MTL - Call Me God of War-Chapter 383

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They can't use any external force to face the misty stone clothes, and they can't disguise and confuse them. The misty stone clothes grow in a wide range. Except for the scheming birds, no one is sure to be able to fly over the misty stone clothes mountain. Especially the three-headed blue-scaled beasts, they can leap and glide short distances with the help of armor inlaid with purple power crystals, or they can leap farther and faster with the help of points, and they can even face down. Climbing upside down or stepping on the water with the help of buoyancy to cross the water, but let them fly long distances in the sky, and give them a pair of wings. allow.

Liu Ziche can fly high in the sky like a bird, but, although her skeleton is mutated, the internal organization of the skeleton has evolved slightly, and the overall shape has not changed, and the human skeleton is not suitable for long distances at all flight. After flying dozens of miles, she would stop to rest, take the power liquid to restore her power and physical strength, and then continue to fly.

She flew to the sky to check the mountain before, and she could not see how big it was from her visual distance. According to the height and terrain trend, it was at least a medium-sized mountain. A few hundred miles is close, and a thousand miles is within her expectation. You must know that the Qinling Mountains are 1,600 kilometers long, and the Yanshan Mountains are more than 400 kilometers long, and this mountain range is much larger than the Yanshan Mountains.

The topography of the mountains is complex, and there are basins and lakes in the mountains in front of them, which are rich in natural resources, especially the resources of different birds and fish. During the flight, she not only had to guard against the alien birds that came out to prey, but also had to guard against the sudden change of weather, or a sudden gust of wind. If there is a foothold on the ground, she can still find a place to avoid the wind when she encounters a sudden gust of wind, and if she falls to the ground to avoid the wind in this mountain range, she may be looking for death, not shelter from the wind, the gust of the blizzard season can blow her to the sky again If it hits the ground, the bird will fall straight from the sky, not to mention her.

Liu Ziche can't fly, let alone other people or blue-scaled beasts.

Mo Qingqing's brain is not smart, plus she is reckless and heartless, she often gives the impression that she has no brains, but she dares to fight and experience Many times, he has developed an amazing intuition in dealing with the birth and death of alien beasts and implants. As early as when others were still thinking about what to do, she already knew how to do it subconsciously.

In order to prevent Wu Nan and the blue-scaled beasts from being poisoned, Mo Qingqing and Feng Qingran scraped the misty stone coat on the road.

Liu Ziche and scheming birds flew to the sky to find the fastest route. It doesn't matter if the road is good or not. For them, the straight cliffs and canyons and waterfalls are like walking on the ground, and they are close.

The distance of the ability released by the fog stone clothes is very limited, the farthest distance is only about ten meters, for the sake of safety, Feng Qing has controlled the coverage diameter of the black fog ability to fifty or sixty meters Left and right, all the misty stone clothes within the range of the black mist ability were swallowed by her, she was responsible for cleaning the stems and leaves on the ground, and Mo Qingqing was responsible for cleaning up the omissions and digging those "brains", that is, the main plant.

Mo Qingqing really wanted to participate in the road opening project, but Liu Ziche and Wu Nan agreed that they disliked her poison, and they were worried that the poisonous ivy was everywhere, so they avoided the fog Shi Yi's poison was poisoned by her.

, the small ones are just born, smaller than a fist.

According to common sense, Mo Qingqing should avoid it, but if she wants to avoid it, she is not the **** of war Mo Qingqing.

The matter of opening the way was resolved by Feng Qingqing, and Mo Qingqing was idle.

The speed at which the black fog ability devours the foggy stone clothes is really not fast. It can only drive more than 20 miles a day at most. After absorption, it is excreted without digestion.

So Mo Qingqing was very idle, Liu Ziche was doing research in the tent on the back of the green scale beast all day long, and the clever bird was responsible for taking Wu Nan to patrol. The weather is good these days, and Wu Nan occasionally Let the scheming bird carry her and run out to hunt and bake some prey back.

Mo Qingqing saw that Wu Nan was free to hunt, but she couldn't ride a scheming bird, so she went hunting herself.

In the beginning, Mo Qingqing just dug the misty stone clothes, constantly evolving and adapting, and when she no longer rejected the misty stone clothes, she became unrestrained and ran all over the mountains and fields, looking for misty stones everywhere Clothes dig.

The misty stone coat is a heterophyte. It grows wherever it takes root. It cannot move and can only grow continuously. They disperse the seeds, relying on the wind, mainly during the windy season. Allografts have a characteristic, territorial awareness. Basically, there is only one "brain" in a foggy stone coat, that is, the main plant. There are no seedlings and newly sprouted seeds. Probably the main plant occupies the growth space, and the seedlings are No.

There were also some misty stone coats whose seeds were not blown too far by the wind and got stuck between the crevices and stones occupied by other misty stone coats. In this place that has been occupied by other misty stone coats, the seeds will not survive even if they germinate, probably because of their instincts evolved over a long period of time. The seeds that fall on the misty stone coats basically do not germinate and are in a dormant state , they will not sprout and grow until they are brought to a suitable place by the wind.

