MTL - Card Creator: My Cards Unlimited Chain-Chapter 100 Battle the eldest son!

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  Chapter 100 Battle against the eldest son!

  The bloodied eldest son didn't seem to be in a hurry to continue attacking. Holding the severed hand, it jumped off the roof of the armored vehicle with a "click" and walked slowly towards Yu Cang and the others with a string of wet footprints.

   This just gave Yu Cang a chance to recover his soul energy.

   While pulling the top of his head, he slowly backed away, trying to observe the possible information.

  In fact, in this case, the bone dog’s ability to see through optical invisibility should be very useful, but now the bone dog is being placed with Mrs. Yu. If the summoning is canceled now, Yu Cang will lack a means to locate Mrs. Yu.

What's more, after canceling the summoning, you have to wait for the death cooldown, which won't have much impact on the current situation... and he still doesn't know what the principle of the bleeding eldest son's invisibility is. If it doesn't work, it's useless up.

   On the other side, Gu Luo also forcibly suppressed the severe pain. Although his face was still grim, he calmed down.

  He treated the wound briefly with his clothes, and then came to Yu Cang and Qiu Ding under the cover of the giant plague scale beast.

   "There is no signal... I can't contact the security outside." Gu Luo gritted his teeth, and then looked at Yu Cang, "Yu Cang, what is this?"

  Yu Cang obviously entered the fighting state before the bleeding eldest son appeared, so he must know something.

  But Yu Cang didn't turn his head back, just shook his head: "I have to ask Mrs. Yu of your club."

   "Madam Yu?" Gu Luo was stunned.

  At this moment, he suddenly thought of some rumors about Mrs. Yu, and suddenly, a cold air rose from behind, making him shudder.

  Eldest son...? But Mrs. Yu doesn't only have one daughter, his previous children...are all dead!

  Yu Cang kept his eyes on the severed hand. Seeing that his soul had almost recovered, he raised his hand and summoned a Dragonborn Lasher, but he did not act rashly, but let them stand by.

   "...Eldest son, is your mother Yu Wanqing?"

   "Yes." The immature voice came out of thin air.

   "Your mother seemed to invite us to be her audience just now, you should have seen it too?" Yu Cang said calmly, "Are you sure you want to hurt your mother's audience?"

"But, I don't want others to see my sister." The voice in the air was getting closer and closer, "Qi'er is my mother's young daughter and also my sister, and my mother is putting makeup on my sister, how can I let others see... Mom is always right, so I can only quietly drive you away..."

   "Then let's go." Yu Cang made a gesture to leave.

   "No~" the voice said with a smile, "Mom won't let you go, how can you go~"

   "Fuck, are you listening to your mother or not!" Qiu Ding took the opportunity to swear when he summoned a scorching earth searcher.


  The **** footprints spreading all the way on the ground stopped suddenly, and the amputated arm that was originally held in the air by the unknown existence fell lightly, and the bad feeling in Yu Cang's heart reached its peak in an instant.

Disappeared? Where did you go?

  The giant plague scale beast swooped over, curled up, trying to surround the three of them, and in the next second, a cloud of blood sprayed suddenly from the position of Qiu Ding!

   Thorn it!

The speed of the scaled plague giant beast was already very fast, and it managed to protect the top of the enemy before the attack came. A huge crack was instantly imprinted on the giant beast's body out of thin air, and the scales on the surface of the giant beast's skin were covered like paper. General tear!

  Of course, the giant plague scale beast is made of soul energy, and the skin is not flesh and blood, but clusters of energy flow.

   "That's a lot of damage." Yu Cang's face changed slightly, but Qiu Ding didn't stand still, the moment he realized that the eldest son was approaching, a piece of Yang Yan spell had already been shot!

   This time, with such a close distance, he couldn't believe that he could still miss it!


  The fire exploded very close at hand, and in an instant, the surrounding area was illuminated red. Yu Cang squinted his eyes and stared at the flying sparks, but he still couldn't find anything unusual.

   Still empty?

  The speed is so fast... Or is it some kind of teleportation method?


