MTL - Card-Chapter 521 522nd

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Frost Moon Cold Island.

Jiayingxia's face was frosty, she said coldly: "Order, all departments, use all power to find Caesar. No matter what the cost, find Caesar! If you have any news about Caesar, report to me immediately."

"Yes!" The subordinate responded with awe.

In the dim headmaster's room, Jia Yingxia frowned.

Caesar's request for these four notebooks is useless at all, but why hasn't he contacted her yet... What does he want to do?

Kuji Temple is a continuous mountain peak, and you can see large and small temples everywhere. It is like a paradise, not affected by the modern society outside at all, and the ancient style and ancient appearance are very intact. However, just today, suddenly a gloomy bell came from the mountains, and then, the continuous bells responded from the mountains.

The bells rang incessantly, and the sadness was low.

The faces of the residents living nearby all turned pale with shock. The sound of the bell indicated that an important person had died! The Kaxiu of Kuji Temple are extremely long-lived. Their surnames are tranquil and indifferent to the world. They live the most frugal life and are deeply loved by the local residents. If it is old and dead, the bell will be melodious and joyful. In the teachings of Kuji Temple, this is a good death.

A low, sad bell like this, they hadn't heard it in a long time.

In the Temple of Bitterness, there was sorrow. In the center of the Temple of Stillness, a corpse in white was lying flat there.

Siam, the best genius Siam in the past fifty years, died just like that. The old face of the contemporary temple owner of Kujing Temple is also full of tears, and Siam has lived with him since childhood. He spent countless efforts on it, and the two were no different from father and son.

The Hall of Silence was silent and the atmosphere was depressed. The other three branch temple masters have all arrived, but the expressions of the others looking at the west temple master are somewhat strange. Siam was killed, and the cause of the incident was that Tan Yuwen colluded with Tang Hanpei.

"I don't need to say more about it." The hall master said slowly, his wrinkled face was like an ancient human being, full of historical vicissitudes and wisdom: "What we need to discuss now is how to fight back."

Others are all awe-inspiring, and the authority of the hall master in Kuji Temple is profound.

"The chaos of the Federation has begun, and I can't stand alone in Kuji Temple. Let's announce it, and let's go to war with the Federation Comprehensive School." The hall master said indifferently.

"Follow the orders of the hall master!" Including the three branch temple masters, all of them bowed down to answer the order.

The palace master's cultivation is unfathomable, and no one has ever seen him make a move so far. When he was forty years old, he took over the only seven-star card [Brahma] and its inheritance from the previous generation of temple masters. [Brahma] is the only seven-star card among the known sonic cards, and this is the only one people know about this card. Even Kaxiu in the Temple of Bitterness only knew about this card.

At the headquarters of the Scarlet Card Repair Group, people came and went constantly, and the expressions on everyone's faces were filled with panic.

"Report, the Snow Silkworm Kaxiu Group suddenly attacked my station around Mingye City. By 9:00 this morning, 15 stations in Mingye City, including the surrounding area, were destroyed. The strength of the other party has obviously increased."

"Report, there has been a change in Faya, and their teams have begun to move around my stations on a large scale, suspecting that they have a tendency to fight against us."

"Report, Howell City's garrison was attacked by an unknown Kaxiu group! Request support!"

... Uncle Yan Yan showed despair, and everyone pushed the wall down. In this world, there will never be a shortage of people who fall into trouble. The blood-colored card repair group has always been strong, and there are not a few enemies.

Chen Mu, who was still in the jungle, probably never imagined that before he could get out of the jungle, the Scarlet Kaxiu Group was on the verge of extinction. At this time, he was still running his wooden camp with all his strength. The morale of the wooden camp was high, and the training enthusiasm of the team members was unprecedentedly high, but Chen Mu faced an unavoidable problem - running out of materials.

Six hundred cards are naturally very cool to make, but this time I didn't have much material to carry, and it was all over in the blink of an eye.

There are also four battalions that did not change their outfits.

When Chen Mu told Xiao Bo about this issue, Xiao Bo said with disapproval: "Boss, this trivial matter is easy to handle. Collecting materials, who has never done this? Besides, where is this, this is? It is Tiandongli District. Compared with the general residential area, the materials here are much more advanced. Boss, leave this problem to me, and I will definitely handle it!”

Seeing Xiao Bo patted his chest, full of confidence, Chen Mu once again acted as a hands-off shopkeeper. Only Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui are called Boss Chen Mu now, and everyone else calls him the battalion commander. At the beginning, he just felt that he was always called the boss and sounded like a triad, so he decided to change it into a wooden camp.

Xiao Bo, who received the boss's order, did not act immediately, but went to discuss with Sang Hanshui first.

And so, Operation Carpet begins!

