MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 4

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The city with power outage, except for the lights on the road, is almost plunged into darkness. It's getting colder, the wind is getting stronger, there's moisture in the air, and it's likely to rain.

No matter how sluggish Mo Qingqing is, this change in the city makes her have a premonition that something bad will happen. She knew she probably wouldn't be able to wait for the bus today. At this time, Mo Qingqing had to consider the issue of staying overnight.

She touched the more than 400 yuan in her pocket, shrank her body shivering in the cold wind, widened her eyes and carefully avoided the oncoming black figure along the eaves Go down.

Mo Qingqing walked about half a street and saw a small hotel. With her blocked nose, she asked the middle-aged woman who was sitting behind the counter eating instant noodles, "Madam, do you have a guest room?" She felt greedy when she saw the instant noodles, but when she smelled the aroma of instant noodles, she felt even more hungry. .

The proprietress looked up at her and said, "Yes." Pointing to the price tag.

Mo Qingqing asked again: "Is there any instant noodles for sale?"

The proprietress gave her another look and said, "Ten dollars a box."

Mo Qingqing felt that she was hungry enough to eat three bowls of instant noodles at the moment, she thought that she would have breakfast tomorrow, so she opened her fingers, compared a "five", and said: " Here are five boxes of instant noodles." She glanced at the open box of mineral water next to her, and said, "Two more bottles of mineral water."

The proprietress gave her mineral water and instant noodles, and asked Mo Qingqing to take out her ID card for registration.

The room rate is 60 yuan, the instant noodles is 50 yuan, and the two bottles of mineral water are 6 yuan.

Mo Qingqing's money shrunk by a quarter in an instant, which made her aching for a while.

After finishing the instant noodles, the proprietress led Mo Qingqing to the room upstairs.

The room is on the third floor, very dilapidated, with only a single bed and a thick quilt, there is a musty smell in the room, and the toilet in the toilet is yellow and looks dirty. Fortunately, the window glass of the house is good, airtight, and the anti-theft window with the thickness of the thumb is strong, so that there is no fear of thieves climbing in at night.

Mo Qingqing asked the proprietress to order boiling water for two bowls of instant noodles, took them back to the room, sat at the table and finished eating the noodles in front of the two candles the proprietress gave her.

She had eaten instant noodles, washed with disposable toiletries prepared by the small hotel, and then got out of bed. As soon as she lay down, she heard the sound of rain pouring on the glass window, and then there was thunder. She got up and opened the curtains, and saw that there were still many cars parked on the road with their lights on in the rainy night, and the car horns sounded a long series of sounds.

Comparing with the drivers outside who were stuck in the road and couldn't move, she suddenly felt that she was not so miserable, at least she was not in the rain at the moment.

Mo Qingqing doesn't know how Wu Mengmeng is now. She took out her cell phone again, and saw that there was only one battery left on the cell phone, but there was still no signal. She was afraid that the phone's electricity would run out, so she turned off the phone, and then got into the thick, with some unwashed or unwashed odors that others had used.

Sixty yuan for a small hotel with a separate toilet and bathroom, she can only make do.

Not long after Mo Qingqing slept, she heard conversations and footsteps in the corridor. She listened to it, and it seemed that it was raining outside and the road was blocked again. Many people who could not go back had to find a nearby hotel to check in.

She listened for a while, then fell asleep.

Mo Qingqing slept in the middle of the night, when she faintly heard screams and woke up suddenly.

She opened her eyes, listened carefully, and heard the sound of car horns and rain. She sat up and touched the lighter and candle on the bedside table. After lighting it, she held the candle and walked to the window to look out. She saw rain on the glass window, and through the glass window, you could vaguely see the car lights outside. She stuck it on the glass window and looked out carefully. There were many lights on the main road outside, no head in front and no tail behind. It seemed that the drivers were still blocked on the road.

Mo Qingqing wondered: Why is there no traffic police to divert the traffic?

She was just weird, but couldn't find the answer, so she crawl back into bed again.

She didn't know she had slept for a long time, and heard a scream of "ah-" from downstairs.

Mo Qingqing was awakened in her sleep. She got up and opened the curtains and looked out. She saw that it was already bright outside, the rain had stopped, and a crisp green was in the morning breeze. Windward exhibition.

It is a small green grass about ten centimeters high, with buds on the green stems, and soft tentacles on the buds. The pale yellow roots protruded from the slightly deformed seeds and stubbornly took root on the tiled windowsill.

If someone told her that smooth tiles can grow grass without soil and a little water, she would not believe it.

