MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 793 Three points southwest! The Six Demonic Powers

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  Chapter 793 Three Points Southwest! The Six Demonic Powers

From    time to You time, the sun sets and burns for half a day.

  Yuqin guards the study room of the mansion, and the fragrance of spirits curls up.

  Chu Chen sat cross-legged on the futon, took out the [Deputy Governor's Order] from the bracelet, and sank into his consciousness.

   Not long after, the picture in front of me changed.

  The study room in the mansion disappeared, replaced by a tall and splendid palace.

  The seats are arranged vertically and horizontally, well-regulated, solemn and solemn.

  There are already many people in the hall, either present as the body, or appearing as the avatar of Yunyan, and they take their seats.

  Chu Chen appeared in the hall as the avatar of Yunyan, with a look of surprise on his face.

   There is no other reason, the meeting hall in front of him is a little strange, and it is not a place for ordinary discussions.

  He glanced at the people who came first to chat in the hall, and most of them didn't know him.

  The most important thing is that all the gazes are from the cultivation of great gods, and everyone's cultivation is higher than Chu Chen's.

   Take a casual glance, they are all cultivation bases above the middle stage of the fourth rank.

  Many humane cultivation bases are so unpredictable that it is difficult to see the clues at a glance.

   "What a big battle!"

  Chu Chen was slightly surprised.

  Obviously, this time Taihe Duguan personally invited him to attend the council. It was not a high-level discussion in Yunzhou, but the highest level of the eight southwestern states met to discuss the important matters of suppressing demons.

   "Ling Xiao (Chu Daoyou), here!"

  Chu Chen just wanted to release his spiritual sense to find someone he knew, when he heard a familiar sound transmission from his spiritual sense.

   Turn around and take a look.

   It was Ma Li, the pastor of Yunzhou, Taoist Guan Taihe, layman Qingzhu, and Yunlang, the city **** of Yunzhou.

  The seats beside the four of them were Yunzhou Biejia Tanxian, Yunzhou Military Chief Ma Mo, State Deputy Chief Guan Guangyuanzi, and Zen Master Fazhong.

  Yunzhou Biejia Tanxian, the prime minister of the state affairs, is the highest official of the state pastor.

   Ma Mo is the general manager of the Yunzhou army and horses, commanding the Yunzhou army.

  Guang Yuanzi and Fazhong Zen Master Chu Chen have dealt with each other several times.

The two are the most qualified deputy governors of the Yunzhou Ghosts and Gods Department. They have profound Taoism and late fourth-rank cultivation. .

  The eight people in front of them are the top decision-makers of Yunzhou. When they gather together, they seem to be the representatives of the entire Yunzhou.

   No, to be precise, nine people.

   Chu Chen had to be added.

  Originally, Chu Chen was not qualified to attend the meeting with these eight fellows.

  Whether it is the practice of Taoism, or the positions of Yuqin Guardian Envoy and Yunzhou Left Deputy Supervisor, they are not eligible to participate. For example, the old boss Han Chen is not eligible to participate.

  However, Chu Chen also has another identity, that is, the alternate elder of Xianting Central Elder's House.

  In the fairy court, Chu Chen's status is similar to that of Guang Yuanzi and Zen Master Fazhong, and he is the real "high meritorious service in the fairy court".

  Yunzhou and even the eight southwestern states discuss major issues, and he is qualified to discuss matters.

   "Meet fellow Taoists!"

  Chu Chen clasped his hands together, and then took three steps in parallel, and took a seat at the last vacant seat beside the eight people in Yunzhou.

   Taoist Taihe, Layman Qingzhu and others nodded at him, but did not talk much.

  There is no other reason, the participants were quite punctual.

  Following the flashes of spiritual light, clouds and mist appeared incarnations, and they sat down one after another, and soon all the seats in the hall were filled.

  In the seat beside him, Chu Chen saw an old acquaintance, Lao Han's senior brother Chonglou Taoist.

