MTL - Card Creator: My Cards Unlimited Chain-Chapter 93 Infect

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  Chapter 93 Infection

   "I'm very sorry, Mr. Ye Lai." Lin Yunqing said with a serious expression, "I thought you were Yu Cang's pet, and I didn't give you the respect you deserve."

   "It's okay, I don't care." Ye Lai looked calm.

  After learning that Ye Lai is also an individual with an independent personality, Lin Yunqing also realized that her previous attitude towards Ye Lai was a little rude.

  It's really disrespectful to touch something when you come up.

   At least you must be familiar with it.

   Then, she looked at Yu Cang on the side, and said with some expectation: "Senior, can you teach me the method of summoning souls from outside the world?"

   "... not for the time being, I'm still figuring it out."

  He hasn't figured out how Ye Lai was summoned by himself, so of course he can't teach others.

   "That's it... well, but senior." Lin Yunqing looked eagerly, "When you master this method, you must teach me! Or just tell me the clues first, and we can study together!"

   "... definitely next time."

  Mr. Yu Cang felt that with Lin Yunqing's character, it would be very dangerous to entrust this technology to her for research.

  Her perception of danger seems to be a bit too weak...or in other words, her curiosity for knowledge is too strong, so that she ignores possible dangers.

  When guessing that Ye Lai might be a banned card, the choice she made was to learn, and when faced with this unknown summoning method, her choice was also research.

  In the chaos outside the world, fish and dragons are mixed, and there are not only good-hearted souls like Ye Lai, or in other words, there are very few existences like Ye Lai.

  Even Ye Lai himself said that most of the souls in the chaos are full of malice, so it is not recommended for Yu Cang to look too much when he is weak.

  After all, most of these souls have lost their original world and can only drift endlessly. Resentment is the easiest emotion to breed from.

  Looking at Lin Yunqing's state, even if he has fully mastered the method of summoning spirits, he doesn't dare to hand it over to her.

  Who knows what kind of job she can do for herself.

   To find an opportunity, I still have to communicate with Professor Hu Jingzhi. This education issue has a long way to go!

  Seeing that Yu Cang didn't make a clear promise to himself, Lin Yunqing's eyes were a little disappointed, but he didn't get too entangled.

   After all, for now, she has enough to learn and research, no matter how much she has, she will have no energy.

   However, when she looked at Ye Lai, there was also a hint of envy in her eyes.

   She wants a pet like this too... No, buddy!

  Since there is already a precedent for Ye Lai, it must not take too long to perfect this summoning method with the head of the senior... She will definitely summon one by then!

  Although Ye Lai is very cute, if conditions permit, she still hopes to summon a soul that retains the original knowledge to a certain extent... Knowledge from other worlds must be very interesting!

  Now Lin Yunqing no longer thinks about how long it will take for him to learn Yu Cang's knowledge.

  Senior's head is too perverted... I'd better not be left behind before I talk about it.

  Lin Yunqing left the room and went to Jiang Lou and Wang Changzhi to continue the experiment.

  Before Yu Cang wants to take part in the major armament reform, the coherence experiment must continue as usual.

  Watching Lin Yunqing leave, Yu Cang sighed.

  Turning his head, he said to Ye Lai, "I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

   "No need to mind, the master of this body." Ye Lai showed a smile on his face, "I will also be gratified to see such a vibrant world and creatures from time to time."

   "That's good." Yu Cang took a few things from the table, then walked to the table, touched Ye Lai's little head, "Tomorrow, I should be able to take you out."

   "Thank you very much." Ye Lai narrowed his eyes slightly.

   "I'm going out to find inspiration, see you at night, come at night."

   "Good luck."


  With a small bag on his back, Yu Cang walked out of the laboratory.

  He is going to find something to extract and see if he can make any good entries.

  After riding the tricycle, Yu Cang began to stroll all over the street, his eyes kept patrolling along both sides of the street, hoping to find something interesting.

   Although he and Yang Heli spoke quite confidently, they were not particularly confident in their hearts.

