MTL - Card-Chapter 500 amazing victory

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Zola can serve as the captain of this team. In addition to his superb strength, his extraordinary tactical literacy is another fundamental reason why Tang Hanpei made him take on this important task. As a captain, a reasonable and accurate judgment is far more important than his own combat effectiveness.

"We need to land! I'm running out of energy cards!" A card repair panicked.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the other Kaxiu changed, and the energy in their meter was almost bottomed out! If they run out of energy, they will fall to their death in mid-air. The best thing to do now is to immediately descend to the ground and replace the energy card.

Zola's heart jumped suddenly, and a chill suddenly rose from his back. Could it be that the other party has even counted the energy card?

"Everyone, at three o'clock, evade five hundred meters, and then land!" It was too late for him to ponder, and he categorically ordered, "No! I don't have enough energy!" The body will fly downward!

"Damn it!" Zola cursed inwardly, but didn't have time to say more. Stopping in place for one more second is more dangerous. The other Kaxiu were also a little panicked at this time, and Zola's order also immediately pulled them back from the state of no one, and they quickly followed Zola and flew in the direction of three o'clock.

At this time, their personal strength was revealed, and even Chen Mu couldn't complete the lock on the dazzling evasive tactical moves, so he couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring.

Just as Zola led the remaining ten Kaxiu to fly towards three o'clock, a large group of red bombs drilled out of the clouds on their left!

Damn it! Zola closed his eyes weakly, he knew that the Kaxiu who flew down just now was dead!

Time difference, time difference again!

There was a loud bang from below, and the explosive bombs exploded and engulfed the Kaxiu in an instant. In the explosion of such terrifying intensity, not even ashes were left! In fact, not even ashes were left.

Zolaho opened his eyes, and Sen Leng's eyes flashed with cold light.

Damn, you'll pay for it!


The remaining eleven card repairs drew beautiful arcs and flew towards the ground.

Chen Mu regretted that only one Kaxiu was killed in this round of attack. The commander of this group of Kaxiu saw through his second attack line, and he did not dare to be careless.

"Keep up, be careful."

After speaking, Chen Mu quietly walked through the clouds, approaching the opponent's landing point.

So far, the entire plan has been implemented perfectly, except that the opponent's landing point is slightly different from what he expected, and the deviation of 500 meters is not enough to completely defeat his arrangement.

Zola did not dare to relax at all, the opponent was like a very clever chess player, and every move was extremely skillful. He doesn't believe that the other party has no backhand. If there is no accident, the other party should set up an ambush near the landing site. The time difference just now was very accurate. If it wasn't for him seeing the opportunity quickly, I'm afraid the whole army would be wiped out.

"Five people are on alert in mid-air, and five people land and change cards!" Zuola shouted. His nerves were highly tense, and the opponent's pressing step by step made him a little breathless.

Now the two sides are like a race, and the next step will be the most crucial point to decide the outcome. If Zola and the others successfully complete the card change, although they will not be able to return to their prosperous state, more than 70% of their strength is enough for them to win this victory.

But he is also certain that the other party will definitely try to prevent them from changing the energy card.

If they don't change cards, they're just a dead end. No matter how powerful Kaxiu is, he cannot exert any power without energy.

I quickly checked the energy card in my meter, and it was less than 7%. This data made Zola's face change slightly.

Less than seven percent, which means that he can only launch two waves of attacks at most. After two waves of attacks, he must land to complete the card replacement, otherwise, he will fall directly from the air and die.

Layouts take this into account!

If Zola had some doubts just now, then now, he definitely has no doubts about it! Until now, he was horrified to find that every step they made was expected by the other party. From the beginning to the present, the battle rhythm and initiative are all in the opponent's hands.

Wanting to understand this, he also immediately understood that the other party would never let go of this fatal weakness.

His eyes were nervously staring back and forth in the jungle below. The ground was messy. The tall firs were ravaged by the shock wave just now. The shock wave of the explosion just now was too violent, Zola had never seen such a violent explosion before! The red bomb was far more powerful than ordinary bombs, and the suspicious Zola felt that this must be the other party's trick.

Use the shape of the bomb to paralyze them, but in fact, the energy structure inside must not be a bomb, what a sinister guy! Thinking of those idiots who didn't dodge and used the energy shield to carry the red bomb, he could only feel sad for them.

Suddenly there was a faint energy fluctuation in the air. The six card repairs in the sky, including Zola, suddenly became vigilant.

This energy fluctuation is very weak, but the people who are still alive are all real masters!

He had long expected that the other party would definitely have a backhand, and this fluctuation must be the other party's hidden killing. The energy fluctuations were very weak, and it seemed that they were quite a distance away, but Zola's heart jumped.

Sniper Kaxiu?

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was, Zola couldn't help shouting: "Pay attention to avoidance, the opponent may have a sniper Kaxiu, and the defensive counterattack!

The six Kaxiu in the sky were like enemies, and Zola's reminder made their hearts suddenly shudder!

