MTL - Boss’s Death Guide-Chapter 1 The last human

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The whole world is gray and there is almost no bright color at first glance.

If it's just a place like this, maybe it's not something, but now the whole earth is like this.

The sun is still in the sky, but its original bright red color now passes through the gray-black sky, leaving only a faint light gray circular shadow.

If there are plants on the earth, they will die because of the sun being blocked. Fortunately, all kinds of plants have long been extinct.

No, they are not completely extinct. On the highest mountain on the planet, there is a small piece of grass with a large fingernail.

This kind of grass is a very many and very inconspicuous kind of grass before the end of the last days. It is often used to spread the lawn. It is visible everywhere but there are not many people who know its name. People are used to stepping on them. But never paid attention to them.

But now, it is the last plant on earth, and it is packed in a beautiful transparent crystal bottle, stretching the body to bring the last green color to the world.

A man in a thick black robe puts the crystal bottle in his arms and brings warmth to the plants inside. With it standing in the sun closest to the sun, watching the eyes, it is like Look at the most precious things in the world.

It is also indeed valuable because plants that are far more beautiful than they are taller than others have mutated or died.

The man in the black robe stood quietly in the highest place in the world. He wrapped himself in black cloth and the whole person was as dead and dead as the world, but his body was very clean. Those gray mists were rolling, but they could not break through into his body on Monday, as if they were completely blocked by a transparent cover.

That's really a cover, or a field, that is what a 7th and 7th level abilities can have.

The black robe stood there for a long time, staring at the crystal bottle in his hand, until there was some movement from below, he finally turned his neck and looked far away.

A bright red color ran away from the fog and ran towards the black robe. There were a lot of black plants around him attacking him, but they were all pushed away by his flaming field, not only did he not hurt him. It didn't even slow him down.

In the black robe, the area around the body swayed a few layers of waves. In the next second, the black plants instantly receded.

"Lord, I am back." The hair was cut at random, and the man with a lot of beard on his chin but full of mature charm came to his side in the field, and the clothes he wore were ragged and looked Some wandering, but in my arms, I care carefully.

The black robe did not care for him, turned his head and looked at the crystal bottle in his hand.

"Lord, I found a little food!" The man holding the red field, or the fire department, didn't care about the black robes who were indifferent to himself. He sat down with the black robes and let the two men's fields also Kneeling together, then take out the things in your arms. It was a few cans, which were produced at some bases after the end of the world, but the bases of cans that were capable of producing have disappeared for at least five years, and these cans have certainly expired.

"The cans are well kept, although they are out of date, they can still be eaten." Protecting themselves from the fog in the field of fire, the fireman is holding out the cracked hand. Those cans, who wanted to put them in the field of black robes, suddenly found that their hands could not reach at all, and some sorrow appeared on the face.

"You eat." The black robe finally spoke. His voice was hoarse, but he had a strange charm.

"I have already eaten." The fireman said with a smile: "You can eat a little." He said, and he opened a can, and then his expression quickly became stiff - inside the can, only There is a dark group left.

Obviously, this can has been contaminated by the **** black matter.

The fire abilities have long been accustomed to encountering such a thing. After a pause, they started to open the cans until they opened the cans, and finally found a good one: "I said, How can the cans I get out of that layered laboratory can be bad."

He smiled freely and laughed, and the only can was brought to the black robe.

"One person and a half." The black robe said in a simple and concise manner.

The fire abilities did not object, but smiled: "Okay, but I have already eaten, and my half is waiting to eat."

The black robe stared at the fire abilities for a while, and finally ate half a can of the fire abilities. The canned food was not contaminated, but it was long gone, and the taste was terrible, but black. The robes have long been accustomed to eating all kinds of disgusting foods. At this time, they have eaten things without changing their color, and then they have to give the remaining half to the man.

"I don't have the strength to expand the field, let it be there." The fire abilities said, narrowing their field to the side of the black robes.

The black robe again looked at him for a while, and the field suddenly enlarged a bit and included him.

The fire abilities of the ecstasy are fascinated, and they have scattered their own fields and sat next to the black robes: "On the Lord, you are still the best for me."

The black robe did not speak this time. The fire abilities did not care. They said, "Lord, sit down, don't you stand tired?"

The black robes slowly sat down, and the fire abilities of the abilities were happy, and quickly leaned on the black robes. At the same time, his words increased: "On the Lord, the two of us are really amazing. Now they have become the two people who have lived to the end. Those people who were the first to marry us are not allowed to die. As a result, they are all dead, and we are still alive."

The fire abilities do not expect their words to get the response of the black robes, but the black robes responded exactly: "Well."

Upon hearing this response, the fire abilities showed a smile on his face. He suddenly said: "Qi Jingchen, I am really happy to meet you."

The black robe has not heard of the name of someone else for a long time, but he still has no reaction at all.

"Qi Jingchen, now there are only two of us in the world. If we don't talk anymore, it will be too cold. You can talk to me." The fire abilities are again, he respected before. Respectfully, the black robe was called "the Lord", but now he has called his name one after another.

