at Ning Yue blankly, as if asking, why are you coughing after eating well?

  Ning Yue looked at his water bag.

  He picked it up: "Drink, drink, drink..."

  Ning Yue nodded like a pounding garlic!

  He pulled out the cork and gulped it into his stomach.

  Ning Yue: "..."

   It's not for you to drink!

  Ning Yue kicked the stone again.

  The man looked over again.

  Ning Yue opened her mouth.

  The man frowned, as if he was impatient with feeding Ning Yue.

Ning Yue said slowly with her mouth: "You untie the rope, I will eat by myself, I promise not to run, you see, I can't run even if I want to, I am not as fast as you. If you are not at ease, you lock Just hold my feet and let me eat with my hands. Hands, do you understand? Feet, tie them; hands, loosen them."

  The man seemed to understand, he scratched his head and hesitated for a moment, then released Ning Yue's hand.

  Ning Yue beckoned.

  The man hands over the pastry.

   While eating, Ning Yue quietly pulled out the hairpin from her head and held it in her sleeve. When she went to get the second piece, Ning Yue slammed the hairpin into the man's temple!

  Everything happened so fast that even Ning Yue didn't see his movements clearly, and the man screamed and fell into a pool of blood.

  Ning Yue was so frightened that her whole body turned cold, and she gasped for breath. Just now, she was really desperate. If she didn't hit the other party's fatal point, the other party might kill her in a rage.

  Ning Yue rubbed her heart in shock. She didn't have time to delay. Afraid of being caught by the responder, she quickly untied the rope on her feet, and took out the key from the man to open the shackles.

  The night was like black ink, she resolutely walked out of the cave.

  The mountain road was rugged, and she didn't know where the road was, so she could only rely on her intuition, and staggered forward. She fell a few times and her knees were swollen.

   This is the child she has waited for for two lifetimes, and she will never allow anyone to hurt her, including herself.

   Stomach, slightly distended pain.

  She clutched her abdomen, her throat choked.

  Children, you have to be strong! Nothing will happen! Mother will see the doctor right away! You have to be obedient and you have to live, you know?

  She shuttles through the mountains and forests, while she must be alert to the enemy's pursuit, while avoiding the attack of the beast.

   Not far away, there were faint howls of wolves.

  Her heart rose to her throat, considering whether to make a fire on the spot, but fearing that the man's accomplices would catch up with her, she gave up the idea of ​​making a fire, covering her belly with one hand, and holding the hairpin tightly with the other.

  A snake fell from the trunk with a swish!

   fell on her neck, making her change color in fright!

  She has always been afraid of snakes, especially very afraid!

  In the previous life, every time she was mischievous and disobedient, Sikong Shuo would seek out his baby snakes and threaten her, scaring her half to death every time!

  The snake was entangled around her neck, and her whole body was limp.

  The snake opened its mouth wide and bit her stomach while spitting out the snake letter.

  She was shocked, grabbed the snake by seven inches, and flung it into the forest!

   This little episode made her dare not go further into the jungle, so she withdrew and looked for a way around.

  Moonlit night, dark and faint, with little light.

  Ning Yue walked on the rugged mountain road with one foot deep and one foot shallow, with thousands of rocks standing on the right side, and bottomless stone cliffs on the left side, surrounded by fog, as if she was in the clouds.

   After walking for an unknown amount of time, when she was exhausted, Ning Yue stopped by a big tree halfway up the mountain.

  At this moment, she suddenly looked forward to Xuanyin finding her and taking her home, but she was also afraid that Xuanyin would not recognize her and thus kill her.

   It was probably the dozens of times she touched the human skin mask on her face, but she couldn't take it off!

How to do?

   Is she waiting to die here, or is she going back to be killed by Xuanyin?

   "Who's over there?"

  In front of him, a familiar voice suddenly came.

   is Xuanyin.

   Xuanyin is here!

  Ning Yue's heart was overwhelmed with ecstasy, but in the next second, another layer of worry flooded over.

  Her face has changed, her voice has disappeared, and there is a golden butterfly on her back, can Xuanyin recognize her?

  She hid behind a tree.

   "Don't hide, the king has seen you, come out!"

   Xuan Yin's voice was so cold that there was no warmth, and Ning Yue shivered.

