MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-Chapter 24 The Fall of New Haven (Part 1)

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"Today's meeting, Father Lamont is unable to attend, and the Lord's prey is still haunting him." Alfonso's expression was terrifying, as if it were two during the day.

"All plans are progressing normally, and the babies will be born in seven months. The power of the Lord is gradually reawakening, and when He descends under the sun again, we will all gain eternal youth.

Samuel, Matt, get your men to keep an eye on the prey. If the priest's legion can't handle them, we'll do it ourselves.

Harry, keep monitoring and drugging, there will always be a time for them to relax.

Baker, Obers, you two have done a clean finish. It was because of your mistakes that those foreigners were attracted.

The day of the Lord's return is not far away. As long as we remain loyal to the great Feathered Serpent, provide blood and prepare his servants for his return, he will give us life equal to the gods. "

The townspeople faced the dim light, bowed their heads, and prayed silently in their hearts.

On the street next to the church, the three were still staring at the surveillance video. After Lamont said good night to the little boy Amon, he covered him with a quilt and went back to sleep on the steel bed in his room.

After the bell, New Haven became more silent, and the priest did not move.

It wasn't until two in the morning when the roar of the beast was heard again from all around the town, and the three of them became serious.

It was still the dragon-like beast group, but this time there was no violent transformation of the King's Attendant, and the number was only about half of last night's.

After a hard fight, the streets were in a mess. There are not many residents who wake up to watch the excitement, and the quality of sleep is very good.

"I seem to have an idea."

Ye Sheng and Fingal were a little surprised, how could you have an idea after slaughtering a beast here for ten minutes?

"There are too many abnormal situations, and the other party is smart.

Yesterday's twice as many beasts failed to kill us, so today's weight is still reduced? Just to drain our ammo.

If I were him, after finding out that we were staring at Lamont, I should have stayed put and let us continue to doubt Lamont.

In my opinion, this attack was designed to divert our attention and clear Lamont's suspicions. "

Luo Yin paused.

"These residents of New Haven, don't you think they slept too dead? They were not particularly frightened when they saw those strange-shaped beasts, even if it is dark now, it is difficult to explain.

Remember the words of Professor Masashi Toyama? "

"His words are not so powerful, he can forcefully hypnotize hundreds of people." Ye Sheng was a little skeptical.

"What if it wasn't once, but over a period of years? Large-scale, slight hypnosis, slowly distorting cognition, just like the ancestors domesticated livestock."

Ye Sheng's expression became horrified.

"We identified a lot of suspects, the priest, the mayor, the sheriff, Harley, and even the grocery store. But each of them was 'clean' and showed no signs of danger.

Don't you think it's abnormal... This is a small town formed by refugees. Bankrupt people, addicts, homeless and even fugitives, why are they so clean? Even if they have nothing to do with the dragon race, don't they have any contradictions with other people, and they have such good morals in such a ghost place? "

Luo Yin took a long breath and said his guess.

"It's not one or two people, it's a group of people. They all have a share, help each other, cover up. Like they did for Lamont tonight.

I don't know their purpose, but the verification method is simple. If it's a big gang, they're an integral part of..."


Those who can inquire about their actions at this moment.


Crowds of people watched the wreckage of the beast in the streets, and police and militia teams drove trucks with bleach to deal with the scene.

In Harry's small house, the expressions of the three of them were extremely distressed.

"Harry, don't worry, the academy will compensate you for your losses. We are leaving today, and this task is far beyond our ability."

"Don't be so depressed. You haven't eaten yet. Would you like some thick soup?"

"Okay, I'm starving to death."

They've already tried a little bit of bisque in the fridge. It's just a lot of sleeping pills, and it's estimated that there are no magic drugs to be found in this place.

The three quickly finished half the bowl of thick soup and thanked Harry. Then they went to the sink in the garage to induce vomiting, and they took emetic pills before they drank the soup.

Harry leaned against the garage wall, listening to them discuss loudly, then dwindle and fade away. Seeing the three of them lying down together, an ecstatic smile appeared on that withered face, and they flew towards the door.