The sound of sticky footsteps reappeared not far away, and the eldest son's voice was still sticky and tender, without any sign of injury: "Wow... Will my brother let Big Bear learn a lesson for me... That's great, I want to have my own too. Big bear... but I don't have one, so I have to remove my brother's big bear..."

   Yu Cang adjusted his form and manipulated the giant scale plague beast to fight, but suddenly found that the hand felt a little strange.

The giant scale plague beast seems to be a lot slower when it responds to its own manipulation. This effect is a bit like Nong Weiran's fear, but it is not the same. Nong Weiran is delaying his operation, and now it feels... more like a summoning The beast itself is weakened.

  Yu Cang tried to control the giant scale plague beast to take a few steps, and roughly calculated that its speed and strength were probably reduced by more than half.

  His eyes slanted, the wound of the plague giant beast was on its hind leg, a slender wound almost cut off half of its buttocks, the black blood stained around the wound, it looked very hideous.

   "Be careful, the blood on the eldest son seems to weaken the ability of the summoned beast." Yu Cang reminded.

"Speaking of..." Gu Luo leaned aside, clutching his arms, "After being touched by that thing, the recovery speed of my soul energy seemed to slow down a lot at once, and a tube of soul energy has not recovered yet. ..."

  Gu Luo is also a soul card master, but not very strong, only level three, and it can be seen that the skills of summoning soul cards are very rough, and he has not learned systematically.

  After being attacked, only a humanoid summoned creature was summoned, but judging by its sluggish appearance, it is still doubtful how much combat power it can provide.

  Yu Cang nodded.

   Can it actually affect the speed of soul energy recovery... What is the principle? Increase mental stress? Or exert some kind of influence on the soul energy well?

  The effect of a normal soul card will not affect the spiritual world of other soul card masters. This kind of effect can only be achieved by forbidden cards.

  Extremely fast, invisible, and a lot of negative buffs will be generated if touched... The eldest son's ability is difficult to deal with, and the panel is unknown, so it is not suitable to enter a protracted battle, it must be...quick!

   And now on the court, Gu Luo and Qiu Ding are both at level three, and only I am at level four... I have to rely on myself.

  Yu Cang squinted his eyes, and had already drawn up a rough strategy in his mind.

   "Qi Ding, I will find a way to make it active later, can you control it."

   "No problem!" Qiu Ding rolled up his sleeves.

   "Okay." Yu Cang nodded without much communication.

  Talking too much will easily alert the eldest son. At this time, he can only believe that Qiu Ding's reaction can keep up.

   "Brother, what are you talking about..." The voice suddenly moved closer, "Can I pet my brother's bear?"


   "Then I... come here..."


   Pools of **** footprints splashed on the ground quickly and irregularly, and the hairs on Yu Cang's body stood up, as if he had sensed that some unknown existence was approaching rapidly!


  The giant scale plague beast roared, dragged its crippled hind legs and swooped out, but before it landed on the ground, its head suddenly tilted, as if it was caught by something!

Immediately afterwards, a puddle of blood bloomed on the back of its neck, and a huge force erupted on the surface of the scaled plague monster's body. There was only a "tearing" sound, and its huge body was torn in half along its shoulders. !


The giant plague scale beast was killed so fast that it didn't even have time to collect enough dragon scales. In addition, the eldest son's attack seemed to carry energy attack and physical attack at the same time, so only one piece of the giant plague scale beast was missing. The fully colored black and white dragon scales, as it was killed by the eldest son, these ungrown dragon scales naturally disappeared with it.

   "Giggle..." The eldest son's brisk laughter came from the air. Obviously, this "touching" made him very satisfied.

  However, at the moment when the scale beast's body was torn in half, before it completely disappeared into soul card fragments, a figure suddenly rushed out of it!


"caught you."

  It's Yu Cang!

Just now, at the moment when the giant plague scale beast rushed out, he summoned the gear robot when his eldest son's line of sight was temporarily blocked, and immediately activated the "plug-in chimera component" to equip it on his body !

