MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 641 ? 嘤 嘤 嘤

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太 Taikoo Starry Sky outside the Nine Heavens.

He didn't even have a dead body ...

The chessboard field gradually converged, and the psychic beams gradually dispersed. Most of the gods and demons in the realm of fire fled, and the rest became captives of the Five Phoenix and the ancestors of the tribe.

Maybe it is because the gods can become the reserve resources of the Qiyun Tower, making many practitioners crazy.

Seeing the demon is like seeing the treasure, even the body of the demon was not let go, and all were carried back to the five phoenixes.

The old man Xuan Xuancang couldn't help but be speechless when facing this weird scene.

Well, this time, even cleaning the battlefield is saved.


Qi Lufan put away the lingering chessboard, exhaled slowly, and was quite satisfied.

数量 The number of demon and demon in this wave of captives is enough to maintain the operation of the tower for about 3,000 years. It is not bad, but it is also a good harvest.

The only pity is that I didn't get too many avenue step gods.

Gods and demons at this level do not love warfare at all, and they have no war intentions at all. When the situation is not right, they consider immortal gods and prisoners as captives, and they are walking away.

So, although several demon gods were captured, Lu Fan was not very satisfied.

The black and white queen looked at Lu Fan with interest. Everything that happened in the Pacific Starry was under her attention. The black and white queen really did not expect that the end of the invasion of the gods would be like this.

Are the roles of the puppet human race and the demon interchanged?

God has become a human resource ... Is this something that ordinary people can do?

Even if it is a demon side, it will not practice with the help of human races. Most of the demon devours the origin of the world to practice. As a result, here at Lu Fan, he has directly developed a practice with the power of demon and demon.

If the human race becomes stronger, it is definitely a nightmare of the gods.

I'm so good at it.

If the gods of the several elements know, I am afraid that the mentality will explode.


Lu Lufan turned his head and saw the black and white queen looking at herself curiously, leaning on the Qiandao chair and saying a word.

对 "Yes, don't you have something to do?"

The black and white queen shook her head.

不 "No worries, these gods and fiends have fallen so quickly, there must be fraud, and you will have big trouble next."

"I want to see if you can cope with this big trouble. If my forefoot is gone, your world will be destroyed in the hands of the demon. I might as well choose to take the girl directly."

The black and white queen said very directly and very mercilessly.

Lu Fanmei can't help but pick up. Will there be big trouble next?

After a few thoughts, Lu Fan realized it.

"You mean ... the gods and demons in the realm of fire elements are likely to just attract attention. The real goal of these gods and demons is the ancestral land of the human race?"

The black and white queen did not speak, but Lu Fan understood that his guess was likely to be true.

If the ancestors of the human race fall, the gods and demons will never let the five phoenixes pass easily.

If he Lu Ping is the **** of the elements, he will surely launch an unexpected attack when the human race is not yet gathered, or when the ancestral land of the human race is breached.

At that time, the five phoenixes may not be able to form a good confrontation, and will be destroyed by the gods and demons.

所以 "So, you're in big trouble next."

The black and white empress laughed.

Suddenly, the black and white queen shook her hand, her slender hand slammed into the void, pinched the black and white beast, tossed the black and white beast, and landed on Lu Fan square's leg.

Glancing at Lu Fan, he glanced at the furry black and white beast.

The black and white beasts are very clever. They do n’t cry and do n’t even make any noise, so they are so clever that Lu Fan wonders if the other party is a quasi-sacred beast.

"Well, black and white is for you, don't you want to try it? Then try it ... If you can surrender it, let it follow you."

The black and white queen said with a smile.

But, with a playful color in his eyes.

I'm right, it's just a joke, don't look at the black and white beast so well-behaved at this time, it's because she is there, and once she is away, Lu Fan may be shot dead in a blink of an eye.

This is a quasi-holy beast, and you want to surrender to it ... there are only two ways.

One is to conquer by personality charm, just like the black and white queen.

Another one is to conquer with the fist and persuade the other.

