MTL - Charm King Poison Queen-Chapter 1186

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  Chapter 1186

  Over there, Concubine Liu Guifei has already finished a cup of pear blossom brew, and she still wants to have another cup.

  Xiao Dezi's eyes flashed, and he said with a bright smile: "Mother, it's not that Xiao Dezi wants to disturb your interest. It's because pear blossom wine is good, but you can't be greedy. If you are drunk, no one will serve your majesty."

   Concubine Liu Gui touched her face shyly. She hadn't served His Majesty for a long time, and she thought His Majesty had forgotten her. Look, she shouldn't be so unconfident, she looks shy, and only needs a little makeup to compare with those young concubines.

  Xiao Dezi didn't point out Concubine Liu Gui, but turned to look at Ning Yue: "Princess Princess, why don't you drink? This is His Majesty's grace."

  Ning Yue said calmly: "I shouldn't have declined His Majesty's grace, but I was afraid that His Majesty would regret it after I drank it."

   Concubine Liu Gui was stunned, what did this girl say in such a nonsense?

  The Southern Border King's eyes darkened.

  Xiao Dezi glanced at the King of Nanjiang, and said with a smirk: "About this pear blossom brew, there is actually an allusion. Do you want to hear it, princess princess?"

"Appreciate further details."

Xiao Dezi said eloquently: "This pear blossom brewing originated in the Xuanyuan Dynasty. At that time, the pear blossom brewing was not called pear blossom brewing, but Yufei wine. Yes, it was named after a concubine. Yu Shi was originally a girl from a small family. She was selected into the palace by accident and won the favor of the fourth prince. Regardless of her humble status, the fourth prince married her and treated her wholeheartedly. She liked pear blossoms and begonias. The prince's mansion was filled with pear trees and crabapple trees, and a kind of pear wine was brewed for her. The pear wine tasted very good. Every time there was a banquet, Yu used it to entertain guests. According to legend, everyone knows that Concubine Yu has a kind of rare wine in the world. Because she is not well-known, she calls it Concubine Yu Wine. The world knows how much the Fourth Prince loves Concubine Yu. The concubine's seat, logically speaking, the Yu family should be content. The heavenly prince is not beautiful, and the fourth prince has a serious illness and is bedridden. Concubine Yu can't bear the loneliness and gets entangled with an eunuch. The fourth prince naturally doesn't know about these things Yes, but paper can’t cover fire. One day, Concubine Yu was caught up with the **** accidentally by the emperor. The emperor hated Concubine Yu’s betrayal, and gave the **** and Yu Concubine to death with her favorite pear blossom wine. Concubine. From now on, there will be no Concubine Yu in the world, and there will be no Concubine Yu wine, only pear blossom wine."

   Concubine Liu Gui was dumbfounded. Is there such a legendary story about Lihua Niang? Why didn't the husband at home teach her?

Ning Yueqin'er understands so well that Xiao Dezi said that the humble daughter of a small family is her, the fourth prince is Xuanyin, the **** is Sikong Shuo, the emperor is the king of Nanjiang, and the king of Nanjiang broke her relationship with her. Because of "Sikong Shuo"'s entanglement, he planned to clean up Xuanyin's house and killed her without hesitation.

   "Princess Yinjun, do you think Concubine Yu deserves to die?" Xiao Dezi asked with a smile.

  Ning Yue lightly pulled the corners of her lips: "According to what you said, Concubine Yu really deserves to die, but the story I heard about Lihua Niang is not like yours!"

   "Oh?" Xiao Dezi raised his eyebrows.

Ning Yue smiled lightly, and said: "The background of the story I heard is basically the same as what Eunuch De said. It was also the Xuanyuan Dynasty, and it was also Concubine Yu and the fourth prince. Concubine Yu was born in a family of generals. In terms of status, she can't compare with the royal family. But it's not like what Eunuch De said, a small family."

  Nanjiang King snorted disdainfully.

  Ning Yue shrugged, well, with her background, in the eyes of the King of Nanjiang, I am afraid that she is not worthy of mentioning Xuanyin. Xuanyin should marry the princess from the first line.

  (end of this chapter)