He knew that there was not much time for the eldest son to show up, so he had to carry out this series of operations very quickly, so fast that when he passed through the body of the giant scale plague beast and rushed in front of the eldest son, the gear robot on his body was not there yet. Yu Cang's body is completely covered!

  The sticky touch spread through the smooth skin of the gear robot to the palm of his hand, and he knew that now he had touched the eldest son!

   "Launch, 【Simulation and Invasion】!"

   Thorn it!

  A burst of electric arc flashed, the air in front of Yu Cang kept flickering, and an extremely blurry blood-colored figure faintly emerged in the electric light!


   No, not entirely.

The effect of [Simulation and Invasion] is to nullify an ability of an opponent's soul card, but judging from the current effect, this ability is not enough to fully reveal the eldest son's body... After all, this ability is mainly aimed at rare card.

Everyone could barely see that this seemed to be a baby with an unnatural shape. It was covered in blood, its body was swollen and swollen, and even the shadow of the placenta could be seen on its stomach, but its expression had the same innocence as a normal child .

   "You! What did you do!" The eldest son's voice suddenly became sharp, "Ahhh, you guys saw this ugly picture... I won't play anymore, I'm going to kill you!"

As the eldest son's cry became sharper, tent after tent of dirty blood splashed from its body, and when it fell to the ground, there was a burst of corrosion sound, and the ground was burned out in the blink of an eye. Big pit!

  Then, the eldest son spat out, and a ball of dirty blood flew towards Yu Cang's head!

   "It's broken..." Yu Cang's heart sank.

In order not to waste the fighting opportunity, he used the fastest speed to rush to the eldest son. At this time, the clothes on his face were not completely covered, the silver skin was still spreading, and his eyes were exposed, which was basically preventing him from fighting. Can't stop this malicious saliva!

But he has no choice, the gear robot consumes too much soul energy, and it takes a lot of soul energy just to summon it. If he doesn't wear it himself, the remaining soul energy is not enough to remotely manipulate the robot to touch the eldest son. So he can only risk himself.

  Can now...


  A immature but vigorous figure suddenly landed on Yu Cang's shoulder, the dragon's head was raised, and his big eyes were looking directly at the flying blood cells.


  The blood sphere exploded in front of Yelai, but did not touch him at all. Visible to the naked eye, a slightly dark spherical arc appeared in the air, and any dirty blood that touched this sphere was transferred to an unknown place.

   "Ye Lai!" Yu Cang's face relaxed, and he didn't stand still. Taking advantage of this time, he immediately canceled the gear robot's unfinished attire.


  There was a gap in the back of the gear robot, and Yu Cang jumped out of it, scrambling and running to the side, not forgetting to let the gear robot whose clothes were removed continue to pounce forward, maintaining contact with the eldest son!

   It seems that the body of the eldest son must be higher than the epic, and [Simulation and Invasion] cannot effectively negate its effect. Even if it is only slightly affected by its ability like this, it must be in constant contact with the eldest son.




  Chou Ding was not idle during Yu Cang's operation, and summoned another Burning Earth Seeker. At this moment, he threw out six soul cards without any hesitation.

   "Six bursts of Yangyan spell!"

This operation drained the Scorching Earth Investigator summoned by him on the spot, and let it lie on the ground directly. Even the two Detective Envoys who had just been summoned had already started to wobble, and they were about to stand up. Unsteady.

  However, the effect is very strong!

  Six huge fireballs directly dyed a large open space completely fiery red. When the terrifying heat was about to swallow the gear robot and the eldest son together, Yu Cang immediately let the gear robot enter [self-explosion].


  A flash of electric arc flashed quickly, but was soon submerged in the sea of ​​flames.

  At this moment, the humanoid summoner controlled by Gu Luo barely ran over, wanting to fight, but was blown aside by the heat of the explosion before it got close.

   When this figure was running, there was still fire on its fists, and it seemed that it was also a fire-attributed summoned beast.

   "Old man, don't be greedy, let's heal your wounds first." Qiu Ding said.

  Gu Luo is a very classic Yeluzi soul card master. It can be seen at a glance that both the operation technique and the control of the battle situation are very rough, far inferior to Yu Cang and Qiu Ding.