After Mo Qingqing entered the misty Shiyi mountain, she found that there were seeds of misty stone clothes everywhere. Pick up and eat them casually. If she wanted to use the mist ability to deal with her, Mo Qingqing would paste it back with the poisonous juice of the ghost hand vine, and then let out the ghost hand vine and stretched it into the rock to stir up the sky and the earth. .

After she finished stirring, she quarreled with the misty stone clothes.

Mist Shiyi couldn't stand her, so she wanted to let her go, let her go directly with her team, and leave quickly.

Mo Qingqing refused, "No, what if you lied to me?"

Mist Stone Clothes asked: "What does cheating mean?"

Mo Qingqing said: "It's just not worth talking about. After my teammates walked over, you suddenly changed your mind and didn't let them go, and poisoned them to death."

The misty stone clothes were shocked: "It can still be like this." Then they discussed whether to lie or not to talk.

Mo Qingqing: "..." Is it too much to discuss this in front of me.


Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes, "You are the monsters, your whole family are monsters."

The misty stone clothes told Mo Qingqing that they would not lie to them and let them go.

Mo Qingqing said: "Whether you lie to me or not, I will not believe you. It is more reliable to hold your life in your own hands. Besides, the seeds that cannot germinate in the mountains are eaten. How good, I'm not in a hurry to leave." She also threatened them, "You better be honest, I can run and jump, and I can also make the mountain collapse, let the ground sink, you offended me, believe it or not one day I will All your main plants are dug up and eaten." She also told her in detail what strategies she had thought of, such as using ghost hand vines to dig holes in the mountains below their main plants, collapse them, and let the mountains first Crushing their main plants to death, she will dig out the crushed main plants and pick them up for cheap. She said: "It saves me knocking the shell."

"I can also call my scheming bird and Feng Qingran to hunt you together, do you know how to hunt, that is, the three of us will go together, beat you in all aspects, practice boxing and find your flaws by the way , and then carry it forward, so that more of my kind can deal with you. We have a lot of kind, and your number is a drizzle compared to us. Our cubs can run around, and the whole world is ours. As for you , in the future will only be reduced to firewood."

The Mist Stone Clothes discussed whether or not to kill Mo Qingqing and the black mist monster, but there was no solution. They can't move, the ability can't be released, even if the ability is released, the two monsters can't stop it. They want to use the two monsters' companions to deal with the monsters. This Mo Qingqing protects them so well that they are completely out of reach.

Mo Qingqing said: "You can wait for the wind to blow, let the wind blow the fog ability."

Although the misty stone clothes can't roll their eyes, Mo Qingqing still feels their emotions. She said in her heart, "It's not easy to cheat."

The ability of the misty stone clothing is released to protect the wind and rain and keep warm. As for the wind and the like, the premise is that it must die and the ability leaks. Of course, they can cut off the connection between the fog power and the main body, but the result of doing so is that the fog power has become a meat bun for dogs, and it is not something they can grasp where it is blown by the wind.

Mo Qingqing said: "You can count, calculate the wind speed, and then release the fog power from the upper wind." Mo Qingqing also demonstrated to them.

A group of misty stone clothes rolled their eyes again! As soon as the wind blew, the fog power was blown away, and it had no effect.

After Mo Qingqing got tired of eating the misty stone coat seeds, she picked a young main plant about seven or eight meters high and prepared to slaughter it. This main plant grows in an excellent location, mainly close to a lake, and grows on the leeward side, and there are mountains to protect it from the wind. It grows so moist and strong.

Of course, the premise of all this is not to encounter landslides!

Mo Qingqing ran to the top of the main plant, drew a topographic map, measured the distance, and asked Feng Qingran and Liu Ziche to calculate the angle and trajectory for her.

The main plant had a bad premonition when Mo Qingqing was around it all day long, and it felt a deep malice, the threat of death and malice. It strongly protested, saying that Mo Qingqing was about to become half of their kind, and it couldn't be like this. After talking a lot, they couldn't convince Mo Qingqing, and they went to the same clan to join forces to kill him, but she knew all their tricks, so she couldn't do anything about them. The same clan also said that if they could kill her, they would have turned her into nutrients. It's not impossible.

Afterwards, Mo Qingqing finally left, instead of coming around her, she turned around the stones instead.

, so that it can't help but worry and fear.

Mo Qingqing ran around the stone for a while, and didn't come for a day.

The main plant is still very afraid, and the maliciousness from Mo Qingqing is separated by several hills, and it can feel it. The main plant is very aggrieved: "Why did you choose me?"

Mo Qingqing replied: "Because you are strong, fat, and the most promising."

Main plant: "..." It asked Mo Qingqing again: "What are you going to do to me?"

Mo Qingqing said: "You will know tomorrow."

The main plant saw the most unforgettable scene in her life. Mo Qingqing first used the ghost hand vine to pry the stone giant loose, and then pushed the giant stone down the mountain.

The main plant watched helplessly as the boulder rumbled down from the mountain and hit it—

This scene, through the communication between the misty stone clothes, is clearly presented in the minds of all the misty stone clothes in this misty stone clothes mountain, so that they can see clearly and clearly , so that they even saw how the stone was pried loose and rolled over.

