MTL - Card-Chapter 512 Cao Zhengqiu

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Xie Yanbai strolled into the alley, his appearance was inconspicuous, and his clothes were extremely simple.

He seemed to be quite familiar with this place. After turning around, he walked to a residential area.

The dwelling was rather dilapidated, especially the red door, where the vermilion paint had peeled off quite a bit, revealing the dark wood inside. The pair of copper rings on the red door gave the residence a somewhat antique flavor. Antique dwellings like this were popular for a while about forty years ago. However, such a gate was not protective at all, and it was quickly replaced by the newly emerging password automatic gate.

Xie Yanbai stepped forward very well and patted the copper ring hard.

"Who is it?" A man's voice came from inside.

With a babble, the wooden door opened.

A middle-aged man appeared in front of Xie Yanbai. He was wearing a smoky gray coat with a white shirt underneath, and a black-rimmed glasses on his face, almost covering half of his face. No matter from which point of view, he is a typical scholar.

"Zhengqiu, you are still like this, nothing has changed." Xie Yanbai smiled.

"Hey! Yan Bai, when did you come back?" the middle-aged man said in surprise.

Xie Yanbai said with a little helplessness: "No one should know about my return."

The middle-aged man laughed: "I'm designing a new game recently, and it's not finished yet. You know, I don't have anything to eat if there's a new product."

This slightly self-deprecating smile revealed a bit of vicissitudes and open-mindedness, and Xie Yanbai felt a little uncomfortable.

"Are you making money by designing battle chess?" Xie Yanbai followed him into the room and asked, "What about your research?"

"I stopped a long time ago. I can't even eat enough to eat. Where do I have the mood to do this research?" White.

Xie Yanbai was not polite, sat down, and the chair suddenly made a terrifying sound. Looking around, the room was filled with various books, and there were many miscellaneous maps hanging on the walls. However, the most striking thing was a sand table that took up half of the room. The sand table is criss-crossed, with all kinds of labels that Xie Yanbai can't understand.

"Who did this?" Xie Yanbai asked, pointing at the sand table.

"What I did, it's not bad." The middle-aged man smiled proudly: "I'm playing the Battle of Hesson-Bell. There are very few records of it in the historical materials. I was very interested in that battle, so I tried it. The whole process of reproducing it. I didn't have the money to make a 3D map magic card, so I made this sand table myself. However, this research has been suspended for a while, and I have been busy designing battle games during this time. How are you doing? "

"Me? Not bad." As soon as Xie Yanbai heard what he said, he knew that he hadn't gone out for a long time. Xie Yanbai served as the principal of Zhongda Shufu, and the whole federation knew it. He then asked, "Didn't I leave you a sum of money for research before I left?"

"I didn't move the money." The middle-aged man smiled: "You are not a rich kid, and you are too poor to be a scumbag. You are not your teacher, you can't even buy a card. You will always get married in the future. I'll save all the money you left me, and I'll give it as a gift when you get married, ha, I'll save the gift money!"

Xie Yanbai's heart warmed, and his nose was a little sore. He wanted to laugh, but it was uglier than crying: "Put off the war chess work."

"Then how?" The middle-aged man glared: "I have been begging for a long time to get this one alive. Do you want to starve me to death?"

Xie Yanbai's heart was even more sour. He knew that the man in front of him would rather not bend when he was in school, but now he is begging for help in a low voice for a job. He tried to make his voice sound the same as usual: "I'm still counting on you to help me, how could I starve you to death?

"Help you?" The middle-aged man looked at Xie Yanbai suspiciously: "What can I help you with? I can't do anything except study tactics. Hey, are you a kid who has developed recently?"

Xie Yanbai smiled: "Well, it's developed." He suddenly said with a solemn tone: "By the way, the situation in Zhongda Academy is not very good, why don't you study this?"

"Zhongda Shufu?" The middle-aged man sneered: "For you and me, what does Zhongda Shufu have to do with us?"

"That's right." Xie Yanbai nodded. For Xie Yanbai, the favor he received was basically his teacher, and he had nothing to do with Zhongda Shufu. As for the middle-aged man in front of him, he had been ostracized in the Zhongda Academy. In the end, he had no choice but to leave the Zhongda Academy. The two met at school, Xie Yanbai was a student, and the middle-aged man was the teacher of the extremely unpopular class "The History of Federal Tactics" at that time.