  After all, if it is not in school, there is generally no place where you can safely cultivate combat experience... and there is no teacher who is willing to teach you skills.

  Gu Luo laughed a few times, his face was pale beyond belief, but seeing the flames rising from the field, he still asked with some expectation: "Is it... dead?"

   "I don't know, let's go first." Yu Cang got up from the ground, Ye Lai flew down from the sky and landed on his shoulder, "Thank you just now, Ye Lai."

  Ye Lai lowered his head slightly, but did not speak.

  He is very weak in this state, just now he just used his "Night Curtain" to bear a blood cell for Yu Cang, which has already made him extremely tired.

"Ms. Yu's three sons died in total. I reasonably suspect that they should all have been made into banned cards." Yu Cangbian walked sideways and said, "The eldest son is already so difficult, if the three sons appear together, we are afraid that it will be a disaster." Less... go down the mountain first."

After Qiu Ding heard this, his originally excited expression subsided a lot, and he seemed to have begun to realize the danger of the matter, so he didn't talk nonsense, and hurried to the side, and helped Gu Luo up, "Let's go, old Gu , I will take you down the mountain first."

   "...Thank you..." Gu Luo didn't expect that Qiu Ding would come to support him at this time.

  However, before the three of them had walked a few steps, Yu Cang suddenly stopped.

   "Wait." Yu Cang frowned, "Something is wrong, the air is a bit humid."

   "What?" Qiu Ding was stunned, but before he could react, a piercing scream suddenly came down from all directions!



  A layer of blood-colored mist rose from the mountains, and the wind that hung over the tip of his nose suddenly became fierce. Yu Cang frowned and held his breath, but he was still affected.

   There was a "creaking" sound in his mind, and his soul energy recovery speed suddenly became very slow. Although it has not stagnated, it is almost the same.

"Damn it, why isn't this little thing dead yet!" Qiu Ding cursed secretly, he glanced at the three scorching earth summoned beasts staggering around him, gritted his teeth, turned his head and said to Gu Luo, "Old Gu, borrow you Use this summoned beast."

   "Huh? This can also be borrowed..."

   "Hurry up, it's too late."

   "I don't know how to do it." Gu Luo wanted to cry, "I never learned it..."

   "Stupid, just don't control yourself!"

   "Oh, well..."

  Qiu Ding waved his hand: "I use the Burning Land Investigator, two Burning Land Search Envoys, and one...this thing as sacrifices to summon: Burning Land Commander!"


  The four figures shattered in an instant, and the overflowing energy turned into flames gathered together, and a muscular figure walked out of it with heavy steps!

  Scorching Earth Dadu is unified!

  The sounds of countless golden swords and iron horses mingled with the hunting flames, and the huge saber carried scorching heat through the air. In an instant, a fiery red field was propped up in the **** wind!

  The heat on the body of the Scorching Earth Dadu will automatically burn everything around it, forming an effect similar to a field!

   "...cough!" Qiu Ding spat out a mouthful of blood, his body shook for a moment, and he was about to fall to the ground.

He couldn't bear the consumption of the Scorching Earth Dadu at first, and the sacrifices he uses now are all defective products, and one of them is from outside. A kind of overdraft secret technique.

   Most of the scorching lands were summoned together. Not only did he suffer internal injuries on the spot, but he was also immobilized directly due to high mental pressure, but he still made this step without hesitation.

  He knows that now it is necessary to ensure that Yu Cang's soul energy will not be affected as much as possible. He is the only fourth-level soul card master here. Once his combat power declines, the battle situation may be directly rewritten!

  After summoning the Burning Land Dadutong, he exhausted his last strength and supported each other with Gu Luo to come to Yu Cang's side, and completely handed over his back to Yu Cang.

   Facts have proved that Qiu Ding's decision was very correct. The raging flames were burning in the belly of the scorching land Dadutong. Standing beside it, Yu Cang's soul energy recovery speed was basically normal.

