MTL - Card Creator: My Cards Unlimited Chain-Chapter 102 Chess

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  Chapter 102 Chess


  A hoarse roar suddenly came from the coffin, Li Anjiu's heart moved, and he quickly manipulated the Qingtian horse to retreat.


  The foul-smelling strange wind surged in the shadows, and Li Anjiu felt in a trance for a while. When he looked again, a hideous figure had rushed out of the coffin!

  The nearby iron chain was straightened in an instant, and just as the figure rushed out of the coffin, it was captured by the poor lock iron room, bound by countless chains, making it difficult for him to speed up, and Li Anjiu also took the opportunity to see his appearance clearly.

This is a man with disheveled hair. His body is covered with torn wounds and scorching marks. Large chunks of coagulated blood scabs have glued his tattered clothes to his body. At this moment Blood gushed out as soon as the iron chain rubbed against it.

  Only the skin on the man's face is still intact, but there are still blood-red lines like tree roots spreading under the skin, making him look very evil.

Li Anjiu met the man's gaze. For a moment, he felt an inexplicable suddenness in his heart, his heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably, accompanied by various emotions that should not appear here at the same time, such as panic, upset, etc. surge!

   What ability is this? Affect the opponent's psychology?

  Li Anjiu had already read Mrs. Yu's file when he came here, so he recognized that the man who emerged from the coffin was indeed Mrs. Yu's husband, Chang Weimin!

  But, shouldn’t Chang Weimin have died a few years ago?

  So, Mrs. Yu used some means to make Chang Weiming... into a forbidden card?

   Li Anjiu frowned.

  The methods of this group of banning masters are really weird.

  Click, click...

  After the "dead husband" appeared, the coffin behind it automatically turned into pieces of debris and dissipated in the air. Mrs. Yu walked out from behind the coffin, holding Yu Qi'er to the side of the "dead husband".

   But, not too close.

  The deceased husband seemed to have completely lost his sanity, and he attacked frantically as soon as he appeared, even Madam Yu who summoned him did not let go.

  If it weren't for the restriction of the iron cage, Mrs. Yu might be the first to be killed instead.

   But Mrs. Yu still stood behind her deceased husband calmly, like an ordinary wife standing behind her husband, and said with a smile: "I am laughing at you, my husband is always talking crazy."

  Looking at the weird scene in front of him, Li Anjiu couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

   Made my whole family into banned cards... You are so ruthless.

   "Yu Wanqing, you can no longer control this... this forbidden card, give up resistance immediately, otherwise, you will die in the hands of your own forbidden card first!" Li Anjiu said.

  Mrs. Yu smiled when she heard the words, stretched out her hand, and lightly touched her deceased husband's struggling body with her fingertips: "Don't worry, my husband...but he loves me very much."


  It seems to be exactly as she said. With Mrs. Yu's contact, the manic and restless husband's movements slowed down a little, and he seemed to relax a little.

  Yu Qier huddled in Madam Yu's arms, closed her eyes, and trembled.

"My husband has a strong temper, and he can only calm down in this iron room. Although I can't bear to see him suffer, I can only let him go... It just so happens that the police officer came here today, and finally there is a living creature who can accompany him to make a fuss , relieved the boredom..." Mrs. Yu withdrew her finger and smiled apologetically at Li Anjiu, "You will understand, right?"

  Seeing this smile, Li Anjiu felt bad, and quickly manipulated the Qingtian horse to retreat in small steps.

  In the iron room of the poor lock, once the speed is too fast, he will be entangled by the chains. Although Li Anjiu is not used to it, he can only adapt to it. He manipulated the Qingtian horse to carefully control the speed while moving.

   Fortunately, after finding the rules, this operation is not difficult. Li Anjiu is good at bursting speed at the right time. This field card did not have much impact on his combat effectiveness.

  However, when Li Anjiu was thinking this way, a sudden change occurred!