   Xuanyin walked to the side of the tree, grabbed Ning Yue who was hiding behind the tree, and said coldly, "Who are you? Why did you appear in such a place in the middle of the night?"

  A girl with gorgeous clothes and exquisite makeup appeared in the deep mountains and old forests. It was indeed too suspicious. Ning Yue didn't dare to look at Xuan Yin, lowered her head, and hid her face in the dark.

However, Xuan Yin seemed to realize something, and tore Ning Yue's clothes to pieces, revealing Ning Yue's naked back. When the golden butterfly fluttering its wings came into Xuan Yin's eyes, Xuan Yin pinched it. Grab Ning Yue's neck and push Ning Yue against a tree!

   "It's you? Tell me! Where did you hide Yueyue?"

  Ning Yue's back was aching from the rough bark, and she looked at him tearfully.

  I am Yueyue, Xuanyin.

   "Don't talk, do you? Think you can confuse me by dressing like this?" He sneered, his eyes full of disgust.

   Only then did Ning Yue notice that her chest was chilly. It must have been exposed for most of the spring, and her cleavage was squeezed out. No wonder he said she was seducing him.

   Should she be thankful that he wasn't bewitched by the appearance of a strange woman, or should she be troubled why he wasn't bewitched?

  His eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to kill himself!

How to do?

   "This king will ask you for the last time, where is Yueyue? You said it, this king will keep you alive! If you keep talking hard... this king will not be sympathetic!" He said every word.

  Ning Yue's teardrops fell down.

  Xuanyin's big palm tightened little by little, pinching Ning Yue almost out of breath: "Don't think you can confuse me by pretending to be pitiful? I don't want to do this! Tell me quickly! Where is Yueyue!"

  I am in front of you, Xuanyin, look at me carefully, I am Yueyue...

Xuan Yin sneered: "Don't think that this lovely and pitiful look can impress this king. It's useless if you cry to death! Don't talk, right? Well, don't blame this king for doing something to a woman. It's really a person like you. Not even a beast!"

  In the past, Ning Yue would be so happy to hear Xuan Yin deal with a woman who seduced him like this, but at this moment, Ning Yue really wants to die!


  I am Yueyue!


   If you don't stop, something will happen to the baby...

   Xuanyin didn't seem to notice the pleading in the other's eyes, his patience seemed to have run out, his eyes were full of tyranny and coldness, he lifted Ning Yue, and fell hard to the ground.


  Ning Yue covered her stomach, and with the other hand, she grabbed Xuanyin's clothes.

  Take me to the doctor...

   Xuan Yin smiled coldly, kicked her in the stomach, kicked her several times, and hit the hard tree.

  Ning Yue shivered in pain.

   It seems that there is some liquid flowing out from below.

  She bowed her body, trying to make the last effort to keep the child who could no longer be kept.

   Xuanyin kicked over again.

  She fell heavily to the ground, feeling dizzy.

   Xuanyin stepped on her shoulder and looked down at her: "Why don't you say it? If you don't say it, it's not as simple as torturing you."

  Ning Yue slumped on the ground weakly, her eyes were slack, her limbs were weak, and the pain in her body gradually disappeared with the passage of life. She looked up at Xuan Yin, at this moment, she suddenly hated him so much!

  Even if she has become like this, why can't he recognize her at all when they are married? !

   I died in a water prison in my previous life, and I died on a mountainside in this life, all thanks to my beloved man.

   She never wants to, never to love anyone...

   "It seems that you have made up your mind not to talk about it. Forget it, I will find it myself!" Xuan Yin pulled out the dagger and stabbed it into her chest.


  Ning Yue's body shook, and she opened her eyes suddenly!

  In the eye, there is a tent with pearl tassels hanging on it. The curtain is lavender and translucent. Through it, Ning Yue sees a dim oil lamp. Beside the oil lamp, sits a man with an elegant figure.

  Ning Yue touched her chest subconsciously, it didn't hurt, there was no wound, she slid down again, and touched her lower abdomen. Because she was lying flat, her stomach was very flat, but through that layer of belly, she could feel the child was there.

   "Are you awake?" The man opened the curtain, caught sight of her hand on her stomach, and smiled, "Don't worry, she's fine."

  Ning Yue looked at him, stunned for a second, recognized him, and then looked at the elegant and unique surroundings: "This is... where? Why am I here?"

