MTL - Building The Ultimate Fantasy-Chapter 608 ?? Back feeling

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The Tonggu Taoist did not relax, and from the moment he entered the realm of fire elements, his mind suddenly became tense.

The attitude of the gods and demons has explained the problem. This trip to enlightenment must be an action of nine deaths and one life.

However, Huoyuan Upright Enlightenment can be said to be the easiest to enlighten, and for human geniuses, it is also the easiest opportunity to embark on the path of the Emperor.

Therefore, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they prefer to travel to the mountains.

"Let's go, be careful."

Tonggudao said.

Then, he took the lead to take the crowd, turned into a streamer, and went towards the place where he came to understand.

The ancient stars were passing by rapidly around their bodies. The ancient stars, like fireballs, exuded extreme heat.

Once in this world, you can clearly feel the increase in temperature.

The Tonggu Taoist kept the human genius in place, but he set off in the air to discuss with the **** of the elements and the strong of many races.

The rules of each enlightened place are different.

Like the previous Jin Yuan Uprising, enlightenment was based on sitting on the stars, and in Lu Fan's hands, he changed to a pyramid.

Actually, the same reason.

Huoyuan Uprising enlightenment, this time is not the way to sit on the star to enlighten.

The Tonggu Taoist came back, his face was ugly, and it could even be said to be a little gloomy.

He can now be 100% certain that the goal of these gods is to kill human geniuses.

Even the Tonggu Taoists wanted to give up, and took the geniuses of the human race directly, turned away, and left the land of right and wrong.

No wonder these gods will kindly give so many places.

It turned out that so many places were given in order to make people more talented.

Around, a pair of eyes glanced at each other, and landed on the human side.

The rules of enlightenment this time have actually shown the attitude of the demon.

As a result, the look of many powerful people became interesting, this time the Terran ... I am afraid that it will cause major bleeding.

Suddenly so many geniuses fell short enough for the human race.

Perhaps, this is the revenge of the elemental **** who lost face in the place where Jin Yuan's upright enlightenment was reported.

Although, the Heipao people who engaged in things at that time did not seem to be the same way as the human race.

However, the other party is also a human race after all.

Boom boom!

In the void, the horrifying primordial spirit machine lingers, making Tonggu's look slightly changed.

These primal spirits are gods of the Tenjin Order.

Tonggu Taoists will never doubt, if at this moment, if he really intends to leave with the human genius, those gods will certainly kill the mercilessly.

The Tonggu Taoist body trembled gently, it was angry.

The situation of the Terrans in the Archaeological Sky has always been the oppressed side. However, this situation has made Tonggu Taoists feel angry while burning down.

The Tonggu Taoist did not choose to take the human geniuses away. At this moment, it is not a question of whether he can leave.

There is only one way now, and that is to let people of geniuses go to enlightenment.

And he had to think about how to leave human race geniuses after his trip to enlightenment was over.

"You must be careful, the gods and demons will certainly kill you in the place of enlightenment ..."

"Protecting yourself is important now, and protecting your life is the most important thing."

Tonggu Tao sighed and solemnly exhorted.

He did not expect that the gods and demons would be so decisive.

However, the Tonggu Taoist people's eyes also flashed a bit of fierceness. If these Terran geniuses really have something wrong, the Tonggu Taoist people will not give up, at least ... they will turn the realm of the fire element to the bottom. , The blood of the gods and demons gathered like Hanhai!

"The place of enlightenment this time is not the previous star mode."

"The **** of fire element, place the statue of the ancestral beast ancestor in the center of a small world. You can think of that small world as a secret place, and the beast ancestor statue will release the ups and downs of the uprisings, condensing the upright seas. It has not changed before. "

"However, the closer to the beast ancestor statue area, the easier it will be for Aoyihai to condense."

Humane through the ancient road.

"However, in this small world ... it is equivalent to a battlefield. Those gods and monsters can shoot at you at any time, so remember ... the most important thing is to hold your life!"

"In that small world, neither the Tenjin Order demon nor the quasi-san is allowed to interfere, so ... everything is up to you."

The words of Tonggu Taoist people make the geniuses of the tribe change color.

This mode is very unfavorable to the human race. The previous Star Mode Uprising, although unfair, is at least safe.

The pattern this time is equivalent to throwing the human race in front of many gods.

