MTL - Bringing the Supermarket to the Apocalypse-Chapter 556 Old science base

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Lin Feng and Dong Wu, the three of them, are preparing to go to another base a few hundred kilometers away from the security base. It is said to be the site of scientists, the central area that the islanders cannot relate to, because on this dead island, science It is the highest right, and even practitioners cannot surpass science.

The reason for this is that there are no senior practitioners on this death island. Only four level practitioners dominate the world of death, but even if science is old, it is science, and many four-level practitioners are defeated. The hands of scientific weapons, so this world of death is the world of science.

But now Lin Feng has come here. Not only that, but Dong Wu and Lin Xiaobao are also senior cultivators. With their current abilities, the weapons of the old science can no longer attack them. The pattern of the world of death may change because of them.

After leaving the security base, Lin Feng three people set off to the center. They found a truck that could be used in the base. After confirming that the fuel was sufficient, they drove off. In addition to encountering the dead zombies, they also Nothing special, the car has been driving for two days to reach the destination, which also blames the road to death in the world is not good, the car's power is not enough.

If it is not because the world is isolated, science will not fall behind this point, but here is the use of the end of the world table, which makes Lin Feng care.

The world of death is two places isolated from the mainland. The science here is very backward. If it is really scientifically backward, why can the end of the world be used here and receive signals.

If there is no problem with the satellite positioning of the end of the world, then why is it isolated here, and there is no way to communicate these two places with the scientific level of the last days.

Doubt is not just that. But now I can only doubt that there are hidden secrets here, and the only thing I think of is that it is in contact with the mainland world. They hide this relationship on the surface is only a means.

"Lin Feng, let's get there. What are we going to do after we get there?"

Dong Wu’s words made Lin Feng suddenly realize what they were doing there. The purpose of coming to the world of death has been completed, why should we move on?

Dong Wu had the longest time in the last days. He saw the indifference of human feelings, so he cherished their friendship with Lin Feng, which made him want to protect their safety and let Lin Feng not continue to take risks.

This simple idea is very common. He just hopes that Lin Feng will not be injured. The secrets of the end times are not something that they can know. Lin Feng’s current ability has reached the point where no one can match, but it is developed in the last days. The science is still very weak. Even the ice emitters at the Tiannan base are enough to kill many powerful practitioners. Therefore, Dong Wu does not want Lin Feng to continue to find the answer, because it is likely that they will face threats from science.

"The purpose of our coming here has been completed, but many secrets of the last days have not been solved. We have clues in front of us. Should we go and see it? Even if we can't solve the secret, don't you want to know what we really live. Where is it?"

Lin Feng tried to convince Dong Wu, but he could not convince himself that the secret of the end of the world was actually in the heart of Lin Feng, but he still chose to go forward, because the secret of the end of the world was unraveled, he could not go home, he continued to move forward. Just to find the way home.

"Lin Feng, even if we find the answer, what can we do, going home is the ultimate destination, but the world is cruel, we can't change anything no matter how much we do. We can go home is the goal, if you can We can also bring Dong Wu to our world and let him no longer be threatened by the end times."

Lin Xiaobao did not speak until now. He did not disagree with Lin Feng’s point of view, but did not know how to answer their dialogue. Dong Wu’s mind was very obvious. He hoped that Lin Feng and Lin Xiaobao would no longer be threatened, but Lin Feng and Lin Xiaobao wanted to find The way home, and the way to go home is likely to rely on the power of science, so Lin Feng will go looking for all things related to science.

"I understand all these things. We have experienced so much just to be able to live safely. No matter how hard the road ahead, we still have to go. If you don't work hard, I don't work hard. Then how can we continue to live? Life is Own, for the ultimate stable life, should we not find a way to comfort life, now the method is in front of us, should we fight for it."

Lin Feng also knows that Dong Wu does not want them to take risks, but there is no hope of victory without risk. The future life is in his own hands. You can't avoid it because you are afraid of taking risks, but you will not let yourself and your companions because of ignorant adventures. They are hurt, everything is in control, and things that are out of control will never involve their peers.

The car stopped and a very old base appeared in front of it. The whole base was the specification of a medium-sized base. The surface looked worn out, but Lin Feng found that something was wrong here.

The entire base was completely locked by the eye of Lin Feng's Devil Wolf, but Lin Feng could not see anything except the frame of the entire base, because the entire base wall was inlaid with lead.

"What does this mean? The entire base of the city wall is embedded with lead blocks, as if it were guarding the outside rays, but the role of the lead in the last days is generally used to block something from leaking, rather than preventing anything outside. Does it mean that something is hidden in this base?"

After Lin Feng found that his demon wolf's eye was suppressed, he understood the problem here. Using the lead block to make the city wall shows what is hidden here, but here is the scientific base. What else can be found in addition to science-related things?

At this time, Lin Feng remembered the ice emitter of the Tiannan base. The ice emitter was also found under the hidden block. The whole ice emitter was an old-age object, so Lin Feng associates the secret here. Will it be the same weapon?

"It seems that we can't go in. There is something hidden in this base. People in the base are afraid that this thing will be discovered and the wall is made of lead. The scientific ability of this base will never be as simple as the old science. ""

Lin Feng’s words made Dong Wu start to move. I thought that the world of death has no value to explore, but now it seems that the hidden secrets here are not too shallow. To be continued.