"What to say?" asked the black robe.

"Do you remember my name? Call me a few times to let me hear." The fire abilities laughed.

The black robe turned to look at the fire abilities, and then the hoarse voice sounded: "Nie Yi." "Qi Jingchen, how do you say this world has become like this? If you know that this world will become like this, I will enjoy life in the first place, and I will never be diligent." Every day, working overtime is to make the company bigger."

"Well, I can't say that. If I didn't work hard enough, I couldn't live the present. Now I am trying to mix myself into the world."

"I am really happy to meet you. At that time I thought I was going to die. You saved me..." Nie Yi said slyly, the color of the gray fog around them has become more and more deep, now It became a black piece - the sun... went down.

"You saved me," said the black robe.

"At the time, if I didn't save you, you wouldn't have to die, but if you didn't save me, I would really die. At that time, I was gone... I saved when I saved, I think this world. There are still good people, I must not let you die." Nie Yidao.

The black robe is silent.

"Qi Jingchen, you talk to me about your life before the end of the world, I have already told you everything about me, should you tell me about your business?" Nie Yi said with a smile.

Now that the sky is completely dark, but Nie Yi is the most familiar person of the black robe. He can imagine the expression of Nie Yi now by imagination.

He was silent for a while and suddenly said: "I have nothing to say about my previous affairs."

"Why don't you have anything to say? I want to know!" Nie Yi burst into a big smile in the darkness - the name of the whole earth's supreme being, what it looks like, it has always been him. People know that this feeling is really great, but unfortunately, he still doesn't understand the things before Jingchen.

The black robe was silent for a while and suddenly said: "When I was very young, my parents divorced. My parents didn't want me. Grandparents and grandparents took me to a family in the village..."

Black robes have always liked to talk to people about their own life. After the end of the world has experienced the most extreme pain, he even refused to tell others his own name, but at this time, he slowly took his own experience. The same is said, the pain and despair that he experienced, are also said the same.

After the advent of the last days, he was recognized as the most evil person in the world. The most widely circulated thing he had done was that he had smashed a large security base and then killed nearly half of the humans at that time. Two masters of the master.

After doing these two years, he once stood on the opposite side of all human beings. Countless people killed him quickly, but his strength was too strong, and his ability could completely ignore zombie attacks and even He was able to control the dark abilities of the lower-level zombies, so no one could hurt him. Later, even many people gathered for him for strength, for safety, or for his family. At that time, he was really very lively.

Unfortunately, in the end, there are only two people left with him and Nie Yi.

When all the animals become zombies that are irrational and only know the attack, when all the plants are no longer green but weird black with toxins, when the world’s water abilities are more than five People can make clean water... How can humans survive?

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer people around, I see that every piece of land in the world is covered with black, which is not very good.

His strength is very strong and strong. He can always hold the energy cover and keep all the dark energy outside, but only a small piece can be maintained.

Before, he stayed in a place for a long time in order to retain a little life, and then placed a shelf full of flowers on his side, but then the Xeon who stood in the opposite safe area with him committed suicide. After the attack, everything was ruined.

Now he has only the grass in his hand, and there are only one person left by Nie Yi.

Even Nie Yi will die sooner or later...

The black robe closed his mouth, and the people around him had already leaned on him, and he had already... no breathing.

In the case where everything is polluted, the only place where you can save the next bit of food is estimated to be the research room in a large safe area, and in such a place, how could there be no strong zombies?

He can control the zombies, but only for the lower level. Those powerful zombies will also hurt him. How can Nie Yi pay no price for them?

The black robe touched the man on the body and surely touched several huge wounds on the other's back.

When Nie Yigang came, he had not found this, but when Nie Yi approached him and entered his protective cover, he immediately knew that Nie Yi was injured.

He didn't say anything. At this point, the left and right are just a death. What is the difference between saying and not saying? And he did not have a way to save Nie.

Nie Yi probably knows this too, and he will ask him so much... just, in the end, he still didn't wait for him to finish, Nie Yi died.

In fact, he knows Nie Yi and he feels very good. If there is no Nie Yi, he will die after he has reported a big hatred.

Living, really doesn't mean anything.

However, Nie Yi wanted him to live and left him half a can.

The black robe moved the body of Nie Yi, put it on his lap, and then used his own field to put Nie Yi’s protection in the air. This person stayed by his side, it would not be because of the darkness outside. The energy turned into a zombie...

Two days later, the black robes ate the remaining half of the more disgusting cans, and then drank a little water that Nie Yi had already prepared with his water abilities.

After another ten days, the black robe pours a little water into the crystal bottle in his hand, and then completely seals the crystal bottle.

"I am going to die, I hope you can live a few more days... although it is very difficult..." The black robe is thin and thin, almost just a layer of leather on the bones, put the crystal bottle on the ground, slow Slowly closed my eyes.

Almost as long as the grass in the crystal bottle withered.

After the end of the world, many scientists wanted to create a closed ecosystem to keep humans alive. However, they all failed. How could the grass in this crystal bottle survive?

There is no living thing on earth since then.

The author has something to say: New article opens~