So, the black and white queen is very curious, what will Lu Fan do, and what way to choose to conquer the black and white beast.

Lu Lu looked at the black and white beast, his eyes narrowed, and the corner of his mouth was raised slightly, revealing a gentle smile.

I reached out and gently stroked the furry black and white beast.

The movement is very gentle.

The black and white beast lying on Lu Fan's legs also showed a very enjoyable look.

Xishui Lingling's big eyes stared at the land, full of smiles, as if to say ... Terran, you are dead!

Lu Fan also smiled like a flower, you ... you continue to pretend!

As for how to conquer black and white beasts, Lu Fan did feel tricky. This is a terrestrial quasi-sacred beast. If it can be conquered, for the five phoenixes, it is equivalent to owning its own strong power.

Although I didn't get the black and white queen, but I got the black and white queen's pet ... It doesn't seem to be a loss.

The black and white queen did not continue to talk with Lu Fan, and her long legs were looming under the split-length dress. Taking a step, she emerged from the chaos and returned to the top of Zhou Zhou.

In the following days, she plans to have a good chat with the girl, by the way ... to pass on something to the girl.

The black and white queen had a slightly heavy heart.

Although so many star eras have passed, this time, there is some kind of depression that makes her breathless.

She has a hunch that if a catastrophe is imminent, she will probably not survive this starry era. Therefore, she pinned her hope on Zhu Long, and hopes that Zhu Long will bring her heritage and continue the position of black and white queen.

The black and white queen left.

The atmosphere in the turbulent space suddenly became a little weird.

There are looming horrible killings, emerging.

Lu Lu smiled.

I returned to Huxin Island.

At the pavilion of Bai Yujing, Lu Fan leaned on the railing to listen to the wind. On his leg, the black and white beast was lying quietly.

However, faintly can see that the fluff of the black and white beast is exuding a faint luster, and the terrible air machine flows out from it.

Depressed, dull, as if the existence of a great terror is to wake up.

"Ning Zhao, Ni Yu, Yiyue ... I want to retreat, my son, you protect the law, old rules."

Lu Fan said the sound.

After hearing the words, the three maidservants immediately left Huxin Island and sat outside the island, guarding Huxin Island with a triangle.

It was already a matter of strangeness for the grandson to retreat.


A deep roar came from the mouth of the black and white beast.

Sahala flowed continuously from its mouth, and the original big eyes of the water spirit became extremely fierce, staring at the land as if looking at a peerless deliciousness.

"The Queen of Black and White asked you to follow me, understand?"

Lu Lufan leaned on the Qiandian chair and pointed his finger at the wheelchair's hand guard.

However, the deep hissing sound was still ringing.

The black and white beast's body began to expand and bulge gradually. Under that lovely furry, there seemed to be horrible muscles and flesh expanding.

Suppressed, a deep roar resounded from the swollen body.

The breeze blew slowly, with a bit of fierceness.

I blew Lufan's white shirt hunting.

Lu Fanduan was sitting on a thousand-edged chair, black hair, and a white shirt fluttered under murder, and his face was calm, without any anxiety, as if it was not a quasi-sacred beast who opened his teeth in front of him, but a stretch Kitty-like.

Uh ...

The old man Xuan Xuancang was very anxious at this moment.

Although the demon attack of the realm of fire was repelled, his heart was not happy at all.

Because he was anxious, he wanted to know what happened to the ancestral land of his people, but he couldn't do it.

The Tongtong Gudao people and others have left for so long, and no news has been returned.

The old man Xuan Xuancang never felt the passage of time, it was so painful.

Suddenly, his eyes lightened slightly, and he looked away.

His body shape suddenly flashed and disappeared.

出现 appeared again, and was already outside the formation.

The gods of the Beast Elemental Realm have been defeated, and the **** of the Fire Element has fallen, but he does not have to worry about defending the formation.

The void is distorted.

He Laohe and the four quasi-sacred people who blessed him came back with a bit of dignity.

As soon as they saw the flowers, they saw the old man Xuan Cang.

Silently silent, no one spoke.

