MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-v5 Chapter 76 Oh

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"This body is amazing! It's a miracle! A miracle!"

Luo Yin grew up so big, and it was the first time someone used beauty to describe his figure. Still by a man.

Oh, and cave dwarves don't fall into the regular category of humans.

In the Tokyo underground base, the biomedical researcher of the equipment department, the professor of dragon biology and genetics, and the best surgeon of the medical department surrounded Luo Yin together, like an expert consultation.

"I'm going to get a cutter..."

"Don't go too far, you **** from the equipment department."

Luo Yin took the crazy researcher to his face with one finger, and shook it vigorously, shaking his brain a little.

Seeing Guderian who was studying X-films, Luo Yin felt a little unexpected.

Professor Gu is incombustible in combat, but his academic enthusiasm and ability are truly amazing.

"We discussed it and concluded that excision was feasible."

Guderian first said good news.

"We've never seen such a powerful living tissue, and we've seen two at a time.

The black parasite in your ribcage, what you call a relic, is continually genetically modifying your body.

We take your blood samples every 3 hours, and they're getting more and more toxic, and that weird pale golden glow has intensified. "

Guderian pointed to the test tubes lined up on the table, and the dark red liquid exuding a noble glow reminded people of the blood of gods.

Deadpool's blood is like viscous oil, dirty and ugly, but a small tube of "God Blood" on the table might poison Deadpool to death.

"Your body fights this invasive modification, preventing the corpse from invading the nervous system and preventing it from coming into direct contact with vital organs.

The metabolic rate of your cells is hundreds of times that of human beings, and it is constantly consumed in the confrontation with the holy corpse, and then replaced by new cells.

The limit of the number of cell divisions is far beyond that of ordinary people, and even if they lose their life at this exaggerated rate, there is no sign of aging. "

Luo Mou seemed to have heard a very terrifying word.

"According to Dr. Kim's judgment, your heart and lung structures are outrageous compared to all the dragons that have been dissected by the college, and you can barely sustain life by cutting off two-thirds.

Of course, the holy corpse has not eroded these organs yet.

After cutting off the main body of the holy skeleton, the second step is to exchange blood. We will extract clean new blood from your stem cells in advance, and quickly replace the highly toxic blood with your own powerful hematopoietic function.

After that, there were several minor operations to completely remove the holy corpse tissue remaining in the body.

However, the removal surgery will cause serious damage to you, and bloodline decline is inevitable. "

Luo Yin nodded, the price was much smaller than he expected.

"What about the time?"

"According to the current assessment, it will invade your spinal nerves in about half a year, so it will be very difficult to do.

If it gets into the brain..."

The expert group shook their heads at the same time.


There was more time than he thought.

"It is best to check it every three days in the future. Our judgment is only based on the extremely limited observation and analysis of the holy corpse. After all, it is the creation of the Black King."

"Thank you for your hard work. I hope you don't mind the necessary follow-up measures."

24-hour strict monitoring from Samaria to prevent leaks.

"We signed a non-disclosure agreement before we agreed. Being able to study miraculous life up close is nothing."

A group of crazy people with abnormal brain circuits, pure, weird and a little cute. Luo Yin commented in his heart.

"We will discuss the detailed surgical plan and send it to you,"

"Okay, I'll climb first."

When Luo Yin was about to climb to the door, he recalled an important event.

"Don't use a cutting machine for surgery."

"Then change to a chainsaw."

The equipment department **** answered without hesitation.

Tiancong Yunba suddenly popped from the end of Luo Yin's tail. Let's send these cave creatures to another world.


"How long will you keep looking like this?"

Susie used the seven deadly sins of piracy to knock on the dark gray dragon scales, but did not break the defense.

Luo Yin also had a stomachache. In his current state, if he returns to a human-like body, he is afraid that it will directly become the ration of the holy corpse.

"I made an alternative first."

A holographic projection with extremely high resolution is projected into the air, and the details from head to toe are fully displayed.

Susie reached out and grabbed the projection's right cheek, and the projection in the area was moved.

It is the details of this projection, whether there are more than 100 million points modified, pinching the face and pinching the effect of charm +10.

Don't you say time is precious...

"Are you relieved now? No big problem."

"It's a long way off. Go ahead and move forward with your plan, and finish work early."


"Headmaster, it's not interesting for you to do this."

"Luo Yin" looked at the empty teacup and couldn't help complaining.

"The projection can't drink it, don't waste my tea."

I haven't seen each other for a while, and Angers suddenly aged a lot. The neat silver hair has turned into a gray-white color similar to that of an ordinary old man.

Luo Yin even glimpsed a turbid color in those blade-like eyes.

"Behemoth, Leviathan, Odin, the thrones of the four monarchs have collapsed in half. It's so beautiful that it feels unreal.

