MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 19 (1)

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Lin Chengyou looked at Teng Yuyi in his arms and said with a smile, "So Mrs. Teng recognized me a long time ago. You saved Qizhi's life, and I also saved yours. If the two are even, how can you offset it?"

As he said that, he threw Teng Yuyi onto Qizhi's bulging body. Qizhi was caught off guard and was crushed to the ground again: "Ouch!"

Teng Yuyi was shocked and angry, and turned her head to look: "Lin Chengyou."

However, there was no one else in front of him, Lin Chengyou disappeared in the corridor in the blink of an eye.

The two were busy getting up from the ground, but in a blink of an eye, the corridor became noisy, the drunk guests in the wing staggered open the door, and the beauties rushed out holding the dishes, and suddenly saw Teng Yuyi and Qizhi, everyone was full of It was a surprise.

Qi Zhi hurriedly said to Teng Yuyi, "Don't think it's strange, we're actually still where we are, it's just that Senior Brother broke the ecstasy of that monster."

Teng Yuyi looked around and saw that everything was as usual, when she moved her arm, the bald pen was still in her hand, she brushed off the dust on her robe, and grabbed Qizhi's sleeve: "Follow me downstairs, I'll drive Take you back to Qingyun Temple, since it is your Qingyun Temple's trick, you can learn it now, and immediately give me a ring of evil spirits, I and your Qingyun Temple have nothing to do with each other from now on."

Qizhi was stunned, but Mrs. Teng was smiling, but she was actually not happy or angry. Now even her eyebrows were raised, showing that she was really angry.

"Young Master Wang, don't be angry yet, this spell requires extremely high skill, and Jue Sheng and I are not qualified to practice it for the time being. Hey, hey—" Qizhi stumbled down the stairs, but she didn't expect Madam Teng to look so delicate and weak. Xiao, "Senior brother didn't show up at first in order to experience me. I guess he doesn't know what happened. When I tell him the story, he will definitely release the curse on Lady Teng."

"I don't dare to bother your senior brother." Teng Yu smiled angrily. "Don't you think this time is not enough? You senior brothers are not my nemesis. I almost lost my life here!"

Qizhi blushed and apologized: "Ms. Teng, let go first, you saved Qizhi's life, and Qizhi is unforgettable. No matter how you unravel the ring of evil spirits tonight, even if you are locked up by senior brother for three months, I will still be in prison. admit."

Three months of confinement? Is there a relationship between the two?

"I've heard enough of this. What if it's hype? My emerald sword is still a piece of junk. Your senior brother is too hateful."

Qizhi scratched his head, how good is this, Mrs. Teng seems to have hated senior brother deeply, senior brother is not afraid that others will hate him, but in this way, it is even more difficult for him to mediate.

They bumped into Calyx Ji and Baozhu head-on, and the two looked around, clearly looking for someone.

Baozhu raised his head inadvertently, and was immediately surprised and delighted: "Mother, look, Prince Wang!"

Calyx Ji rushed up in three steps: "Wang Gongzi, you two are good people, no matter how you don't see them, you will disappear. Where did you take the curling pear? You jumped out of the window."

As he said, he looked behind Teng Yuyi and saw only a nine-year-old Xiao Langjun, how could there be a figure of Juanerli.

Calyx Ji and Baozhu were dumbfounded: "Where's the curling pear?"

Teng Yuyi was stunned, and suddenly remembered what she saw in the fascination array just now, that monster was playing with a woman's painting and silk in her hands. His face darkened slightly: "When did the curling pear disappear?"

Calyx Ji's face turned pale in an instant: "Young master, don't joke, isn't Juan Erli by your side all the time?"

Qizhi noticed something was wrong, and hurriedly asked, "Was this lady named Juan Erli also on the second floor just now?"

"Yeah." Calyx Ji was flustered, "Just outside the wing, it disappeared in a blink of an eye. Young Master Wang, don't joke with the slave family, did you hide the curling pear?"

Just at this moment, the downstairs was boiling with the sky, and a group of people broke in. They didn't know what happened. The temple guests couldn't stop them. , and stopped in amazement when he saw Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi greeted him: "Huoqiu."

Huo Qiu cupped his hands: "The son suddenly disappeared. The villain was worried about the accident, so he urgently called the guards on the left and right."

