MTL - Chaotic Lightning Cultivation-~ Section 924 Star Battleship

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The ninth and twenty-fourth star battleship

The ninth and twenty-fourth star battleship

After Shura Snow finished, he raised his hand and waved, and the sky flashed brightly in the sky. Then, in the distant void, there were countless bright spots and flew toward this side.

As they approached, everyone gradually saw their appearance. It turned out that this turned out to be a special warship of a ship.

These warships are a million-footers, and small ones are also open. They are crystal clear and sparkling, as if they were carved in crystal. There are no dragon cannons on the battleship, only a beautiful palace lantern hangs everywhere.

These palace lanterns are octagonal, with a unique style. The largest one is more than a dozen feet in size, and the small one is also open. They are all shining with a glimmer of light, like a sword, sharp and full of terrible destruction! Obviously, these palace lanterns are extremely terrible magic weapons, which are specially used for attack.

Judging from the endless flash in the void, the size of this fleet is probably at least 500,000. Fighting power is unknown, but looking at the momentum alone, it should be no less than the **** Lei Fei boat.

Seeing this horrible fleet that appeared out of thin air, the blood river ancestors suddenly became shocked. He couldn’t help but say: "Well? Where did these flying boats come from?"

"Oh!" Shura Snow smiled proudly and said: "They are all built from the Dragon Temple. All the starbursts produced by the Sunday Stars are used to condense the stars and destroy the gods, and then create them. This new type of star Shenzhou."

"Damn, I didn't expect that kid to hide a hand!" Blood River ancestors have some madness.

"Haha!" Shura Xue said proudly: "When my husband left, he told me to hide this unit. The purpose is to beat you today. I am a father, now you should be convinced?"

"Hey!" Blood River ancestors sighed coldly: "These broken things look pretty, but who knows if they are a wax gun? Maybe I will be crushed when I charge one!"

"Hey, you will know when you try!" After Shura Snow finished, he stopped paying attention to the blood ancestor, but began to arrange for the formation.

The battlefield here is huge and there is plenty of room for them to move. Plus these warships are well-trained. So they quickly formed an orderly lineup under the command of Shura Snow.

Shura Snow adjusted the three fleets that he had left, and the rough-skinned Ashura River was placed at the forefront.

Behind them is the Shenlei flying boat. As for the new star Shenzhou, it is arranged to the end.

I am a harmonious dividing line

At the same time, the blood river ancestors also adjusted the formation of their own side, the Buddhist pagodas are in the rear, the magical caves of the Mozu are placed in the forefront.

After the adjustment, the blood ancestor sneered and said: "A good Song Zhong, it is a good son-in-law that my daughter has seen. I have to say that he gave me a big surprise! However, this is not enough to stop us. The pace of progress. You must know that such a battle is to fight the strongest force! Give me out!"

With the murder of the blood river ancestors, dozens of figures appeared suddenly around him, these people are all elites. Buddhism's glaring King Kong, burning Buddha, pharmacist Buddha and others are there, and there are a large number of Buddhism hidden powers that have never been seen before.

In addition, there are more than a dozen emperor-level powerhouses on the Mozu side. Such a terrible level of armed forces, plus their congenital sacred devices, congenital treasures, the total combat power is likely to top hundreds of thousands of warships!

Ever since, the strength of the two sides has suddenly opened the gap here.

Seeing that the other side has appeared so many emperor masters, Shura Snow has always calmed his face and finally changed. Although relying on the resources left by Song Zhong, she actually controlled the absolute power of heaven. However, after all, she is not strong enough to command the elites in the heavens.

So this time to support, Xiu Luoxue just greeted those people and rushed over. If it is only a dozen or twenty emperor-level masters, Xiu Luoxue can withstand the candle lanterns on the hands of the nine banned demon women, Fusang ancient wood, plus the flower demon of the massive soul Yuan Jinxian on his side.

However, she never imagined that the other party had six or seventy-level imperial powers in one breath, which was somewhat unexpected. It can be seen that after millions of years of savings, Buddhism has a rich and profound foundation. It is not comparable to the heavens in the war!

Seeing the sorrow of Shura Snow, the blood ancestor couldn’t tell the joy, he laughed happily: "How? My daughter, have you seen it? Even if you spend all your time on the heavens, those big people also I will not care about you, why are you desperate for others? Or come over! I promise you are the Queen of Ashura!"

