MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 33 Meet the enemy

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After being “watered” for two days, Nie Yi, who was a little bit sloppy with water, rushed home and saw Qi Jingchen watering the vegetables on the balcony. ### 卡蒂诺 手机 读 ###

Nie Yi originally found some vegetable seedlings and some seeds to return. Those seedlings are now mostly alive, and many of these seeds have sprouted in the past few days. Of course, there are also some weeds and so on.

Qi Jingchen took a spoon, carefully watered each plant, and served him very carefully, just like Nie Yi served him.

"You are so good to them, why don't you care about me?" Nie Yici said slickly, and he was jealous of the vegetables that he could hide comfortably in Qi Jingchen's field.

"Can you eat?" Qi Jingchen glanced at Nie Yi.

"It's something I can eat too!" Nie Yi suddenly smiled and pointed.

"Do you really want me to treat you like they do?" Qi Jingchen suddenly looked at Nie Yi.

Nie Yi faintly felt something was wrong, but how could he miss this opportunity? Now: "Sure!"

Qi Jingchen scooped a spoonful of water with a large spoon that watered the vegetable seedlings, and then poured it on Nie Yi's head.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Qi Yaoyao couldn't help laughing, lying on the sofa, but the laughter involved a muscle strain on her body, and she suddenly made her teeth grin.

These days, Gan Jun is training her every day, and every time she has to exhaust her physical strength before she can give up, so that now she feels that there is no muscle intact on her body.

Strange to say, she still feels pain every day, but her strength or something seems to be a little bigger.

Such training is useful! Wanting to understand this, although Qi Yaoyao felt uncomfortable and painful, he persisted.

Qi Jingchen heard the laughter of his sister, but didn't look at it, just asked Nie Yi: "Should I pour you more?"

Nie Yi is now afraid that Qi Jingchen is lazy and doesn't care about anything. Of course, I hope Qi Jingchen can do something. Watering himself is very good, at least a little popular, and he himself needs to soak the water first. Nothing: "Yes!"

Qi Jingchen took a spoon and poured it on Nie Yi's head.

Ping Shengchao came with Xu Nan and just saw this scene.

Ping Shengchao accepted Nie Yi's explanation before, believing that Qi Jingchen was a good person, because Qi Jingchen had not hurt Nie Yi, but now it made him look a little bit, but soon, he remembered Nie Yi's murder Those words that I said when I was philosopher.

Although Ping Shengchao's appearance is deceived, he is absolutely clever. Naturally, it is Nie Yi's pampering that Qi Jingchen can do this. Since Nie Yi is willing, he really has nothing to say ...

Xu Nan didn't even say anything. He wanted to follow Nie Yi, but didn't want to offend Nie Yi.

"How is your team?" Nie Yi wiped a handful of water running down his hair and looked at Xu Nan.

He has been teaching those abilities in Base 2 these days. Xu Nan and several other people willing to follow him were handed over to Ping Shengchao and Zhou Xiaofeng. Wait for someone out of town to do some simple tasks.

At present, the main targets of the military are those large granaries, hospitals, and large markets. Those who are careful about supermarkets and residential buildings have no time to search. Therefore, the various careful teams in the safety zone will gain a lot when they go outside.

Unfortunately, most people are reluctant to go out when they enter the safe zone. They waste a lot of time right now ... afterwards, they will be too late to regret it.

"We got a lot of supplies back, which was entirely due to the ammunition Nie Shao gave us." Xu Nandao, whether it is Ping Shengchao or Zhou Xiaofeng, the marksmanship is very good. He and he have experienced killing a lot of zombies outside Yes, so although their team encountered some dangers, they also gained a lot.

"That's good, you can collect more convenient foods." Nie Yi said, and then talked with Xu Nan about things like how to protect yourself from being hurt by zombies, and finally reminded: " Do n’t eat the water outside, and food that has already been opened. "

"We will." Xu Nandao, then gave Nie Yi the address of a warehouse in his hand. According to their previous plan, Nie Yi produced two people, equipped with ammunition, and then gave him half of the collected materials.

