MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 16 This back is perfect!

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   Chapter 16 This back is perfect!

   The smile on Quiet's face immediately became super big. Her high-cold boyfriend seems to be smiling~

   Waiting for An Jing and Xiao Changyi to enter the kitchen room again, the kitchen room was so dark that he could not see, and Xiao Changyi could only light the lamp.

   Usually, in order to save money on lamp oil, I go to bed as soon as it gets dark, but today is an exception.

  Quietly looking at the dimly lit kitchen room with oil lamps, I miss modern light bulbs very much.

   Seeing that Xiao Changyi didn't eat anymore, Jing Jing asked, "Have you eaten yet?" She only ate half of it.


   Quietly glanced at the table and saw that there were still three wowotou on the table. She knew that Xiao Changyi had just eaten and should not be full, but she didn't say anything.

  Lin Jing’s memory shows that Lin’s father and Lin Andong only ate at most two wowotou per meal. It’s not that they were really poor and could not afford three wowotou, but they had to keep surplus food in case of disasters.

  Farmers rely on the sky to feed their crops. In a disaster year, floods, droughts, locust plagues, etc., are likely to cause no harvest of grains in the fields, and many people will starve to death in each disaster year.

   While Lin Jingjing was in the Lin family, sometimes he was assigned to a nest, and sometimes he couldn't get any of them. Lin Jingjing was always hungry, which was why Lin Jingjing's body was thin like a bamboo pole.

   Quietly looked at the half of the wowatou left in her hand, she couldn't eat at all with her throat choked, and half of it was already her limit, but she would be hungry if she didn't eat it.

   So, Quiet plans: "I'll save this and eat it later."

  Quietly put half of the wowotou in his bowl, ready to take it to bed with you later, eat it if you're hungry, don't eat it if you're not, save it for tomorrow.

   It can’t be wasted anyway.

   This family is too poor to be wasted.

   At this moment, An Jing knows what her next goal is, that is—to make herself and Xiao Changyi eat well, live well, and dress well as soon as possible.

  Xiao Changyi saw that An Jing only ate half a wotou, and left half a wotou, and didn't say anything, but took two more wotou from the plate and wanted to put it in the quiet bowl.

  Quiet saw it, was startled, and hurriedly stopped: "No need, half of me is enough!"

   Knowing that he has this heart, her heart is already warm and sweet, but she really doesn't want to eat so many throat-stinging wowotou, if it wasn't for the fear of starvation, she wouldn't want to eat a single bite.

  Xiao Changyi didn't take his hand back immediately, and looked straight at An Jing, making sure that An Jing was not telling a lie, so he took his hand back and put the two nests in his hand back on the plate.

   There was only a small plate of wild vegetables, but there was still a small half plate left. Xiao Changyi picked up the chopsticks that he had put down and ate the remaining half plate of wild vegetables. As for the remaining pickles, he could save it for tomorrow.

   Seeing Xiao Changyi eating wild vegetables again, Jing's heart is sour and sweet. She is not stupid, although he didn't say it, she could still see that the small half plate of wild vegetables was originally reserved for her to eat.

   As soon as he finished eating the wild vegetables, Xiao Changyi stood up, cleaned the table, and then went to wash the dishes.

   Quietly continued to sit at the table, first glanced at the stove in boredom, and then stared at Xiao Changyi who was washing dishes and chopsticks with his back to her.

   Wide shoulders and narrow waist, inverted triangle golden ratio, tall and tall... This back is perfect!

  An Jing is very satisfied with Xiao Changyi's good figure, plus Xiao Changyi is now washing dishes there, and An Jing feels that this man Xiao Changyi is really good and can't be better.

   Back then, her father never washed the dishes, only her mother did.

   (end of this chapter)