Seeing this battle, Caly Ji was terrified and frightened. The prince and her servants didn't seem to be joking. Could it be that the prince had really disappeared before.

Teng Yuyi then said to Calyx Ji: "To be honest, we ran into some strange things just now, but Juan Erli was not with us at the time, and I didn't even know she was missing. I guess she's in a bad way now, and we need to save her. Think about it as soon as possible, there are many people here, let's go outside to discuss the way first."

Baozhu nodded hurriedly, she and Juanerli were already sisters, and Caly Ji was also expecting that Juanerli would make a lot of money for her, and she was also anxious.

The group quickly left the building.

The crowd was still surrounded by the door, all of them looking up, "The old goddess has been in the building for so long, why haven't they come out yet?"

Huo Qiu led the way, passing by a flag pavilion, Jue Sheng suddenly ran out of it, came to the front, and said anxiously: "Jizhi, are you alright!"

Qi Zhi said curiously, "Sage Jue, why are you in the flag pavilion?"

Sitting in the flag pavilion was that gorgeous fake mother, who saw Jue Sheng run out and followed his back with curiosity.

Teng Yuyi instructed Huoqiu, "There can't be so many people on the calf. You can open another flag pavilion. I have something to ask Calypse."

Huo Qiu quickly turned around and led the group to the flag pavilion to sit down.

As soon as Juesheng entered, he pulled Qizhi aside: "I heard you let the arrows go upstairs, but was stopped by an old Taoist downstairs. Guess who he is, no, you should have known who he is. Right."

"Yes, Mrs. Teng also knows." Qizhi simply said what happened just now, "Why did my brother let you stay in that flag pavilion? Who is that woman."

"She is also the fake mother of Caifenglou. Senior brother thinks the same as Mrs. Teng, saying that if you want to know the truth, you have to start with the people in Caifenglou, so he pretends to be a Taoist Youfang and comes here to talk slowly. That fake just now. My mother had been coaxed into a dizziness by my senior brother, and said a lot about the strange things in the building in one breath. Unfortunately, before I finished speaking, my senior brother heard you fire the arrow. He asked me to continue to tell the woman's words and go to the building to rescue myself. You, brother, where are you now?"

"Senior brother broke into the enchantment of Yaoyi, and I don't know when he will be able to come out. Just now, a Le Ji was lost in the building. It is estimated that he was kidnapped by that monster, so I fought with that thing. The monster's power is not ordinary. height of,."

Teng Yuyi frowned. It seemed that Lin Chengyou would not be able to come out for a while. She left with anger at this time, and after falling asleep, she would have those long nightmares, and she would be seriously ill in a few days. That's all. Now that Juan'erli has fallen into the hands of that monster again, she is not a person with a flood of kindness, but she only promised to keep Juan'erli safe for half a year, but when she turned her head, something happened.

While thinking about it, Juesheng officially introduced his identity as a Taoist priest to Calyx Ji, and then said solemnly: "If you want to save Mrs. Juan'er Li, you have to tell all the strange things that happened in the building."

Calyx Ji's eyes glittered, she raised her hand and pointed at the fake mother in the opposite flag pavilion, and whispered to Jue Sheng: "Daoist priest, what did Wo Ji tell you?"

Jue Sheng said solemnly: "You say yours, she says hers, it's time for you, don't think that it has nothing to do with you if you don't say it."

Only then did Teng Yuyi speak: "Looking at this situation, tonight's events are just the beginning, and maybe more people will suffer in the future, don't forget, there was Ge Jin who was disfigured by the ghost before, and there was no reason later. The missing Juanerli, as long as you stay in Caifenglou for one day, the next one may be your turn at any time."

Calyx Ji was still calm in front of her, but when she heard Teng Yuyi's words, she finally couldn't sit still, she shifted her body and forced a smile: "Our master is timid and afraid of things, if we want to let him know that the slave family is talkative, the slave family should not even think about it. Pingkangfang is gone. The son and the two Taoists are okay, but don't say it's the slave family."

She cleared her throat: "Actually, when the Caifeng Tower opened, our store invited a warlock to see it. The warlock came from Luoyang, and it is said that the magic is very powerful. I remember that after the warlock saw it at that time, a cellar was dug in the northwest corner of the backyard. , and also said that he would enshrine a statue of the Lotus Pure Child to ward off evil spirits. The warlock said it carefully, even digging a few feet deep. The master did it one by one, but later..."