  After all, even if he has an answer, he has to meet a suitable entry to open it.

   If you are unlucky, seven days may indeed not be enough.

   "For those related to armaments... let's find a way to combine a gun... what entry should I use?"

  In this world, due to the emergence of soul cards, guns have become a relatively dangerous toy. After mastering it proficiently, the soul card can be activated faster, more lethal, and more convenient to carry. Naturally, no one chooses bulky firearms.

   After all, these firearms and ammunition all cost money. Compared with soul cards, their advantages are too few.

   But guns are indeed very dangerous, so the association explicitly prohibits the sale of guns. Only a few clubs in Yanguo can have some guns, so that some people who are interested in shooting can occasionally enjoy their hands.

  Yu Cang must not be able to buy a gun himself, but there are several shooting clubs here in the ancient capital. Yu Cang found one with a good reputation, and he has already submitted a membership application on the official website. After passing it, he can go in and play.

  The membership application fee is quite expensive, and it cost Yu Cangda thousands of dollars!

   For Yu Cang, this is already a big deal.

  However, Yu Cang is no longer short of money now. After the paper of the Yingcao card group is sent out, Yu Cang has the money to get all the business transactions related to it.

It's just that the current Yingcao set has just come out, and many merchants have not realized the power of this set of cards. Even if they have knowledge, they are still learning, so the money Yu Cang got is not too much. .

   But over time, this cheap and powerful deck will definitely start to catch on.

   If you don’t count undead warriors, a whole set of Yingcao deck is only 50,000 to 60,000. Most parents who send their children to college will not be stingy with this money... After all, buying other decks is more expensive.

  Now, Yu Cang has fully met the conditions to lie flat.

  Of course, at this age, he definitely doesn't want to lie down.

   "The club will talk about it tomorrow, what about today..." Yu Cang thought, and parked the small three-wheeler on the side of the road, "Buy some gadgets first."

  Thinking like this, he walked into the mall.


  When Yu Cang returned to the laboratory again, it was almost dark.

  When Lin Yunqing heard the movement, she looked up and saw Yu Cang holding a big bag, she raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

   "Senior, what did you buy?"

   "Things that are useful."

  Lin Yunqing approached, his eyes swept over Yu Cang's hands one by one, but the black line on his forehead became deeper and deeper.

   "What can these... be used for?"

  Look what it's all about...blocks, puzzles, magnets, toy come there are firecrackers?

   Aren’t these all children’s toys? !

  Where can these things be used?

  Yu Cang laughed a few times, and put the packages on the ground with a bang: "It took me a lot of effort to buy these things."

   Mainly because there are many places to run.

  Although the shopping malls around Gudu University are quite large, there are many things that cannot be bought.

   Just like the firecrackers, Yu Cang ran a lot of places before finding them in a corner shop.

  Lin Yunqing's expression kept changing, suddenly, she seemed to understand something, approached Yu Cang, and then whispered: "Could it be that Ye Lai wants to play with these..."

   "...How is it possible, Ye Lai is very mature."

  Lin Yunqing took a step back, his eyes widened, and his expression suddenly became surprised: "Senior, don't tell me you already have a relationship with Gu Jieshuang..."

   "Stop! Stop!" Yu Cang quickly stopped Lin Yunqing's wild thoughts, "I bought these things just to find inspiration, so don't think about it here."

   "... for the military overhaul?"


   Lin Yunqing was silent.

  She thought that Yu Cang's desire to come up with a result within seven days was outrageous enough, but she didn't expect that Yu Cang's way of finding inspiration was even more outrageous.

  Looking for inspiration from toys? Or do you want to participate in the major armament reform?

   Are you playing house!

  Even if you can really get results from it, if you let the soldiers go to the battlefield with a bunch of toys, this style of painting is not right!

   But this time, Lin Yunqing didn't question her.

  When a certain idea of ​​a person is absurd, she will think it is absurd; but when all of a person's ideas are absurd, she will start to think, is she...too conservative?

  Standing there and thinking for a long time, she still had no idea, so she decided: That's weird, let's look again.