Ye Sheng got up silently and followed him all the way from the eaves.

Harry took out a piece of white chalk and began to paint on the wall, when the sharp blade suddenly hit her carotid artery.

Ye Sheng clasped her neck, carefully wiped off the graffiti on the wall, and returned to the garage with a frightened Harry.

"The communication has been interrupted, and you also need your own contact information. The paintings on the walls are really uncreative. As for the people who communicated...the security team and the militia team, they go around town all day long.

Tell me, who else is there? "Luo Yin smiled and looked at Harry, who was struggling on the ground.

"Lord Kukulkan will bless me! You are nothing but the Lord's food! Even if you kill me, I will live forever in heaven!"

Kukulkan, the feathered snake **** of the Mayan civilization? Does anyone still believe this in the 21st century?

"Leave it to me, I'm familiar with this." Fingal showed a malicious smile.

five minutes later.

"It hurts! I hurt so much! Lord Kukulkan, your followers need help..."

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

"You've been lied to, eldest sister. If a human bone is broken, it will hurt. Still immortal? Is your lord Nidhogg..."

Not long after, everything Harry knew was pried out, and Fingal's darkness level +10.

"Junior brother, I really have you."

As Luo Yin guessed, the people in the town formed a secret association in private, headed by the mayor Alfonso and the priest Lamont, with dozens of people, while other townspeople were more or less affected by hypnosis.

Alfonso is a murderous robber, "Gold Shop Killer", who has stolen the identity of others. Erlin is not his daughter, but an innocent girl he deceived and kidnapped from other towns.

As for Mr. Kukulkan... that was something Lamont made up, and Harry got his word.

"Is Erlin really pregnant?"

"Really, she's not the only one. They're all Jacob's children."

The half-breed who started to become Deadpool? They are breeding hybrids, why...

On the contrary, Ye Sheng had a relieved expression on his face.

"It's all wicked people, that's great, so that we won't accidentally hurt them.

Let's go, blow this garbage town to the sky. "

The trio drove a small blue pickup, the back compartment was stuffed with bullets, and the speeding wheels raised smoke and dust on the broken road.

In the garage, Harley had a small hole on her forehead, and she looked relieved; the outstanding students of Cassel were killing all the way to the mayor's house.

And in the underground computer room in Kassel, Norma was running at high speed.

Mission B07111047, the commissioner failed to submit a mission report for 24 consecutive hours, and UUkanshu failed to contact him... Immediately dispatched rescue.


On the way, the residents on both sides stared at the outsiders with indifferent eyes. Like a mouse looking at the dead, like a domesticated lamb.

An uninvited guest appeared, it was Samuel.

The security team was on patrol when they suddenly saw three menacing men. The usually dizzy big man was very decisive at this time, and the shotgun shot directly at the windshield.

The battle begins!

In the fire of the security team, the bronze-skinned strong man jumped from the roof of the car, jumped over, and beat the sheriff to a pockmark with a shotgun.

Ye Sheng and Luo Yin used the body as a cover to fight back against the security team.

When the members of the militia team heard the exchange of fire, they rushed from the streets of the four directions. Amid the shockwaves of grenades and noise bombs, the melon eaters got into their homes.

Amid the diffuse gunpowder smoke, the non-stop gunfire, the swearing and wailing of the security team and the militia members, the town finally came to life, and it looked a little "newheaven".

A team member limped open the trunk of the patrol car, and a ferocious beast jumped out.

"Jacob, they killed your brother! Go and kill them!"

His death-servant transformation has gone a step further, with scales growing on his hands and feet, and his golden pupils cannot be extinguished.

Yan Ling · Guisheng activates, the pain disappears, and the self-protection mechanism is canceled. Jacob's muscles exploded with more than four times the strength, and went straight to Fingal, the Hammer vigilante.

At the same time, a grand chanting sound came from a distance, the servant of the king, hypnotized, and launched at the same time!

Flocks of beasts swarmed from the streets, and the residents ran out of their homes with red eyes, rushing in the direction of the three with iron rods and kitchen knives.

The whole town has become their enemy.