Just after he finished speaking, the middle-aged man was indignant again and yelled: "The pigs in the tactics room are good for pushing forward, and when it's time for them, they all come up with bad ideas. Look at the stupid tricks they make, labor. This kid Hao is good at defending and not attacking. He has just experienced the pain of losing his brother. It is not a good choice for him to preside over the front line. What's more, he actually takes the initiative to attack! If he takes the defensive and uses Lao Hao's ability, how can he lose so far? As long as it drags on for a while, the situation will stabilize a little, and it will be difficult for Song Chengyan to do it. No need to guess, I also know that it must be the **** in the tactics room who encouraged Lao Hao. Want to win with one blow? Dream!"

"Well, yes, those guys are too stupid. However, the situation is okay now. Song Chengyan is dead. Didn't the Federal Comprehensive College take the initiative to retreat to the Benidia Mountains? There should be nothing wrong." Xie Yan White pretended to take a sentence.

"Fart!" The middle-aged man took a sip of water and slammed into a bean: "Compared to the pigs in the tactics room, Tang Hanpei is smart. He did this just to complete the centralization. After the rectification, Tang Hanpei was The battalion is Tang Hanpei's army alone, and now the entire federal comprehensive school and the entire capital are his own will! He is like a brilliant boxer, and he takes the initiative to retreat just to make punches more powerful."

His eyes were calm and wise: "Binidia Mountains, the terrain is dangerous, it can be defended with very little strength, so that he can free up more strength to complete the transformation of the army. After completing the centralization of power, Tang Hanpei He will become more powerful! Now he only needs a real general, a character like Song Chengyan. Sometimes I think, judging from his various methods, someone dares to say that he does not understand the military? Ben Lei is unstoppable. And his first target will definitely be us."

Xie Yanbai listened very carefully.

"If I guess correctly, Tang Hanpei will use desert camp to contain Frost Moon Hanzhou, and then he will try to contain Xingyuan and Kuji Temple. Although I don't know how Tang Hanpei will do this, I know that he can do it. Today, our vitality is severely damaged, and it is the most suitable target. As for Faya, their roots are in the general residential area, and the five major Chinese areas are not their battlefields. It seems calm now, but it is already at stake! "

"Isn't there any way to deal with Tang Hanpei?" Xie Yanbai couldn't help asking: "We can't just wait and die!"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man said decisively: "To centralize power to centralize power! Concentrate all the forces in Shanggan District to fight against Tang Hanpei, this is the general trend! In terms of military, we must defend and wait for the attack, and establish a complete defense system. Time The longer we drag on, the better it will be for us. If we don't fight for a long time, Tang Hanpei will lose his edge, and he will face the state of being attacked by the other four at any time. If we restrain him on the frontal battlefield and hold him back, he will be in danger !"

Xie Yanbai's eyes flashed, thoughtful.

But the middle-aged man immediately sneered: "Unfortunately, our palace master is too old, he has no youthful spirit, and he is confused! Look, how rotten is Zhongda Shufu? Even Tang Hanpei knows the public inheritance. The group of greedy pigs of the first elder, all of them dominate the inheritance, they will never give up their power! Hmph, in my opinion, Tang Hanpei will definitely win! After a while, when we save some money, it is better to move to the Zuohe District or Fan Asi District. According to my judgment, Xingyuan and Kujing Temple will definitely be destroyed in the end.”

"Haha, that's not necessarily true." Xie Yan raised her thick eyebrows.

"It doesn't have much to do with us anyway." The middle-aged man with a calmer breath took another sip of cold water.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing, I am the current Palace Master of Zhongda Bookstore." Xie Yanbai said with a smile.


The middle-aged man who was drinking water took a gulp, and the face of Xie Yan, who was opposite him, was white. Xie Yanbai was not angry either, wiped his face, and smiled as before.

"you you…"

The middle-aged man was dumbfounded, pointing at Xie Yanbai for a long time, speechless.

That night, the new master of Zhongda Book House issued the second order, appointing the little-known Cao Zhengqiu as the head of the tactics room of Zhongda Book House!

Chen Mu's team is advancing rapidly. How could such a huge team not attract the attention of various forces along the way?