  The deceased husband, who had been calmed down by Mrs. Yu's appeasement, suddenly started to move, causing countless iron chains to entangle, but this time, those phantom iron chains surged up like sea waves following the motion of the deceased husband!

  The late husband pulled his big hand, as if tightening a giant net made of chains, the phantom instantly solidified when it passed by Qingtianma!


  The chains were tightened, and Qing Tianma, who was caught off guard, was pulled by this one and his body was pulled, and he fell towards his dead husband uncontrollably!

  The deceased husband also stretched out his hands at this time. The speed was not too fast or slow, and he didn't even trigger the iron sword of the poor lock, but judging from the sharpness on his claws, the power of this blow should not be underestimated!

   Sudden changes happened, Li Anjiu subconsciously wanted to manipulate Qingtian horse to dodge, but with just a little effort, the speed exceeded the limit, and countless iron ropes entangled him, which put Qingtian horse into a desperate situation!

  Li Anjiu's complexion changed, and he could only immediately burst out the speed accumulated in the wind stop domain, allowing Qingtianma to forcibly rush out of the encirclement.


  Before leaving, Qingtianma didn't forget to take the opportunity to give her deceased husband a kick, but was turned sideways by it, and easily dodged past.

  After escaping from danger, Li Anjiu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he said, "Relative speed? Can you still play like this?"

  The sudden confrontation just now startled him, but after thinking about it for a while, he figured out what happened just now.

The iron room of the poor lock makes the surrounding space full of iron chains. These iron chains are usually untouchable, but as long as the object's speed exceeds a certain value, it will collide head-on, and the faster the speed, the more iron chains it hits. many. Originally, Li Anjiu had almost found the critical value of this speed, so as long as the normal speed of Qing Tianma was slightly lower than the critical value, he could fight normally in the iron room.

  However, when the dead husband pulled the chain, everything changed—the chain phantoms also started to move!

  The iron cable also has its own speed. In this way, although the speed of the Qingtian horse itself has not changed, compared to the iron cable, it has already exceeded the speed!

  So, the binding effect was triggered immediately.

What's uncomfortable is that Li Anjiu has been letting the Qingtian horse move with its strength because of the need to control the speed, which caused the Qingtian horse to hardly exert any strength at the moment when the chains were solidified just now, which is why such a tiny The strength easily pulled him to the dead husband's body!

   Li Anjiu's face was ugly.

  How could there be such a disgusting ability combination?

It’s fine if these chains move regularly, he can still find the pattern, as long as the Qingtian horse moves in the same direction as the chains, then the relative speed remains unchanged... The key chains are pulled by the dead husband, and a large piece , It is impossible to judge at all!

   "The police officer is really vigilant. I thought it was time to succeed." Madam Yu covered her mouth and chuckled.

   "You are still far away." Li Anjiu looked calm, but his heart was already a little heavy.

  Qingtianma's wind stop field cannot be maintained indefinitely.

  The wind stop field is just the accumulation of Qingtianma's previous speed. This part of the speed will continue to be consumed as the wind stop field is maintained. When it is exhausted, it must be accelerated again to enter the wind stop field.

  Looking at the current situation, once the speed is exhausted, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to accelerate again.


   While Li Anjiu was thinking about countermeasures, the deceased husband had already made another move.

   This time, his movements were even more exaggerated. He swung his arms with all his strength, and he stirred up most of the chains at the same time...including those around Li Anjiu!

  In an instant, countless iron ropes solidified, and the deceased husband was like a fisherman who couldn't wait to catch his net, pulling Li Anjiu and Tianma to his side at the same time!

   Li Anjiu gritted his teeth, and quickly took out a soul card: "Vacuum blaster!"


  Qingtianma raised its head, a soul card was opened and shattered in front of it, and then a violent collapse suddenly occurred in the air, and burst out suddenly when it condensed to the extreme!

  A fuzzy column of air flow spurted out, and ran over the dead husband who was rushing head-on, but the dead husband did not dodge, his eyes were full of blood, and his mouth was opened so hard that the corners of his mouth almost reached the ears!