  The two of them just nodded their heads in greeting, when there was a sound of heavy footsteps on the ground with iron shoes coming from outside the hall.

   Surrounded by a group of generals and soldiers.

  A general wearing black armor walked into the hall with dragons and tigers.

   "Meet the Governor!"

  Everyone in the seats stood up together and bowed their hands.

  Chu Chen also knew the person who came, it wasn't someone else, but his master and uncle, Yu Xuzi, the head teacher of Guigu.

  In fact, Mr. Mingjing left the southwest two years ago and returned to the imperial capital to take charge of the universe. After Yulou real person assisted him, Yuxuzi became the acting governor of the southwest, in charge of the military administration of the eight states, and guarding the frontiers.

  This time, the celestial dynasty changed, and Yuxuzi's master uncle was added to be the Grand Marshal of the Army and Horses.

   "Fellow daoists, there is no need to be too polite."

  Yu Xuzi flickered, sat on the chief of the hall, and said to everyone:

   "I'm afraid you all know the news about the establishment of the Demon Court. The Demon Lord Wanfa is a traitor and created a demon dynasty. He calls himself the Demon Emperor Wanfa. He is coming in menacingly. The situation on the front line is turbulent right now, and the Southern Barbarian coalition forces are attacking and provoking one after another."

  Although Yu Xuzi was born in a Taoist school, he practiced military art, and he spoke and acted very simply, without any habit of procrastinating.

  As soon as he came up, Yu Xuzi got straight to the point, talking about the general trend of the world and the current situation in the eight southwestern states.

   "Don't worry about the southern barbarian monster coalition forces on the border, you will be dealt with by yourself."

  After Yu Xuzi finished speaking, he paused, and then said:

"As for the demon forces and heretics in the eight southwestern states, I have no time to deal with them. Once a war breaks out, you have to suppress and maintain stability. Don't let troubles arise in the rear. You and other states should pay attention to monitoring the demon forces, and the states should strengthen communication .”

  In fact, the Celestial Court of the Celestial Dynasty failed to fully control the eight southwestern states from the beginning to the end.

   It's not that the Celestial Dynasty is not strong enough.

   On the contrary, the Celestial Dynasty has the power to sweep away all the forces in the eight southwestern states.

  Once they fight head-on, no matter what kind of local tyrants, demon forces, or heretical sects, they will all be crushed.

  However, the problem is that they don’t fight the Celestial Dynasty head-on at all.

  The eight southwestern states are border areas with a vast territory, and the forces of the Celestial Dynasty cannot touch them one by one.

  In recent years, the Celestial Court has continuously increased investment, managed the eight states in the southwest, emigrated several times, continuously absorbed natives, expanded the city, and expanded its power.

  Unfortunately, compared with the vast land of the eight states in the southwest, the Celestial Court's power is still not enough.

  Leaving the outskirts of the Celestial City, once entering the deep mountains and old forests, it is a wild and desolate world of wood, mandrill, rock monsters and all kinds of ghosts and snakes.

  The Celestial Dynasty deters one side, and no party dares to easily provoke the Celestial Dynasty's city and attack the Celestial Dynasty's forces.

   Right now, the demon dynasty has just established. In order to consolidate the national destiny of the demon dynasty, the eight southwestern states and even the greater Kyushu in the rear will not be safe, and various sudden turmoil will strike one after another.

   As a newly promoted supernatural powerhouse, Chu Chen lacked qualifications and knowledge. It was the first time he participated as a non-voting participant. He mainly listened and did not participate in the discussion.

  The participants present at the meeting are all the top decision-makers of the states, and they are well aware of the situation in each state.

  In the parliament, the pastors of each state are in charge of the demon heresy and neutral forces under the rule of Jiazhen.

  The forces that can get the governor's meeting hall are all top forces that span several states.

   Dealing with these monsters, heretics, and indigenous forces is not a matter for one state. It often requires several states to cooperate and discuss together.