Teng Yuyi touched his beard, but this statement is different from Baozhu Juanerli. Baozhu and Juanerli only know that there are experts helping the town house, and they don't know the details.

Calyx Ji said uneasy: "The craftsmen took the drawings and followed the construction, and at first they were not bad at all, but one time, two of the master craftsmen drank more wine, and they were dizzy when they went to work the next day. I accidentally smashed a stone underneath, and the stone was buried deeper than the depth prescribed by the warlock."

Juesheng and Qizhi looked at each other, and quickly asked, "Did Jiangzuo tell your master about this?"

Calyx Ji shook her head: "First, the craftsmen felt that they just cracked a shallow line, but did not shake the foundation, so it would not be a hindrance. Second, they were afraid to annoy the shopkeeper. If the owner refused to pay them, wouldn't they? It was a waste of time, so I kept it a secret."

Teng Yuyi snorted: "Let's not say whether there is any trouble, how did you know about it?"

Calyx Ji covered her mouth with a fan and threw a wink: "The leading craftsman is a good friend of the slave family. He came to the slave family's bedroom that night and confided a few words to the slave family when he was in love."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi were stunned, Teng Yuyi coughed: "Now that you know, have you taken the initiative to tell your master about this?"

"No." Qi Ji whispered, "It's not that the slave family doesn't want to talk about it, but if they do, the master family will definitely go to the slave family's man to trouble the slave family. If the man knows that I talk too much, he will also annoy the slave family. At that time, the slave family will not be flattered. But the slave family reminded the store owner that the building started to be haunted again, so why not go to Luoyang and invite the expert to see if there is any problem? I have searched several times, but unfortunately I have not been able to see the warlock again, the master suspects that the warlock is a liar, and is planning to report to the official."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi showed dissatisfaction, and Teng Yuyi looked at them: "What do you think of the two Taoist priests?"

"We can't come to a conclusion just by hearing what Aunt Calyx said, but since the warlock stipulated that he can only dig a few feet, there must be his reasoning. What happened, we can only see it with our own eyes."

Qi Zhi asked Calyx Ji, "Where is the cellar in the backyard?"

Calyx Ji said: "In the northwest corner, facing the sleeping quarters of the tricksters, there are temple guests guarding the entrance of the back garden, it is not easy to enter easily, but it is okay for the slaves to take you in to see, but it is best for you to pretend to be benefactors like Wang Gongzi. ...and spend some more wine money."

Juesheng and Qizhi secretly despised this woman. This woman was just being honest for a while, and then she returned to her old ways in a blink of an eye. This move was nothing more than trying to corrupt their wine money, but if she didn't follow her, would she really refuse to bring them in.

Qizhi peeked at Teng Yuyi, in fact, Mrs. Teng must have a way, but Mrs. Teng was shocked in the building, and she was really embarrassed to trouble her again.

Who knew that Teng Yuyi laughed and said: "What's so difficult about this? Tonight, the prince of the king is here too. It's his idea to get rid of troubles. These two little priests are his junior and junior brothers. If you want to pretend to be benefactors, you only The wine money spent by Xiaodao Changhua needs to be recorded in the name of Prince Cheng."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi were dumbfounded.

"Let's get started now, and present the best wine and food in Caifeng Building. Which is the most expensive wine in your shop?"

Calyx Ji smiled and turned away: "The most expensive thing is the dragon cream wine. There are so many guests who come to our Caifeng Building on weekdays. Only the truly noble people can afford this wine. What's the price? A hundred small cups."

Teng Yuyi didn't blink: "Let's get him a big pot first. After being busy for a long time, the two priests are probably hungry."

Juesheng and Qizhi hesitated, and then they thought about it, they have no money, senior brother is very rich, and the money for a drink is probably nothing to him. Can't enter the backyard in time for inspection.

"Then... then do as the prince said."

Calyx Ji Pidianpidian left: "I see, the food and drinks will come soon. Fortunately, the main house is not there, and the backyard is easier to access than usual. The son and the two priests will wait a moment. The slave's house will arrange it there."

Not long after, a group of beautiful concubines came over with wine and food.

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi were still a little stunned, but they couldn't help but say: "That... Young Master Wang, you were frightened just now, eat some food and drink to suppress the fright, don't, don't be polite to us."

