MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 387

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Mo Qingqing thought about it and asked, "Can their aircraft carrier be repaired?" Liu Ziche rolled his eyes at Mo Qingqing angrily, and said, "The main engine compartment and the backup engine compartment are both broken. Now, many cabins are flooded and need to go back to Hong Kong for overhaul. It is a blessing that this aircraft carrier can still float on the sea and not sink. Even if it can be repaired, the fuel will be a huge problem." Mo Qingqing said: "The aircraft carrier Is it nuclear energy?"

Wu Nan glanced at the flag hanging and said, "This aircraft carrier seems to be the Queen." Mo Qingqing did not understand, "What do you mean?" Wu Nan said: "I have read about the The news introduction of the Queen. It is an aircraft carrier that was commissioned not long before the disaster, and it uses gas turbines, IFEP integrated electric propulsion system." She paused, and added: "The world catastrophe happened, the British and American plates shifted, very It may cause earthquakes and tsunamis, coupled with the invasion of alien animals and plants, I think they should not have the financial and material resources to modify the power system, and even if they do, they will not re-engineer the nuclear energy that was discarded during construction into the Queen. The power is gone, and the power shield is still there, indicating that the defense system and even the weapon system have been upgraded after the disaster, and are separated from the power system in terms of fuel source."

Feng Qingran knew what Mo Qingqing wanted to determine. She and Liu Ziche had good hearing and heard them report the damage to the aircraft carrier. The power of the aircraft carrier has not been repaired, and they are trapped here. The defense system requires a large amount of power crystals, and their power crystal reserves have been emptied. Currently, they are obtained from the sea beasts that attacked them. The amount is very small and cannot last for long. As for the weapon system, the ammunition is almost used up, and currently only mechas can fight, and the casualties of the mechas are also very catastrophic. Most of the mechas are damaged, and more than half of the mechas cannot be used. More than ten copies. Their ability strength is low, and their combat effectiveness is very low without weapons and equipment. According to Liu Ziche's rating of abilities, those who have just evolved abilities that are only a little higher than ordinary people in combat power are E-level; they have fighting skills, have undergone professional training, can use abilities flexibly, and are good at strength, speed and Those who can beat the primary alien beasts in combat response are D-level. Most of them are in the C-level, and there is a super-power warrior team in the B-level, the number is about 20, as for the A-level, they did not find it.

Liu Ziche's ability rating is A+, less than AA, Wu Nan belongs to AA, Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran both belong to AAAAA level, which is the current highest level of 5A, the level of alien beast king. With their ability perception, almost everyone on this aircraft carrier is transparent, even the latent ability users who are good at concealment, speaking or doing activities will expose them. Feng Qingran told Mo Qingqing in detail what she and Liu Ziche had learned.

Mo Qingqing was speechless, and slowly climbed back to the animal skin raft, leaving only a few tens of centimeters left on the animal skin raft. past. Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche looked at each other helplessly, they both understood that Mo Qingqing hated getting on the aircraft carrier, but they knew it was impossible for them to leave these people behind and watch them die in the sea, so they replaced them with someone who was too lazy to deal with them. manner. Feng Qingran slid off the aircraft carrier, went to sit down beside Mo Qingqing, and said, "There are currently more than 800 people on this aircraft carrier."

Mo Qingqing raised her eyebrows and looked at Feng Qingran noncommittally. Feng Qingran pointed to the animal skin raft and said, "The large animal skin raft made of sea animal skins is more than 100 meters long and can accommodate more than 800 people. It can even take away many of their supplies and equipment, including mechas." He said bluntly: "If I could, I would prefer to tow their aircraft carrier away, but its power system can no longer be used, and there is no way we can take such a heavy aircraft carrier away."

Mo Qingqing said: "You don't need to convince me." Feng Qingran smiled, touched the top of Mo Qingqing's head, and said, "I'll dig a corner. Think about a boat How much equipment can a multi-billion-pound aircraft carrier dismantle, speedboats, helicopters, fighter jets, heavy machine guns, anti-aircraft guns, high-energy cannons, and ability defense covers, as well as forklifts, engineering vehicles, and various maintenance workshops on the aircraft carrier, weapons Maintenance personnel of equipment, fighter jets, helicopters and speedboats, engineers of various high-precision equipment... They are not combat personnel and have the highest survival rate. We sent so many materials to the capital base, for what? On the aircraft carrier The configuration of people, whether it is people or things, is the most advanced level in the world. What we need to consider now is whether people are willing to go with us, not whether we are willing to take them in.”