  The man pulled a chair and sat down opposite her, resting his elbows on the armrest leisurely, pinching his graceful chin, and said, "Ma Ningyue, are you stupid?"

   "It was you... who saved me." Ning Yue lowered her eyes, "Thank you."

  Sikong Shuo raised his eyebrows, looked at her meaningfully and said: "You are not surprised at all, can this seat understand that you actually know that this seat will find you, and only this seat can find you?"

  When he asked this, he slowly leaned over and approached Ning Yue.

  The distance between the two is close at hand.

   "You have a seat in your heart."

  With you, why didn't I dream of you?

  Ning Yue turned her head to avoid his alluring aura.

  Although she didn't want to have a relationship with him, she was really not surprised that he saved her one day when he hit it off. Even if she didn't think about it beforehand, but she was saved by him, she felt that everything was logical.

   Probably subconsciously, such a cunning enemy can only be dealt with by him who is equally cunning or even more cunning.

  Sikong Shuo withdrew his tighter and tighter posture, leaned back in the chair, and glanced at her lazily: "What did you dream about just now? You kept crying."

  Ning Yue was silent, everything in the dream was too horrifying, she felt tortured even thinking about it: "It's nothing."

   "It's fine if you don't want to say it, I am too lazy to listen." Sikong Shuo proudly raised his head.

   After all, she was a lifesaver, but she kept things from him, which seemed inappropriate, but the scene of being abused by Xuan Yin again and again made her feel uncomfortable even thinking about it, let alone speaking out?

  Ning Yue pressed her forehead; "It's just a nightmare."

   "What nightmare?" Sikong Shuo seemed to have the tendency to break the casserole and ask the bottom line.

  Ning Yue pursed her lips awkwardly: "I dreamed that the man tied me to a rock, I killed him, then ran away, and then fell off the cliff."

   "That's it?" Sikong Shuo looked disbelieving, "Then your name is Xuanyin, and you are Yueyue, how can you explain it?"

  Ning Yue suddenly raised her head!

   "You heard it all! Still asking me?!"

Sikong Shuo smiled softly: "Did you dream that he didn't recognize you and wanted to kill you? It seems that he is not very good in your heart. You don't trust him so much. But that kid really has nothing to trust, or Obediently obey this seat, this seat will not admit you wrong."

  Admit your mistake?

  Ning Yue blinked suspiciously, something flashed through her mind, and her eyes flickered: "Bring the mirror!"

  Sikong Shuo raised his eyebrows: "I think it's better for you not to look in the mirror."

  Ning Yue's heart sank suddenly!

  Picking off the quilt, came to the bronze mirror, looked inside, and suddenly changed color!

How could this be?

   It's not her face!

   Lifting up Yunshang again, looking at herself in the bronze mirror, the golden butterfly is still there...

  She touched her face, trying to find traces of disguise, but just like in the dream, she couldn't tear off anything at all!

  This fake face, like a natural one, grew on her face!

   "Don't grab it, you won't be able to catch it." Sikong Shuo said leisurely, with that neutral tone, he didn't seem to mind that Ning Yue had a face that didn't belong to him.

  Ning Yue caught a glimpse of the smile in his eyes from the bronze mirror: "Are you still smiling?!"

   "I don't mind if you change your face, anyway, it looks better than your original one." Sikong Shuo joked.

  Ning Yue was furious by him: "I don't want this face! I want my own!"

  Sikong Shuo got up, moved his slender legs, walked to Duobaoge, took out a box and opened it: "Here is your face."

"What's the meaning?"

   "It means that you can't tear off this face now, and if you want to restore your original appearance, you have to wear another human skin mask, your own...human skin mask." Sikong Shuo said calmly.

  Ning Yue recalled that before falling asleep, the man in black tattooed himself and smeared a layer of sticky stuff on his face. Presumably that stuff had an effect, making the mask unable to be removed.

   "Is there really no other way?" She doesn't want to keep facing other people's faces! No matter how good-looking it is, I don’t like it!

Sikong Shuo lightly tapped the tabletop: "Yes, you have been wearing it all the time, the skin is airtight, it will start to fester after a while, and when it completely festers successfully, it will fall off along with the rotting flesh on your face. "

  Ning Yue's stomach was churning: "Can you stop talking so disgusting?"

  Sikong Shuo smiled.

   Ning Yue frowned: "You have a way, don't you?"

