MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 327 Take the house

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Not long ago, Nie Yi got a crystal of water system divine power. So soon he got a crystal of water system divine power. This is something to be pleased with, but thinking of their current situation, his mood is somewhat complicated.

With the crystallization of fire divine power, he and Qi Jingchen could stay a little longer, but only for a while ...

The Mirror of Light has been completely silent. It finally burst out all its energy, but it just dissipated the surrounding dark energy for a short while.

Seeing that the surrounding dark energy was coming together again, Nie Yi reached out and used a fire magic.

After the huge fireball appeared, everything around it became extremely clear, except that the fireball flickered a little, it had disappeared and was assimilated into dark energy.

However, although the fireball has been on for a short time, Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have also taken the opportunity to see the surrounding situation and keep it in mind.

"There are still corpses next to it." Qi Jingchen said, next to the corpse that had just disappeared, there was a huge pit in which there seemed to be a corpse.

"Let's go," Nie Yi said, holding Qi Jingchen and groping slowly to the bottom of the pit.

He also saw the corpse just now, and remembered its location, so he came to the corpse after a while.

Nie Yi made a little spark again and looked at it. This corpse is completely different from the previous one. His hands and feet are full of scales, maintaining the shape of a part of the beast. It looks like an orc like Yell.

Is this ... the beast god?

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen both felt a little bit emotional. The legendary beast **** is warlike and powerful, but now he is just a corpse.

The small flame on Nie Yi's hand flickered and disappeared, but this time, the corpse did not crystallize from the magic because they used magic.

"Burned him." Qi Jingchen said, they will be dead here sooner or later, and this corpse may be their only way of life.

Although it is not good to start with the corpse, they have no other way.

Nie Yi nodded when he heard Qi Jingchen's words, absorbed some of the power of the fire-powered divine crystals that had just fallen into his hands, and then released a ball of flame.

The corpse seemed to remain intact, but when the flame fell on it, it quickly turned to ashes. Qi Jingchen reached out and touched a crystal of divine power, and this time the crystal of divine power was indeed thunder. .

There are few lightning magicians on the earth, but Nie Yi and Yu Shuo have been tit-for-tat for so long, but they also know this magic. Holding the crystal of lightning power in his hands, he couldn't help feeling.

It is indeed the strongest offensive magic. Now he just feels numbness in his hands and feet just by holding the crystal of this divine power.

"We continue to look for other corpses." Qi Jingchen said, while walking slowly forward.

They searched slowly in this big pit, and as time went by, they found another body.

They did the same, and got a crystal of wind power and a crystal of space power.

Before, they wanted to find what the God of Space left on the earth, but found nothing. Now, the power of God of Space is crystallized in their hands, and the body of God of Space is burned by them.

They have previously obtained three divine power crystals in the wood, water, and soil systems. Now they have obtained three divine power crystals in the fire system, thunder system, and space system. In addition to darkness and light, the other seven deities have the divine power. Crystallized they have got six.

"Gathering the seven dragon **** can summon the Shenlong, and gathering the seven divine crystals does not know if we can leave us here." Nie Yi laughed.

"Keep looking." Qi Jingchen said.

"Okay." Nie Yi nodded, and at the same time watching the divine power crystal flashed a thought.

He had previously relied on divine power crystals to obtain other magical powers and enhance his strength. In this case, if he eats all of these divine power crystals, is it possible for him to directly break through the level of the magic teacher and become a saint?

Would a Fa Saint with so many other magical powers have a chance to go out from here?

The mental strength of the two has been closely linked, and Qi Jingchen's idea of ​​Nie Yi was known as soon as possible.

He subconsciously tried to stop Nie Yi, but soon felt unnecessary.

This is indeed the only way for them to go out, and their lives are already linked. Nie Yi can't live if he dies. In this case, why not try it?

"Wait a minute, I will eat the fire department first." Nie Yi suddenly said.

Qi Jingchen knew that Nie Yi was out of magic, and nodded when he heard it.

After eating the crystals of the fire department's divine power, after experiencing severe pain again, Nie Yi became the fire demon teacher.

They used to be very slow to upgrade, but now they are amazingly fast, but they are extremely dangerous.

The magic in the body became extremely full again. Nie Yi once again used a fire magic. At this time, they saw a corpse from a distance.

Could it be the body of the God of War? Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen looked at each other and walked there together. After a while, they came near the corpse, only to find that the corpse looked very handsome.