It is indeed time to retire. "

"It can't be done. Cassell lost you like the West lost Tifa."

Angers has been suspended for investigation due to ancestry issues. Out of respect for him, the Presbyterian Council let Angers wait for the result in the headmaster's office.

Angers also temporarily resigned from the elders of the secret party, and the sacred Abraham blood covenant cannot be violated.

"Tell me what you came here for."

"None of us like to go around. You know what I'm asking, he's the key to everything."

long silence.

Angers was motionless with the hot black tea, his lenses covered with a white mist.

"If you want to know, just ask in person."

The air was slightly distorted, and a dark gray dragon appeared in the office, and the burly body was twisted before it could be squeezed in.

Angers grasped the jackknife subconsciously, his muscles tense and the veins protruding on the back of his hand.

"When I saw it with my own eyes, I still had the urge to kill you."

"I don't like my new body either. It's just a necessary tool for combat."

Luo Yin fine-tuned the keel structure, found a more comfortable position, and placed the huge dragon head on the principal's beloved mahogany desk.

"There is no eavesdropping device, and there is no third person within 200 meters. Now, can you tell me Lu Mingfei's identity?"

Seeing that Angers remained silent, Luo Yin was a little disappointed. To this day, are you still reluctant to reveal this secret?

After knowing Lu Mingfei's situation, he was able to arrange follow-up plans and negotiate with the Doomsday faction.

"It all started twenty years ago, in the winter of 1991."

Angers put down the teacup and wiped the lenses clean, his old face as hard as steel.

"Before that, you need to understand the origins of Doomsday.

The Doomsday faction is a faction split from the secret party, traitors who abandoned the purpose of slaying dragons. And the source of division..."

"Summer's Mourning."

"The Lionheart Club, formed by the genius of the secret party, Menec Cassel, and the Golden Generation, was destroyed overnight.

His natural bloodline is close to that of the Shadow King of the Eight Clan of Sheqi. After restoring the blood bursting technique, he is considered to be the hybrid closest to the Dragon King.

But even such a genius, someone destined to be a hero by birth, could not end the first generation. "

Pure luck is too low. For another Dragon King, he might be able to single-play.

"During the turmoil, many members of the secret party began to doubt their beliefs, thinking that there was no way out for slaughtering the dragon.

They leave the field to dedicate themselves to archaeological digs and document research around the world. Many people travel far to the North Pole, trying to understand the origin of everything in the birthplace of the dragon family.

These members gradually established new bases in the Arctic Circle. They believe that the Black King is invincible, that the dragons will re-dominate the world on the day of his return, and that the top priority of the hybrids is to build an ark that preserves civilization.

They became more and more divided with the idea of ​​the headquarters, and finally were regarded as traitors by the secret party after World War II. "

Then Angers went to destroy the Sheqi Bajia and let the Japanese branch be honest. You are transferring hatred.

"In the following decades, the Doomsday faction took the initiative to avoid the world and did not conflict with the secret party. Many young people did not even know their existence.

Until the winter of 1991, the Doomsday faction took the initiative to contact the Presbyterian Church, which was the first negotiation between the two sides after nearly half a century.

A waking ancient dragon is walking through the wasteland along the Trans-Siberian Railway to the border.

It was less than a week before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the entire West was celebrating Christmas and the end of the Cold War. "

Luo Yin recalled Herzog's notes. The time is right, Black Swan Harbor.

"After several days of disputes, the strongest dragon slayer team of the Secret Party went to the North Pole, including 7 members of the Presbyterian Church.

In January 1992, we rendezvoused with the elite Doomsday faction and intercepted Gu Long and a Russian girl beside him.

He ripped open the enclosure with a black army thorn and let the girl escape. We have no time to take care of the girl and concentrate on blocking his breakout route. "

Angers opened the notepad and completed a sketch in two seconds.

It was a frail teenager in his teens, his expression was furious and fierce, Luo Yin could feel his innate majesty through the simple lines.

The outline of the boy's facial a superposition of Lu Mingfei and another person.

"He is not as powerful as expected, he has only released two or three low-level word spirits, and his physical fitness was initially only slightly stronger than that of A-rank bloodlines.

What is awesome is his terrifying vitality and speed of progress. His blood seemed to be endless, and he became stronger while dealing with attacks from all sides.

Once we realized this, we began to attack at any cost, crushing him before he was fully evolved.

At the last moment before he fell, he had already given birth to dragon wings and mastered the ability to cancel part of the word spirit. Both the secret party and the doomsday team sacrificed more than half.

It was also during that battle that I met a young man named Lu Lincheng. "

Luo Yin vaguely grasped a clue, but he was not sure yet.

"The two sides temporarily shook hands and made peace, and jointly studied the remains of the Dragon King, trying to identify his identity.