The look on the face of the old man Xuan Xuanchang changed slightly, and the atmosphere ... seemed not right.

"what happened?"

For a long time, Xuan Cang's old man calmed down his emotions and asked slowly.

He just trembled, showing his inner peace.

How can I be calm?

The worst plan seems to be gradually becoming a reality.

Xun Laohe didn't conceal, and told the situation one by one.

Xun Xiaoyao, Lei Hongfengyue and his wife desperately opened up a path with a human foundation, so that when Lao He was talking, he couldn't stop sighing.

He Laohe felt that he should be hopelessly sanctified in this life, because this matter will become his demon. If he cannot overcome this demon, he may not go far in the quasi-holy state.

Several other people of Zhunsheng seem to know Lao He's mentality, and patted him on the shoulder.

"This is not to blame you. You are a hero. You came out with the hope of the human race, so that the people can continue. As Xiaoyao Zi said, as long as people have the same heart, they are everywhere.

The old man Xuanxang sighed with guilt.

"Actually, I was wrong ..."

"If I didn't ask for help, these things wouldn't happen ..."

The old man Xuan Xuancang was a little uncomfortable and clenched his fists, but he understood that self-blame could not solve the problem.

"What about ancient times?" Asked Xuan Cang, who seemed to be thinking about it.

"He risked breaking into the Yuanxian Realm to take Xiaoyaozi's body out ... and take them home."

How old are you.

"Come back home……"

The old man Xuanxuan muttered.

For a long time, I sighed. The human race is weak. If the human race cannot change this situation, the ancient starry sky is so vast, but there is nowhere to be the home of the human race.

Next, a few people didn't speak.

They floated quietly in the starry sky without entering the Five Phoenixes and no other actions.

They are waiting for the return of Tonggudao people.

At this moment, the six quasi-sacred gods are like six old sculptures floating in the starry sky.

The Tatar people are quasi-san, and they are close friends. However, countless years of close friends have now fallen, so everyone's emotions are not high.

for a long time.

Walking in the starry sky, the sound of broken sounds exploded, as if a cannonball was approaching rapidly from a distance.

The Tongtong ancient Taoist man shed his hair, his robe stained with blood, his breath was slightly weakened, but it appeared very condensed.

This made many people like the stone sculpture Zhun Sheng relieved, and could not help commotion.

The ancient Tongdao people are still alive, which is definitely good news for them.

"How are they, Xiaoyao?"

Wu Xuanchang asked.

The eyes of the ancient Taoist people were very sharp, but it was a bit daunting for the elderly Xuan Cang.

However, soon the Tonggu Taoists' eyes softened a lot, because the Tonggu Taoists also understood that this matter can not blame the old man Xuan Cang.

The plans of the gods and demons were beyond their expectations.

The most important thing is that the realm beast borrowed from the emperor by the gods of the elements is the most unexpected and the culprit that caused the ancestral land of the human race to be broken.

Ruo Ruofei, the Beast of the World silently brought the army of gods and demons to the vicinity of the mixed Yuanxian realm. Xiaoyaozi definitely had enough time to start the saint battle.

It is a pity that in the event of an unexpected accident, the massacre only started in general, and the devil and his family attacked.

I was touched by the mixed Yuan Xianyu.

"Hunyuan Xianyu collapsed, the ancestral land of the people must make changes ..."

The Tongtong ancient Taoist said lowly.

"Xiao Yaozi, Lei Hongfengyue and his wife died, but I brought their bodies back ..."

The Tongtong ancient Taoist said.

His words fell, and everyone expected to be struck by lightning.

The old man Xuan Xuanchang turned red all at once.

"My fault!"

"It's all my fault!"

The old man Xuanxuan inhaled deeply and blamed himself.

"This is not the time to say this ..."

"The mixed Yuanxian domain fell, and the gods of the elements did not find three statues of the beast ancestors ... they will soon find that the statue of the beast ancestors is in the Five Phoenixes. Therefore, they will certainly attack the Five Phoenixes when our situation is chaotic. "

The Tongtong ancient Taoist said.

