MTL - CEO Above, Me Below-Chapter 1155 White fog on the sea

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Chapter 1155 White fog on the sea

"Drink some water." When Xiaonian put the cup on the desk, he went to Miyao and gave him a loose shoulder. "Look slowly, don't be too tired."

If St. Tooth Bay can be found so easily, it will not be a regret for the Alva family for generations.

"Don't worry about me, you should go to rest first."

Miyako grabbed her hand.

"I'll be with you."


Miyao took her into her arms and stared at her to see the big screen.

When Xiao Nian looked at the face of Gong Ou’s serious focus, the bite bites the lip,

This was originally what she wanted to achieve, but now she has to resort to him, so she has no effort at all.

It seems that she has to think about other ways of surprise about the marriage proposal.


Under the study of Miyagi's day and night, I finally found a place closest to St. John's Bay.

But this is near, just relative to the aimless search.

The large cruise ship was driving on the endless sea, and when the little thought went to the deck, the sea breeze immediately blew her long hair.

She walked over to the guardrail and looked at the sea, her lips tight.

It doesn't look like it is the place to see the Bay of St.

Did she give Gongao a century of problems?

“Is there really a place in St. John’s Bay?”

A sound of tenderness and tone of voice came.

When Xiao Nian was low, he saw Gong Gong standing beside her, his hands in his pockets, the appearance of a small adult.

"It should be there, but I don't know where it is." When Xiao Nian looked at her, some guilty. "Do you think it is annoying at sea?"

I have never been on the beach and everyone is getting tired.

"No." Gong Gongdao.

When Xiao Nian smiled, "Okay, don't comfort me, I know everyone wants to rest on the beach."

Recently, everyone’s interest has plummeted, and she can see it.

A few days after Luo Qi and the palace, they asked if they could rely on one stop first, and then slowly searched for the St. John's Bay that might not exist at all.

However, Gong Ou does not agree.

Miyazaki looked up at her and her eyes were like obsidian.

"Why, do you have something to say to me?" Xiao Nian was on his eyes.

Miyazaki looked at her fixedly. It took a long time to spit out a word and a word. "This is the best trip."

"the best?"

When Xiao Nian squatted, to be honest, she did not know how to understand the best of this child's mouth.

He has too much of his own ideas.

Miyazaki saw her like this, silent for a while and again, "the happiest."


When Xiao Nian looked at him blankly, this "most happy" should be literally. He thought that this trip was the happiest?

He likes it very much and likes to be with everyone.

I want to understand, when Xiao Nian smiles, "oly, you like to talk with your mom and dad, and you will be able to accompany you in the future."

He should want to hear this.


There was a shyness on the face of Gong Yi, and he turned and left, and some of them meant to escape.

Xiao Nian smiled and shook his head, turned and looked at the sea, his face changed, "oly, come over."

Gong Gong turned back.

"Do you see there is a heavy fog over there?"

When Xiaonian points to the distance, if the piece of whiteness is not fog, then they are sailing to the margins of the world?

"It's fog." Gong Yu grabbed her hand.

The speed of the cruise ship is very fast. It is said that the color around them has turned white. When the little thoughts spread out, there is a cool frosty slid over...

After a while, the line of sight began to blur.

"Oly, let's go back." When Xiao Nian tightened the hand of the palace, he pointed to the blurred direction and walked toward the inside.

When they reached the door, the two had completely lost sight of the big deck.

Heaven and earth are all white.

Thick white.

"This fog is heavy."

When Xiao Nian took the palace to go inside, someone inside was rushing to the road, and the palace that had never asked questions also ran toward the cab.

It is used to run.

The steps are very urgent.

When Xiao Nian looked at the white outside the window, his heart was tight and there would be no accident.

She didn't say anything, and Gong Yi took her to the cab. When they arrived, they saw a lot of people around, and there was a nervous voice coming.

"The young master, the second young master, can't analyze it. I don't know how long it will take through the fog area."

"Two young masters, no, these values ​​are obviously biased."

"There is a problem in this area, we may enter the legendary...ghost..."

"Shut up!" The voice of Gong Ou's anger came, "Less less confusing people, record the changes in the value after entering the fog zone!"


When the little thoughts stood stiffly.

It’s really an accident.

This piece of sea is so fascinating that their entire cruise ship has been out of the fog for a day and night. The value of the cab is obviously not right, as if it was controlled.

Miyazaki proposed to sail back and did not go out.

They are such a big cruise ship that they are completely trapped at sea.

Throughout the night, various gossips spread on the ship.

Some people say that they entered the ghost sea, just like the delta, once they enter, they can’t go out.

