MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 17 Fish soup

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In the last days, if you want to eat a chicken, you can still find it, but the fish ...

In the middle of the last days, all water that is not made by water-based abilities cannot be drunk. Naturally, those fish cannot be eaten, and the water made by water-based abilities cannot be used to raise fish, and the fish is naturally extinct. . +++ Cardino read +++

Qi Jingchen liked to eat fish before the end of the world. If he could n’t afford it, he would eat catfish or catfish, but after the end of the world, he has never eaten fish again. Have tasted the fishy smell.

"There are generally fish farms around the city where common freshwater fish are raised. You can look for them." Before the two bodyguards left, Nie Yi said that he had lived in the last days and was not like Qi Jingchen for the first two years. Closed, so know a lot.

Speaking of which, the safety base in city b also raised fish at a nearby fish farm in the beginning. After all, many fish do not need to be taken care of, and they can be fed by throwing some grass in it, but later ...

Both bodyguards have been with Nie Yi for many years. They were loyal to Nie Yi. When they heard what Nie Yi said, they immediately asked people. After knowing from Xu Nan that a lake nearby was all surrounded by people to raise fish, Immediately headed for that place.

"Sometimes it ’s just fine, but there are still people who want to eat fish!" The people around Xu Nan couldn't help getting sour.

"What do you care about so much?" Xu Nan glanced at the man.

The man shrugged and stopped talking.

By this time, Nie Yi had begun picking people from the survivors who had just been rescued.

Most of these people have been scared of courage, but there are some courage in it. Nie Yi asked five people to join the team and brought them back to the original community.

At this time, it was almost dark. Everyone was naturally busy cooking with fire. Nie Yi picked a cool place to set Qi Jingchen's chair, and also began to boil water for Qi Jingchen to eat.

Fortunately, many families now grow flowers and vegetables on the balcony, so it is not difficult to find some vegetables for Qi Jingchen, but amaranth is more difficult to find.

"Brother, I killed the zombies today! I killed it alone!" Qi Yaoyao was excited and said to Qi Jingchen while Nie Yi was busy.

Before doing anything else, she had done something worthy of boasting. She had been yelling loudly. This time it was different. Although the excitement still suppressed the voice, she should be frightened by Nie Yi.

"Very powerful." Qi Jingchen exaggerated. At this time in his last life, Qi Yaoyao still felt that he had no ability to abandon him. I did not expect that it has changed so much now ... Speaking of, he asked Qi Yaoyao to kill the zombies, and also wanted to train Qi Yaoyao.

But ... even if Qi Yaoyao would kill zombies, how many more years would he live?

Thinking about it that way, Qi Jingchen became interested again, and closed his eyes for a moment and ignored them, until the two bodyguards caught five fish and came back.

The fish farms around the city are basically the most common types of freshwater fish. These are the two bodyguards. These freshwater fishes are generally very strong. They are placed on the ground by bodyguards and can jump up a few times.

"What fish do you want to eat?" Nie Yi asked.

"Sturgeon," Qi Jingchen said.

Nie Yi nodded, then looked at the bodyguard next to him: "Which is a catfish?"

"This!" The bodyguard immediately pointed out two of them.

Nie Yi nodded, caught the two and went to scales and cut his head to cut the belly. The method of killing fish was he had explored by himself before, which was extremely brutal ...

After killing, after asking Qi Jingchen, Nie Yi put two fishes in the pan and fry them, then put the water in the stew.

Nie Yi only needed two fishes, and the remaining three two bodyguards were packed together by Heping Shengchao, and then half of them were boiled with pickled fish food they found from other people's homes, and half were boiled with boiled fish foods.

At this time, of course, they ca n’t even go for the fish fillets or other things. They chopped them into a few pieces and cooked them, so that they ate them after a while.

Those ingredients-rich packages are not covered, although they do not know how to cook, the fish tastes good in the end.

"Why don't you grab a few more?" After Ping Shengchao finished eating, he was still a little bit interested.

"We won't catch them," said the two bodyguards. They were bodyguards and hadn't learned how to catch fish. Although they found fishing nets, it took them a lot of effort to get five, and they were almost surrounded by zombies.

Fortunately, their marksmanship is all one-on-one, and they have more bullets ... At this stage, the power is not as good as a firearm.

"The next time we go to grab more points, and this bag, it is also very delicious without fish for soup and bibimbap." Ping Shengchao said, and then he heard a retching sound.

Qi Jingchen waited for the catfish soup to be ready, vomited after taking a sip, and couldn't help retching: "Take it away!"