其实 This is not difficult to guess.

准 Many people ’s quasi-sages are also ugly.

"Dangerous ... There is a sacred battlefield set up by the saints in the mixed Yuanxian field. I can defend it with the help of the battlefields, but ... Five Phoenixes do not have sage battlefields and face the army of gods and demons ... I am so stretched."

Said a human quasi-san.

"Do not……"

However, Lao He shook his head.

"The sage ca n’t take it away, but ... Xiaoyaozi gave me the array of fabs."

"I can wait to reshape the saints in the new ancestral land ..."

但是 "However, the sage formation is extremely esoteric. Even if I wait for many quasi-sages, only Xiaoyaozi can get through, and it is still difficult to reshape the formation."

How old are you.

The ancient Tongdao people looked happy.

The sacrifices of the saints ...

At least, there is hope.

Today's five phoenixes are still weak, there is no saint to kill, the five phoenixes must not be able to stop the demon army of the elemental realm.

After all, in terms of the number of strong, the difference is too great.

"Need someone with excellent talents ..."

或许 "Maybe we still have a chance to try."

The Tongtong Ancient Taoist people's eyes are shining.

If he remembers well, Lu Fan is a master of matrix formation.

Although Lu Fan has not reached the quasi-sacred realm, he has seen the formation of Lu Fan.

比如 For example, the time array is better than the time treasure in the ancestral land of the people, because the array method has a good effect.

Many quasi-sages shook their heads.

They have no hope. After all, the method of formation is not so easy. It really depends on talent.

Xun Xiaoyaozi has also cultivated many masters of ethnic formation methods over the years, but there is no one who can really take up the great responsibilities.

The sage formation is too profound and complicated.

"You have to try, everything hasn't been tried, don't say there is no hope." Tonggu Taoists said solemnly.

"Let ’s enter the Five Phoenixes first, let the creatures of the mixed Yuanxian field in the bag of heaven and earth, and organize effective defense, this is a tough battle, and it is a tough battle about the survival of the human race ..."

The Tongtong ancient Taoist said.

The sudden troubles of the gods and demons have caught them off guard, and the collapse of the mixed Yuanxian domain also caught them off guard.

"I sit in the starry sky of the town and keep an eye on the Beastie Beast, and once there is the Beastie Beast approaching, I will send a message immediately."

The old man Xuan Xuanchang said.

He doesn't want to repeat the same mistake.

"it is good."

Tongtong Ancient Taoists and many quasi-sages nodded.

After a while, the crowd moved side by side, turning into a streamer towards the Five Phoenixes.

At this moment, the heavenly arrogant of many peoples and ancestors in the Nine Heavens Passage, because they had captured the joy of many gods and spirits, disappeared at this moment.

Luo Luoyang and Chai Feng glanced at each other, their hearts shaking.

The holy people of the Tatar people ...

Most of them gathered here, inducing the emotions of the quasi-sacred strong to the bottom.

No doubt something happened.

Uh ...

Laohu heart island.

The terrifying and depressing atmosphere is constantly surging, as if to make the entire Lake Island sink.

Black and white beasts, terrible fierce beasts who grew up in the realm, possess terrifying human-like strength and are very scary.

At this moment, after leaving the black and white queen, the black and white beast relentlessly released the air machine, covering the whole lake island.

The sleeping giant whale was startled.

I was a little uneasy. It seemed that something terribly came on his back.

Will the human be killed?

He's finally going to kill this human? His whale ... free?

However, I don't feel happy when I think about freedom.

Lu Fan's hair fluttered, which was blown by the terror of the black and white beast.

Lu Lu looked at the black and white beast like a small house, and raised his lips slightly, becoming more satisfied.

It's been a long time since no one dared to be fierce with him ...

Nostalgic for nostalgia.

A quasi-holy beast?

It's really tricky, but today's Wuhuang really needs such a guardian beast.

As for how to surrender, Lu Fan feels ... Of course, he surrendered with personality charm.

Not on Zhou Feng.