Along the way, the team is conducting fast marching training.

"My God, I feel like I'm turning into a rabbit. I'm being driven to run every day! I've never heard of anyone practicing running like that." One of the team members couldn't help but muttered.

"It's not. I shiver when I hear the emergency assembly order! Grandma, I haven't slept more than four hours a day in the past few days. Now I can almost sleep while flying." Another Kaxiu couldn't help but said.

"The boss probably wants to enhance our mobile surname." A possibly knowledgeable Kaxiu interjected.

"Mobile surname? Mobile shit! If we continue like this, we will die sooner or later. If I knew earlier, I wouldn't sign up for this name." The Kaxiu continued to mutter.

"Ha, then you can quit. I don't know how many people have sharpened their heads and want to come in, but we are all lucky. Following Manager Bai, the future will be bright. Look at those Kaxiu who stayed at the uncle's house. That's pitiful. Although we have more money than us, what room is there for development?" Another Kaxiu said.

"That's right, look at what the boss took out. We've never seen it before. That plate is better than a detection card, and it doesn't require any perception."

"That's called 餤pan, Lao Huang, you are really illiterate." Kaxiu laughed and scolded.

Kaxiu, who was called Lao Huang, didn't blush either: "Isn't the 椤 plate still a plate? There are also those young guards, I'm jealous, the cards used are all made by the boss himself."

"That can't be helped. The young guards are all young people with outstanding potential that the boss personally selected. Don't look at them being weak now, the boss will train them for a few more years and they will definitely be better than us!"

"That's not necessarily true!" You Kaxiu said unconvinced, "Have we stayed put for years? The boss's snow pit method is so effective! As long as two years later, I think I may break through the seventh level. "

"Level 7, what is level 7! Look at our team, fifteen level 7s are still not obedient in front of the boss? Even thugs and chrysanthemums are better than those level 7s, especially thugs. Ah, that ferocity is simply a beast!"

"Ha, you are not under Chrysanthemum. The real ruthless is Chrysanthemum. As the saying goes, it is better to provoke thugs than to recruit Chrysanthemum. Those young guards, tsk tsk, look, they are tortured to the point of being insincere and benevolent. All cold."

Nearby Kaxiu all nodded, the training of the youth guards was far more difficult than them. Kaxiu, who wore a daisy mask on his face, was already a terrifying existence in the eyes of everyone.

Chen Mu looked at the high-speed team. Even though they were flying at extreme speed, the team could still maintain a general formation. For a huge team with two thousand card repairs, it is extremely difficult to achieve this step.

Beside him, there are fifteen seventh-level Kaxiu guards. After recruiting six seventh-level card repairs on the first day, nine more seventh-level card repairs came one after another, and Chen Mu's strength also exploded.

However, he also knew that there must be Kaxiu from other forces mixed in. It was unavoidable that he recruited with such fanfare that others could easily insert some ears.

So Chen Mu stipulated strict military discipline. Anyone who made an abnormal move would attract the attention of others. And everyone's communication cards have been replaced with communication cards that can only communicate within the team.

However, he has no time to pay attention to these now. He is not worried about being acquired by the Sixth University. In the Sixth University, the most important thing is various sensory training methods and inheritance. The effect of the Snowkeng Method is remarkable, but for the Sixth University with a deep family background, there is no shortage of it. what.

Comparatively speaking, the appeal to the Big Six is ​​much greater. But at this time Chen Mu can't care so much anymore.

At this time, it is no longer the time to hide and tuck, strength is the root! Because even if the **** card repair group was solved, the shock caused by [Odi Burning] and [Thread Sniper] made it impossible for them to hide again.

Chen Mu decided to come in according to his own plan.

Eggs cannot be placed in just one basket. Although he reached an agreement with Qiu Shanyu, Chen Mu was not at ease to put all his hopes on others. In case of any accident, it would be too late to cry.

People have to rely on themselves!

All the forces along the way were stunned by the strength of this team!

They had never seen the Kaxiu regiment with such a high average quality. Every kaxiu's perception is above the sixth level, and then look at the seventh-level kaxiu around the white general manager, the number is enough to make everyone take a breath!

However, this strange team did not make any stop in the middle and went directly into the jungle.

(To be continued)