   As a result, the governor's meeting hall became extremely lively.

   After some listening, Chu Chen's eyes widened.

  Speaking of which, although he has been in the southwestern eight states for five or six years, before that he was only the deputy governor of a county and the head of the Taoist temple.

  The area under its jurisdiction and the errands it performs are all limited to one county. Usually, it is just hearsay, and it has been heard, but it does not have a thorough understanding of the overall situation of the entire eight southwestern states.

  For example, the magic powers in two different states, some people say that this power is strong, while others say that power is strong, and so on.

  The news heard in the market often has limitations, and it is not as accurate as the intelligence from the high-level officials of the Celestial Court.

  After two hours of listening in the governor's meeting hall, he suddenly had a clearer understanding of the pattern of the eight southwestern states.

   First of all, it is the demonic heresy forces.

  There are six top demon heretical forces in the eight states of the southwest.

  【Palace of Beasts】【Ancient Witch God League】【Green Phantom Demon Realm】【Bone God Mountain】【Blood Buddha Temple】【Holy Dao Sect】

[Palace of Ten Thousand Beasts] Chu Chen has dealt with him several times before. They are the "Alliance of Ten Thousand Beasts" established by monsters from all over the southwest. Throughout the eight states in the southwest, there are four demon emperors of the upper third rank sitting in the town, known as the number one demon force in the eight states of the southwest.

[Ancient Witch God League] is a magic gate of witchcraft in the Southwest. Their witchcraft uses blood to feed sacrifices, enshrines mysterious methods, and raises prostitutes to worship wild gods, which goes against the national policy of the Celestial Court. Pioneer, there are three upper third-rank great supernatural powers sitting in charge.

[Qingyou Yaoyu] gathered a group of demon clans who practice demonic skills. Compared with the monster monks in [Wan Beast Palace], they are more like human demon cultivators. , taking the path of "improving demons and proving the way", there are two upper-third-rank great magical monsters sitting in the town.

[White Bone Mountain] is a top-level leftist sect, teaching without discrimination. There are people, monsters, and beasts among the disciples in the sect, and they all practice "Bone Great Law". .

  As for [Blood Buddha Temple] [Sacred Dao Sect], they are weaker, and each has only one upper third-rank great supernatural power.

  However, whether it is Yuxuzi, the governor of the Southwest, or the governors and governors of the states, Qi Qi attaches great importance to these two major demonic forces.

   There is no other reason, [Blood Buddha Temple] [Holy Taoism] was created by the human demon cultivator, and it is the most mysterious.

   Their patriarch was a sinful Buddhist monk and an abandoned son of Taoism.

   Back then, they fled from the middle of Kyushu to the wild land, started from scratch, and managed a top magic power, and they acted extremely low-key, never ostentatious.

  Although there are only two upper third-rank great supernatural powers on the surface of the two major demon sects, the Celestial Dynasty Xianting is most afraid of [Blood Buddha Temple] and [Holy Dao Sect], and the degree of attention is far higher than other demon sect forces.

  Of course, in addition to the six demonic heresy forces in the eight southwestern states, there are also top-level neutral forces on the separatist side.

  For example, Golden Toad Palace, Wandu Huanggu, Yuqin Shrine, etc.

  They all have third-rank great supernatural powers.

  In general, the neutral forces are not much weaker than the demons and heretics, and they are the third force in the Eight Southwest States.

   In other words, the current structure of the Eight Southwest States is "three parts of the world" - the Dachang Dynasty, the magic forces, and the neutral forces.

  Yuqin Township Mansion, backyard study.

  Chu Chen, who was sitting cross-legged, woke up leisurely.

   "Brother (Erlang)."

  The meeting hall of the Governor's Mansion was open for two full hours.

   When it was over, it was already late at night.

  Outside the study, Qingying and Xiaoguizai had been waiting for a long time, and came in one after another when they heard the movement in the room.