"Everyone, listen up, from now on, don't let any materials you encounter on the road leak out. Those with roots, uprooted, with fruit, and even the fruit and the tree are brought here. The beasts encountered on the road, the public Yes, chop it up for me! Mother, chop it up for me too! All materials are taken from the logistics group, and converted into points according to the contribution size. Hey, whichever team gets 10,000 points first, whichever team gets the second Dress up and become the second team!"

Xiao Bo floated in mid-air, delivering his first speech with impassioned enthusiasm.

However, the effect looked very good. All the team members were like hungry wolves, searching around with green eyes. The 椤pan opened the way, and the four brigades plus the youth guards, all fan-shaped skirmishers, swept through the snowy forest. The desolate snow forest suffered the most terrifying raid in history.

The people in the logistics group got busy immediately!

Accustomed to Xi Ping's high efficiency, now the efficiency of the logistics team has been reprimanded by Chen Mu several times. The head of the logistics team was also in a hurry, and every day was like crazy, racking his brains to find ways to improve efficiency. I have to say that people's potential is really endless. After being tossed by him like this, the efficiency of the logistics team has doubled.

However, even the logistics team with doubled efficiency was stunned by the fresh materials that were sent back crazily from the front!

The logistics team leader can't wait to be buried by these materials.

A little calculation will give you an approximation. In addition to the need to organize new tactics in the first brigade, the other four teams had 1,600 people, plus 100 youth guards, 1,700 people worked together, this scale is naturally not an ordinary scary.

What's more, there are sharp tools to help! In those few communication shuttles, the atmosphere was extremely tense, but if you listen to the fast passwords in them, it would make you speechless.

"Pay attention! Team a75, there are three moonlight trees 300 meters in front of you, pay attention to collecting them!"

"Team b66! A snow raccoon is escaping in your direction, pay attention to hunting!"

"Team c09, your team is located at an angle of 30 degrees northwest of the location, there is a checkered rock, please collect it!"

...On this day, Chen Mu suddenly discovered that the collected materials were piled up like a hill. These materials are varied, including plant tubers, animal blood, and various minerals, but without exception, they are all extremely fresh materials.

The logistics team leader found Chen Mu with a bitter face.

"Head of the regiment, you can't go on like this!" He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, honest and honest, and he was quite practical.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mu retracted his gaze.

The logistics team leader smiled bitterly: "Our loading capacity is limited, so we can't take it all away."

Chen Mu realized that the current loading capacity of Muzi Battalion was only some jungle shuttles, and quite a few were converted into reconnaissance command vehicles and his mobile card room. Looking at the mountains of material, he also had a headache. Yesterday was still troubled by insufficient material, but today is troubled by too much material!

"Let's set up camp first!" Chen Mu said helplessly, rubbing his aching forehead.

After camping, these team members did not stop searching immediately. With the camp as the center, a 150-kilometer area has become their new target.

Chen Mu was stunned when he looked at these materials.

He never thought that one day he would be troubled by too much material.

There was only one way he could think of - turning the materials into cards!

After all, the geographical environment is similar, and there are still many kinds of materials collected. Chen Mu used these materials as the basic materials to design and make cards. Future generations probably never imagined that the reason why each brigade of the Muzi Battalion used completely different cards and had completely different fighting styles was for this reason.

The design work took three days, and during these three days, the hill of material piled up in the center of the camp grew several meters higher.

But soon, the team members were surprised to find that the height of this material hill was rapidly decreasing at an alarming rate!

A few days later, when Chen Mu took out 400 cards, all the team members stared at the pile of cards in his hand.

The team that won this time was Raphael. He was appointed as the captain of the second team, and these 400 cards were also distributed. Like the first brigade, three hundred three-star cards and one hundred four-star cards belong to the same number, and three hundred three-star cards belong to the same number, and one hundred four-star cards also belong to the same card number. It's just that the card number of the second team is different from that of the first team, and the card surname and quality are completely different.

However, there are still a lot of materials that are not used. In desperation, only the more precious and rare materials are loaded, and the other unused materials can only be The jungle has always been a treasure, but there is no team with communication technology. , often before digging up this treasure, they have been lost in this vast snow forest.

The wooden camp, which has 椤餤 and communication technology, can easily touch this treasure.

The wooden camp was searched and camped like this, and the entire team was quickly changed. In addition, it was also loaded with rare materials full of several shuttles!

There are many places in the snow under their feet that no one has ever been to. This is the land of the beasts, and this looting inevitably clashes with those ferocious beasts. There are casualties every day, but everyone is full of confidence. This level of casualties was unimaginable before this.

The wooden character camp, which has all been dressed up, has finally reached the edge of the jungle!

No one could have imagined that within a few dozen days, a team would be transformed!

After the transformation of the wooden camp, it will re-enter people's field of vision.

(To be continued)