Teng Yuyi's face was full of humility: "This is what your senior brothers invited you to eat. Wang does not dare to be rude, and he can accompany you at the banquet."

"If you don't eat it, we won't be able to eat it either." Jue Sheng said as he stood up and shoved the bowl of chopsticks into Teng Yuyi's hands.

Teng Yuyi reluctantly took the bowl of chopsticks: "Okay, I'm not really hungry either."

She opened the jug, only to feel the fragrant smell coming from her nostrils. Without a word, she took a sip of the dragon ointment wine. It was really fragrant and strong. She secretly thought that this wine is expensive.

Calyx Ji saw that Teng Yuyi liked it, so she took the opportunity to serve another pot, which was exactly what Teng Yuyi wanted, and she was happy to drink three pots before giving up.

After drinking and eating, Qi Ji said, "The slave's house has been arranged, let's go in through the back door, so as not to be intrusive, the two priests put on these clothes, and quickly go with the slave's house."

After the fright just now, Teng Yuyi didn't want to join in and join in the fun, so he said to Jue Sheng Zhi Zhi, "I'll leave it to you, and with your brothers' abilities, it's easy to save people. I don't know how to do it. I won't go in there."

After speaking, he left, but Qizhi grabbed his sleeve, Teng Yuyi asked curiously, "What is this?"

Qizhi said in a low voice, "Young Master Wang saved my life, and I promised to untie the evil spirit ring for you. If you leave now, I can't think of a way. Trust me, I will definitely It will do what it says.”

Teng Yuyi remembered that the two almost got into the monster's stomach just now, and pulled back her sleeves: "I believe you? Do I still want to be chased by the monster again?"

Qizhi's face was full of shame, but he refused to let go of his hands, so he forced Teng Yuyi into the building.

When they arrived at the back garden of Caifeng Tower, Calyx Ji greeted the burly men who were guarding the door, and led Teng Yuyi and others inside.

"That place is in the back row of the dormitories. Since the slaves know that there is a worship there, they rarely go there on weekdays."

Teng Yuyi walked and looked at it. It was no wonder that Caifeng Tower was able to become famous in a short period of time. It was just a sculpted wall in front of him, and the backyard was also decorated with jade bars and Zhuzhen. The night wind was blowing towards him, making the peony flowers rustling in front of the steps. , that is, the farther you go, the colder the wind feels.

Calyx caressed her arms: "Master, Daoist, don't you think this place is gloomy?"

Jue Sheng looked around nervously, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure standing in front of him, and Caly Ji saw it too, she was about to scream in fright, but fortunately, Qi Zhi covered her mouth in advance and whispered, "Hey, it looks like a Taoist priest. "

Absolute Saint's eyesight is also better than ordinary people. He sprinted a few steps and whispered, "Old Daoist, is that you?"

The man passed over the treetops, turned over and jumped down, holding a whisk in his hand, it was Lin Chengyou who was pretending to be an old man.

Qizhi and Juesheng breathed a sigh of relief and gathered around: "Old Daoist."

Lin Chengyou flicked his whisk: "My dear, this monster is so good, I almost didn't escape."

Calyx Ji looked at the old Taoist in surprise, didn't she say that the prince is coming, why is there an unserious Taoist priest in front of her.

Lin Chengyou asked Qizhi and Juesheng: "How did you find them?"

Qizhi and Juesheng turned around and pointed: "Miss Teng called this fake mother called Caly Ji aside, and after a lot of trouble, Caly Ji revealed something, and we came here. Brother, you Why are you here?"

Lin Chengyou looked at Teng Yuyi, and Teng Yuyi also looked at him lightly.

Lin Chengyou looked at Teng Yuyi calmly. The big bag of itch bugs took up a lot of land, and they could always show traces on her body. She was wearing Hu people's clothes, but her sleeves and boots didn't seem to be hiding anything. The guard beside her was not only dressed in strong clothes , she didn't even mention a burden in her hand. It can be seen that although she came to find him to release the curse tonight, she didn't bring the itch bug on her body at all. The things that lied to Qingyunguan refused to return, so you still expect him to unlock the evil spirit ring?