But the autopsy results surprised everyone. He is not a first- or second-generation species, not even a pure-blood dragon, but a mixed-blood.

We can't understand. He has multiple speech spirits, thousands of bones, can give birth to bone wings, and his physical strength surpasses that of the noble ancient dragon.

And he has a strong hatred for us, and he takes the initiative to attack us as soon as we meet.

But genetic testing says it all. He possesses both the unique genetic information of humans and dragons, but can selectively express genes like pure-blooded dragons, and acquire different bodies and abilities. "


The boy should be an evolving mixed-blood monarch, a predecessor of Luo Yin.

"The Doomsday named him Number Zero.

He is obviously a hybrid, but he is our enemy, and he is far stronger than the average hybrid.

At that time, if Zero was allowed to continue to evolve, he would inevitably become a more powerful creature than the Dragon King, a new height that the hybrid had never reached. "

"It's a pity that this half-blood doesn't go to slay dragons, isn't it?"

Luo Yin said in a joking tone, but there was a chill in his eyes.

"Neither the Secret Party nor the Doomsday faction could unlock the secrets of No. 0, and soon returned to the Cold War state, but I still keep in touch with Lu Lincheng.

Lu Lincheng is a very good young man and the most powerful contender for the next leader of the Doomsday faction.

He is different from other Doomsday members. I believe him, he is the descendant of Shanyan, and Lu Shanyan's descendants will not be cowards who only know how to be passive and avoid the world.

Lu Lincheng came up with a bold plan to clone No. 0. Since No. 0 is our enemy, clone a new No. 0 and cultivate it into the most powerful dragon slayer by the secret party. "

In 1992, when clinical cloning technology was still in its infancy, the famous Dolly the sheep was born five years later.

"Doomsday has hybrid cloning technology?"

Luo Yin omitted the word "also".

"They started trying very early. Cloning technology is one of the important technologies for the continuation of human beings in the eyes of the doomsday.

The cryopreserved body of No. 0 remained alive for several months after his death, as if immortal.

But the process of cloning No. 0 is very difficult, and the successfully transplanted egg cells will die suddenly before they develop to the embryonic stage.

Until Lu Lincheng tried to cultivate embryos with ancient dragon fetal blood of unknown origin, the plan finally made progress. The highly poisonous dragon blood actually constituted a suitable environment for the development of No. 0 cells. "

It's Behemoth. How could Lu Lincheng have his fetal blood in his hands?

"But the embryos cultured from dragon blood will either die prematurely or be deformed, and a stable high-level bloodline like No. 0 itself is unreasonable.

At that time, I finally saw a glimmer of hope of ending the Dragon Clan, and I was unwilling to give up no matter what. "

The irrational gambler puts all his chips on the table.

His right hand clenched into a fist, so hard that the fist trembled and the knuckles turned white. This is the darkest memory in Angers' life.

"I asked for something from Chu Zihang's father and took it to the North Pole. I took advantage of the student's trust in me and made him break the watchman's oath.

Lu Lincheng used some kind of alchemy technology and used holy skeletons to create a pale golden dragon serum as a bloodline stabilizer. The cloned embryos were successfully grown. "

Having said that, Lu Mingfei's identity has been revealed.

Using the remains of the hybrid monarch No. 0, cologne fetal blood as a culture medium, and holy corpse serum as a stabilizer, the cloned artificial hybrid monarch.

Not dragons, not humans, not hybrids. A well-deserved monster.

At this moment, he even wanted to punch Angers in the face.

The old man was silent for a long time before continuing to talk about this dark past.

"Lu Lincheng has found another outstanding young man who is willing to support this top-secret plan as the mother for implanting the No. 0 cloned embryo.

Giovanni Gulwig, an S-class with the lineage of the Lord of the Seas and Waters. "

Luo Yin figured out the whole story. They got the Black Serpent's name wrong and named him Gulweig by mistake.

The Black Snake renounced the throne, leaving little to no record. Gulweig is the most famous goddess of the Warner gods who symbolize the sea and water in Norse mythology.

Gulweiger is an acquired mixed-race family, and the mixed-race baptized by Behemoth's fetal blood was given the surname of Gulweger.

"The embryo's name is Omega, the weapon Omega."

Omega, the last Greek letter, the ultimate weapon, the blade of the perishing dragon.

Lu Lincheng and Giovanni came to Kassel College for further studies. The surface purpose was to communicate with the secret party as messengers of the Doomsday faction, but the core purpose was to escape the sight of the Doomsday faction and give birth to Ω safely.

"So, the story you told Lu Mingfei is true."

Lu Lincheng was indeed delivering Giovanni alone, and when the baby was born, a large bomb was indeed placed outside the delivery room. They couldn't be sure what state Ω would be in when he was born.