  Sikong Shuo lazily sat back on the chair, as if he would not tell you unless he pleases me.

  Ning Yue wanted to get angry, but then she thought about it, what right did she have to get angry with Sikong Shuo? Just because he refused to help her take off this human skin mask? If it wasn't for him, she still doesn't know what would have happened to her now, maybe she was molested by those people, and then thrown to Xuan Yin, who asked Xuan Yin to kill her as a golden butterfly.

   Thoughts flashed by, Ning Yue's emotions gradually calmed down, disfigurement is disfigurement, if Xuanyin really loves her, she won't mind these things; if she doesn't love her, what's the use of being beautiful?

   "I will not give you a chance to test Xuanyin's sincerity." Sikong Shuo said, and took out a medicine bottle as if conjuring, "Come here."

  Ning Yue took a look at him and walked over obediently.

  Sikong Shuo pulled her to sit on his lap.

  She was busy struggling.

  He said: "Don't move, if it's uneven, it won't come off. Also, this medicine has used up all of my private possessions, so waste less."

  Ning Yue didn't dare to move anymore.

   Compared with wearing a stranger's face, or a disfigured face, being taken advantage of by him seems less unacceptable.

  Besides, after going through such a nightmare, she didn't want to admit it, but she had to admit that she needed warmth so much for the rest of her life, even if it was only from a friend.

  Sikong Shuo gently hugged her waist: "Is it cold?"


Sikong Shuo took the blanket, wrapped her around her, and began to carefully apply the medicine, not letting go of any tiny spots. This kind of medicine is extremely corrosive, and if it is too much, it will hurt Ning Yue's original skin; No, it can't destroy the stickiness of the human skin mask.

  He rubbed it with his fingertips.

  Ning Yue felt slightly embarrassed, coughed lightly, and said, "Sikong Shuo, how did you find me?"

   "That's how I found it."

   "You know something, don't you?"

   "Which ones are you referring to?" He brushed his fingertips across her cheeks, smearing them inch by inch.

   "Who is that... who kidnapped me?" Ning Yue asked.

  "A dead man, not very smart, but very ingenious."

   "What about the others?" Ning Yue asked again.

  Sikong Shuo paused, a cold light flashed in his eyes: "You don't want to know."

  Ning Yue doesn't ask any more, she can guess without asking, the fate of staring at her and pricking her with a needle will not be much better than that of a human pig.

   "Who is behind the scenes, have you guessed it?" she asked.

  Sikong Shuo sneered casually: "Who else could there be besides that one?"

Ning Yue was taken aback for a moment, then slowly clenched her fists: "I went to Uncle Zhao's yard today and found a person..." He explained everything about the encounter with the golden butterfly, "But I searched every corner I couldn't find it, and even the old man and the child called over..."

   "Empress Geng." Sikong Shuo turned her face and smeared the other side, his movements were extremely gentle.

  Ning Yue blinked: "Did you say that person is Queen Geng? How is it possible? She obviously came later."

   "Do you want to listen to the reason first, or the process first." Sikong Shuo asked.

   "Process!" In front of Sikong Shuo, he still didn't show off his IQ.

  Sikong Shuo chuckled: "It's pretty self-aware."

  Ning Yue glared at him.

  He smiled even more: "Don't look at me like that, I'll think you... are teasing me."

  Ning Yue's pretty face flushed with anger: "Are you going to say it or not?"

Sikong Shuo said indifferently: "The process is that she arrived before you, and when she heard you were coming, she quickly jumped out of the window and deliberately hid in the opposite wing, in the name of changing clothes to let you see the golden butterfly on her back." Then, you went to find her, and she walked around the gate. It is worth mentioning that you asked Island Master Zhao to gather all the female relatives, but she does not belong to Island Master Zhao, so naturally, Island Master Zhao will not take her Call. When your search is almost done, she will let Eunuch Qin, who is waiting in the dark, pass the queen to come, so that she will arrive at the island owner's courtyard later than you."

"So that's how it is." Ning Yue suddenly realized, "'s strange. Anyway, she's hiding in the dark, and I can't really go to find her from room to room. Why does she have to show up? That's all. Wouldn't it be easier to leave?"

  Sikong Shuo said: "Because an eyewitness saw her go to the island owner's courtyard, in order to prevent her from getting caught afterwards, she had to act out that she arrived later than you."