I was going to help her to release the curse, but I changed my mind in an instant, smiled and said: "Here is the old nest where that thing is hidden, I just looked around in the yard, and found that this place seems to have been set up many years ago. , I don't know why the formation method has leaked, and I can't hold the thing underneath, but I have been looking for it for a long time, but I haven't found the formation eye yet."

Jue Sheng and Qi Zhi anxiously told what happened just now.

Lin Chengyou clicked his tongue: "When will you learn to talk about the key points? Why didn't you talk about such an important matter earlier?"

Qizhi also mentioned the disappearance of Juan Erli: "Senior brother, you can see a little lady with the appearance of a barbarian in the enchantment."

"I didn't see it." Lin Chengyou waved at Calyx Ji, "Where is the smashed stone, show us the way quickly."

Calyx Ji looked at Lao Dao, only to find that he had a quiet breath, his hands were even more slender and clean, and he had a good smile when he spoke, which looked like a sloppy person.

She was born with a pair of hot eyes, and vaguely guessed that he was the prince, his legs were inexplicably weak, and his eyes no longer dared to turn around. ."

Qi Zhi hurriedly chased after him: "Senior brother, Wang Gongzi's sword—"

Lin Chengyou interrupted him: "The most important thing is to save people right now, and the irrelevant things will be discussed later."

Calyx Ji nodded in confusion: "Juan'erli is only afraid that there will be more fortunes than good luck, and I also ask the Taoist priest to help find someone quickly."

Qizhi bit his lip and looked helplessly at Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi glanced at Lin Chengyou's back, and knew that he would deliberately make things difficult for her, and staying here would be more unfortunate.

She turned her head smartly and left, and said to Huoqiu, "It's none of our business, let's go."

Unexpectedly, just after a few steps, Qizhi ran over and grabbed her: "Young Master Wang, you can't go."

This time it was not Teng Yuyi's turn to curse, Lin Chengyou stopped and looked at Qizhi in surprise: "What are you going to do?"

Abandoned wisdom and determined not to let Teng Yuyi go: "If you want to save Juanerli, you must have Wang Gongzi."

Teng Yuyi pulled her sleeves back hard: "I don't know Taoism, what are you dragging me for? I've had enough tonight. If you don't let go, I'll be welcome!"

At first, Huo Qiu only thought Teng Yuyi was joking, so he didn't do anything. This time, seeing that the little master was really angry, he slapped Qizhi without saying a word.

Qizhi was busy dragging Teng Yuyi, and he didn't have time to look behind him. Juesheng was the furthest away, and he couldn't catch up for a while. Seeing that Huo Qiu's palm was about to hit Qizhi, he poked an arm from the stab and buckled it at once. Hold Huo Qiu's wrist.

Huo Qiu was in pain, knowing that this man was very skilled, he wanted to fight back, but when he looked up, he realized that it was Lin Chengyou.


There was no smile in Lin Chengyou's eyes: "He is a person from my Qingyunguan. If he makes a mistake, I will discipline him. What kind of thing are you, you are also worthy of acting wild in front of me?"

Huo Qiu pulled back in shock, Lin Chengyou's face sank, and he attacked him in the chest. hit.

The two separated after only this move. Teng Yuyi was terrified, afraid that Huoqiu would suffer, so he gave Lin Chengyou a sideways look: "Huoqiu, don't bother with him, let's go."

Unexpectedly, Qizhi still refused to let go. He looked at Teng Yuyi with tears in his eyes: "Young Master Wang, please believe me once, please don't leave. If you stay for a while, I will definitely find a way."

Lin Chengyou said blankly, "Let go of the prince and come here."

Abandoning wisdom is not willing to let go.

At this time, there was only an abnormal noise coming from the front. Lin Chengyou ran out of patience, turned around and walked forward, and said sternly, "If you don't know what's good or bad, go back and take a half-year confinement by yourself!"

Jue Sheng stomped his feet anxiously: "Abandoning wisdom, the Taoist priest is angry, let the prince go. The prince doesn't want to stay, why do you have to force others?"

Teng Yuyi broke off Qizhi's fingers with all his strength, and Qizhi shook his head with tears in his eyes.

Teng Yuyi was in shock, she was dragged by Qizhi and took two steps, and she simply waved to Huo Qiu behind her. Under the circumstance, Aizhi is especially stable, and suddenly he loses his temper, there must be a reason for him.

