MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 8 conflict

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Looking in the direction of the sound, it is the voice of the slum.

It was a tent not far away. There were four or five young people outside the tent. At this time, a person was being pulled out and half of the body was exposed outside the tent. Followed by an old lady, constantly pleading.

"It’s Huang Mao, they must be bullying the honest man again."

At this time, Dong Wu, who was next to Lin Feng, saw what happened there. After seeing the opposite person, he frowned and said.

After listening to Dong Wu’s words, Lin Feng carefully looked across.

There are five young people on the opposite side, who are not very old. One of them has been dyed yellow, which is supposed to be the yellow hair mentioned by Dong Wukou.

Several human body types are small and small, and they are dressed in a flowing atmosphere. From the outside, it is not a good person.

"Do you know them?"

Lin Feng turned over and asked curiously.

"They are the cellars in this slum area. They know that they are bullying honest people all day. If the fighting power is higher than me, I will pack them."

When talking, Dong Wu gritted his teeth and said with hatred.

A few people in Huang Mao were originally slum people. On weekdays, several younger brothers gathered in the living quarters and slums. Although there is some fighting power, those in the living area do not dare to provoke, but the slums belong to the three areas. The army in the base will not manage such a small gang as long as it does not cause trouble in the living area.

Because of this, young people, led by Huang Mao, often bully people in the slums. It’s not a rush to eat, it’s just a girl’s play. People in the slums are angry, but they can't help. Huang Mao is very powerful. The combat power is as high as 150. Dong Wu’s combat power is 120. Don’t talk about dealing with these little gangsters. Even Huang Mao, Dong Wu can’t beat it.

Going to the front, Lin Feng saw Huang Mao. They were a little girl outside the tent. They were young and looked like they were seventeen or eight. And the old lady looked up to forty years old, but because of long-term malnutrition, her face was sallow, and she looked old.

"I beg you, let me go."

The woman was kneeling on the ground, licking the trouser legs of the yellow hair, pleading with grief.

"Less nonsense, borrowing my white crystal does not return, now take the daughter to pay the debt, what can be said? Hurry and let go."

Huang Mao was thin and thin, and looked like a thief. While the girl was squatting out, she rushed to the woman impatiently.

The little girl is very eye-catching, with a pair of big eyes and a watery spirit, and the pointed chin is very cute.

Huang Mao has long been optimistic about this little girl, but if she robs it, she is afraid that things will be too big, and these people in the slums will be outside, which may cause trouble for him.

The girl in this family was sick some time ago, and there was no money at home. It happened to be hit by the hearty yellow hair. So Huang Maotuo found the girl's mother, promised to lend them five white crystals, let the little girl go to the hospital in the living area to see the doctor, and let them make a loan.

At that time, women didn't think so much. They didn't know that the person was a yellow-haired person. They thought that they met a good-hearted person, and when they saved the woman's heart, they pressed the fingerprint on the loan.

Now that there is a loan in hand, Huang Mao does not have to worry about anything, and directly comes to the house to grab people.

It’s Huang Mao who saw the money, and the women suddenly understood what was going on. Huang Mao has done a lot of evil on weekdays, and everyone in the slum knows it, but he dares not to speak. There is nothing worthwhile at home right now. The girl’s father died unexpectedly because of going out to hunt. The remaining white crystal in the house was consumed by life and the girl’s illness. It is really not worth the five white crystals. .

"I will accompany you, will I accompany you? Let go of my daughter."

The woman cried in despair, she knew that Huang Mao must have looked at her daughter, and she was willing to use her body to change her daughter's innocence.

"Fart, just like your old man, you don't do it, just roll it!"

Said, Huang Mao kicked the women apart and shouted in the mouth.


Seeing that the mother was kicked by the yellow hair, the girl cried, seeing that she could not get rid of the yellow hair, and opened her mouth and bit it down against the yellow-haired arm.


Don't look at the girl's young age, but the strength is not small, Huang Mao screams, anger, and raises his hand to give the girl a slap.

Just when Huang Mao’s hand was about to fall on the girl’s face, the arm was caught by a powerful force.

"Friends, don't deceive too much. I still have the money owed by this family."

Lin Feng appeared in time to prevent the movement of the yellow hair. Five white crystals were taken from the end of the world table and thrown into the front of the yellow hair, faintly said.