   "The witness you mentioned is..." Ning Yue looked at him in confusion, "Concubine Liu Gui?"

   "Not too stupid."

   "Thank you!"

  Sikong Shuo smiled and said nothing, his eyes were full of pampering and tolerance, which made Ning Yue feel ashamed.

Ning Yue lowered her eyes, avoiding his gaze, and said, "She was afraid that Concubine Liu Gui would say that she had gone to the island owner's yard, but I didn't see her, and instead suspected that she was that mysterious butterfly, so I acted out a play, this Makes sense, but... how did you guess?"

  Sikong Shuo gave her a strange look: "You have a brain, shouldn't you ask her why she did this? I wonder how I found it, is it useful?"

  Ning Yue said seriously: "I want to know what details I missed. If I encounter a similar situation next time, I won't be sloppy!"

  Sikong Shuo smiled narrowly: "Want to apprentice?"

   "Where is it?"

   "Call Master."

"not called."

   "Okay, I heard it."

   "Huh?" Ning Yue's eyes widened.

  Sikong Shuo's meaningful gaze swept across her chest: "It's the same if you scream in your heart."

  Ning Yue: "..."

Sikong Shuo stopped teasing her and said, "Actually, it's very simple. It takes at least a quarter of an hour to travel from the beach where we play to Island Master Zhao's yard. With your footsteps, it should be longer. That's not counting you and Zhao's house. The time spent by the three sons and mothers talking to Island Master Zhao is not counted, not to mention the time you spend looking for the golden butterfly. And the place where Liu Guifei saw Empress Geng was only half a quarter of an hour away from the Island Master’s courtyard. Shouldn't be that late."

"Understood, under normal circumstances, she should actually arrive in front of me." Ning Yue secretly made a note, and added another criterion for judgment when observing things in the future, "But... according to this, how can Uncle Zhao Are you helping her hide her whereabouts? Uncle Zhao is with her? I remembered that when I first entered the courtyard, the door of Uncle Zhao’s study was closed, and there was a very ambiguous laughter inside. I only saw a servant girl at the door, and thought it was a servant girl, maybe... Empress Geng?"

  Sikong Shuo nodded.

  Ning Yue frowned: "How could this be? Uncle Zhao...Uncle Zhao belongs to his grandmother! Why did you get involved with Empress Geng? Why did you help Empress Geng deal with me?"

  Sikong Shuo's face was calm, as if he was used to this kind of thing: "Heroes are saddened by beauty. For a stunner like Empress Geng, if you hook your fingers casually, men will jump into the flames for her."

   "Uncle Zhao looks so upright..." Ning Yue couldn't believe it.

   "No matter how upright you are, you are still a man."

  Ning Yue was too angry to speak!

  Sikong Shuo said again: "But it may not be as serious as you think. Everyone has the desire to love beauty, but if the price of loving beauty is to betray their own beliefs, some people will still reluctantly give up."

   "Are you talking about Uncle Zhao, or yourself?"

  Sikong Shuo said disdainfully: "I never think she is beautiful, I am beautiful enough myself, looking at her is worse than looking in the mirror."

  Ning Yue: "..."

  Sikong Shuo dipped a little more of the potion and applied it on her forehead: "Maybe Island Master Zhao didn't know about the Golden Butterfly, but she just used it."

  Ning Yue secretly sighed, hoping so, after all, she still likes Uncle Zhao very much, if even Uncle Zhao has defected to Empress Geng's camp, she would be really disappointed.

   "Hiss—" Ning Yue took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?"

   "It's itchy." Ning Yue raised her hand to scratch her face.

  Sikong Shuo clasped her wrist: "Don't move, this is corrosive, tell me where it itches."

   "The eyebrow, the left one."

  Sikong Shuo's cold fingertips touched the tip of her brow: "Is it here?"

   "No, go down a little bit."

  He moved his fingertips to the end of his eyebrows: "Here?"


  He pressed it lightly: "Is it better?"

   "It doesn't itch here anymore, the right side, the eyebrow on the right side itch again."

  Sikong Shuo pressed her right eyebrow again: "This is a side effect of the medicine, and it will heal after a while."

   He rubbed it very comfortably, and Ning Yue yawned.

  He whispered: "Sleepy?"