Mo Qingqing: "…"

Some countries are willing to take it back to their own country under various diplomatic pressures." She said, and patted Mo Qingqing's head again: What are you thinking if you don't pick up the huge sum of money for nothing. Mo Qingqing asked, "What do you want me to do?" Feng Qingran said, "Go into the water and do a few laps. By the way, let them know your strength and how fragile their aircraft carrier is. "Mo Qingqing: "..." Well, she likes to do this kind of showy thing. Feng Qingran instructed again, "Remember, you have to pretend that you accidentally bumped into it, and it's best to catch some sea beasts." Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes at Mo Qingqing angrily, "With a radius of dozens of nautical miles, don't expect to see sea beasts again. ." was already scared away. She added: "There is a black mist monster under the water."

Feng Qingran pointed to herself: With her here, what kind of devil Hai'e is she afraid of. Mo Qingqing was speechless and jumped into the sea, splashing a huge splash of water dozens of meters high. With Mo Qingqing's sudden departure, the animal skin raft rushed out of the water. Because of the speed, Feng Qingran was directly lifted into the air. Fortunately, her reaction was timely so that she would not be injured. After Feng Qingran persuaded Mo Qingqing, he approached the commander of the aircraft carrier formation again and asked if they needed rescue.

Then, the southern Chinese provincial government represented by Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche negotiated with the aircraft carrier formation represented by the commander of the Queen and the captain of the aircraft carrier. If the negotiations break down, the carrier will sink, the entire carrier formation and everyone will be sunk in the sea. Feng Qingran's condition is that before they contact their own country, their service object becomes her. The entire aircraft carrier formation is under her jurisdiction, the supreme commander and captain of the aircraft carrier formation are responsible to her, and she cooperates with all members to do their best to preserve the things on the carrier, and she has the right to dispose of these things. After they get in touch with their own country, they can freely choose to stay or go, and the materials and equipment they take away will be negotiated and negotiated by the southern provincial government represented by her and their country. The guarantee Feng Qingran provided them was to let everyone survive as much as possible and get out of the sea, which was also the common goal of both parties.

Under these conditions, the negotiation went very smoothly, and the two parties soon signed a negotiation agreement, followed by rescue and evacuation. Feng Qingran's request for the evacuation is: take all that can be taken away, the animal skin raft can't hold it, it doesn't matter, anyway, the aircraft carrier hasn't reached the point where it is about to sink, let Mo Qingqing go hunting large sea beasts, everyone makes beasts Raft it. A few of them can build such a large animal skin raft in a few months, and with eight hundred people on board, are they afraid that they will not be able to build enough animal skin rafts? Once built, connect these hide rafts to form a mobile fortress at sea.

The people on the aircraft carrier were stunned, and Mo Qingqing was equally stunned. If Mo Qingqing was to go hunting in another place, Mo Qingqing would have nothing to say, but there is a problem here. Large sea beasts have a very large range of activities, and sometimes they have to travel far to find them. If Feng Qingran only wanted to house 800 people, then just hunting a few heads would be enough, but she had to remove all the equipment on the ship mother and take it away. The number of sea animal skins needed was too large, so Mo Qingqing had to go to a very large area. hunting far away. This sea area is full of devil sea monsters. Her speed in the water is not as fast as the devil sea monsters. If she runs far away and gets blocked by them, she will die completely. In order to prevent the aircraft carrier from being attacked by the Devil Kraken, Feng Qing must sit on the aircraft carrier and cannot leave, and it is impossible to accompany her to hunt.

Feng Qingran will naturally not let Mo Qingqing run far away to hunt alone, even if there is no devil siren, she has to prevent Mo Qingqing from running too far and getting lost in the fog and being separated from them. Moreover, they have to remove the things on the aircraft carrier and build enough sea beast rafts, which cannot be done in one or two days. The hunting does not need to be rushed in these few days, you can take your time. She circled a hunting range. Within this range, as long as Mo Qingqing was attacked, she would be able to rescue him in time.