However, the effect that the Burning Land Commander can produce is limited to this. Qiu Ding is really stretched, at most he can control the Burning Land Commander to swing a knife slowly, at that speed, Yu Cang can dodge himself, and even more so Don't talk about the eldest son.

  Yu Cang's face was serious, and he looked around vigilantly.

  The hoarse cry was still coming from all directions.

   "Damn, you should should die!"

  The voice of the eldest son could no longer be heard from where it came from. The screeching sound was everywhere, and the **** footprints spread in large areas on the ground, without any pattern at all.

   "What...what to do..." Gu Luo trembled.

  He had never seen this battle before.

   "Chou... Qiu Ding, Yu Cang, think of a way!"

  The blood-colored wind pressed down bit by bit, without the control of the top, the burning field that most of the scorching land naturally opened would be difficult to last.

  The footprints eroded the space of the three of them little by little, Yu Cang thought for a moment, and said, "Qiu Ding, do you still have the strength to attack?"

  Qiu Ding gritted his teeth: "There is still one knife..."

  Yu Cang nodded: "Gu Luo, what about you?"

   "Huh? Me?" Gu Luo's face turned pale, which was the result of blood loss and fear at the same time, "But me, but me..."

   Only after getting in touch with them personally can I feel the difference between my soul card master level and these college students.

High-speed chain activation of soul cards, using other people's soul cards as sacrifices... Every skill is something he has never seen before, and he himself will only summon the summoned beast and let him rush forward foolishly, After using up a soul card, it takes a long time before the next one can be used.

   Such a me can't help at all!

  Yu Cang's expression didn't change: "Use a grenade."

   "Grenade?... By the way, grenade!" Gu Luo's eyes lit up, "For the grenade... I can help!... But, I can't see where the eldest son is, what should I do..."

   "We still have another chance." Yu Cang took out a soul card, "Grasp it well."


  The eldest son also seemed to be afraid of the Scorching Earth Dadutong standing silently in the center of the field. After setting off a **** storm, he wandered outside for a long time, but he never attacked, but was probing.

  But soon, it seemed to have discovered that most of the scorching land was an embroidered pillow at all, and it wouldn't move if you poked it.

   This made it quickly murderous.


  At this time, I don't know what happened, the flames in the belly of Burning Land Dadu seemed to dim for a moment, and even the surrounding flame fields were dried up a lot in an instant, and their power suddenly weakened.

  The eldest son's eyes lit up.

good chance!


Without the slightest hesitation, the **** wind crushed down the sky, turning into countless spikes of dirty blood and rushing into the flame field. Most of them were burned and evaporated during the march, but there was still a lot of dirty blood remaining. The original power is coming straight!

   "Attention!" Yu Cang's expression froze, a soul card has been played, "The eye of super vision!"

  Activate: [Electronic Supervision Barrier], actively enter the death cooldown, create an enchantment, in the enchantment, the existence of the electric signal cannot be invisible!

  Just now, although the self-destruction of the gear robot did not kill the eldest son, it managed to electrify him!

   Thorn it!

  The light blue barrier opened rapidly, and when passing by a certain place, a blood-colored figure suddenly appeared.

  It didn't seem to realize that its invisibility had expired. It was still watching the three of Yu Cang and laughing wildly, as if it had been imagining the scene where they were contaminated by blood for a while.

  However, this momentary opportunity was a flaw that was deliberately sold, how could it make the eldest son happy?

  Scorching Land Dadu put his thick arms on the ground heavily, and immediately, all the dirty blood hit its skin, and then evaporated away, and the flames on its body shook for a moment, and there was no other effect.


  The Dragonborn Lasher, who had been on standby for a long time, made a bold move. The Spiked Whip and the Tongue Flame Whip hit the eldest son at the same time, restraining him in place for a short time.

   "Ah? Why..." The eldest son, who was laughing maniacally, was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't understand why this group of people could suddenly see him?

  With such a dazed effort, a black iron lump flew across the sky with a string of white smoke, and precisely hit the ground under his feet.

  This thing...he saw it at his mother's place before, it seems to be called...grenade?


   Thanks Greed for the tip!



  (end of this chapter)