In the Archean sky, the human race and the devil are endless, let alone in this place of enlightenment.

Moreover, because of the need to consolidate the Aoyihai, once the Aoyihai is too exaggerated, it will even become a target of public criticism.

In other words, the higher the gift of Huoyuan Uprising, the easier it is to be sieged.

Everyone sighed. The situation was worse than they thought.

"lets go."

The ancient Taoist saw that a demon had already entered the place of enlightenment, and he said.

"Be careful, maybe, as soon as you get in there, you might suffer a terrible siege."

The words of the ancient Taoists changed everyone.

However, they had no choice but to say goodbye to the Tonggu Taoists.

Twenty people of Tianjiao, and the four of the Five Phoenixes, turned into a stream of enlightenment.

Buzz ...

This time, the power of the gods and gods, who are extremely powerful, swept by, confirming the qualifications of the human race participants, and preventing people from being mixed in the place where Jin Yuan upright enlightenment happened.

The bodies of Yantai Xuan, Lu Jiulian, Bai Jade, and Xiao Chilong were swept, but they were released directly.

Tonggudao people suspended in the void.

In the distance, the gods of the five elements are extremely cold.

"After the scan, all the people who entered this time are qualified. Those without qualifications have ruled out the possibility of entering the place of enlightenment. This time, there will be no more messy people mixed in."

"The black robe man who stole the statue of Jinyuan Beast Ancestor last time did not show up."

The **** of gold is cold.

The statue of Jinyuan Beast Ancestor was stolen in front of him by a human race.

It was literally hitting his face.

Therefore, this time, they changed the way of enlightenment and chose a small world way.

Any presence in it will be investigated.

The five elemental gods looked at each other, and then they looked at Tonggu Taoists in the distance.

The rise of the human race is a bit rapid, and it has threatened the demon's dominance in the Archean sky.

Therefore, this time, if the twenty-four geniuses of the human race, plus the Tonggu Taoists, are all left.

For the human race, it is also a matter of hurting.

Even if this time will cause the war between the Terran Stars and the demons, they don't care.

Terran ... need more severe means to suppress!

Above the void, the strong are all moving their minds.


Lu Fanduan sat in a thousand-blade chair, and the surrounding scenes surfaced everything that Jiulian saw with his own eyes.

Frowning, Lu Fan also felt the difficulty of the place of enlightenment this time.

"These gods have learned their lessons, refurbished the place of enlightenment, and changed the rules, just like guarding against thieves."

Fortunately, this time, Lu Fan did not sneak into the place of enlightenment as he did last time.

If the trick is repeated, I am afraid it will be difficult.

These gods will be alert at once.

From the perspective of Lu Jiulian, the picture in front of Lu Fan constantly changes.

Soon, they stepped into the transmission channel.

The teleported picture looks like the stars and rivers turn and the stars turn.

After a long time.

Twenty human geniuses, as well as Yantai Xuan, appeared in a flame world.

There is a sea of ​​fire everywhere, and the tumbling flame is like a fire dragon.

However, the picture in front has just been stabilized.

Yantai Xuan, Lu Jiulian and other strong people on the side of the tribe, look slightly changed.


But they saw that a flame claw emerged from above their heads.

That huge claw, composed entirely of flames, was intertwined with the terrifying power of mystery.


Yantai Xuan, Lu Jiulian, Bai Jade, and others changed their color.

Terran genius is also very angry.

This is the hand of the Tenjin Order who scans their participation qualifications!

A claw of horror, containing the vitality of death.

If they do not hide, they will be completely beaten to death!

"Spread! Escape!"

A human genius made a decision instantly.

The next moment, the breath surged and turned into streamers, and at the moment when the claws fell, they spread out in all directions!

Wutaixuan, Lu Jiulian and other five phoenix participants were also scattered.

The human race side that was twisted into a rope at this moment is actually separated one by one!


Tonggudao people were in the void, and when they saw this scene, they were immediately angry.

"Are you going to fight?"

Tonggudao's murderous spirit was stunned, standing, with terrible spatial mystery fluctuations.

However, the elemental demon of fire could see the anger of the ancient Taoist people, but smiled.

"What's the matter, there are no dead people, just scattered."

The God of Fire element laughed.

If the human genius is twisted into a rope, it is really difficult to deal with, even if the demon is out, it will have a lot of deaths and injuries.

