MTL - Cannon Fodder Cheat System-Chapter 172

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Music Life (10)

This song by Ji Xiao is that Gu Mang created a song himself more than ten years ago. This song was not only popular throughout the country, but also popular in foreign countries. This song not only has a lot of stars to cover, but also in the singing competition, there are often songs sung by the contestants.

Because this song is a very good classic, it is a classic song that tests the singing. If you can sing, you can prove the singing power of the singer.

Because Gu Mang was still very young, the songs he created were full of flamboyant style. Because he was born, he has hardly suffered in life, so his lyrics have almost no sorrowful content. At that time, the songs he created, from the lyrics to the songs, were full of passion and full of positive energy.

Gu Mang has a strong background and he has the ability to be talented. In these years, in the entertainment circle, whether singing or filming, it is almost smooth. But as he grew older, he saw more and more things. As people matured, the feelings of life became more and more. Therefore, his music has gradually begun to move towards a mature and stable style.

When Ji Xiao took the song of Gu Mang, he already felt that it might be difficult to get a high score this time because the song really did not match his style. Since his debut, Ji Xiao has always been a gentle and elegant style setting, he can not show this style of free and easy. So he actually hopes to sing the song that he sang, but unfortunately his first draw has drawn a song he didn't want to draw.

Gu Mang was really handsome and glamorous. When he stood on the stage, he would let the audience have the feeling of seeing the sun, but he did not dare to look straight. In the entertainment industry, artists who are handsome to Zhang Yang but not annoying are really very few. If the artist is not humble enough on the table, it is easy to be shackled by the black, but only Gu Mang is another, this is the unique style he has.

When Ji Xiao stood on the stage, he had an urgent and fast prelude, which was not very good with his whole person's style. In particular, Gu Mang likes to add rock style elements to his songs. In the process of singing, some places need to be very explosive. All the audience are waiting to see how much Ji Xiao can do.

The first few seasons of the singer are still stable, but as soon as the treble part, it is obvious that there is a gap with the original sing. It’s not that Ji Xiao Gao can’t sing. After all, he has learned vocal music for so many years. Gao Yin has no difficulty for him, but he wants to sing high-pitched like Gu Mang. It seems that there is not much effort, really. It’s very difficult.

Because this is really a very good classic song, the audience also tried very hard to put into the mood of the song, but looking at the stage of the season Xiao, the style of violation makes it difficult for them to concentrate on listening . Some viewers tried to close their eyes and not watch the season Xiao on the stage, but they couldn't help but frown when they reached the high-pitched part, then opened their eyes.

This song can be said that every listener has heard it many times, and what Ji Xiao sang is not the feeling that he has already portrayed in their memories.

The unique style of the original singer is too strong, which is a big challenge for the singer. If it is completely imitated, it is meaningless. It is better to listen directly to the original singer. However, if you add your own style, you will feel that there is no style in the image, so although many people have covered the song before, the audience's satisfaction is not high. Ji Xiao’s drawing of this song is quite unlucky.

At the end of the song, the audience present gave him a warm applause, but Ji Xiao’s calm expression was very stubborn to maintain.

The host went to the side of Ji Xiao and said, "The last contestant Ji Xiao’s singing has ended. First, please ask Ms. Zhang Lanxin for evaluation."

"Actually, his problem is quite obvious. I think," Zhang Lanxin said. "I can hear it. He has the ability to sing, but I think he may be very upset and actually took this song because the song is the first. In addition to being very difficult to sing, the style of the song is very different from his own style. I personally think that perhaps his singing is actually good, but there is no way to show it on this song. After all, the music style Differences are difficult to cross."

"Well, Ms. Zhang Lanxin's evaluation is quite pertinent. I think she should say most of the audience's thoughts. At least my thoughts are similar to hers." The host said, "So, let's listen." Qi Huan’s evaluation."

"His singing is like Zhang Lanxin said. He may not be able to express his true singing power in this song." Qi Huan said, "But I think his typhoon doesn't seem too good. I don't know because he doesn't. I am used to the style of this song, or the experience of singing on stage is too small. The emotional expression in the song is not very good, that is, it can not drive the emotion of the audience."

"Okay, the above is the evaluation of Qi Huan." The host suddenly made a solemn appearance and said, "Everyone, the next big thing is, let us listen to the original sing is evaluation."

"I have heard a lot of cover songs in this song. This should be the worst I have ever heard." Gu Mancai finished a sentence, the host opened his mouth and screamed, and regretted his eyes. The season is Xiao.