The black and white queen was curious, her black and white eyes flickered, she saw through the void, and soon she saw the situation on the island of the lake.

I watched the black and white beast that was arrogant after leaving her, and the black and white queen's face suddenly appeared playful.

She is not in a hurry. If the black and white beast really wants to shoot Lu Fan, she will immediately take it and capture the black and white beast. Lu Fan cannot die.

However, Lu Fan failed to conquer the black and white beast, that is not her problem.

After all, she gave Lu Fan a chance.


The black and white beast had fangs in its mouth, and Hara flowed down, and the black and white fluff became a steel needle.

Imagination turned into a black and white giant bear, making a deafening roar between short legs.

Laohu outside the island.

Nian Niyu, Ning Zhao and Yiyue's three daughters all changed slightly.

Grandpa Yun retreat this time ... what?

Is it so big?

Will there be any danger? Do they rush in to save the boy?

Alas, with the breath released by the fierce beast, they were afraid that they were not opponents at all, and going in was nothing more than adding three rations to the fierce beast.

Buzz buzz ...

However, just when their hearts are swaying.

Above the vast sea, there were blasts of air.

The breath of terror came.

The Tongtong ancient Taoists brought Lao He and four quasi-sacred strong men down outside Huxin Island.

Zhe Ningzhao's expression suddenly condensed, the quasi-sacred place of the six human ancestors?

有 What's the matter with them?

"Sister Ning Zhao ... I have a very urgent and important matter to find Brother Lu, please let me know."

The tongtong ancient Taoist took a deep breath and was a bit grim.

This seriousness made Ning Zhao feel it too, and felt that the Tonggu Taoist people were a little different on the peace day.

"Senior, the son is retreating, what will happen when the son is out of customs."

Xu Ningzhao said.


The ancient Tongdao people frowned, and suddenly found something unusual. In the heart of the lake, they felt an extremely terrible breath, which was a quasi-sacred beast.

"Black and white beast?"

"How did the black and white queen's black and white beast appear on the island of the lake? The black and white queen did not care?"

The ancient Taoist people walked for a while.

But soon, he seemed to think of something.

"Is it a bet between Brother Lu and the Black and White Queen?"

The ancient Taoist mind was very flexible and immediately figured it out.

Suddenly, Lu Fan's voice wandered from the lake island.

"Tonggu seniors, please wait a moment, when I surrender this little cute, I will discuss the details with you, do not worry, soon."

The words of Lufan made the quasi-sacred look of the Tonggu Taoists and Lao He, a few people, a little strange.

"Submit the black and white beast?"

The ancient Taoist people are aggressive, what is this operation?

You an elementary heavenly emperor, want to conquer a black and white beast that is thicker and thicker than Zhunsheng?

I'm afraid it's impossible to wait a lifetime.

However, Lu Fandu said so, there is no way for the people of Tonggudao. Fortunately, the internal time of the five phoenixes is running, leaving them enough time.

On the island.

Lu Lu looked at the black-and-white monster with a bare chest and smiled.

"Did you feel it?"

"Six quasi-ethnic people outside the island, all of them are my strong men, all my people, are you afraid?"

Lu Fandao.

The corners of the black and white beast full of sharp teeth could not help picking up, and gave a disdainful growl.


What are he afraid of?

Even if he couldn't beat him, he shrank into a ball and let them fight, he couldn't be killed.

Lu Lufan seemed to understand the mind of the black and white beast.

"It's true that more people bully you, it's not very glorious, and you can't be convinced."

"Also, Lu Ping Lu doesn't like massaging."

“Let ’s go, let ’s be fair. Lu Ping Lu is just an ordinary twelfth layer of gas refining. I ’m fair to you one-on-one, but I want to change my home court, right?

Lu Lufan said.

Black and white beasts are not stupid, they understand words.

He's terribly cowardly in front of his eyes. He still wants to fight one-on-one with him?

Want him to surrender?

He is not afraid even if he changes a hundred places.

So he yelled and agreed.

"I am good at Yuan Shen, we fight with Yuan Shen."