  Qingying runs the huge Diyuan Chamber of Commerce, and is quite well informed. She guessed why Chu Chen stayed in the study for a long time, and said:

   "Erlang, I'm afraid you are busy now."


  Chu Chen nodded slightly, and said with emotion: "Fortunately, my magic weapon has been refined, otherwise, it will be troublesome."

   "Erlang, if you really encounter a difficult problem or danger, just open your mouth and don't hold on."

   "Well, I know."

"That's good."

  After Qingying ordered, she didn't pay too much attention to the battle between righteousness and evil.

  She was born in the Yuanlong Palace, and she has been adhering to a neutral attitude since she was a child. Whether it is the victory of the Dachang Heavenly Dynasty or the overpowering of the Demon Dynasty, it cannot affect the Diyuan Dragon Palace.

  If it wasn't for Chu Chen, she wouldn't bother to ask too much.

  Compared to the battle between good and evil, Qingying cares more about the things around her.

  For example, it’s late at night, and it’s time to practice exercises.

  Qingying's pretty face blushed slightly, and said, "Erlang, it's time."

  Qingying spoke in half.

  The little ghost on the side didn't understand, what happened to Zishi.

  Chu Chen was taken aback when he heard the words, he understood.

   Immediately, a faint smile appeared on his face.

  Especially thinking about the contrast between Qingying leaving in shame in the morning and her attitude changing drastically now, I feel more and more interesting.

  Women are born fairies, and they are the best at deceiving people.

   "Hahaha~ Okay, I see."

  Chu Chen laughed and laughed, and reached out to touch his sleeve, thinking of taking out a handful of incense to get rid of the little ghost boy.

  However, at this moment, a message popped up in his mind.

   It is from the spirit of the sleeping insect [Five-Color Dream Dragon].

   "Erlang, what's wrong?"

  Qingying was surprised to see Chu Chen's hands froze in place, looking like he was thinking about something.

   "Yinger, I remembered an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with urgently. Let's talk about it another day. You should go to practice first."

   "Oh~ Then you are busy."

   After Qingying finished speaking, she pulled the little ghost away, she was ashamed and annoyed, gave Chu Chen a blank look, and stomped away.


   Chu Chen smiled.

  He didn't intend to tease Qingying for fun, but news from [Five Color Dream Dragon].

  Chilong Mozi's Lao Tzu came to the door and took the initiative to contact "Red Dragon Mozi", saying that he felt the change of his life lamp, and asked him if he had entered the realm of great supernatural powers.

  [Five-Color Dream Dragon] took the Chilong Mozi away.

  [Five-Color Dream Dragon] Entering the realm of great supernatural powers, in the eyes of the extraterrestrial demons, that is the red dragon demon breaking through the realm of great supernatural powers.

   "Sure enough, it's here."

  Chu Chen was not at all surprised that Red Dragon Mozi's father came to his door.

  In fact, if Chilong Mozi's clansmen didn't find him, he also planned to go to the world of celestial demons outside the territory to see if he could sneak into the power of celestial demons.

  If it succeeds, the benefits will undoubtedly be huge.

  The heavenly demon force [Luo Guixiang] behind the Red Dragon Demon is in contact with the Nanman Demon League, and has penetrated extremely powerfully into the eight states in the southwest.

  If he can break into the inside of this demon force, he will have a powerful intelligence network, and he will continue to receive secret information about the demonic way.

  Chu Chen was not fully sure.

  However, he didn't panic.

  After refining the magic weapon [Laojun, Sun, Moon, Four Elephants and Eight Diagrams Mirror], he can manipulate the [Five-color Dream Dragon] to act as a "red dragon devil" without taking risks by himself.

   "I don't know if I can hide the truth."

  Chu Chen murmured to himself, and conveniently called out [Laojun, Sun, Moon, Four Elephants and Eight Diagrams Mirror].

  (end of this chapter)