Shura snow brows no words, full of anger, sè, obviously, she is also somewhat disappointed with those who do not know the overall situation.

However, at this time, a loud voice suddenly appeared. "Haha, blood river ancestor, are you too small to look at us? You have already come to the door, and we can sit still and ignore it. Can only come out, will be old friends!"

During the speech, a line of blue light rises on the battlefield, and after each blue light, there will be a stalwart figure.

The first one appeared was a Yingwei man wearing a yellow robes and robes, it was the Emperor!

On both sides of it, it is the Gou Chen Emperor, the Changsheng Emperor, the Xuanwu Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor, and then there are more than 30 hidden powers from all places in the heavens, and the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

In normal times, these strong people are submerged, and the sky will not fall. But this time, Buddhism’s massive invasion is related to the safety of the heavens!

Everyone knows that as long as the Buddha Gate hits the heavens, they will also be unlucky, so at the invitation of the West Queen of the Holy Spirit, everyone has come out of the mountains, following the Five Emperors, and appearing on the battlefield at this critical moment.

I am a harmonious dividing line

Seeing that one of her own friends had come so many reinforcements, Shura Snow suddenly felt a shock, and she hurriedly went to the ceremony: "I have seen a few of my Majesty and met your predecessors!"

"Oh, don't have to be polite!" The emperor smiled and said: "In the past few years, we have been retreating. Thanks to the emperor and you to stabilize the situation, it is up to us to thank you."

"Yeah!" Ziwei Emperor also smiled and said: "Look at the current situation, you are doing very well! So many warships, I have not seen it for so many years!"

"Haha, I have to sell it to us. You have to use so much. It is useless!" Xuanwu the emperor laughed.

"No problem, no problem!" Shura Xue hurriedly said: "After this war, we will start to sell these warships in large quantities, and everyone will have it!"

"Haha, that dare to be good!" everyone immediately said.

Then, a group of people started to talk about it here. They usually retreat, and they haven’t seen each other for tens of thousands of years. It’s hard to get together. Of course, you have to say enough.

Ever since, the serious battlefield has suddenly become a meeting place, and a **** ancestor is there, no one cares.

Obviously, they are deliberately doing this, that is, to face the face of the **** ancestors.

The chief commander of the blood ancestor hall of Buddhism, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but directly ignored by the other side? This humiliation made him angry. He couldn't help but roared. "I want to see the emperor, I haven't seen it for years, let me see what you have grown!"

After that, the blood ancestor will take a look at the robes and draw two blood sè swords. It is his life to treasure, Yuan nose, A Tu!

Originally these two Excaliburs were nothing but innate treasures, and they have not yet reached the level of the congenital device. But now, they are obviously re-refined by the Buddhist monks with the secret method.

A sword is integrated into the innate sacred blood scum, and the other one is integrated into the congenital sacred dragon. The result is that both of these swords are promoted to the ranks of innate treasure.

Moreover, when the blood ancestors killed the top ten world creatures, they also took the opportunity to strengthen these two big killers, making their powers rise again, although the power of a single sword is not as high as that of a candle dragon. Holy device. But when added up, it is no worse than the candle lantern!

It is precisely because of these two super-exalted swords, coupled with an earth-shattering cultivation, the blood ancestor dare to blame the first person in the heavens!

If the former Emperor of the Emperor, I really dare not fight against the current blood ancestor! No way This guy has swallowed up the billions of creatures in ten big worlds, and the strong metamorphosis!

But now, the Emperor of the Emperor is not afraid of the blood ancestor. He smiled and said: "Well, since my ancestors have this yaxing, then I will teach you!"

After that, the Emperor of the Emperor did not hesitate to die, came to the front of the two armies, and separated from the blood river ancestors, but more than a dozen miles, confront each other!

On the battlefield, the blood ancestor's hands are drooping, and there is no end to the blood in the back. The head is even more bloody, and the two swords are guarded by the horror, as if they can directly break the void and stifle anyone. .

The opposite of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor in the momentum did not fall in the wind, the invisible emperor domineering spread out, the blood of the blood river ancestors all blocked out. There is a faint river behind him, and the endless waves roar like a tsunami!

At the same time, the emperor's gas on the head of the emperor condensed into a golden dragon that was thousands of miles long. The dragon's head snarled against the blood river ancestors.

With the confrontation between the two great peers, the atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly became tense. Everyone knows that this war is not going to happen. Once it is triggered, it will inevitably be earth-shattering and destroy everything!