Lu Lufan said with a smile.

With the words falling down, Yuanshen suddenly came out, and above his head, he turned into a translucent Lufan.

The black and white beast's eyes are frozen, and it is also the Yuanshen. A roaring black and white beast exudes the terrible Yuanshen oppression.

The black and white beast thinks that this human race is absolutely a fool. Will he be afraid of the Yuanshen battle?

With his quasi-sacred level of combat power, the power of Yuan Shen is absolutely enough to crush this weak human in front of him into a dregs.

"So strong!"

Qi Lufan pretended to be surprised.

The spirit of the black and white beast exudes pride.

This human ... afraid!

Luo Lufan gritted his teeth: "However, I still have to try ..."

After a while, Lu Fan raised his hand and made a statement.

The black and white beast only felt the sky swirling in front of him, and the next moment ... he noticed that the surrounding picture changed.

Lu Lu Fan pulled the black and white beast and appeared in the preaching platform.

When he just entered the missionary, the black and white beast had not yet responded.

"Qian, Kun, Kan, Zhen ..."

Lu Fanpan sits on the platform, white robes fly, recite the formula in his mouth, pinch the mark.


Wu Xuanqi's words, the situation suddenly surging, and then turned into a gossip array tripod, fell from the sky, the gossip array platform also suddenly fell.


The black and white beast was aggressive, and was suppressed.

Black and white beasts are angry!

This guy ... so dirty! Actually calculated him!


The black and white beast was furious, and a paw was shot, and it was severely shot on the gossip array.

The array of words on Ding Ding flashed.

The black and white beast only felt a trembling and boring body, and the power of the Yuanshen was drawn away like a stream of water ...

As for where it flows, it is naturally in the white jade palace.

The black and white beast was shocked.

However, Lu Fan smiled with satisfaction and dealt with Zhunsheng. Now the only effective way for Lu Fan is to suppress Yuanshen.

The **** of beacon elements is just crazy, Lu Fan feels that he is absolutely handy to deal with.

黑白 This black and white beast will definitely surrender to his personality charm.

Lu Pan sat on the gossip array, Lu Fan smiled.

The black and white beast is not stupid. How could it live so long in the hands of the moody black and white queen?

It understands that this gossip array tripod will absorb the power of the Yuanshen, so it cannot attack.


The black and white beast growled, this human thought that trapping it would make it surrender?

Want to fart? !!

The black and white beast shrank into a ball and nestled in the gossip array.

Than consumption, than patience, who is afraid of whom? !!

Lu Lufan seemed to have expected the reaction of the black and white beast long ago.

With a whim, the five phoenix bows converged bit by bit in the preaching platform.

I raised my hand and pulled the bow to the full moon.

An arrow with five kinds of energy converging is surging ~ ~ Lu Fan is still more kind and has not gathered the innate purple gas, which makes the power of the arrow slightly weaker.


Lu Fansong hand.

I shot an arrow.

For a while, the vaguely penetrated the gossip array tripod and shot at the black and white beast.

Boom! !! !!

The horrible explosion, the huge impact and the pain of Yuan Shen made the black and white beasts roar!

"Do you accept it?"

Lu Fandao.

Crunch ...

The bow of Wuhuang in Huang's hand was opened again. In the preaching stage, Lu Fanyuanshen recovered faster, and he could shoot the Wuhuang arrows unscrupulously, without worrying about the exhaustion of strength.


The black and white beast slumped on the gossip array tripod, full of sharp teeth biting the gossip array tripod, roaring.

Stop it, never be a slave!

He Xiu wanted to surrender him!

Lu Fan mouth corner to pick, enough bone.


One arrow shot out.

"Roar roar!"

The black and white beast roared again.

Lu Lu was in no hurry, shooting two arrows in a row.

"Hoohoo !!!!"

The black and white beast growled again.

Three arrows fired.


There was a moment of silence.

来 Come again with five arrows ...

"嘤 嘤 嘤 ..."

PS: At the end of the month, tomorrow is the last day. Ask for a monthly pass ~