MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 24 Safe place

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Nie Yi and others have left, but the rest of the quarantine are still waiting, digesting the information they just got. ### 卡蒂诺 手机 读 ###

Nie Yi, turned out to be the son of the mayor of this safe zone?

They used to think that Nie Yi's identity was not low, but they couldn't think it would be so high ... the head of the security zone! Isn't this safe zone all his own? !!

Xu Nan has been trying to express himself in the presence of Nie Yi in the past few days. After knowing Nie Yi's identity, he couldn't help cheering. Several other people, like Xu Nan, who have a good relationship with Nie Yi, also showed joy.

Now the world is so chaotic. If they have a backer, they will be much better in the future! And Nie Yi said before that he wanted to form a team. They followed Nie Yi, and they will not be hungry in the future?

Some people are happy, and of course some people are afraid.

Nie Yi turned out to be so big. They also reported Nie Yi to others. Is it possible that Nie Yi will kill them, can they stay in this safe area?

The two of them became more and more afraid, and regretted it. They knew that they had let their son kill the zombies with them. With their protection, the son would not die, maybe he would be appreciated by Nie Yi ... Now, thinking these are useless ... Yao's father and mother Yao are hiding in the corner and dare not talk more.

At this time, the new registrar has come over, asking them about their status, counting their numbers, and giving them residence certificates for resettlement houses where they can stay for free for two days.

The resettlement house can be free for people to live in, but in those two days, everyone has to take care of themselves, and then register and take photos in a special place inside. After registration, the safe area will allocate a residence and form a certain scale. One resident group, then each resident group arranges two leaders.

In the residents group, all people who have the ability to work need to work to get labor points and exchange materials. If they are doctors and nurses before the end of the world, they will be assigned to special units to work, and technical workers such as electricians and welders will also work. It is often necessary to be transferred to various places for various repairs and repairs. Without the various capabilities required by the safe area, then the migrant workers at the construction site before the end of the world must do all kinds of work-now the housing in the safe area is tight and it is planned to expand. There is no shortage of coolies.

Those who have the ability to work must have to work before they can eat, but it is certain that the elderly and children who do not have the ability to work can receive a few rations every day. Of course, if these elderly or children are willing to work and competent, then they can also Earn points.

These are the ordinary living conditions of ordinary people in the future, but the abilities are different. The abilities are treated better. Some people will take them to register and get a better place. Of course, all Psionicists are also grouped together to work for the safe area.

For example, the water for cleaning outside the city is the one that the water system has been replenishing there. Otherwise, so many people come to the safe area every day, and the safe area may not be able to take out so much water.

Under the operation of the national machinery, the safety zone of city b has become well organized in less than a month. Of course, this is the end of the world. After all, no matter how good the safety zone is, it may not be bright. .

When the registrar came to register, the first thing he asked was if there were any abilities in the team, and then they asked where they came from, how the casualties were, and even what happened to them along the way.

When I learned that there were no abilities among them, and there were no casualties along the way, and they were rescued after being trapped at home for more than half a month, I couldn't help saying: "Your luck is good. "

In fact, many civilian teams have already arrived in the safe area before. Although some of these people saved people along the way, they only saved those abilities, and some of them saved everyone or simply escaped. The formation of these teams, the losses are very heavy ...

"Nie Yi, they protect us very well." Immediately humane.

"How did I hear that anyone else had sued him for murder?" The registrar asked with a smile.

"Someone took something from the zombies and tried to harm the people in the team, and he was burned to death." The respondent said again.

At first, the registrar thought that Nie Yi was killing because of conflict with others. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, and I couldn't help crying: "Such people should be killed!"

"Yeah, yeah!" People around also said, although they were taken aback by the scene of Nie Yi's killing at the time, they also admitted that Yan Zhe should kill, and if it was not Nie Yi, they might have been dead.

People outside were talking about Nie Yi's affairs. At this time, Nie Yi and others had already tested with test strips and entered the safe area.

The clothes on several of them are clean and amazing, and they are the masters who are not easy to mess with, making everyone around them envious and jealous.

"I just went in. Those who haven't seen them before. Who are they?" A young man who was doing a test near the aisle asked his colleagues.

"You flip through the album with your hair up and down." His colleague glared at the man.

"Isn't I a little blind? ..." This man touched his nose and opened a photo album around him. The people here were all on the page for their attention, and he turned the page. I saw the photo of the person who just walked by.

Nie Yi, the son of District Chief Nie ...

In fact, the highest leader in their safety zone is not the mayor of the safety zone. Just like the former city b, although the mayor's position is not small, the situation of the chairman and the prime minister is similar.

