MTL - Boyfriends Always Turned out to Be a Horror Movie Boss-Chapter 154 Fanwai "In the Mist"

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["... May the Lord bless ... the Almighty God forever ..."

Religious prayers came out of the chapel, and Leonard glanced curiously, telling Nahan.

He has been living in the central star area where the federal economy is developed, and he really has rarely seen anyone believe in gods. He thought that everyone now has become egoistic.

Sure enough, the more remote the place is, the more honest and honest it is, and there are still such devout believers.

Leonard thought, and walked into the church.

The simple and exquisite Gothic dome, the beautiful colored windows on the head, the sun shines through the multi-colored glass, and shines on the idol in the center of the church, which is extremely holy.

A group of middle-aged men and women gathered together and whispered prayers in serene expressions.

Leonard didn't bother them either, and quietly found an empty seat to sit and admire the scene that only appeared in history books.

The believers were still praying, and no one noticed Leonard's arrival. They crossed their hands, and the strange symbols on their wrists were exposed between the sleeves.

Leonard hesitated for a moment, always finding that symbol familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it.

After sitting for a while, Leonard felt bored and left.

The transparent ghost that had been following Renard remained.

The ghost gradually showed its shape, and it was the image of a blond man.

The man sat in his seat and looked at the devotees praying.

The next moment, all the believers who were drunk in prayer woke up, and they were shocked to see the endless white mist covering them.

In the mist, the screams rose, and the tall and idols decayed in the white mist and turned into dust.

The ghost was still sitting in the seat, and laughed grimly.

Hehehe—see your gods in hell! 】

——From "In the Mist"

The transparent hood disappeared, and the reincarnation stood in the wilderness, confused.

"Do you guys know where the central area of ​​the plot is?" The middle-aged uncle with short white hair blinked his eyes, hesitating.


A group of reincarnation fell into awkward silence.

"The Lord God shouldn't put us too far away!" A baby-faced youth was lucky, and looked around.

"I hope the Lord God will not be so cruel. Then, does anyone know where we are going next?"

The muscular man then asked, then looked up at the people.

When he saw everyone was right, he sighed with regret and said, "Well, this time it's settled. I didn't know how to spend the reward point so clean before I knew it. After I didn't know that he died, he rewarded Will the points be deducted cleanly! There will be no resurrection! "

"I bought two Little World Sisters before I came and didn't enjoy it!"

Thinking of the beautiful sisters in the small world, the muscular man regretted his face.

"Huh! A group of black people." Aside, the gloomy dark-haired young man extinguished the smoke in his mouth and scorned his tone.

"Say who! Want to die!"

A few hot-tempered reincarnations immediately raised their fists and looked at the dark-haired young man fiercely.

Kacha-The young black-haired man raised his magic gun in his hand, and scared all the reincarnations.

They never thought that this guy would have the money to exchange this kind of magic gun for the rich.

"Trash, don't follow me."

After that, the dark-haired young man turned and walked towards the nearest town, leaving his teammates behind.


The screams continued in the fog.

The crowd ignored the fragmented corpse on the ground and ran away panting quickly, their expressions were a little numb.

They didn't know how long it had been, and for the first time this corridor, which was not long, made everyone feel desperate.

Along the way, they constantly walked in the fog and they encountered many ghosts. The scale of more than 20 people had actually died, leaving only ten people.


Ahead, the young man with dark hair and black eyes has a straight back without any pause in his steps. The sound of footsteps is very obvious in this quiet fog.

At this point, only the remaining ten students were splattered with blood by the dead classmates, and all of them were dripping with blood, accompanied by the deadly expression of the walking dead.

"Shh, you guys, didn't you really think it was wrong?" Among the students, a brown-haired boy scratched his hair nervously, lowered the volume deliberately, and his voice was very low. He seemed to be afraid of being heard by the person in front.

Several other people turned their faces to look at the brown-haired boy. Their frightened eyes looked dull.

"What's wrong?" They hesitated, and eventually followed the brown-haired boy to slow down.

"We have died so many people, but ..." The brown-haired boy opened his eyes wide, bloodshot all over his eyes, and his brown pupils enlarged and tightened, which was strange.

"... he, the transfer student, but still not dead ... he doesn't even have a wound ... is he, is it really a human?" When he saw the dull eyes of others, doubts appeared, and the brown-haired boy was a little stagnant. "Don't know yet! He must be a devil! You don't think that since he started to lead the way, all the ghosts are staring at us, but none have attacked him!"

"My family believes in Almighty God. God once said that the devil who leads us to death, just kill him, then we can go to the light and escape from hell!" Then, the brown-haired boy took out his pocket The artist, the knife, was killing in his eyes.

After listening to the boys with brown hair, everyone turned their necks stiffly and looked at the back.

The back, never moving forward.

No one wants to die—they walked all the way, the shadow of death was covering them, and the huge pressure of survival had long crushed their fragile nerves.