The tragic situation when the main plant died was also clearly seen from Mo Qingqing's perspective.

The scene scared the misty stone clothes into silence!

They are reflecting: Why don't they pretend they are just ordinary plants when they meet them and let them pass! Mo Qingqing said, "We are busy on our way, so we don't have time to pay attention to you. It was you who blocked our way and still wanted to eat us, so I got on with you!"

After the misty stone clothes were silent, they remembered what Mo Qingqing said about the conditions before, so they asked Mo Qingqing to explain the conditions, how not to deal with them.

Mo Qingqing said: "It's very simple, we will drive our way and go our way. You offer us good things, and I will not dig your main plants."

The misty stone clothes asked: "Is the offering for good things? What are good things?"

Mo Qingqing said: "You catch the prey and eat the indigestible things."

Mist Shiyi told Mo Qingqing, "As long as it is prey, we can digest it, including you."

Mo Qingqing asked them what specialties there were in the mountains.

The misty stone clothes asked what is a special product.

Mo Qingqing said minerals, power crystals or something.

The misty stone coats were silent for a long time before they said: "We only grow on the epidermis of the mountain." How could they know what is in the mountain, even if some can grow in the crevices of the mountain, it is not easy to hunt there , can not get sunlight and moonlight, it is difficult to grow.

Mo Qingqing asked them to honor their prey. They said that they didn't have enough to eat and that hunting was very difficult. They had to wait for the prey to step in by themselves. When the prey steps in, when they catch the prey, the prey is also eaten by them and cannot be left behind.

Mo Qingqing found that these misty stone clothes were so poor that only they were left! While she was disgusted with the misty stone clothes, she also understood why the misty stone clothes stared at her closely at the beginning, it was really poor! Finally, a fat sheep came, and it ran away when it was eaten, how could it be reconciled.

She was not satisfied that the misty stone clothes failed to extort blackmail successfully, and said: "You have to call me the boss in the future, listen to me, if I am happy, I can give you some casually. The prey is eaten." In order to show her ability, she ran into the water, caught a lot of exotic beasts and threw them into the misty stone coat, and then stared at the main plant that she smashed with the prey, saying: "Call me boss, Otherwise, I will stone you to death and bury you with a mountain."

The misty stone clothes were very happy to absorb the prey, hearing that Mo Qingqing could probably feel her thoughts, the misty stone clothes discussed it again, and then shouted together: "Boss. "The shouting boss is neither painful nor itchy, and there is still prey, but if you are hit by a stone and buried in a mountain, you will die.

Mo Qingqing told them, "I will see all my companions in the future, and they will not be allowed to hunt." She taught them a political lesson, and then ran to catch some prey and throw them away Give it to them, and then happily ran back to find Feng Qingran, who had opened the way until he vomited seven or eight times a day, and said, "Feng Qingran, I'll take my brother from Yishan."

Feng Qingran looked at Mo Qingqing inexplicably: What do you mean?

Liu Ziche opened the tent curtain, stuck her head out, and asked, "The younger brother of Yishan?

Mo Qingqing said: "The misty stone clothes, they are deeply impressed by my charm, the misty stone clothes all over the mountain call me the boss together."

Feng Qingran: "…"

Liu Ziche: "…"

Wu Nan: “…”

What is she doing?

Then, they remembered that Mo Qingqing was so bored that she was going to smash Mist Shiyi's head with a stone, and Liu Ziche was so annoyed by her that she dismissed her. But Mo Qingqing smashed Misty Shiyi's head, and Misty Shiyi still called her boss?

Feng Qingran threw up in the corner, rubbed his extremely uncomfortable stomach, returned to the tent, and said, "Tell me carefully."

Mo Qingqing said: "I found that the misty stone clothes are still very good at communicating, and they are very reasonable."

Liu Ziche rolled her eyes and said, "Tell me what you did."

Mo Qingqing told them in detail about her dealings with the misty stone clothes.

Feng Qingran summed it up in four words: "Coercion and lure."

They didn't know whether to call Mo Qingqing shameless or praise her for being amazing. You, a ghost-hand vine spirit, ran to be the boss of the misty stone clothes, cross-race! Feng Qingran asked Mo Qingqing, "Can we stop driving?" After driving further, she couldn't help but vomit when she saw the misty stone clothes.

Mo Qingqing thought for a while, then ran to trouble the misty stone clothes, beat them a few times, and then ran to the canyons and lakes to catch fish and water animals and throw them into the mist In the pile of stone clothes, they tossed back and forth for several days, until the foggy stone clothes lost their temper, and finally promised her pitifully, "You can just throw fish and water animals, you don't need to beat us before throwing them. When we see your companions, we must shrink back and think we are dead."

Mo Qingqing thought for a while and said, "Okay, if something happens to my comrade, I will squat with you and don't leave, and I will take you as food in the future." Then he threatened After a while, she felt that they didn't lie to her, so she ran back to find Feng Qingran and the others.

Feng Qingran looked at the road behind him, thought about how many times he had opened the road, looked at Mo Qingqing again, and then jumped up and beat Mo Qingqing violently.

The misty stone coats trembled: Another monster is even more terrifying!