The safety zone in city b is actually divided into several forces. The two main and largest forces are naturally military and political parties. In addition, many schools and scholars in city b have gathered together to form a group. Those businessmen We got together, and some people from state-owned groups got together, almost seven or eight small forces.

Because of this, the director of a security zone is not actually the controller of the security zone. Such a large security zone cannot be controlled by one person.

But as the district chief, many things were arranged by him, and his son could definitely walk sideways in this safe area.

The person who claimed to be a little blind turned the album and suddenly remembered one thing: "The Yu before ..."

"These aren't ours." Another person interrupted the man.

The two of them stopped talking, but continued to test the people below. This job is easy and the work scores are high. Although they are more dangerous outside the city than in the city, they don't want to lose it.

"Boss, I didn't expect my uncle to become the mayor!" Ping Shengchao said excitedly when he entered the city.

Nie Yi's father is named Nie Boyuan. Although he was in a high position before the end of the world, he was not particularly powerful. Ping Shengchao didn't expect that he could become the head of the safety zone.

However, it was too sudden in the last days. Many people turned into zombies without warning. The upper forces should have experienced a thorough shuffle.

"Oh." Nie Yi's face didn't look happy.

"Boss ..." Ping Shengchao looked at Nie Yi puzzledly.

"You will know later." Nie Yi said.

"God is mysterious." Shao Zhenglan said, but she was very uncomfortable. Her father was not much worse than Nie Boyuan before the last days. Now people outside know Nie Yi but don't know her ...

She had been anxious to come to City B before, but when she got here, she was afraid again. At the beginning of the last days, the phone could still communicate, but she couldn't reach her loved ones ...

Shao Zhenglan could not wait to find her relatives right away, but she did not dare to find them.

"Brother, we ..." Qi Yaoyao walked quietly to Qi Jingchen. She is just an ordinary little girl who can no longer be ordinary. She grew up in a small place, and now she is a little helpless.

"It's okay, don't worry." Qi Jingchen said, what about the district chief? Is it going to die in a few years?

"Don't be afraid. As long as you listen to me and let your brother listen to me, I will let you live a good life." Nie Yi said suddenly to Qi Yaoyao.

Qi Yaoyao opened her eyes wide and stared at Nie Yi, of course she did not agree, but the scene of Nie Yi's killing had scared her before, and she dare not refute.

Nie Yi likes to look at her in such a frightened manner, her mouth twitched.

Qi Jingchen slaps on Nie Yi's shoulder, wakes up Nie Yi who threatens Qi Yaoyao and suddenly says, "I don't want to go." Although he felt better because of the comfort of these days, he was still weak.

"I hold you." Nie Yi always seizes the opportunity.

"By car!" Qi Jingchen said, compared to being held, he was definitely more comfortable sitting.

"Is there a car?" Nie Yi retreated, and then reached out to embrace Qi Jingchen, looking at the registrar who led the way.

"I have a car, and I'll ask two to come." The registrar glanced at Qi Jingchen with a strange look. Just looking at Qi Jingchen ’s style, he thought Qi Jingchen was a strong man. Now it seems that ... how can a strong man be unable to walk in a few steps and be caught by others?

But after the end of the world, strange things came out. A few days ago, a group of people ran naked, and they were used to it.

The car the clerk found was two recharged three-wheeled batteries.

The safe zone still supplies power regularly, and electricity is available, but gasoline as a non-renewable product is an important material. Because of this, the transportation vehicles used in the safe zone are basically all charged.

This battery can seat four people behind three wheels, and two cars can fit them all, and then the registrar drives with the other person and drives them to the center of the safe area.

There are zombies outside, but there are all people in the safety zone. Although many people are not in a good state, they are also thriving. Qi Jingchen looks at the outside scene through the window of the battery three wheels. .

Although he had suffered many miserable things, he really did not think that human beings should be damned because of them. After all, he himself was human.

After he had lived a life with few living people in the world, he even wanted to be surrounded by people everywhere.

But sooner or later, all this will disappear.

Qi Jingchen regained his gaze with anxiety, and began to close his eyes in the car.

Unlike Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi, while looking at the scenes outside the window, was pondering the path he would take next.

In his last life, Yan Zhe betrayed his enemy, who had a fever for two days at the beginning of the last days. When the power was awakened, he was infinitely close to the second level. At this time, he should already be a second level power. It is still the strongest thunder system. Ability!

This does not count, because of his special status before the end of the world, this person became one of the representatives of this security base ability on the third day of the end, which is still the highest profile.

Today, the safe zone uses his photos and videos to recruit and promote the psionicist, and he also has a strong team of psionicists.

Such a person is not easy to deal with, if it is not because this person is too strong, he would not have been held down by this person in his lifetime, and he was almost dead in the end.