Those who can participate in the enlightenment of enlightenment are also geniuses for the demon side.

Therefore, the gods and demons can't be damaged.

However, if the human races are scattered, there is no way to unite them. For the gods and demons with stronger individual strength, breaking them one by one is the best choice.

As long as the human races are gathered together, they can be broken one by one.

Can the ancient people not understand their plans.

He was angry, but he was very weak.

This is the status quo of the human race, because the rules are set by them, so they can only follow their rules.

Tonggudao eyes red.

The human race really has to become stronger. Sooner or later, one day, we must master and even make our own rules!

Of course, at this moment, the people of Tonggu Tao are worried that they are all in the small world.


The palm of the **** order on this day is extremely horrible. Even if it is Tianjiao on the human race side, the strong man at the level of the Heavenly Emperor can not have any confrontation.

After all, the Celestial Order is equivalent to quasi-holy.

The only good thing is that the palm of the **** order on this day was just a random photo. There was no intentional blockade of the space. They were shot dead.

However, everyone was deliberately shattered.

The five phoenixes were also broken up.

Yantai Xuan, Lu Jiulian, Bai Jade Bird, and Little Red Dragon are all scattered.

And this small world is a bit weird, and the space is constantly twisted.

Each twist will make everyone's figures not know where to teleport. It is extremely difficult to gather.

However, the only certainty is that everyone's goal is the position of the statue, as long as it goes towards the statue of the beast ancestor, there is nothing wrong.

Lu Jiulian landed, with a thin green lotus sword around her waist, her eyebrows raised.

"A mess."

"Stop me waiting and then ... break them one by one?"

Lu Jiulian breathed out a sigh of relief, he is now a nine-turn gold fairy, but this strength, in this small world to understand, is nothing.

Basically all of them are immortal gods, and even avenue gods.

The pressure is great ...

"These demons played a good abacus. They scattered me and waited for them to be destroyed one by one. It was easier than killing them together."

"Moreover, there was a day when the gods and demons controlled in secret, and the gods and demons in the place of enlightenment would be guided by them to find the human genius of the order."

"For the sake of the present, only when we get together quickly can we be united."

Lu Jiulian's eyes flickered, and then she tightened the Qinglian sword on her waist and strode forward.

This is a world of flames, the sea of ​​fire is surging, and in the center of the flame world, there is a huge mountain peak, above which there is a huge statue of the ancestral beast ancestor.

Lu Jiulian glanced and determined the direction, and rushed towards the direction of Huoyuan Beast Ancestor.

However, Lu Jiulian knew very well that the next period was bound to be the most dangerous time.

Because the demons managed to break up the human race, it was natural to start the killing at this time.

In fact, this is the conspiracy organized by the gods and demons.

Even if the Terrans know it, they have to jump inside.

Lu Jiulian breathed out a sigh of relief, and for a moment worriedly forgot about the other directions.

He didn't know where Yantai Xuan, Bai Jade and Xiao Chilong had gone. At this moment, everyone was in a very dangerous situation.

Toes lightly on the sea of ​​fire.

Hum ...

Huohai depression, turned into a vortex, the next moment, Lu Jiulian's body ejected, galloping towards the statue of the beast ancestor.

However, Lu Jiulian always felt strange.

It seems ... someone around him is following him.


Just as he galloped far away, the sea of ​​fire exploded.

However, there is an immortal demon who is ambushing him under the sea of ​​fire. He wants to kill him while he is not paying attention.

Lu Jiulian frowned.

Today, he also has great fighting power, after all, it is nine turns to golden immortal, so it is not false.

The immortal gods who can enter the realm of enlightenment are not weak, they have strong magical powers.

Moreover, the other party did not underestimate Lu Jiulian.

Gods and human races have restrained each other for so many years, and each other will not look down on each other.

Terran ... no weak people!



This is a behemoth, with countless flames sweeping into a large web of flames.

Qinglian sword came out of the sheath and cut out the sword awn instantly.

A fast condensation began in his hand, and a seven-color Nulian lotus condensed and threw it along the sword.

Earthquake explosion rolled in the sea of ​​fire!

That immortal **** and demon actually resisted the explosion of the seven-color Nuanlian and rushed out to fight with Lu Jiulian on the sea of ​​fire.

The flames were tumbling, and the fire was sky-high.

Both battles have come and gone.