   "I admit that these are just toys, but the final result may not be certain." Yu Cang smiled, but he was a little puzzled immediately, "However, even if it is a toy, you don't have to make that expression..."

  Yu Cang took out a big box from the bag on the side, which contained a racing toy: "Although it is a toy, don't you think it is still handsome? This is just right for college students!"

   "...Oh." Lin Yunqing gave up thinking.

  In a trance, she suddenly had a feeling.

  It seems that there is already a generation gap between her and Yu Cang.

   "I'm going to process the data first." Lin Yunqing could only nod expressionlessly and left.

   Can't understand, no comment.

  Lin Yunqing couldn't help feeling a little doubtful about her just firm idea of ​​following Yu Cang as much as possible so as not to fall behind.

  ... Let's talk about it after the results of the seniors come out.

   Seeing Lin Yunqing leave, Yu Cang found a place to sit down, and then rolled up his sleeves.

   Come on, entry extraction!

  Yu Cang first took out a box of small cannons, and as expected, the countdown in the entry recorder was only ten minutes.

  Nothing happened, so Yu Cang simply took apart the racing toy, held it with his hands and played with it.

   On the other side, Lin Yunqing, who was processing the data, was really curious and sneaked over to take a look.

   But seeing this scene, even she couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth, and her expression management almost failed.

  So you are simply playing!

  You said you were looking for inspiration, at least you should enter the state of resonance first!

  At this time, as if he also realized that his behavior was a bit too outrageous, Yu Cang coughed, the light in his eyes lit up slightly, and he entered the resonance...continue to play with the model.

  Lin Yunqing slapped his forehead.

   Forget it, don’t read it.

  She left quite depressed.

   On the other hand, Yu Cang suddenly made a discovery.

   When entering resonance, it can actually shorten the countdown speed!

  He silently calculated, if the resonance is maintained all the time, the resonance that originally took ten minutes can now be completed in about seven or eight minutes.

   Yes, there are unexpected rewards!

  This discovery is actually not very useful for ordinary entries, but it is very useful for entries that have been passed down from generation to generation.

   It takes one day to extract the handed down entry, so if you encounter a mythical one in the future... it will take at least six or seven days, or even a month.

   You must know that places that can extract mythical levels are basically very dangerous and dangerous places. In such places, you have to be careful for a few minutes, let alone a few days.

   No matter how much time resonance can reduce, even if it is only a few seconds, it can greatly increase the chance of survival.

  Thinking like this, the countdown has finished, Yu Cang glanced:

   Entries are extracted, and ordinary entries are obtained: [Self-explosion]

  ...As expected of a cannonball.

  [Self-explosion], this entry sounds disgusting.

   is still an ordinary entry, yes, there is a lot to do.

  Yu Cang took out a Yingcao Archer and tried to implant it. The light flashed and it succeeded immediately.

   But the result disappointed Yu Cang.

   Only the Yingcao Archer has one more ability:

   Self-destruct: When the summoned beast dies due to battle, you can choose to consume a certain amount of soul energy to make it self-destruct. If you do, the death cooldown is extended.

   A bit unsatisfactory.

  If he blew himself up directly, Yu Cang dared to say that another ability to change the environment was born.

  Unfortunately, not only is it limited to death in battle, but also consumes soul energy. Yu Cang looked at it, and the consumption seems to be not low.

  If death can trigger it... Then after he perfects the attunement, a wave of continuous attunement, wouldn't it just clear the field?

  Yu Cang shook his head, a little regretful, but he didn't care too much.

   Taking out another box of cannons, Yu Cang started extracting entries.

   The countdown is still ten minutes.

  At this time, two figures passed by Yu Cang, they were Jiang Lou and Wang Changzhi.

  The two of them look like ghosts now, their faces are pale and empty, and they can only walk by the wall while walking, as if they may lie on the ground in the next second.

  Wang Changzhi glanced at Yu Cang's direction, and suddenly his eyes brightened, as if he was more energetic all of a sudden.

   "Master, you are here." Wang Changzhi leaned forward.