The dead husband roared and rushed into the vacuum blaster, and then Li Anjiu saw that the supposedly invisible air column was torn apart easily by the dead husband like a stack of twisted white papers. Look at him The way it looks, it's effortless!

   What kind of ability is this?

Before Li Anjiu could think about it carefully, the roar of his dead husband exploded in his head, and all kinds of negative emotions grew up. Even Li Anjiu had an inexplicable bloodthirsty urge, and wanted to just rush forward and fight hand-to-hand. up!

   "No!" Li Anjiu bit the tip of his tongue and woke up.

   Go up and fight by yourself? Didn't this just get torn into pieces?

  The situation was urgent, and he couldn't take care of it. While manipulating the Qingtian horse to run the wind stop domain with all his strength, trying to block it, he rolled out of the dead husband's attack range with his hands and feet.

   Fortunately, Qiongsuo Zhitiejian's speed threshold is still difficult for him to reach... So except for the special control of his deceased husband, Li Anjiu will generally not be affected.


   Li Anjiu flashed over, and the dead husband's firm paw landed on Qingtianma's neck, leaving a deep wound!

  Xi Law!

   Not to be outdone, the Qingtian horse directly released the speed in the wind stop domain, the muscles on the horse's legs bulged, and a hoof kicked heavily on the dead husband's chest with a mighty force!


  The dead husband's body was instantly knocked into the air, but before flying far, he was recaptured by Qiongsuo Zhijian and hung on it.

"Ho... ho..." A strange voice rolled out from the dead husband's throat, and Qing Tianma's kick made an exaggerated depression in the dead husband's chest, but as he staggered to the ground and got up, he His chest was also recovering visibly to the naked eye, and when he stood up again holding the iron chain, it had almost recovered!

   On the other side, Li Anjiu got up from the ground, and when he saw this scene, his face showed embarrassment.

   "...This is too fake."

This kick consumed a lot of speed in the wind stop field, and one of the pair of wind wings behind Qingtianma was almost invisible. As a result, the damage caused was only so little, and it took him a few seconds to recover. ?

"Very capable, little police officer." Madam Yu smiled, looked at Yu Qi'er who buried her head in her arms, and said, "Qi'er, what are you doing? Don't you want to see your father? Come on, Take a good look, isn't dad handsome..."

   "That... that's not Dad..." Qi'er didn't look up, but tears were already streaming from his eyes.

"You child...she is your father, come on, open your eyes, and take a good look." Madam Yu held the chess piece to her chest, forcing her to open her eyes with her soul energy, with a smile in her tone It seems even worse, "Look carefully, this is your father... How beautiful, this is the 'beauty' he wants, don't worry, you will be as beautiful as him, just as beautiful as your father expects you to be !"

   "I..." Qi'er trembled all over, tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

   On the field, Li Anjiu has fallen into a disadvantage.

  The ability of the deceased husband is too weird. Not only the appearance is outrageous, but also can affect people's mind. Li Anjiu has never fought against this kind of opponent before. Coupled with the restraint of ability, until now, Li Anjiu can only hold on.

  Furthermore, with the spell of Iron Between the Poor Locks stuck, Li Anjiu had no way to jump over the dead husband to attack Mrs. Yu, but the dead husband might pull the iron chain to attack Li Anjiu at any time...


  The late husband's speed is not fast, but his movements are crazy and flamboyant, and he can stir up all the iron chains at every turn, pulling Qing Tianma and Li Anjiu into his attack.


  The Qingtian horse bumped into the dead husband's body, smashing it into the heavy iron chains. As a price, it was also pierced into the neck by the dead husband's claws, and let out a burst of mourning.

  Although there is no such thing as a weakness in summoned beasts, this degree of injury has already seriously affected the combat effectiveness.

   But the deceased husband seemed to be unable to beat him to death, staggered, and soon got up again.

  The wings of wind behind Qing Tianma are already very dim, as if they may disappear at any time, and the wind stop domain lingering around him is already extremely thin, almost nothing.