Nie Yi took the fish soup away and asked with concern: "I cooked it with pure water, why ..."

"The fish is not good." Qi Jingchen frowned, waving too lazy to say anything, and didn't want to eat fish anymore.

He took a sip of this fish soup and felt sick, I'm afraid some zombies fell into that lake, polluting the water and fish in the lake.

Of course, he eats disgusting, but others are okay. As long as the animals and plants do n’t turn black, they wo n’t become zombies as soon as they are eaten. No one knows whether the zombies will become zombies in the future. All are gray, and everyone will become a zombie.

Nie Yi certainly wanted to know what Qi Jingchen could guess, but this was beyond his control. Now that he saw Qi Jingchen not eating, he started eating fish and soup with the spoon that Qi Jingchen had eaten.

Xu Nan and others were eating not far away. At first, when the bodyguards came to ask where there was a fish farm, they didn't know who wanted to eat the fish, but later they saw that the two bodyguards brought the fish back and Nie Yi picked it, and even returned it. I made it for the person who had been lying down and knew what was going on.

Prior to the end of the world, no matter how others were uncles and asked to serve, they would not be so jealous, at best they said that their lives were good, but now it is the end of the world.

These people were basically trapped in their homes for half a month before, and they have been starving, and they have been frightened and desperate. Even if they are rescued by Nie Yi and others, they still have to kill zombies in order to survive ... at this time Seeing a man who does n’t have to do anything, some people bring fresh vegetables and fish to the food, but how can they not be jealous?

Someone was jealous of Qi Jingchen in the afternoon, and now more people are jealous, and more and more people are talking about Qi Jingchen.

Of course, the most jealous one is definitely Yan Zhe.

In fact, Yan Zhe is similar to Qi Jingchen in that his family is not very good, but Yan Zhe's luck is better than Qi Jingchen.

When Nie Yi was a freshman, he was thrown out by his grandfather to join the army. Two years later, he returned to school to study as a sophomore, and met Yan Zhe when he was welcoming a freshman.

Not to mention that Nie Yi has always liked men. Even if he doesn't like men, he will take care of Yan Zhe who is superior in appearance, let alone Yan Zhe is excellent in all aspects ... Nie Yi will like him It is also normal.

Nie Yi set up a company when he was still in college, and then allowed Yan Zhe to join his own company for part-time jobs. In the end, he never let Yan Zhe really lack money. Compared with Qi Jingchen, who has been trying to find a part-time job, he is really a Heaven is underground.

In fact, if it was before the end of the world, Yan Zhe found that Nie Yi liked other men, maybe he would be very fortunate. After all, he didn't like men, but now after the end of the world, the only thing he can rely on is Nie Yi.

Even if he doesn't like Nie Yi, Yan Zhe plans to hurry up.

Moreover, when Nie Yi liked him before, how comfortable was his life? now what? He was going to kill zombies with others! For Yan Zhe, this gap is really a bit big!

Qi Jingchen stopped eating bonito soup, and Nie Yi found two packages without any mess. He just roasted the dried fruits and ate them. After watching him eat, he held him upstairs. went.

Nie Yi slept with Qi Jingchen as usual.

Nie Yi already knew that Qi Jingchen would not care about many things, that is, he could not make him uncomfortable. Of course, he did not dare to do too much, but in the middle of the night, he couldn't help but lean over to Qi Jingchen.

Qi Jingchen was originally uncomfortable. Nie Yi was next to himself like a stove, too lazy to talk, and rolled directly to the ground.

"Jing Chen!" Nie Yi was startled and quickly took the person back to bed.

"Let ’s go, it's too hot!" Qi Jingchen frowned. Nie Yi stretched out his hand like last night and he could bear it, nothing else!

"I must not be next to you!" Nie Yi immediately promised, and at the same time he missed his water ability even more. If he had the water ability, he could cool himself. At that time, Qi Jingchen may be comfortable, maybe he will Take the initiative to hug him instead of rolling down the bed as he does now.

Nie Yi was watching carefully. At this time, there was a knock outside.

Someone knocked on the door, something happened. Nie Yi could only get up and go out, but did not want to open the door and saw Yan Zhe.

There must be no major event when Yan Zhe came over, Nie Yi couldn't help but get angry: "Knock at the door in the middle of the night, you are sick!" While he said, he also threw the door.

He has to be busy coaxing Qi Jingchen, how can he deal with this guy who has become dead in his eyes?

Nie Yi left, and Yan Zhe, who was wearing a vest and shorts to knock on the door, was black.