But now, when their spirits are on the verge of collapse, after listening to the brown-haired boys, they subconsciously rekindled their hopes and their eyes brightened. The killing intention was pure and evil.

Yeah, it must be the fault of this transfer student! He is a devil! He killed so many of their classmates!

Just kill him and they will be saved! Kill the devil and they can go out!

Zhou Yu noticed that it was a little late when the movement was behind him.


He sideways avoided a student's flutter, frowned, and looked at the other students.

Are these people crazy?

I saw in the fog, the remaining nine students covered with blood looked at him dumbly and frantically, stepping forward, trying to catch him, and in the mouth there were some scolding curses.

"You **** ... it's your fault! You killed us so many people!"

"Dead! Go to death! Transfer students, be killed, we!"

Although Zhou Yu had the intention to avoid the siege of these people, he was outnumbered and the corridor space was narrow. After all, they were besieged by them.

Seeing this, the brown-haired boy immediately held the artist and knife to press the button, and made a "click" sound.

"Go die! The devil!"

Zhou Yu looked at the sharp utility knife, her beautiful black eyes widened, and she was a little surprised.

He had previously thought that these people were going to let him down and let him down, and he really didn't expect these people to be real.


Just when the blade was about to touch Zhou Yu, the temperature of the original mist plummeted and turned into countless crystal icing thorns to those students who lost their minds.


At the same time, Zhou Yu felt a pair of cold arms hugging him, holding him all in his arms.

An unfamiliar and familiar warm feeling came to mind.

"... Don't be afraid ..." The hoarse male voice sounded on the ear, Zhou Yu's breathlessness caused by the dead man's breathlessness.

This is that ghost?

"Ahhhhh !!!! It hurts! My eyes! Woohoo! I can't see it!"

"Woohoo! I hurt! Who will save me-the devil! There is a devil behind the transfer student!"

"Ghost! Ghost! Ahhh! It's terrifying here! Who will save me!"

The mourning students looked up and saw a scary scene not far away with blood-stained eyes.

The boy with dark hair and black eyes was embraced by a blood-red shadow in his arms. Countless black-red blood flowed from the shadow and gradually spread to the wall of the corridor, turning everything into the most terrifying look.

The original clean and tidy wallpaper faded and became old and worn out. Red palm worms crawling between the wallpapers and made creepy sounds.

The smooth ground was also stained with rust and dust.

Dried blood pools and broken limbs have become a long-lasting picture in the eyes of everyone.



Simultaneously with the changes in the corridor, countless ghosts appeared out of thin air, they roared and approached, their faces were full of greed-they were craving for human flesh.

A few students who were still in the same place were soon bitten by the ghosts, blood flowed, and the painful cry seemed to never stop.

"Woohoo--help me cough! Uh!"


The brown-haired boy looked at the scene incredulously, his legs trembling.

"No, that's impossible ... that transfer student ... why? Why you never die! Why did we die!"

Zhou Yu didn't know why he didn't break away from the ghostly embrace, but leaned on his broad and cold embrace, his expression was calm. He answered the question of the brown-haired boy: "I don't know, but I know, if you didn't interrupt me just now , Now we are out. "

Zhou Yu stretched out his long fingers and pointed at the bright gate ten meters away.

That's the exit of the teaching building.

The clay figurine still has three points of anger, and hits his knife behind his back. Does he really get angry?

Zhou Yu knows that sometimes, after giving hope, he finds that his life is cut off, which is far more frustrating than mere despair.

He just wanted to make these people see clearly what stupid things they did! I'm going out, I have to come out and fight!

"Why ... what ..." Then the brown-haired boy found out that they had unknowingly walked up the stairs and reached the corridor on the first floor.

Not far away is an escape exit symbolizing hope.

Huge remorse swept through the hearts of surviving students, and the cry was a little louder than it was.


At the moment when the brown-haired boy was stunned, a hanged boy with a crooked neck bit the brown-haired boy's neck and blood spewed out.

He screamed, struggling, and finally recovered some saneness in the fierce pain. He turned his eyes, watching the transfer student and the ghostly intimacy, his heart filled with remorse.

He could see that the ghost was probably a great thing, and it was because of the ghost's protection that this thin transfer student could be safe all the way. If they didn't kill their heart at the beginning, then, it would be protected by the ghost. The transferring students may really be able to take them out of this mist.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and even if the brown-haired boy regrets it again, it will not help. He was soon devoured by the hanged ghost and cleaned, and the bones were left.

The author has something to say: Sorry qaq is late today 文

Tomorrow is full, so it may be a bit late, little angels do n’t wait, come back at 9:30, I ’m very sorry! Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution ~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

Wow, wow, 20 bottles; New Year's Eve, 10 bottles; Cold Spirit, Breeze, Bright Moon, Hyosung Dust, Sanyueliang, Nini 5 bottles; Yuzu tea, dry dogs, 234814293 bottles; Wish for health and safety 2 bottles of fireflies; 1 bottle every day at Luxi and Tianxi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! 2k novel reading network