  Mrs. Yu showed a bored look on her face. She was about to say something when suddenly, a dragon chant sounded from the distant forest!

hold head high! !

   Immediately afterwards, the fiery breath burned through the forest in an instant, rushed into the iron room of the poor lock, and crushed the body of the deceased husband!


  The flame exploded, and a pitch-black figure flew down from the sky and stopped in front of Li Anjiu.

   It is the grown black dragon!

During the time when Li Anjiu was fighting with his dead husband, Yu Cang was not idle, but hid and kept accumulating dragon scales. He originally wanted to accumulate enough double dragon scales to fuse directly, but seeing that Li Anjiu seemed to be unable to hold on, So he could only take the black dragon to join the battlefield first.

Not far away, Yu Cang rushed towards him. Beside him, Qiu was holding a rifle on top of his head, gnashing his teeth and pouring firepower at Mrs. Yu, but all the bullets hit the solid solid as soon as they entered the iron gap. The chains burst into flames all of a sudden, and did not cause any harm. On the contrary, they almost accidentally injured Li Anjiu who was on the ground.

   "What are you doing! Stop now!" Li Anjiu quickly rolled over behind the black dragon, using the dragon's body to block the rebounding bullet casings.

   "Ah ha ha ha... Sorry officer, I will try first." Qiu Ding slapped haha.

  Now the death cooldown of his scorching land metropolis has not been completed, and if he wants to participate in the war, he can only rely on these things.

  Ms. Yu looked at the few people who appeared suddenly, the expression on her face didn't change much, she still only had a faint smile: "You're finally here... But I've been waiting for a long time."

   "Stop talking nonsense, give up resisting quickly! My young master may be able to intercede with you later!" Qiu Ding said loudly.

Beside   , Li Anjiu's expression changed.

  This Mrs. Yu... said "you", not you?

  Yu Cang also frowned. He looked at Mrs. Yu and said, "Mrs. Yu, do you know me?"

  He felt something was wrong before, when the skeleton mechanical dog was discovered... Madam Yu directly called out his name, now it seems that Madam Yu knew herself before?

   "Of course." Mrs. Yu smiled lightly, "Back then, your parents often showed me that they had a good son..."


"However, that's all in the past. Now..." Mrs. Yu put Yu Qi'er on the ground gently, rubbed her head, "These old friends are almost gone, and I'm the only one left... "

  Yu Cang didn't pay attention to Mrs. Yu who was sighing there, his eyes fell on the deceased husband, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

   something is wrong...

  When he was looking at it from a distance, he only felt that the deceased husband's ability was weird, but he found out after looking closely.

  How could there be a barren aura on this deceased husband!

   This person who was infected by the barrenness!

  Yu Cang's heart was pounding, the problem he was most worried about all this time unexpectedly appeared in front of him.

  The faces of Li Anjiu and Qiu Ding are still normal. Obviously, they don't realize what it means to be a barren person, or in other words, they may only think that this is just the effect of banning cards, and they don't think much about it.

   "Madam Yu, what are you doing?" Yu Cang said seriously.

   "I...?" Mrs. Yu chuckled, "As you can see, of course I'm making forbidden cards."

   "...Do you know what it means for Huang to successfully infect humans?"

  After Yu Cang finished speaking, Mrs. Yu suddenly paused.

   After a while, she was a little surprised and said: "...You can realize this, who told you?"

   "...So, you know what you are doing and are still doing it, don't you?" Yu Cang clenched his fists, and a nameless anger rose in his heart.

   "What? What are you talking about?" Qiu Ding looked blankly, he looked at both sides, completely unable to understand what was going on between them.

  And Li Anjiu frowned thoughtfully.

   "I...forget it." Mrs. Yu seemed to sigh, "Since you already know, just skip the dispensable foreplay."

   Madam Yu raised her hand, and the whole earth shook suddenly!


  Countless phantoms of chains suddenly rise from all directions, they are similar to the iron of the poor chain, but the range is larger and farther away!