Some people say that they are all buried in this fog.

Some people say that they are blaming the young lady. Since she appeared in the palace, there is no good thing.

"Help me."

In the conference room, Miyazaki threw the report in his hand on the table and looked serious. "There is still a signal."

"There has been no signal."

A staff member sitting at the end of the conference table was trembled.

"What do you mean?"

"That is to say, our contact with the outside world has been completely broken, from two hours ago." The man explained with a sad face.

Miyazaki stood up and turned to look at the palace in the main seat.

Miyao sat there, his face was gloomy, his files were turned up on his hands, and his eyes were unfathomable.

"Miyao, what do you think?" Gong Gongdao.

How can he still hold his breath, and the life of a boatman must be sold here.

"Is the person who spoke in the following rumors catching it?" Gong Outou did not lift it, staring at the file and asking for an inexplicable sentence.

"Catch it." Someone replied.

"When I go back, I will give me all the resignation, don't give severance payment!" Gong Ou is cold and authentic.

I dare to pass the time of the little thoughts, I don’t want to live.

"Miyao?" The palace looked at his younger brother without words. When did he still arrest the people who made it?

Gong Ou, then looked up at him. "How, I feel that my current means is too gentle?"

It is mild.

No way, it was affected by the time.

"..." Miyazaki almost fell from the chair and said, "This is not a gentle thing. Do you think we can go back?"

"Why not?"

Gong Ou asked, the attitude is proud.

"We have entered the ghost sea!"

Gong Gong bites the word hard, can he eat snacks?

"Are you dead?"


"Why didn't you say that this is a ghost sea?" Gong Ou sneered, turned and looked at the large map behind him, picked up the pen and circled it in one direction. "Command it, go straight."


Miyao put the pen on the table and turned to look at the woman beside him.

When Xiao Nian sat there silently, he kept saying nothing, and both hands rested on the table and held a cup of cold water, and his face was pale and ugly.

"Still thinking about it?" Gong Ou took a long trip and sat down on her chair and slid to her side.


This day and night, when Xiao Nian has not even talked about it.

If it is really in the ghost sea, then the shipman is all killed by her, if not her, Miyao will not venture into this sea area.

She is wrong.

She should not look for the St.

There is no trace of the disappearance of a white scorpion outside this window, and it has always existed.

So many people, there are children, still so small...

"If you don't talk anymore, I will force them to kill themselves one by one, so that is not what you killed them." Miyao's tone was mad.

He knows what she is thinking.

When Xiao Nian raised his face and looked at his handsome face, his lips were white, "Miyao, I am scared."

"Do you believe in me?"

Gongou stared at her.

"Letter." When Xiaonian nodded, "But I know you..."

He is no more calm than her.

He is pretending to be out.

Otherwise, he would not even look at the documents against the wall, drink a cup and a cup of cold water, he is nervous, she can see, even his heart is not at the end.

"I don't need it, I just ask you to believe it or not?" Gong Ou looked burning.


"I will definitely show you the holy tooth bay, believe it or not?" Gong Ou once again asked.

"Letter." When Xiaonian nodded, "But I believe in you, what do you believe?"

Who can give him confidence?

Who can take them out of this fog?

Miyao is close to her, and she grabs her body from behind, and her chin rests on her shoulder. The voice is **** and magnetic. "When you believe me, the fog will be scattered!"

"When?" asked Miyazaki.

"just now!"

So impossible.

So crazy.

It seems that this fog is what he has said.

When Xiao Nian understood that Miyau was comforting herself, she allowed him to hold and the man leaned in his arms.

She didn't know what would happen next. At this moment she just wanted to be with him. He could dispel her fear, and she could also dispel his nervousness.


Miyazaki looked at this scene and sighed and stopped talking.

Things are not necessary to say now.

He rushed to the meeting staff and signaled everyone to go out and leave space for them.

Everyone stood up and packed up the documents just to go. An excited voice came out loud from the outside. "The fog is gone! The fog is gone! We saw the island! See the island!"

Everyone cheered and cheered.

When Xiao Nian looked at the front in shock, he couldn’t react at the same time.

For a long time, she turned and looked at Miyao, and stayed, "Are you a god?"

Is it really scattered?

Miyau squatted at her, and her thin lips slowly smacked the arc of evil. "You just asked me if you believe me, what do I believe."

"What do you believe?"

"I believe that we are forever!" Gong Ouji accented.


When Xiao Nian looked at him dumbly, he hadn’t returned to God for a long time. gfbmmj6vtajr7xcfrxmldwzy8z5islbdefyq96ntkrkm64r