But at this moment, this small green bud is in front of you, and the thin bud is spreading and growing little by little against the wind, showing its vigorous vitality. The originally smooth tile had cracks that were spreading little by little with the roots it had digged into as it grew.

Mo Qingqing raised her voice and let out a scream that was comparable to that of a female soprano.

This broken grass has grown here!

Mo Qingqing can foresee that it will soon penetrate the glass window and occupy this room like Wu's stuffy room.

Two bottles of water for instant noodles ran downstairs.

She rushed to the gate in one breath, and the sight in front of her made her stop.

A sea of ​​mushrooms appeared in front of her.

The sidewalks, under the green trees, on the roof of the car, and on the road, are full of colorful mushrooms of different sizes.

These mushrooms were even more capricious than the grass she had seen before.

Some mushrooms are bigger than grinding discs, like an open umbrella on the top of a car; some mushrooms emit a faint blue light, and at first glance they look like glowing jellyfish; some The mushrooms are extremely small, but they are densely packed into a pile, and they are long and large, which makes people feel goosebumps all over.

There are not only mushrooms on the road, but also many strange plants. They grew so well that they drowned car tires in the grass overnight.

These strange-shaped plants and mushrooms grow together. With the night rain last night, like the spring girl in the elementary school textbook, she sprinkled a handful of seeds of all things into the world.

If only this is the case, after all, it is a wonder on earth.

However, just less than five or six meters away from her, facing the gate, a male corpse was lying on the ground, soaked in water, and on his back, Mushrooms grow on its head and legs.

Mo Qingqing instantly felt that she would never want to eat mushrooms in her life.

Her feet were rooted at the door. She held the instant noodles and water in one hand, rubbed her eyes hard with her right hand, and pinched herself again. It's not really not waking up dreaming or dazzling.

"Ah-" screamed from behind.

Mo Qingqing looked back and saw a middle-aged uncle looking out in horror. She looked back at the uncle, and felt that she didn't let the sight in front of her scream out, which was an improvement.

Guests came down one after another from the upstairs, and from time to time, some people were frightened by the sight in front of them and let out "ah--".

This situation is beyond Mo Qingqing's understanding, but she knows that this is by no means a good thing.

She walked out of the door of the store and looked out, and saw a lot of people standing under the eaves, everyone's faces were full of fear. She followed their line of sight to the road in the distance, and saw someone lying on the front cover of the car, someone lying beside the car, someone lying on the road, these people didn't move, let the mushrooms grow all over them And plants, there are one or two people almost every distance. The doors of some cars were open, and she could see the roots of the plants growing through the roof, hanging down on the seats and piercing the seats. Because the underside of the car was covered with mushrooms and plants, she wasn't sure if the roots penetrated the car's chassis.

Mo Qingqing saw the situation outside clearly. She didn't know where she could go after leaving the inn. Others may have a home to go back to, but she doesn't even have a home. She took the instant noodles and mineral water back to the small hotel to ask the proprietress for boiled instant noodles.

The proprietress said: "The tap water has stopped, there is no water."

Mo Qingqing glanced at the honeycomb stove in the small room behind and saw the fire, and said, "Then I will buy two more bottles of mineral water to cook the noodles."

The proprietress won't sell it to her.

Mo Qingqing originally wanted to use the only two bottles of mineral water she had to cook noodles, but she was not willing. She opened the instant noodles and ate the dry instant noodles with mineral water. Halfway through her meal, she felt a little strange, and when she raised her head, she saw many people looking at her. She glanced at them blankly, not understanding why they looked at her strangely.

A middle-aged man in his thirties and forties asked her, "Can you eat these corpses outside?"

Mo Qingqing instantly felt that this instant noodles could not be eaten.

She bought this instant noodles for ten dollars a box. There must be people like her who didn't buy food yesterday and are still hungry. If she walks out with instant noodles in hand, what if someone robs her? Might as well let her eat into the stomach at ease.

Mo Qingqing felt sorry for her money and instant noodles, and decisively filtered out the image of the corpse outside in her mind, and continued to dry the instant noodles. She ate two boxes in one go, flattened the remaining package of instant noodles and stuffed it into the down jacket pocket, stuffed the unopened bottle of water into the other down jacket pocket, and held half a bottle of mineral water in her left hand. Holding the dagger in his right hand, he left the hotel and headed towards the city hall and the gymnasium along the corner of the wall.

She thought that since Wu Mengmeng's house suffered disaster, there must be other residents' houses that were also homeless.

The gym is used as a shelter. She should be able to get help when she goes there. Maybe there will be armed police stationed there. If she is lucky, she may encounter boredom.