With these supplies, Nie Yi finally got rich, but unfortunately it is not enough-in order to develop his own power in the safe area, you must have supplies ...

Xu Nan said something and left. At this time, Qi Jingchen was holding a coffee pot and was filling pebbles in it. He filled half a pot of pebbles, put them in the soil, and planted a lettuce.

"The lettuce is very good, the tender greens are very beautiful, and they can be eaten without any bugs," Nie Yi praised.

"I just don't know if I can grow." Qi Jingchen frowned slightly. Today's weather is still very hot, which is actually not conducive to the growth of vegetables.

"I think you can plant it live." Nie Yi said, Qi Jingchen had grown vegetables well: "Do you remember that you have planted many vegetables before? Unfortunately, Yu Xuguang was blown up in the end." When referring to the words "Yu Xuguang", Nie Yi's face was hard to look at instantly.

"Remember." Qi Jingchen did not have such intense emotions as Nie Yi. In fact, Yu Xuguang blew him at the time, and he was not angry. He didn't really want to live at that time.

Qi Jingchen's response was too bland, but Nie Yi's original anger disappeared. Finally, he said, "Go to the bath first, and I'll soak it after washing."

Qi Jingchen had finished planting the flowers, and now there were some stains on his hands, so he took a bath comfortably. After he finished washing, Nie Yi soaked in contentedly, and then began to slowly feel the surrounding water. .

At the same time, Nie Boyuan was losing his temper in his villa.

He had people going to find Nie Yi's movement very much, so many people knew Nie Yi, which was originally nothing, knowing that today's gossip about Nie Yi spread throughout the security zone in just a few days.

There are too few entertainment projects in the safe zone. In fear and despair, everyone will want some gossip to divert their attention or vent, and the son of the safe zone chief loves a man and obeys that man. This is definitely very suitable.

And Nie Boyuan, just learned about it half an hour ago.

Nie Boyuan became the head of the safety zone, and some people were not convinced. When he was off work today, some people who were dissatisfied came to him: "Lao Nie, I heard that you let the adopted son move into his villa? Are you right? It ’s okay to adopt a son, and you ca n’t forget a serious son because of a adopted son? A fire-powered person was poured with water, and the skin that was forced to soak in blisters was wrinkled and wrinkled, which was really pitiful. "

Nie Boyuan was annoyed that Nie Yi was not bad at speaking to himself, so after knowing that Nie Yi went to Zhao Chengqi, he completely ignored Nie Yi, and now he suddenly heard this, thinking that Nie Yi was aggrieved, he was a little worried now: What happened? "

"Lao Nie, you really don't know? Now the whole safe area has spread, your son found a powerful lover, and after being offended by the lover, he was poured into the water." The man saw Nie Boyuan's expression and laughed. stand up.

Nie Boyuan only felt that his face was hot and sore, and he couldn't say anything. The original worry that Nie Yi was angry became all annoyed.

He couldn't say anything outside, but he got angry after seeing the babysitter Liu Xie cheering himself again, and immediately became angry: "Liu Xie! I didn't treat you badly, who did you make this look to? Look?"

"What do I look like and what does it have to do with you?" Liu Yan said as he wiped the table with a stern face: "I don't mean to do things by myself, but I'm afraid people will say it?"

"Where am I not doing good?" Nie Boyuan patted the table. He lost a lot of relatives. These days, he is very busy. As a result, the babysitter in the family even gave him trouble.

Liu Ye is not too young. He can't do any work or earn any labor points. He can live here to eat, drink and rely on him.

"Although we all told Xiao Yi that his mother had become a zombie from the beginning, but she was clearly bitten. If you were at home, how could she die?" Liu Yan suddenly said. Nie Yi's mother, Nie Boyuan's wife, was named Li Zhi, and her relationship with Liu Ye had been good before.

On the contrary, Nie Boyuan and his wife had no feelings. He often didn't go home and live in another house. The night after the last days was the same, so Li only stayed in a house with his nanny.

Li had a bite on her body, so she should have been bitten when she heard something from the babysitter ...