So she changed from coercion to coaxing: "What are you going to do? It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient to say it out loud, you can also whisper it to me."

Qizhi just shook his head and dragged Teng Yuyi to catch up with Lin Chengyou and the others.

Calyx Ji led the group to the depths of the garden before they stopped, and further ahead was a small and clean Buddhist hall. Qizhi estimated that Teng Yuyi would not run away for the time being, and finally let go, but she hid in the dark, not knowing what to do. what to do.

Teng Yuyi felt that something was wrong, and raised her voice: "Abandoning the wisdom of Taoist priests?"

Qizhi muttered at the other end: "I'm fine, Young Master Wang, just wait a minute."

Calyx Ji pushed open the door dedicated to the golden boy, and said timidly to Lin Chengyou, "The entrance to the cellar is inside, just after the confession. At that time, the craftsmanship was a boulder dug in the cellar."

Lin Chengyou looked around, stepped up the steps, girded his robe around his waist, and said to Juesheng and Qizhi, "This place is very demonic, you all follow me in, it's an old rule, one guards the rank and the other guards the rank of Sundae. , when you hear my order, you will throw out the golden net."

Jue Sheng responded immediately, but Qi Zhi said in a trembling voice: "Master, I can't follow. My little finger is broken, and I can't grasp the sword or hold the sword. I have to find someone to replace me."

Lin Chengyou and Juesheng were both taken aback, and Teng Yuyi was also inexplicably surprised. When Qizhi grabbed her just now, all ten fingers were fine, so how can you break it?

Lin Chengyou dragged Qizhi out of the dark, Qizhi tightly guarded his right hand, and his facial features were twisted into a ball in pain.

Lin Chengyou raised his arm to look, and saw that the little finger of his right hand was bent, his expression changed, without a word, he took out a bottle of medicine from his arms and let Qizhi take it, and looked at the wound with the light: "Why are you so careless, what? When did it stop?"

"When I was fighting with demons in the building, I accidentally pinched it off. Taoist priest, saving people is the most important thing right now. I can't protect the formation like this, so I can only find another person who can make magic weapons to replace it."

Lin Chengyou suddenly understood, glanced at Teng Yuyi, and deliberately asked Qizhi: "You said it lightly, where can I find someone who understands magic tools temporarily?"

Qizhi turned around and pointed at Teng Yuyi, and said anxiously, "Young Master Wang knows how to use magic tools, and the one in her hand is not an ordinary magic tool."

Teng Yuyi had already heard the way out, but she was so shocked that she couldn't believe it for a while.

Lin Chengyou snorted and said, "That piece of Wang Gongzi? Isn't it the emerald sword, and the evil spirit ring is right now, which is equivalent to a waste product."

Qizhi hurriedly said: "As long as senior brother unties her evil spirit ring, you forgot, senior brother, last time the tree demon was close to becoming a demon, and the prince was able to cut off one of its claws with an emerald sword, you can see that this sword How powerful, and it recognizes the master, only the prince can call this sword!"

Lin Chengyou couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted: "What good did she promise you, you would rather cut off a finger and force me to untie the evil spirit ring for her?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled, and Juesheng looked at Qizhi's injured hand in disbelief: "Qizhi? You, did you break your fingers on purpose?"

Qizhi's face turned pale, and he hurriedly looked around and said to him: "Master, it's not too late, I'm afraid that we won't be able to save Juanerli any longer."

Teng Yuyi walked quickly to Qizhi's side. No wonder Qizhi said that she would definitely untie her evil spirit ring tonight. She just thought he was talking casually, who would have thought he would do such a thing.

She grabbed Qizhi's arm and looked at it carefully, then took a deep breath: "Are you crazy?"

Qizhi bit his lip: "Young Master Wang, thank you for saving my life. Brother, now I can only let Young Master Wang help you protect the formation."

Lin Chengyou said with a sullen face: "You think I won't release the curse for her? Do you know that you are hopelessly stupid!"

Ji Zhi was in a cold sweat, obviously the wound was extremely painful.

Lin Chengyou looked at Teng Yuyi reluctantly, originally wanting to force her to return the harmful bug, but after abandoning her wisdom, she could only release the curse: "Forget it, bring something."

Abandoned Zhi said: "Senior brother, this is none of Wang Gongzi's business. This is a method that I came up with myself."

