MTL - Can You Love Me?-Chapter 510 Being filthy

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But everyone who hears, I feel that this is too hot.

The local hero of the screenwriter, sexually invaded a young girl who is still underage, my mother, this is true, it is really too good for the beast.

After Jane Zecheon left, many people couldn't help but embrace it and surrounded Yuan Kexin.

Ask her what happened last night.

Yuan Kexin's crying gas was not exhausted, and finally passed out.

The crew of the crew can only send her to the hospital first, and then there are many things, and they call the police.

After Jane Szechuan returned to the room, the first time to call someone to check the last night.

He is sure that the person who violated Yuan Kexin must be the crew of the crew. If the crew is still not scattered, this matter should be checked as soon as possible. Otherwise, people will be gone, and it will be difficult to check.

Although Jane Sawakawa suppressed the sound as much as possible, Xin Ai still didn't wake up.

She opened her eyes and stumbled and asked: "What happened?"

After Jane Zechuan hesitated, he still felt that he had to tell Xin Ai about this. He said: "I bought it for breakfast. You should wake up first, eat something, I will tell you slowly."

Xin Ai nodded, she got up and went to the bathroom to wash it out: "Let's say, what happened?"

Jane Zecheon then told her: "I only bought breakfast. When I just got out of the elevator, I met Yuan Kexin. She stopped me from letting me go. I said last night, I personally asked her, and then... violated her."

Jane Sawakawa said that his brow was wrinkled.

Xin Ai squirted the soy milk that just drank into the mouth: "What do you say?"

Jane Sawakawa pulled out two sheets of paper and wiped her mouth at Xin Ai: "Yuan Kexin said that I raped her last night."

Xin Ai put down the soy milk, can't be channeled: "No, how could she think so, last night we played a night card in Lu Jincheng's room..."

"Yeah, so there must be misunderstandings in this. If we can't do it today, we can't go. It must be checked. I don't want to bear such a crime!"

Xin Ai angered: "It is necessary to find out, you must find out, not only to wash your own innocence, but also ... to seize the real beast, so that no other girls will suffer..."

Jane Sawagawa said: "I have already arranged for people. I also told the director that the crew will not leave first. The prisoner must be the crew of the crew. I can’t let him run. I guess, at this time, even if Yuan Kexin does not report to the police, Other people who hear it will also call the police. We will wait for the police to come."

Xin Ai nodded: "Well, let's not go, wait until we check it out and leave..."

Xin Ai picked up another cup of soy milk and handed it to Jian Zechuan: "You can also eat something, don't worry, we have been playing cards with Lu Jincheng and his assistant last night. You have a certificate and there is proof of absence... Nothing will happen."

Jane Sawakawa smiled and said: "Okay, don't worry..."

He didn't worry about this matter at all, but Xin Ai cares about him so much, and his face still shows some sullen look.

Xin Ai sighed: "However, Yuan Kexin is still a little girl. I have no adulthood. I have encountered such a thing... 80% is a psychological shadow."

Jane Sawakawa glanced at her and slowly said: "I guess she may be the one who Lu Qiancheng said last time to marry your husband."

"is her?"

"Do you still sympathize with her?"

Xin Ai frowned, said: "It's still sympathetic, although she really shouldn't have any thoughts on you, but she didn't at least do anything that hurts me. To say it, or you are too good, let's Many people are obsessed with you."

Jane Sawakawa got in front of Xin Ai: "If I am not so good, how can I attract your idea."

Xin Ai stretched out a finger and pointed Jane Sawakawa's forehead to push his face away. He smiled and said: "No, if you didn't have such money, it would definitely not attract my idea."

Jane Sawakawa was hurt...

The two laughed for a while, and the mood was somewhat relaxed.

Just after breakfast, Lu Jincheng was knocking on the door.

Xin Ai opened the door and saw Lu Jincheng look anxious and asked: "Do you know?"

Lu Jincheng nodded. "There are already spreads in the crew. But before the police check it out, the director forbids everyone to pass outside..."

Lu Jincheng couldn't help but burst into a foul language. "Who is such a beast, you must find this person, and you must not let this scum stay in the circle..."

Xin Ai agrees with this statement: "This person is too mean, and you must take him out... otherwise, there will be other girls who will suffer in the future."

The three did not say much, the police came.

I went to Room 1502 first, and the bed was indeed a mess.

However, the police did not find too many useful clues because the other person used a condom when committing the crime and took it away afterwards. The suspect in the room was cleaned and the fingerprint on the doorknob was wiped. Basically, there was no him. Mark of.

Then, I started asking about Jane Sawa.

Yuan Kexin personally reported Jane Zechuan, saying that he took the initiative to meet her last night.

However, the police quickly ruled out the suspicion of Jane Sawagawa.

Because Jane Zechuan went back to the hotel together, and played mahjong in the room of Lu Jincheng, he was certified.

Midway Lu Jincheng let the hotel's waiter give them some fruit and drinks. At 3 o'clock in the morning, they also called a takeaway...

Moreover, in order to protect Lu Jincheng's **, the crew specially installed a surveillance camera outside his room, which was originally intended to prevent the paparazzi from coming in.

But this time it gave a strong proof to Jane Sawakawa's absence.

The monitoring showed that after Jane Szechuan and Xin Ai entered the door, they went out from Lu Jincheng's room until 4 o'clock in the morning. Only the hotel waiter and the takeaway brother came up.

All this can also be the innocence of Jane Sawakawa, helping him to elute his suspicions.

At this point, the case seems to be a bit confusing at once.

It is basically impossible to start with the room where the person opened, because the crew was unified at the beginning.

In the end, who knows that Yuan Kexin has a heart of love for Jane Sawa, and uses this to secretly stuff her notes.

However, this case actually seems a bit esoteric.

However, it is actually not so difficult. After all, it is already certain that it is inside the crew.

The crew is so many people, the woman is removed, and the person who can confirm the absence of the proof last night will be removed.

That prisoner is in it.

Because of this, the director said that women can leave first, but all male staff must stay and cooperate with the police.

Not only the staff, but also male artists can't go.

Fortunately, the police are not white, through the hotel's access control, and ktv monitoring records, and then the crew of the crew one by one.

Finally, the suspect was identified.