   "I haven't finished yet, I'm not sleepy." Ning Yue yawned again, her beautiful eyes overflowing with water, "Is Empress Geng a butterfly from her previous life?"

  I want to say, how did such an old woman get into Xuanyin's eyes? After thinking about it, Sikong Shuo is quite "old", and he always thinks of her. It can be seen that age cannot stop the pace of feelings. What's more, Geng Shi is indeed beautiful, more soul-stirring than any woman she has ever seen.

  Sikong Shuo said with a faint smile: "Whether she is a butterfly or not, probably only Geng Wushuang knows."

"What happened today, she deliberately plotted against me, but it's very strange, how could she expect that I would persuade Xuanyin to kill the butterfly? What if I didn't make a sound? Then wouldn't she show me her body for nothing? ?”

   "Do you remember what happened to Zhen'er?"

"Remember, if it wasn't for Xuanyin's gaffe to Zhen'er, I probably wouldn't be so afraid of butterflies." Ning Yue said with a bitter smile, "If you hadn't arrived in time, I might have been tricked by Geng Wushuang into boarding a pirate ship " After a pause, Ning Yue's complexion changed, "Could it be... that time?"

Sikong Shuo nodded again: "Yes, he tempted you to form an alliance. To a large extent, he wanted to test how much you care about Butterfly. You are afraid that Butterfly will recognize Xuanyin. The best way is not to stop Xuanyin Instead of ascending to the throne of God, they killed butterflies. They have already used this trick."

  Yes, it was used. Suhuo killed Qu Lao, put the blame on Xuan Yin, and borrowed the hand of Nanjiang King to avenge Qu Lao. If Xuan Yin was not smart enough, he would have died at the hands of his unmasked grandfather.

  Ning Yue's eyes flashed endless ridicule: "They really like to use this trick! So it seems that the idea of ​​killing Qu Lao didn't come from Geng Wushuang, but from Queen Geng?!"

  Sikong Shuo defaults.

  Ning Yue gasped. She thought she had set up a game, but she had entered someone else's game from the very beginning. The so-called praying mantis catching cicada and oriole followed, that's what it looked like. Fortunately, it was Sikong Shuo who saved her today, otherwise, she would have been treated as a golden butterfly and died under Xuanyin's sword.

   Frightened for a while, she tightened her fingers: "Did you see through Empress Geng's intentions early?"

   Concubine Liu Gui came to nagging when Empress Geng went to buy Island Master Zhao, Sikong Shuo asked Concubine Liu exactly how long it took, but at the time she didn't think so, but now that he thinks about it, he probably noticed something at that time.

"I'm just guessing, there's no evidence yet, and when I come back after looking for the evidence, you've disappeared. But fortunately, I didn't check for nothing. There is a fixed point of contact between them. Follow this line, I just found the cave." Sikong Shuo said with lingering fear.

  Ning Yue lowered her eyes: "This time, I really thank you."

   "Don't send me a good person card, I have a purpose." Sikong Shuo withdrew his hand, "Okay, apply it evenly, wait for it to dry naturally, and you should be able to see the effect tomorrow morning."

   "Tomorrow morning? If I disappear for so long, I don't know what kind of chaos there will be." Ning Yue stood up, "Can you send me back?"

  Sikong Shuo squinted his eyes: "What's wrong with letting them look for it? Is it because they are afraid that they will be anxious, or that someone will pretend to be you and replace you?"

  Being told about the central matter, Ning Yue was a little ashamed, turned around, and said softly: "Even if... it's all there, if I'm replaced, it will be very inconvenient for you to do things, what do you think?"

   "Don't put eye drops on me." Sikong Shuo lowered his wide sleeves to cover his corroded, red and swollen fingers, "I'll change clothes to pick you up, wait for it to dry, and put on the mask."

  Ning Yue caught a glimpse of his slightly stiff arm: "Your hand..."

   "No problem."

  Sikong Shuo went back to the room, treated the injury, went back to the room, saw Ning Yue put on his face, but quickly took it off again.

  Ning Yue turned her head, bitterness flashed across her unfamiliar face: "I want to see if Xuan Yin recognizes me. That dream was really just a dream, or was it something I really experienced in that life."

   Prize quiz: Will Xiaoyin recognize Yueyue?

   Those who guess correctly will be rewarded with Xiaoxiang coins~



  (end of this chapter)