She asked Mo Qingqing to pay attention, if there is a giant sea beast, go hunt it, and also hunt the small and medium-sized sea beasts and fish around, in short, any seafood can be, one is to supplement Food, and secondly, is the bait. Too much bait can always attract large or giant sea beasts. If a giant sea beast came, Feng Qing would be sure to control the black mist ability to clean up all their internal organs, leaving only the intact and undamaged skin and bones of the sea beast. The animal skin raft built on the condition of the aircraft carrier will be much better than theirs, whether it is better in appearance, practicality or maneuverability, and it will be stronger and able to accommodate more materials and people. Liu Ziche took over the medical team.

Under the support of high-end technology and technical talents, the United Nations has far surpassed the capital base in the research and application of supernatural powers. The therapeutic drugs and supernatural evolution drugs are more advanced than Liu Ziche. There has also been deep progress in the research of the aircraft carrier, and is committed to the genetic cracking project to transform humans in a targeted manner. There are two super genetic warriors infected with xenografts on the aircraft carrier. One man and one woman, both at B-level, one is good at reconnaissance, the other is good at concealment, and is responsible for protecting the captain's safety.

They already have the inference that humans can evolve to the level of the beast king, but, according to their research and inference, it only exists in theory and cannot be practiced, because all kinds of genes have limitations. Continuous evolution requires breaking through genetic restrictions, and breaking through genetic restrictions is very dangerous. Furthermore, with the continuous improvement of power levels and the number of genetic breakthroughs, the energy required is also constantly escalating. The highest level they currently know is S-level. . Liu Ziche has carefully studied their grading standards, and there is not much difference between the two sides. Liu Ziche was able to successfully take over their medical team and access all their information. It was precisely because You Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing, who were still in the theoretical 5S level, made them mistakenly believe that they were from Southern Province. The scientific research results have far surpassed them, and there is also a lack of medicines.

They can produce more refined and more targeted medicines, but there is no pharmaceutical factory on the aircraft carrier, and there is no raw material production base. The manufacturing requirements of western medicine are very high, and various indicators must be accurately quantified. Many formulas are unknown to doctors because of patented technologies. They can only dispense medicines according to their efficacy, and once there is no ready-made medicine, they can only stare at the patient. Even suturing wounds, if there is no gauze and suture needles and sutures, can only be dumbfounded.

As for Liu Ziche, she has not seen the gauze and suture needles used in the hospital for more than ten years. The therapeutic drugs produced by regular manufacturers, whether in the southern province, the Taihu base, or in the capital Xincheng, the drug production lines under her hands are regular manufacturers.

When the doctors and nurses on the aircraft carrier saw that Liu Ziche was producing therapeutic drugs from various seafood, even unknown creatures, their expressions could only be described as "god". The worst part is that no matter where she is injured, she always uses the same type of medicine, and it has therapeutic effects, not killing anyone. After Liu Ziche made all the wounded with the life liquid, everyone called Liu Ziche "Magic Apothecary Liu", boasting that her hand must have been kissed by God to have such magic and magic power. This panacea was created under such difficult conditions.

Liu Ziche smiled politely at their praise, and rolled her eyes: If you can be primitive people for more than ten years, and serve as logistics doctors for all primitive people, you will also It can be done. She got angry just thinking about it. Others only need to prescribe a medicine or perform an operation to be a doctor. When she was a doctor, she had to find a cure by herself, so she had to study all kinds of alien plants and animals, and then she had to use materials to refine medicines on the spot when all kinds of materials were in short supply, forcing a doctor alive. Soon to be a world-class pharmacologist and biologist, or the kind that grow wild.

The people on the aircraft carrier also think they are hard. Liu Ziche couldn't help but complain in his heart: People who cross the sea on a homemade animal skin raft and can't even light a lamp have said nothing. You are embarrassed to say that you are hard!

Liu Ziche felt that they were living too well, so he secretly found Feng Qingran and Wu Nan, and told them that these people on the aircraft carrier were too weak, and manpower should not be wasted. To make the best use of them, their combat effectiveness must also be improved. No matter what, they must learn to fall into the sea without drowning and to hunt under the seabed of one or two hundred meters. Those doctors, engineers, chefs, etc. can't accept the protection of others with peace of mind. They must learn to fight. Once a sea monster strikes, they must all take up arms to fight. The consumption of power crystals for using mecha is one-time, while the power of people can be recovered after consumption. In the long run, it is more cost-effective to use the power crystals for mecha to improve the power level of people. . After Feng Qingran thought about it, he confiscated their mechas, handed them over to Wu Nan, and asked Wu Nan to kick them into the sea every morning and night to train for two hours.