"you shut up!"

Teng Yuyi glared at Lin Chengyou, she really didn't want to use Lin Chengyou's hand to solve the curse, but if she didn't understand it, it would be a waste of time to abandon her wisdom, so she took out the jade sword from her bosom: "Why does the Taoist have the nerve to blame junior brother? If it wasn't for your inhumanity, why would he make such a plan."

Lin Chengyou stared at Teng Yuyi, but took her sword in his hand, raised **** and swiped across the blade.

Teng Yuyi took the jade sword, and the ecstasy of getting it back made her temporarily forget her hatred for the person in front of her.

Lin Chengyou looked at her expression: "Actually, you saved Qizhi just now, I had planned to untie the spirit ring, but firstly you refused to return the itch, and secondly, you did not forget the jade sword at the juncture of life and death, I was curious for a while, Just to tease you on purpose."

Teng Yuyi felt a thud in her heart, lest people see the difference when she woke up. She never mentioned the origin of this sword to anyone. Lin Chengyou had something to say, so was she suspicious of something?

She said as if nothing had happened: "This is a relic left by my mother. I miss my mother, so I cherish it. The Taoist is used to calling for wind and rain, and I'm afraid he doesn't know what 'respect' is. Saying this to the Taoist Listen, the Taoist priest may not understand."

Lin Chengyou pulled the corner of his mouth: "Young Master Wang really has a good tongue. You lied to Qingyunguan for so many itchy bugs for no reason. I just gave a small punishment, but you are still wronged?"

Teng Yuyi took the opportunity to salute and said with a smile, "It's all the villain's fascination with what happened that day. The villain has been thinking about it behind closed doors for the past few days, and he has long regretted it. I came to the priest tonight to apologize. I got it that day. Itchy bug, the villain accidentally lost a few, and the rest can be returned to Zhao, and I hope the Taoist priest will forgive the villain this time for the sake of the villain's sincere remorse."

Lin Chengyou deliberately looked at her hand: "Where is the worm?"

"The villain was in a hurry to go out today and forgot to bring it out, but the villain dares to promise that the remaining bugs will be returned to Guiguan tomorrow."

Lin Chengyou said sarcastically: "Those 'lost' poisonous insects are estimated to have been used up by you long ago. I don't care what bad things you are trying to do, but you'd better not bring it to Qingyunguan's head. , otherwise I won't forgive you."

Teng Yuyi sneered in her heart, but her face was straight: "Little people never do bad things."

Lin Chengyou glared at Teng Yuyi: "You said you wanted to apologize to me just now, but just a few words like this, is it an apology?"

"How come? The villain sincerely wants to apologize to Guiguan."

Having said that, his body did not move.

Lin Chengyou said with a meaningful smile: "Don't you think I won't ask you to make amends?"

Teng Yuyi calculated in her heart that she got two packs of itch bugs in vain, and the jadeite sword was released again tonight. After careful calculation, there was no loss.

On the other hand, Lin Chengyou, who was tricked to get rid of the worm for no reason, must be unhappy in his heart. This person is arrogant and arrogant. If he won't let him feel comfortable tonight, he will definitely trouble her in the future.

She would still be walking in Chang'an in the future, and it would not do her any good to offend Lin Chengyou. Isn't it just an apology, it's supposed to be an apology for Daoist Qing Xuzi. The Caifeng Tower was erected horizontally and vertically, and she and Lin Chengyou would never have an intersection in the future.

She smiled and looked at Lin Chengyou, and said in her heart, "Thank you Qingxu Zi for the tickle bug", so she wanted to treat him as an old man to make amends. Suddenly there was a muffled sound from the bottom of the offering table over there, and Lin Chengyou turned around and left: "Now I am Busy catching monsters, when I'm free, you can salute yourself, I can bear it."

Said Bi quickly walked to the front of the confession, and disappeared as soon as he bent over.

Jue Sheng quickly followed: "Young Master Wang, hurry up."

Teng Yuyi drew his sword out of the scabbard, but heard Lin Chengyou say inside: "Don't. Wang Gongzi, I have already untied the evil spirit ring. Your goal has been achieved, and you can go back to the house."

"Return to the manor?" Teng Yuyi looked at Qizhi, who was still standing by, "Chief Daoist Qizhi is injured, so I don't need my help?"