   "Well, what's the matter?" Yu Cang turned his head.

   "These..." Wang Changzhi pointed to the various toys around Yu Cang with his fingers, and moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something.

   "Why, you also think it's not good for college students to play this game?" Yu Cang frowned.

   "Of course not!" Wang Changzhi clenched his fists, "I mean, I didn't expect you to play this game, Master!...Is this the Flying Fire Racer just released by Star Diamond? I didn't expect Master to get started so quickly!"

   "Ah~" Yu Cang frowned suddenly, "Actually, I only bought it because it is very handsome."

   "It's really handsome..." Wang Changzhi's eyes lit up, "Is it the remote control version? Master, can I play?"

   "Of course, come on."

   "Are you all playing this game?" Jiang Lou looked envious.

   "Why, you haven't played before?" Wang Changzhi was puzzled, "It shouldn't be, you are so rich..."

   "Well... I only played real racing cars when I was young, but it was too young, my parents wouldn't let me drive fast, and the car was locked."

  Wang Changzhi: …

   Yu Cang: …

   "However, this one is really handsome..." Wang Changzhi's tone was very sincere, "Can I play?"


  The three male college students immediately got together and started playing remote control racing cars.

   After playing, it evolved into a racing event.

   "Hmph, Wang Changzhi, before the speed of thunder roaring, all your operations are just dying!"

   "It's ridiculous, my Flame is the king of racing!"

   "Hmph, you Jane... what the hell, Master is so fast!"


   Entries are extracted, and ordinary entries are obtained: [ignite]

  Yu Cang drifted around the corner with a remote control, stopped Kamikaze Tianjiang firmly at the finish line, and then looked at the entry recorder.

  This... should be useful, but not what I want.

  Looking around, Yu Cang launched the entry extraction on the top of a box of puzzles.

   Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be an hour countdown, with a rare entry!

   "Damn it, master, you are so strong!" Wang Changzhi gritted his teeth, "No, I have to... Ah, sister Qing!"

  Seeing Lin Yunqing who appeared behind Cang like a ghost at some unknown time, Wang Changzhi was startled, stood up, and hurriedly explained: "Sister Qing, that, we, we are... are..."

  Jiang Lou also stood up in embarrassment, feeling quite nervous that the teacher caught him playing with his mobile phone in class.

   "Huh? Yunqing." Yu Cang turned his head, then raised the remote control, "Want to play together?"

   "...No." Lin Yunqing showed a smile, "Senior, I am very much looking forward to your results in a few days."

   After finishing speaking, his eyes glanced aside, and left.

  Jiang Lou and Wang Changzhi looked at each other.

  Then Qiqi turned his head and showed admiration towards Yu Cang.

   "Master, cow..."

   "To be honest, when Sister Qing saw it just now, I almost thought I was going to die..."

   "It's not so exaggerated." Yu Cang raised his brows, "Lin Yunqing's personality is just a little flat, but she's still quite easy to get along with."

   "Haha..." Wang Changzhi slapped haha.

  Yu Cang raised the remote control in his hand: "Don't talk about this, do you want another one?"

   "No, no, we have to go to eat... I'm afraid that if we stay a little longer, sister Qing will have to tear our hands apart tomorrow."

  The two packed up their toy racing cars, got up and left.

   "Okay." There is no one to accompany him, and it is not interesting for him to play by himself.

  So he put away all the things, took out the soul card from one side, and planned to take this time to try his luck and see if he could come up with something new.

   "See what you can get by implanting a spread in the plague scale monster."

  Yu Cang moved his hand, and in the next second, a white light flashed.



  Yu Cang was taken aback, and quickly looked at the ability bar.

  On the bottom line, there is a new ability:

[Infection]: When the number of scales on the scaled monster exceeds three, the attack of the scaled monster has a probability that the attack target will get [Scale], because of this effect, the number of dragon scales on the summoned beast will reach the maximum Within a limited time, the controller of the summoned beast becomes our side.

   Has no one joined our readership? Don't let the lonely and widowed old author guard the empty group alone



  (end of this chapter)