Thinking of what he said that day, Liu Ye was very uncomfortable, and he was angry with Nie Boyuan. She almost watched the movement in Grandpa Nie Yi's and grandma's room that day. She stopped after receiving a call from Nie Boyuan. Nie Boyuan called the place where they lived, so why not just call Li? And why did she think that Li would only know about it and didn't call him?

In this way, Li just might not have to die.

Nie Boyuan was speechless. He had too many things at that time, and he really forgot about Li Zhi. Later, when he called again, there was no news, but who can predict the zombies?

Liu Ye did not continue to speak, on the one hand, he blamed Nie Boyuan, and on the other hand, he also blame Nie Boyuan, and ... these days, Nie Bo is also very good to Yu Shuo and his son.

She didn't see how respectful Yu Shuo was to Nie Boyuan. Nie Boyuan didn't care. Nie Yi was so angry that he really didn't care!

Liu Ye had no children, and Nie Yi was brought up by her own hands. She had long seen Nie Yi as her own son, and naturally did not like Nie Boyuan.

Between the two, Yu Shuo returned.

Seeing Yu Shuo, Liu Ye took the rag and went to do sanitation without saying hello.

"Yu Shuo, how are you today?" Nie Boyuan asked in a spirited manner.

"I'm fine," Yu Shuo said directly, walking upstairs, halfway, he folded back again: "I heard some news outside ..."

Nie Boyuan knew that Shuo was referring to Nie Yi and sighed, "Don't worry about him."

Yu Shuo didn't ask any more questions when he heard such an answer. He went directly into the room. After entering the room, he sat expressionlessly on the chair and suddenly smiled.

He originally made people pay attention to Nie Yi, but he wanted to see if he could find something about Nie Yi's handles. For example, Nie Yi fought for bullying and others, but he didn't expect that the news he discovered was so interesting.

He naturally helped propagate ...

Nie Yi also knows the gossip about himself outside, but he wants everyone to know that he is deeply regretful about Jing Chen, and everyone wants to know that Qi Jing Chen is his, naturally he will not clarify, and even hate to spread it out.

After soaking in the water for half a night, Nie Yi, who was almost swollen, held Qi Jingchen, and arrived on the second base on time.

When he first started to hold Qi Jingchen, he still felt sour, and now he is getting used to it, he just can't wait for Qi Jingchen to grow in his hands, but unfortunately ...

What Nie Yi can teach to the ten abilities at this stage has already been taught. In addition, he intends to contact with hundreds of other abilities, so he does not go to the gym, but instead talks on the playground. People learn.

After being kissed by Qi Jingchen last time, he not only upgraded his abilities, but also improved his mental strength. At this time, fighting with people became more handy, and while fighting, a group of military water powers returned. .

"Let's have a fight? If you are together, you can use abilities, I don't need to." Nie Yi directly challenged those people.

"That's not good, isn't it?" The people looked at Nie Yi with expressions of eagerness.

None of these were "taught" by Nie Yi, but only saw Nie Yi fight with Zhang Zihai.

They admired Nie Yi at that time, but then they have always seen Nie Yi obey Jing Chen's words and obey, and have also heard Zhang Zihai say something like Nie Yi's baby Qi Jingchen and a little disdain for Nie Yi Already.

"I think it's just right," Nie Yi said. As soon as the words fell, his body was wet.

When he had the water system ability, even if his body was soaked, it could dry instantly. Now ... Nie Yi smiled, closed his eyes, and only used spirit to perceive everything around him, and then he kicked a water system with one foot. The ability turned over.

After turning over one, then the second, the third ...

Those water powers were soldiers before, and their skills were good. This time, several of them called Nie Yi. They asked about the idea to make Nie Yi ugly, but it was they who rolled on the ground. Soaked, but nothing happened.

"Did you serve it?" Nie Yi asked.

"Served." Those people could only give up.

"Stand up and water me." Nie Yi said again.

This Nie Yi ... shouldn't he have a special hobby, like masochism? Those people are a little embarrassed, but who wants to take revenge just after being hit? They soon worked hard to start watering Nie Yi.

Nie Yi slowly felt the surrounding powers, faintly, he had a feeling that he would break through that barrier. At this time, he listened to humanity: "Yu Xuguang, this is the second base."