  When Li Anjiu came in, he found that the place was covered by a huge magic soul card. Obviously, the owner of this soul card was Mrs. Yu!

   This is Mrs. Yu engraving the pattern of the soul card into a semi-permanent field card similar to a formation!


  The sound of dense iron chain friction resounded all around, and the air seemed to suddenly become heavy. Li Anjiu regained his strength, and quickly re-summoned a Wind Pressure Qingtian Horse, and took out his soul card, trying to regain his speed.

  However, Madam Yu waved her hand, and two figures appeared beside her at the same time.

   "Let me introduce you." Mrs. Yu said with a smile, "This is my second son, and his name is Chang An."

  Chang An is wearing a hospital gown, has no hair, and looks about ten years old, but his body and expression seem to be completely underdeveloped, still immature and dull like a baby.

   "And him, he is my third son, named Chang Le."

Chang Le looks like a normal kid, no matter the hairstyle, expression or clothes are the same as ordinary teenagers, but the strange thing is that since he appeared, he has been muttering to himself with his eyes closed, blood and tears kept flowing from his tight It dripped from his closed eye sockets, but he didn't seem to notice it.

   Bloody rain began to fill the air, and a **** footprint appeared behind Mrs. Yu with a bang.

   "And him, you should have seen him, he is my eldest son... They are all my family."

   "Ah!" Taking advantage of Madam Yu's introduction, Yu Qi'er broke away from Madam Yu's embrace, trembling and moving on the ground, trying to stay away from Madam Yu.

  She looked at Yu Cang: "Save me...take me away, brother..."

   Seeing this, Mrs. Yu's eyes turned cold, and she said: "Do you want to go with brother?... Then go, and don't come back after you go."

   This sounded like angry words, but it was immediately taken seriously by Yu Qier's ears. She seemed to suddenly become more courageous, stood up, and ran towards Yu Cang without hesitation!

   Seeing this, Yu Cang wanted to pick it up, but Mrs. Yu said at this moment:


"Ah... ah..." The second son opened his mouth stupidly, but couldn't say a word. However, as he raised his hand and waved it in front of him, several phantom chains solidified in the air in an instant, and they were connected precisely. Killed all summoned beasts and soul card masters on the field!

  Heilong, Qingtianma, Li Anjiu, Qiu Ding and even Cang, each existence was assigned a chain, and the moment the chains were connected, everyone's complexions changed in unison!

The mental pressure in his mind suddenly increased, the soul energy in the soul energy well was consumed rapidly, and no longer produced soul energy, the soul card that should have been applied to Qingtian horse suddenly failed to take effect, and even Qingtian horse itself was faintly Under control!

   "Damn, what is this?" Li Anjiu frowned.

  This ability is too exaggerated, it almost bans all the means that a soul card master can use, how can this be used?

   Such an effect was obviously not caused by the second son's forbidden card. At this moment, the blood rain of the eldest son, the chains of the second son, the ravings of the third son, and even the roar of the deceased husband all acted at the same time, creating such a terrifying suppressive force!

  However, even if they knew the relationship, they couldn't resolve it.

Mrs. Yu's face turned pale. Obviously, her mental pressure is definitely not low at this time, "Qi'er is my most proud work...more proud than all my previous family members. Of course, she has not been completed yet. , but there is only one last stroke left, I believe you can see it, right?"

  Yu Cang hugged the flying chess piece into his arms, and comforted her back with his hands.

   Facing Mrs. Yu's words, he remained silent, just silently looking for a way to break the situation.

  If the entry is implanted... no, the success rate is too low...

   Yu Cang gritted his teeth.

  Whether it is a black dragon or a blue sky horse, the probability of carrying the handed down entry is a thousand grades, and it is basically impossible to succeed.

   Not far away, Mrs. Yu continued:

"Yu Cang, now, you have a choice." A pale smile appeared on Madam Yu's face, "It's up to you to complete this, and then let her become your forbidden card, maybe... I will Let you go."

  (end of this chapter)