However, I do n’t know whether to say that this person is lucky, or that this person is unfortunate ... The thunderbolt ability is not worse than his water and fire dual ability, so in the last life, this person caught Qi Jingchen in order to survive. That security base negotiated and finally ate Qi Jingchen's meat.


After he guarded Qi Jingchen and killed those who ate Qi Jingchen's flesh, he suddenly found that his enemies were also dead.

At the same time, his enemies' supporters will hate him and kill him for thousands of miles ...

Nie Yi recalled the events of his last life. Unconsciously, the two battery cars had stopped in front of a community where guards stood guard.

Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen and others just got out of the car and saw the nanny Liu Yan who was waiting at the gate of the community. Liu Ye is now in her sixties. She was brought back from her hometown by her grandmother Nie Yi. She has taken care of his grandparents for almost thirty years. Nie Yi has always taken care of her since she was a child.

"Liu Ye." Nie Yi rarely smiled sincerely when he saw the old man.

"Xiao Yi, you're fine!" Liu Ye stared at Nie Yi for a while, and then covered her eyes and started to cry.

Liu Ye brought Nie Yi and others into the community, and then entered a villa: "Xiao Yi, your dad is now the head of the district, so he has been assigned to such a villa, and he can get a lot of food every day. I'll do it for you right away. "

Liu Ye greeted Nie Yi and others with enthusiasm and greeted them, but the tears flowed more and more.

"Liu Ye ... I want to see grandparents and mother." Nie Yi suddenly said.

Liu Ye's cry sounded even more thoughtful. When she looked at Nie Yi and found that Nie Yi's expression didn't seem right, she asked subconsciously: "Xiao Yi, do you know?"

"I see." Nie Yi nodded.

When it was possible to talk in the early days of the end, everything was messed up. Nie Boyuan was not home yet, so when Nie Yi first arrived in City B, he didn't know that the only people in his family were dead. Only Nie Boyuan was left.

On the way to City B at that time, he was always worried that his mother who was in poor health would not be able to adapt to the mutation world, but it was not until City B that he knew that his worry was superfluous. His mother was already at the beginning of the last days. It has become a zombie.

In addition to his mother, his grandparents also became zombies.

Although his grandfather was old, he hadn't completely retreated, and he still had the same resources. After he died suddenly in the last days, all these were in his father's hands.

His father, with all this, eventually became the mayor of the safe zone.

"They're all in the study upstairs, Xiao Yi ... you go and give them a column incense." Liu Ye cried.

Nie Yi stood up and walked directly there.

The study is small, with three ashes on a shelf.

Most of the people who have become zombies have no place to die. His mother and grandparents can have an urn. It is very good, but looking at these three urn, Nie Yi still felt a sadness rising from the bottom of his heart. Come.

His three closest relatives were dead, leaving only three boxes of ashes.

Fortunately, he has Qi Jingchen ...

Nie Yi did not cry as much as he did in his last life. After standing in front of the three ashes, he went downstairs.

"Boss, grief." Ping Shengchao said, thinking of his loved ones who did not know what was going on, his face also showed sadness.

Shao Zhenglan and Jiang Huai did not speak. Their relatives originally lived in city B, but now they do n’t know if they are in a safe zone ...

"It's good to be able to become a zombie when the end of the world comes, anyway, no need to suffer." Qi Jingchen suddenly said.

Is there such a comfort? Nie Yi couldn't laugh or cry, but she really wasn't sad.

In fact, the death of his mother and grandparents has passed to him for a long time, and he will be sad now, mainly because of remembering a lot of things in his previous life, and thinking of his father, Nie Boyuan.

This man, he died in his hands last life ... As the darkest * oss' most wicked man, it is not surprising that he has an uncle's charge?

Liu Ye had been sad for a long time, and after crying for a while, he stirred up to prepare meals and said that he was going to clean up Nie Yi.

Nie Yi did not stop Liu Ye. After knowing that there were still fruits at home because the safe zone took over several cold storages, he even smiled: "Liu Ye, I haven't eaten fruit for a long time."

"I'll get it for you right away. If you eat more, you don't know who's cheaper if you don't!" Liu Kun said, and soon brought six fruits, and some seeds.

Nie Yi politely took three of them, and then pointed at the other three to the others: "Those three of you are each half divided."

At this time in his last life, he was actually a person who was willing to share with others. Since he was young, he has always had nothing to do with his hands and won't compete with others, but now ...

There is a good thing, of course, to help his family Jingchen grab it.

Nie Yi cut a piece of fruit and cut it with a small piece of fruit knife, then fed toothpick to Qi Jingchen little by little.

This fruit is very delicious. Qi Jingchen's enjoyment will naturally not object.

When Nie Boyuan got the news from his son and hurriedly dealt with the affairs in the safe area, he saw this scene.