Lu Jiulian broke through with a complete attitude all the way, so his combat strength was very solid.

The immortal gods and demons who battled him became more and more frightened.

He did not underestimate Lu Jiulian, but he was still surprised by Lu Jiulian's power.

It may be that the fighting here is volatile, and soon, one immortal demon and another demon rush to it.

Lu Jiulian looked more and more cold.

He cannot die.

He Lu Jiulian is also a person with relatives. If he died here just like that, how sad would his relatives be?

Therefore, Lu Jiulian was ready for the deadly battle.

Uh ...

Suddenly, as if there was a deafening sound, it sounded like the twilight morning bell.

From the center of that small world.

Afterwards, the sea of ​​fire seemed to have ripples, and the magnificent source of fire, upright, swept out in the direction of the statue of the Beast Ancestor.

"It's the first wave of fire source Upani Ripples!"

Uprising ripples swept across.

The gods and spirits, including Lu Jiulian's mind, were all condensed for a while, and began to understand the source of fire ...

The battle that was so raging at once was also silenced ...

It's not just Lu Jiulian. Almost every position is in such a situation.

Lu Jiulian began to enlighten the source of fire.

He didn't understand why Lu Fan would let him come to understand the flame uprising. After all, Lu Jiulian was not good at fighting in the nature of fire.

However, he still believed in Lu Shaozhu.

Closed my eyes.

The upright sea above Lu Jiulian's head is slowly condensing, not only him, but also the other demon around.

The atmosphere fell into a weird one.

After remotely watching all this, Lu Pan wondered, and couldn't help laughing.

I thought Lu Jiulian had fallen into a disadvantage, and Lu Fan was still ready to take it.

However, it was not expected that ... because of the upsurge of ripples spreading in the statue of the beast ancestor, the gods and Lu Jiulian temporarily suspended the truce.

"You and Jiulian truce, but you did not truce with me ..."

Lu Fanduan sat in the Qiandao chair, his eyes lit up.

He rolled his sleeves.

The crisp sound interweaves on the chessboard.

Hum ...

The shadow projected on Lu Jiulian's side seemed to overlap with Lu Jiulian.

Lu Jiulian kept enlightenment.

Lu Fan controlled the landing of Jiulian's body, holding the Qinglian sword, and stomped in front of a blushing demon who was enlightened.


White knife goes in red knife out ...

The Qinglian sword shook slightly, and the Yuanshen who landed on the scorpion swayed and trembled.

The soul of this immortal demon suddenly annihilated, leaving only the physical body.

Even the fire goddess Aoyihai, who has been so painstakingly involved, was drained by an inexplicable force.

Pulling the Qinglian sword, Lu Fan controlled the landing of Jiulian's body, and killed several other gods surrounding Lu Jiulian, according to the book.

Although Lu Fan did not comprehend the Huoyuan Aoyi, he gathered the Huoyuan Aoyihai, which belonged to him, by devouring these gods.

Bai Yujing Pavilion.

Above Lu Fan's head, there was actually the Yiyihai gradually taking shape.

Lu Fan's complexion turned out to be weird, his eyes were bright, and he did not expect that he could sneak the firepower upright power in a dark way.

Lu Fan seems to have found a low-key way to get rich.

It seems that Lu Jiulian should be attracted by some gods, but will it be too cruel ...

Lu Fan hesitated.

In the land of enlightenment.

When the first wave of upsurge ripples dissipated.

Lu Jiulian opened her eyes. Above his head, the diameter of the fire source Aoyihai actually reached eight thousand miles.

However, Lu Jiulian didn't pay attention to these things. He stared, his body suddenly became sharp and cold.

After all, he was in a dangerous battle before he came to enlightenment.

There are gods around him!

But, soon, Lu Jiulian, who saw the surroundings, stopped.

He looked at Qinglian Sword with blood in his hands ~ ~ with a blank expression on his face.

Around him, the demon who besieged him turned into a cold, lifeless demon corpse.

Their souls were shattered, and the Jinyuan Uprising Vortex over their heads had long since disappeared.

what happened?

Looking at the blood-stained Qinglian sword, Lu Jiulian was inexplicably silent for a long time.

Did he do it?

Kill four immortal gods with one sword.

Why ... nothing cool at all.

Extremely empty inside.

Even, there is a faint feeling of backsliding.

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket, for a monthly ticket Wow ~

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