The black-eyed, dark-eyed youth lay there peacefully, as if just asleep, but in fact he had no life breath.

Nie Yi did not want to, and just threw a fireball over the corpse as before.

The previous corpses turned into flying ash after encountering the fireball, but this corpse did not have a black smoke on it. This black smoke contacted Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen at the same time, but let go. Qi Jingchen got into Nie Yi's body.

"What's this?" Qi Jingchen reached out and grabbed Nie Yi's hand, and his mental strength penetrated into Nie Yi's body, and then the two saw the black smoke at the same time.

The black smoke entangled in Nie Yi's mental power, even began to devour Nie Yi's spiritual power!

Seeing this scene, Qi Jingchen was shocked. His mental strength stretched out, and he wanted to dispel the black mist, but found that it couldn't work at all. Instead, Nie Yi's mental power was swallowed up by that black mist, or It should n’t be swallowing, it should be assimilation.

The mental power of Nie Yi, which had been eroded by the black mist, seemed to become the minions of the black mist, and in turn began to hurt Nie Yi.

"Nie Yi!" Qi Jingchen screamed.

"It's a win." Nie Yi squeezed three words out of her mouth, sat on the ground, closed her eyes, and began to resist.

Take the house? Qi Jingchen glanced at the black mist.

The characteristics of this black mist look a bit like dark energy.

So, this corpse is not God of War, but ... Dark God?

The Dark God is here, so the earth is full of dark energy? And this dark **** hasn't really died in the real sense, but he can still take his breath away?

Qi Jingchen's heart trembled, and then went to see Nie Yi, but found that Nie Yi's mental power was consumed more. Through the symbiotic contract, he could even feel that Nie Yi's body was vaguely active .

Qi Jingchen was full of anxiety, but Nie Yi had no time to think about anything else at this time. All his energy was focused on the confrontation with the black mist.

Although he was about to die, even if he died, he could not let his body out.

This is the body that signed a symbiotic contract with Qi Jingchen. If it is really taken away, his many memories of Qi Jingchen will be seen by another person, and those who are closely connected with Qi Jingchen will become others ... I won't stare when I die!


In the face of the black mist pressing, Nie Yi refused to let it go.

However, where is he an opponent of the Dark God?

Qi Jingchen tried to block the dark energy with his own mental power, but it had no effect, and his face became increasingly ugly.

He believes that if the Dark God is good, it is impossible to choose Nie Yi as the object of robbing him. After all, Nie Yi and him have a symbiotic contract. He will die if Nie Yi is dead. Waiting too long, it has already become the end of a strong crossbow, so it is not so picky.

But even if he has become the end of the crossbow, he is much stronger than them ...

Obviously Nie Yi's body has both a deity and a divine power, and he can't even hinder him at all!

Looking at Nie Yi's painful face, Qi Jingchen's heart was all stunned.

His light magic has long been exhausted, and Nie Yi has no more power to maintain the protective cover. The dark energy around him rushes towards them and completely traps them.

Dark energy touched Qi Jingchen's body. Qi Jingchen only felt cold and cold, but he was sober.

He and Nie Yi had a symbiotic contract before, but this did not prevent the seizure of the house. If this continues, Nie Yi will sooner or later be seized.

If Nie Yi is really robbed, I am afraid that he can only go the same way as the robber. Even if Nie Yi is not robbed, his current situation may not be alive. how long.

Since we are all going to die, why not fight together?

Qi Jingchen kicked to the corpse next to her suddenly.

The previous corpses had reached the point where they would fall apart after a short while, but this corpse was different. Qi Jingchen stepped on it a few feet, it was still good, but Qi Jingchen felt particularly uncomfortable because of the dark energy attack.

Although uncomfortable, he was not immediately attacked by dark energy ... Qi Jingchen looked at his hands and suddenly remembered that he had the Light Eucharist.

He has a body of light, a body full of light energy ...

Qi Jingchen took a bright magic crystal from his body that had not received the space ring before. He cut through his palm with the magic crystal that had no magic power inside, and then poured blood on the corpse.

The corpse turned into black smoke, and at last a piece of deity was left, and a piece of divine power was crystallized.

The previous corpses did not have a godhead, but this corpse had ... there was no need to think about it, Qi Jingchen took both of them together.

The godhead was eaten by his stomach, and the crystals of divine power were slowly absorbed by the wound on the palm of his hand.

That dark mist, can you watch these fall in his hands?