A large net was pulled up on the hide raft, and they and the man-eating sea monsters were put in it like a cage fish and let them flutter together. These people were stripped to the point of only the forks of their trousers, and only weapons such as harpoons in their hands. After entering the water, they howled and fled to the shore desperately. Wu Nan put down his weapon and took off his armor, leaving only the animal skin vest and shorts, and plunged into the sea. After about ten minutes, she dragged a mutated aquamarine jellyfish with a diameter of more than ten meters up. She covered her hands with power, tore open the aquamarine jellyfish with her bare hands, dug out a watermelon-sized power crystal and threw it on the deck. The soldiers looked at Wu Nan, who was very small, looked at the aquamarine jellyfish, looked at the power crystals that were pulled out from the body of the aquamarine jellyfish, and looked at the sea fish in the net that looked similar to tiger sharks. What Wu Nan said, they jumped into the net and fluttered, tearing up with the sea fish.

Wu Nan put on his armor, picked up his gun, and stayed on the deck, paying close attention to the situation in the net. If he saw someone in danger of life, he could shoot in time to save them. Devil Kraken haunts frequently, but Feng Qingran has always been paying attention to the black mist energy waves around her. Once she senses a Devil Kraken approaching the area she has drawn, she will start hunting. It's just a group, and she doesn't let it go. Feng Qingran told the devil siren with attitude that this is her territory, and she has enough strength to kill them to protect her territory. The devil sirens were not willing to give up like this, so they drove the sea beasts to attack again. Feng Qingran and Mo Qingqing unceremoniously accepted these sea beasts, they were short of animal skins!

Devil Kraken scattered into various places to attack Feng Qingran, Feng Qingran's strategy is still to enter the water and prey on a large scale, so that her black mist ability will not corrode When it comes to the aircraft carrier on the sea, the Devil Kraken can't get close and can only give it away. The devil siren also performed various sound temptations, and even lifted the sunken ship out of the sea and imitated the sound of the ship's whistle to call for help. Wu Nan sat on the back of the scheming bird, flew into the air, took a high-powered telescope and looked at it from a distance, seeing the dilapidated ship that was broken into two pieces and forcibly pieced together, he didn't even bother to turn his eyes and continued. Train the soldiers. The Devil Kraken thought of another trick to drive away the sea beasts and fish in the outer area, making them lose the source of their prey. Feng Qingran and the others smiled at the sea beasts sent by the devil siren. There was no shortage of food, no shortage of skins, and no prey. They continued to train, build kayaks, and move houses steadily.

After more than three months, everything that could be removed from the aircraft carrier was removed, and even the heavy cranes were driven to the kayak covered with steel plates. If they go, they can only stay on the aircraft carrier after they are damaged. Feng Qingran wanted to build a mobile fortress at sea, but their only navigational power was sails. Considering practical problems, they could only set up a formation and connect to each other by bridges when they stopped. When driving and fighting, they were separated and acted according to the semaphore on the command ship. After Feng Qingran built the fleet and completed the relocation, they set sail again and floated on the sea. As soon as they walked away, the devil sirens rushed onto the aircraft carrier like a tide.

Feng Qingran didn't set traps on the aircraft carrier to deal with them, considering that they didn't know how long they would have to float on the sea. Only the warning words are welded on the shells on both sides of the aircraft carrier, so that the uninformed people will encounter the danger of the aircraft carrier floating at sea. Mo Qingqing and the others have become accustomed to wandering without a fixed place since the disaster. In the past, they would feel bored wandering on the sea. Production and renovation projects are busy all day long.

As for the others on the ship, they have long since lost all the supplies they used to have, and they just need to do their jobs and live a happy life. Their mechas were confiscated, their uniforms rotted, and the clothes they wore later were sewn from sea animal skins, and the weapons used after the bullets were shot were made of sea animal bones. They used to need gas cylinders for diving, safety ropes on their bodies, someone watching the equipment to pay attention to their underwater situation, and even safety cages. Only keep the armor that protects the vital parts close to the body, hold the harpoon in the hand, and dive underwater. Everyone has the skills of catching sea monsters with their bare hands, so that even if they are thrown into the sea in a big storm, there is no need to do so. Others can also swim back to the animal kayak by themselves.