"The more I listened, the more I thought he sang the song that I originally sang, but other songs." Gu Mang said, "In fact, even if you sing the same song, you don't have to follow my original Style to sing, he can also make some changes in order to show his singing skills. This way, even if I did not sing my original style, but at least show your own singing strength. But I think he is very hard I want to imitate my style, but I can't do it, so the result is a mess. This shows that his ability to adapt to singing is not good, the foundation of singing is not solid enough, so he does not meet the style he is not good at. Know what to do."

After Gu Mang’s evaluation, everyone felt that he said it was very reasonable, because although he had selfishness, he did not use it. Whether it was Xi or Ji Xiao, he was really following his heart. The most realistic ideas give the ratings and scores.

"Okay, all three judges have already given their own evaluations. Now, please ask the three judges for the contestant Ji Xiao and give the score." The moderator said.

In the three reviews, Gu Mang’s biggest score is also the highest, so he is the last when he gives the evaluation, but when he gives the score, he is the first to give.

Gu Mang gave a five-point score, which is not only lower than the score of 璟旸, but also the most for all contestants.

Gu Mang is the original singer and is recognized as the strongest singer. When he gives a low score, the other two judges can be slightly higher than his score, but not too much and too low. So the other two reviews, one gave six points and one gave five points.

"Five points, five points, six points, this is the judging score of the contestant Ji Xiao." The host looked at Ji Xiaowen "Do you feel satisfied with such a score?"

"I, there are still many places where there are not enough. Thanks to the three judges for giving me evaluations and scores. I will work harder in the future." Ji Xiao resisted the unwillingness of his heart, very officially replied.

"Okay, the last contestant has already finished singing, the online voting has been opened, and now the audience can start voting. After an hour, we will count all the votes and then announce the first round."

All the participants were waiting for the results in the lounge, and the three judges returned to their lounges to rest, and the live broadcast will continue after an hour.

When Ji Xiaoyi returned to the restroom, he couldn’t hold it down. He sat down on the sofa and held his forehead and thought about Gu Mang’s criticism of him. He has studied vocal music for so many years, but now he has received a solid comment on the basis of singing. Even if he has great achievements in the future, this will be his eternal stain. Unless his achievements can surpass Gu Mang, no matter how confident he is, he feels that the possibility of surpassing Gu Mang is too small.

Liu Hang did not say a word after seeing Ji Xiaojin, and he patted his back and said, "Don’t worry too much. Among all the contestants, you have the most fans. Even if you make a mistake, it will not be easy. Being overtaken by them."

Ji Xiao originally thought that the style of the song he had drawn was not suitable for him. Even if he didn't sing very well, other audiences would definitely relax his request because of this. When I heard the comments of the other two judges, Ji Xiao’s heart was not so uncomfortable, but Gu Man’s evaluation made his mood completely fall to the bottom.

There are many fans of Ji Xiao, and compared with Gu Mang, it is not enough to see. Moreover, Gu Mang’s words are both authoritative and powerful, and passers-by listeners will agree with him.

An hour passed, the voting on the network stopped, the production team was voting on the statistics, and after half an hour, all the participants stood on the stage.

The host held the hand card with the result of the vote and said, "The first round of voting has ended. The ranking result is now in my hands. I am very nervous except for a few contestants, the audience on the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast. Want to know the ranking result?"

Because the voting page does not show everyone's total votes, the audience is really curious.

In a state where everyone is involuntarily nervous, the moderator announces from the last one.

The fifth, fourth and third places did not appear 璟旸 and Ji Xiao, so in the end they were the first two.

When Ji Xiao was nervous, he almost heard his heartbeat, and his face could not be controlled and began to turn white. He could no longer maintain his calmness. Anyone could see that he was very nervous.

Compared with him, he is very calm, even if he is familiar in the first round, he has absolute information in the last two rounds to win him.

"There are still two rankings left unpublished. Now I will directly announce who is the first." The host deliberately made the atmosphere even more tense. "First, who is it?"

"The first place is, the most online voting... Chu Yang!" The host said loudly in the cheers and applause of the audience. "The first vote on the Internet, the audience voted first, and the judge gave the highest score. First The victory of the round is Chu Yang! Congratulations!"

The season closed his eyes and closed his eyes. Although he had already had a hunch, he was still unwilling to lose to the shackles. He was particularly reluctant.

Although Ji Xiao was the one with the highest number of scores among all the contestants before the start of the competition, the growth rate of the fans was quite rapid, especially the sudden increase of a lot of powder, which was his vote more than Ji Xiao. One of the reasons.

Ji Xiao can rank second, and thanks to those fans who have more expectations for him, they feel that Ji Xiao is not lucky, and he has not chosen a song that he is good at, or he will be able to perform better.