If you look closely, their bodies have been in a state of slight swinging, which does not consume too much energy, but allows them to avoid being locked by enemies hidden in the dark. Their hearts are full of anger, each of them has experienced countless battles, and they have never been forced into this situation by the enemy! However, they did not disobey Zola's order. The energy in their horoscope had almost bottomed out, and what they most urgently needed was to survive this period of time.

Just wait for your five companions to replace the energy cards, and wait for our anger! Even if they were to snipe Kaxiu, they would be torn to shreds!

Every kaxiu's eyes want to breathe fire, so far, they have not seen the shadow of a single enemy. If the strength is not as good as others, that's fine, but if they didn't even see the other person's figure, they were killed by suffocation, and they felt extremely aggrieved.

The five Kaxiu who descended to the ground also speeded up. Although there were countless broken wood and stubble crisscrossing the ground, they piled up irregularly and had no foothold at all. But at this time, the five Kaxiu couldn't care so much, and they flew towards the broken trees on the ground.

When their feet landed on the ground, they breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts! The down-to-earth feeling finally gave them a sense of security. However, these rounded giant trees are not a good place to stay, and they have to be very careful to maintain their balance. But they also know that this is the most critical time. In order to stabilize their body shape, they don't care about their image. Some Kaxiu lie on the log, some Kaxiu rides on the log, and some use their feet to hook Lives on the branches of the branches, in a variety of strange postures.

As soon as they stabilized their bodies, they all took out the exhausted energy cards in the meter!

Seeing this scene, Zola, who was in the air, breathed a sigh of relief. Now they just need to reinsert the energy card into the progress meter, and they will win. These Kaxiu are all experienced in actual combat. Although they have been despised before, but now they do not dare to slack off. They are staring nervously at the location of the faint energy fluctuation.

Zhou Liang's face turned pale, but it was not frozen. He has experienced a lot of actual combat, but he has never encountered such a dangerous and urgent situation. Having received a formal education, he is certainly not a fool. He knew they had fallen into an elaborate ambush. Up to now, they have no power to resist, this feeling is really bad.

He threw away the exhausted four-star energy card without pity, and touched his waist with his hand. The four-star energy card was placed in the card bag on his waist. However, unlike other people who exchanged cards in a muffled voice, his eyes widened and he stared at the surroundings vigilantly.

He didn't believe how could the ambushers who had been so impeccable before could give them such an obvious respite?

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed across the corner of his eyes.

Zhou Liang was startled, and just wanted to open his mouth to shout, suddenly his throat hurt, and he lost consciousness as soon as his eyes darkened.

Visibility itself is very low due to the wind and snow, coupled with the fir trees lying on top of each other, the dense branches are more likely to block people's sight.

Zola was in the air, and he kept thinking about a question.

The other party must have something behind!

Regarding his judgment on this point, he has no doubts. A person who can set up this game will never fail to take advantage of this.

From descending to changing the card, the time required will never exceed ten seconds. He couldn't think of any way to break through their protection circle within ten seconds, and then eliminate these five people. Kaxiu launched an attack at close range and absolutely could not escape their detection. Most of them were seventh-level Kaxiu!

The faint energy fluctuations were some distance away from them, and within a kilometer radius, he did not find any energy and perception fluctuations.

But somehow, he has a hunch that the other party definitely has the means to adapt! The opponent took every step and the precise time difference between the two times showed the superb tactical ability of the planner.

If it were me, what would I do?

Zola frowned, thinking hard. At this moment, a dark shadow flashed across the corner of his eyes suddenly.

He was startled, and the blood on his face suddenly faded away! Suddenly, he finally knew the other party's means!

No card flow, he thought about it, but he never thought that the other party would use no card flow!

Zola Rula ice cellar, the whole body is icy cold, and the bone-chilling chill spreads throughout the body.

two! Two Cardless Streams!

The two cardless streamers were like two black lightning bolts, moving at an astonishing speed among the five card repairs, and the five card repairs who had just pulled out their energy cards were in front of them, like lambs to be slaughtered, without any Fight back. A card repair without energy is surprisingly fragile in the face of no card flow!

In the blink of an eye, the three Kaxiu were silently brought down, while the remaining two Kaxiu hadn't noticed.

Zola's eyes are red!

But he knew that it was too late to go to the rescue at this time. The energy in their dexterity meter is already pitiful, these two caliber-free skills are amazingly superb!

"Disperse! Descend each other, and change cards!" Before he could think about it, he could only make a last-ditch effort!

The other five Kaxiu each looked at each other, kept silent, scattered and flew in all directions. Zola knew this was their only chance. After all, no card flow is not a card repair. They can't fly. As long as they keep a distance, they can buy time.

As long as they buy time, they may still have a chance... Zola gave up the remaining two Kaxiu on the ground without hesitation. He has discovered the opponent's weakness, the opponent's strength is not enough! It should be said that there are not many people! Otherwise, the number of no-card streams on the ground would not be only two.

However, his face suddenly changed slightly, and he was shocked to find that he was locked!