However, it was not their children who were born.

Distinguish between right and wrong. Lu Lincheng gave the name Ω, probably hoping that he would stand on the side of the secret party and not become another zero.

"But Lu Mingfei doesn't usually have the ability of No. 0."

"It may be due to the influence of the holy corpse serum, or it may be because of a series of examinations and operations he underwent in his childhood. The half of Lu Mingfei who belongs to the dragon species is usually dormant, and is no different from humans in all aspects.

Only by strong mental stimulation will his dragon blood wake up and become a complete state. "

"So as long as he is thrown into the Dragon King's den, Lu Mingfei will become a half-blood monarch and kill the Dragon King?

What about after he killed the four monarchs? "

Luo Yin thought of his clone, Luo Ying. Luo Ying showed signs of organ failure very early, and he did not die after being injected with Yaqi cells.

And the Eight Qi Pharmacy didn't work for Lu Mingfei at all, his own rank was too high.

Luo Ying's organ failure may not be an isolated case, and the current cloning technology has general flaws.

After transforming many times and killing all the Dragon Kings, Lu Mingfei will die of systemic organ failure. Omega is a self-destructing weapon.

Neither Angers nor Luo Yin made a sound, and the branches outside the window swayed in the breeze.

Silence until the tea gets cold. The hard face of the old man floated into the twilight.

"Why choose this path?"

"The secret party has waited for thousands of years, and it has not been able to wait for the hero to end the dragon race. Only make one yourself."

"Why would you rather tell me than tell him?"

"Because the war is not over yet, the dragons are not yet extinct."

Luo Yin felt that his heart gradually became cold.

"Have you considered abandoning this plan?"

"Considered. But then, Greenland, my students were killed by the Dragon King again."

"Lu Mingfei, he is also a student of Kassel College, and you are his teacher."

"He will save tens of thousands of students."

"Li Wuyue is dead, Lin Fenglong is dead, and Leviathan is dead, isn't that enough?"

"This is a war that will only end if one side is wiped out. There is only one world, and there are not enough people and dragons to share."

"Not all dragons are bent on destroying human beings, there is room for cooperation and coexistence."

"You haven't experienced the darkest times, you haven't watched your friends fall one by one, and you haven't felt the despair that you can't defeat the Dragon King after struggling for hundreds of years!

In your eyes, slaughtering dragons is just something you can do or not, because you have talents that ordinary people can never touch! "

Angers' upper body leaned forward, facing the bone spur on Luo Yin's head, and flames burned in their golden pupils.

Royin respected Angers' will, but he never fully agreed with the principal's philosophy. The reverse is also true.

The two sides have maintained restraint for a long time, but it does not mean that the contradiction has been resolved.

"The half-blood monarch will not appear out of thin air, and the situation of No. 0 is not so simple. There are gods or demons in his body, and so is Lu Mingfei's transformation.

You should know him, can't you guess who he is? "

Luo Yin used his claws to carve the appearance of a descendant on the table. Intuition tells him that this is the source of the strength of No. 0 and Lu Mingfei.

"If the dragon race is wiped out, but the new black king returns... what if he is a hybrid? The harm caused by the new black king will only be more terrifying than the four monarchs."

He was a little tired of talking, UU reading did not want to continue arguing.

"I will not let him die as a weapon, I will definitely save him.

You clearly knew that I couldn't agree with the Omega plan, but you still told me the truth. Because you know, Headmaster, that this is not the way of justice.

Dragon slaying is a noble undertaking, a belief that you expounded to us in your first lesson. Countless people say it's a lie, but you keep us believing it over and over again.

I am indeed a naive young man. If Dragon Slaying has to sacrifice the life of a weak child, then we are the evil one.

Principal... I wish you well. "

Luo Yin wanted to say something more, but in the end it just ended flatly.

He was a little angry, so he took Angers's wine cabinet and tea leaves without any problems. The gray dragon shadow melted into the air, opened the window and flew to the sky.

There was only Angers left in the huge office, and the noise of the students could be heard vaguely outside the window.

There was a roar of thunder in the clear sky, and a sudden torrential rain poured down.

If Angers had the aptitude to merge with the holy corpse, he would definitely embark on this wrong path himself, without having to stain his hands with sin.

Abandoning the Ω plan and letting Lu Mingfei live means betting everything on Luo Yin. Is the peace he seeks really possible?

At this moment, the vice-principal hurriedly opened the window and looked at the cloudy sky.

In broad daylight, which Dragon King is free to artificially rain here.

------off topic-----

I met a very thin old cat, the weather was too hot, and it was wobbly when walking.

After feeding it two cat sticks, the owner of the house scolded me for ten minutes in meow language because I was deducting snacks.


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