"Where is the wild boy who dares to disturb the good things of the uncle? You give me death!"

Huang Mao looked at Lin Feng in front of him. In his opinion, no matter who he is, dare to disturb his good things at this time, he should die. Adding Lin Feng’s action to lose the white crystal makes him feel shameful. It is not a respectful person who saw him in the entire slum area. Now someone is afraid to stop him. Huang Mao is angry and punches Lin Feng.

As Dong Wu said, this yellow hair has a higher fighting power than Dong Wu. When a punch hit Lin Feng, he actually took the boxing style. If the punch hits a person, at least the ribs should be interrupted several times.

In the last days, the combat power is very intuitive to show the extent of a person. Take Dong Wu, the combat power of 120 is 20 higher than the average young adult, but don't underestimate the 20. The index of combat effectiveness is comprehensive, strength, speed, defense ability, etc. are all considered. Generally speaking, Dong Wu has absolutely no problem dealing with a few ordinary people, which is why Dong Wu dare directly confronts the first-level zombies and hunt for white crystals.

Like Dong Wu, Huang Mao’s combat power is 150, which is 30 more than Dong Wu’s, but the three Dong Wu are not the opponents of Huang Mao alone. This is the gap in combat effectiveness.

It is reasonable to say that Huang Mao is already very powerful, and it is also a leader among ordinary people. According to the list of the end of the world, the combat power 150 can take about 890,000, and it can be distributed to scattered bases. It can be arranged in hundreds of thousands of bases. It is also very good.

But it is precisely because Huang Mao is just an ordinary person, not a practitioner, and there is no trace of energy fluctuations on his body. If you don't reach the cultivator, you will be just an ordinary person in your life.

Just when Huang Mao’s punch was about to hit Lin Feng, Lin Feng raised his hand and grabbed Huang Mao’s fist, and took the opportunity to go back.


The sound of broken bones came, and several people behind Huang Mao, including Dong Wu, were taking a breath.


Since Dong Wu knew Lin Feng, he has never seen Lin Feng hands-on. At this time, seeing Lin Feng only seems to be a light move, he will break the arm of Huang Mao with a combat power of 150, which is simply shocking. Dong Wu Zhang’s mouth is wide. It can't be closed for a long time.

The yellow-haired donkey that broke his arm reached the ground. At this time, the pain made him unable to shout, and the sweat of the bean fell from the yellow hair.


Lin Feng raised the women who fell to the ground in the first two steps, and said to Huang Mao and others that they did not return.

A few of the mixed-mixes have the highest fighting power, and the rest of them even beat Dong Wu. At this time, where to dare to stay, help raise the yellow hair and turn around.

"I will remember you, you wait."

When I left, Huang Maoyu said a word.

"and many more."

Lin Feng turned and said.

A few people in Huang Mao were shocked, and a sense of fear emerged from the bottom of my heart.

"Put the money on the ground and roll it again."

Lin Feng mouth spit out a few words, so that Huang Mao and others relieved.

Picking up the white crystal on the ground, several mixed hurriedly fled, and brought a burst of dust.

"thank you so much."

Seeing that Lin Feng ran away from Huang Mao, the women bowed deeply toward Lin Feng.

In this end of the world, people are extremely low-spirited, and they can stand up and help themselves without knowing what they are. Women are grateful to Lin Feng.

"Auntie is polite, but I can't just get used to the yellow hair. You can hold these white crystals first. If the yellow hair comes back someday, I will say that I am your nephew. I don't dare to provoke your mother and daughter." ""

Ten white crystals were taken from the end of the world and handed to the women's hands. After a few words, he left with Dong Wu.

Lin Feng is not a good person, but he is more cautious. Just entering the end of the world, Bai Jing is also very important to him, now every white crystal needs to be used on the blade.

The reason why she left her mother and daughter some white crystals is because Lin Feng saw maternal love from the woman, which is a supreme love. As a mother, she was willing to give up her daughter. It was this scene that moved Lin Feng.

After Lin Feng left, the mother and daughter smashed in the direction of Lin Feng’s departure. Among them, the little girl was grateful and her eyes were firm.

What Lin Feng doesn't know is that it is because of his small move today that the change after that is huge.