Chen Mu and Sang Hanshui were flying fast in the clouds. At this time, he couldn't care about the possibility of revealing their tracks, because he found that the other party had turned into a bird!

It has to be said that this is a very headache for him. As long as any one of them changed the energy card, the situation would quickly get worse. No one is willing to bear the counterattack of the seventh-level Kaxiu before his death. And if the other party just wants to get their attention, it's an easier question.

The decisiveness of the leader Kaxiu was beyond Chen Mu's expectations. Without thinking, he subconsciously locked on the Kaxiu.

Damn it! Does the other party have other powers?

This judgment was a huge blow to Zola's confidence, so much so that there was a slight delay in his evasion.

A huge force hit him fiercely, and the heart-piercing pain spread to every nerve in his body. The strong unwillingness made him want to scream, but he found that he could no longer make any sound. . He could feel the body out of control and was in free fall, but the sound of the wind whistling in his ears seemed so far away from him.


It was only at this moment that the dull and thunderous low-pitched sound reached his ears.

Consciousness gradually blurs, there is no terror, only relaxation, all the struggles have nothing to do with me anymore, I can finally rest well.

A smile appeared at the corner of Zola's mouth, who was falling at a high speed.

The other Kaxiu were shocked, and many couldn't help but exclaimed: "Captain!"

At this moment, the energy fluctuations that had been weak just now suddenly became stronger! The faces of these Kaxiu changed again and again. They always thought that the enemy hidden in the dark was far away from them, because the energy fluctuations had always been very weak, but they did not expect that the enemy was not far from them!

【Nine rounds lead】!

Nine slap-sized pulsators, sticking to the surface of the jungle, suddenly came. The nine pulsating wheels are like nine streams of light, and the speed is extremely fast. Before everyone could even spread out, the nine streams of light appeared beside them. The speed of lightning, from extreme speed to extremely quiet, is astounding. The nine pulsating wheels complete a circle of complete speed, and the light needles on each pulsating wheel rotate dribblingly, implying some kind of complicated law.

Everyone only felt that the perception in the body was a little out of control, and they couldn't help being shocked!

how is this possible?

The remaining five card repairs were all discolored, no longer caring about cherishing the energy in the meter, and urging the energy cards one after another!

Interfering with perception is undoubtedly a powerful force, especially for Kaxiu! But this power, while powerful, is difficult to grasp. If we say that cards that can control and interfere with perception are rarer than illusion cards. Humans have a pitiful understanding of perception, let alone interference with foreign objects. From ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of card makers who can make such cards. And the cards left behind are even more pitiful.

The remaining five Kaxiu were all Kaxiu with a perception level of more than seven. Their ability to control perception was extremely strong, and they were not easily affected by this. However, their perception and physical strength were at extremely low levels, and in addition to encountering an ambush and the death of the captain, it was a huge blow to their morale.

Otherwise, if Xiao Bo used this trick, the impact on them would be very weak. But now, they are clearly affected.

At this time, dozens of red bombs drilled out from the clouds, like piranhas smelling fishy, ​​rushing towards them frantically!

The horrified Kaxiu didn't notice that a few transparent air waves were quietly attacking them from below!


Another bang.

The smoke dissipated, and the place was empty.

The pursuit and suppression group of the Federal Comprehensive University will be wiped out!

Whoohoo! Sang Hanshui was panting heavily, and now he didn't even have the strength to lift a finger. Today's battle was not long, but he used all his strength in every round of attack.

Chen Mu grabbed Sang Hanshui from behind and fell lightly.

Xiao Bo, Weah and Xiaobumo were already waiting for them below.

Xiao Bo stared at the corpses that had lost their vitality and stood still. It took several minutes before he looked away with difficulty, and said abruptly, "We really won?"

"Of course!" Xiaobumo was very surprised how Xiao Bo would ask such a question. He pointed to the corpse on the ground and said, "Well, aren't they all dead?"

"Dead?" Xiao Bo murmured absentmindedly: "Level 7 The seventh-level Kaxiu of the dignified Federal Comprehensive College is also so fragile? If you say it's dead, you will die!"

Xiaobu Mo was still puzzled, but he also found it strange that the battle today was much easier than that night. These people are so fragile! Xiaobumo, who still didn't understand what was going on, nodded his head and said, "Yes, they are really vulnerable!"

Sang Hanshui was probably the person who understood Xiao Bo best. Level 7 card repair, for ordinary card repair, can almost be said to be out of reach. These masters, any one of them will fight alone, neither Sang Hanshui nor Xiao Bo is sure of winning.

However, it was such a team with amazing combat effectiveness that the entire army was destroyed in an instant. He still feels incredible, like a dream.

Thinking of this, Xiao Bo and Sang Hanshui couldn't help but glance at each other, and their eyes couldn't help but move to Chen Mu again.

But this time, the eyes of the two were full of deep awe!

Weia also stared at Chen Mu, but there was an extra touch of light in his indifferent eyes as always!

(To be continued)