Lin Chengyou's voice came from a distance: "This place is dangerous. Knowing how to use weapons doesn't mean you can protect the formation. Besides, I don't have the habit of letting women help guard the formation. Wherever you should go, just don't follow me."

Lin Chengyou and Juesheng disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Qizhi looked at the confession in the house worriedly.

Teng Yuyi checked Qizhi's right hand again, and found that his broken pinky finger was swollen and bruised beyond words.

"The wound must be treated quickly, otherwise it will leave the root of the disease. It hurts, right? I'll take you to the doctor first."

Qizhi shook his head worriedly: "Ms. Teng, I can't leave, this formation can stand here for nearly a hundred years, and the things it controls must be no trivial matter. Now that there is no one guarding the formation, I am worried that senior brothers and the others will be in danger. Wang Gongzi, don't worry, my brother gave me medicine, and it doesn't hurt much anymore."

He wiped the corner of his eyes with his other hand and muttered, "Senior brother must be very angry, he didn't even look at me when he left."

Teng Yuyi was amazed. This child is really an elm head. She would have cut off her finger to help her unravel the evil spirit ring, but now she is waiting here regardless of her wounded finger.

"It's his business that your brother is angry. You can't use the sword if you can't hold it, and it's all-match if you stay. Why don't you take this opportunity to go out to bandage and heal your wounds. There is a medical center nearby, so it won't take much time to come and go."

Qizhi shook his head stubbornly: "Although I hurt a finger, it's more than enough to look after Gu Zhen's eyes."

Teng Yuyi glared at him sideways: "Have you ever thought about it, just now your senior brother deliberately didn't arrange you, maybe he wanted you to take this opportunity to go out and deal with your wounds."

Qizhi's face brightened: "Yes, this is really something that Senior Brother did. Senior Brother refuses to forgive others, but he has always been very kind to me and Jue Sheng."

it is good? Teng Yuyi snorted coldly in her heart, she was just talking nonsense, the purpose was to persuade Qizhi to go out for treatment, but who knew that Qizhi would take advantage of the situation and praise Lin Chengyou, if this son is considered a good person, there is no evil person in the world.

As soon as Qizhi's spirit was lifted, his words also increased: "Senior brother must think that he is enough to deal with evil spirits to say this, but Master, his old man once said that you must never leave people outside the array, so I must not leave. "

Calyx Ji clasped her shoulders and approached them: "Although I usually feel that this place is very yin and qi, it is not so cold as an ice hole. Young master, Taoist priest, the slave family is too scared, when will you go back to the front building?"

Before he finished speaking, the curtain on the confession case suddenly rose without wind, and the shadow of the lamp was dim and miserable, illuminating the gloomy face of the golden boy.

Teng Yuyi looked around, suddenly hearing Huoqiu's scolding, turned his head and saw that Calyx Ji was sticking behind her.

Teng Yuyi wondered, "Qi Ji, what are you doing?"

Calyx Ji shivered: "I don't know why, I always feel cold everywhere, and the whole room is warmer by the prince's side."

Qizhi patted his head: "Wang Gongzi, this sword can ward off evil spirits, ordinary evil spirits dare not approach your body, Aunt Calyx will feel that you are warm and not strange, but even such a magic weapon can only protect you alone. , you can see how evil things are under here. Brother is right, this place is dangerous and abnormal, you need to leave as soon as possible."

Teng Yuyi said, "If we leave, can you handle it alone? Will you be afraid?"

Qizhi patted his chest: "Don't be afraid, I'm a Taoist boy of Sanqing under Taoist Master Qingxuzi. Only evil things have always been afraid of me, and there's no reason why I'm afraid of them."

Teng Yuyi said to Calyx Ji, "Go to the little Taoist priest and see if it's warm around him."

Calyx Ji tried to go over, and immediately ran back, shivering as she ran: "Leng Leng Leng."

Teng Yuyi frowned, Qizhi's cultivation was obviously not enough to deal with this situation.

Qizhi saw that Teng Yu was hesitant, lowered his head and took out the talisman paper from his arms, when the wind swayed, his fingertips ignited a faint blue flame: "Aunt Calyx, I didn't cast spells just now, come and try again, is it warmer around me? ."

Calyx Ji ran out of the small Buddha hall early: "Little Daoist, you