MTL - Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy-Chapter 907 Looking for old friends

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When Mo Yichen left his country and arrived in the night, it was still dark night. The huge time difference made the two unprepared people unable to eat.

"Let's find a place to take a break!" Mo Yichen suggested. If it’s just Mo Yichen himself, he must have insisted, but there are Chen Hao around.

Chen Yu’s face was pale because of excessive running, like a living dead. Chen Hao nodded in a confused way, and did not seem to know what Mo Yichen said.

They came out of the airport. Unlike the brightly lit world in the airport, there were only a few sloping street lights that were almost ready to collapse. The tarred roads were squatting, and you didn’t know that your next step was to fall back on the ground. It will still fall into the puddle where sewage is accumulated.

The famous world powers of the country have an unassailable strength in the military economy, but the construction of infrastructure is particularly bad. Fortunately, the two people came in a hurry without carrying luggage, otherwise the two people have to struggle.

People in such a dark night country will not come out for the sake of their own safety, so there is not even a taxi on the street. The two of them walked a long way and finally found a small hotel on the side of the road. It can be seen from its mottled walls that it not only has a long history, but its internal environment is also dilapidated.

Mo Yichen entered the house and gently tapped the table to wake up the sleepy front desk. The good dream at the front desk was awakened and resentful and looked at the two people in front of him. Mo Yichen said that he had two rooms.

The front desk happily smiled and he still wanted two rooms, and there was a toilet asking if Mo Yichen wanted it. Mo Yichen knew that he had disturbed the other party's good dreams, so he didn't have a good look. Mo Yichen immediately lost his smile and said he could add money.

The front desk told him very directly that it would be useless to add more, unless he bought the store or he still had no place to live. Mo Yichen knew that it was really no house. He had to take Chen Chen and ran his head and went out to find a hotel. Even in the r country, even if the eight-footed man like Mo Yichen enters the night, he will not go out. The fan of the strange death of the country is also the world's first.

Originally, Mo Yichen walked side by side with Chen Hao. Facing the complicated environment, Mo Yichen pulled up Chen Hao’s hand so that he could better protect her. In the usual way, Chen Hao can happily fly to the sky. At this time, Chen Zhen feels that he is like a surviving in the hail. The whole person is shaking, and Mo Yichen takes off his coat and put it on her. He does not want to Chen tomorrow. He was in a cold and went to delay his time.

So the two people cuddled each other and walked for a while and finally found a hotel with a guest room, although there is still a room left, Mo Yichen is happy to die.

This room looks quite good because its cleanliness has reached the standard of Mo Yichen. There is no shoving between the two people. Chen Yu sleeps in the bedroom, and Mo Yichen sleeps on the sofa.

The day slowly brightened and both of them woke up from their sleep, and the time difference of chaos called Mo Yichen’s headache. Two people simply ate a breakfast at the hotel to fill their hunger and came to the street. For example, the indifferent streets last night were not the same. The crowds on the road were bustling, and the taxi drivers shuttled through the crowd to receive customers. Mo Yichen stopped a car and the two sat up.

Chen Hao’s face is still pale, although it is much better than yesterday. “Where are we going now?”

"Look for a person!" Mo Yichen looked out the window. Time was really amazing. He only graduated in just a few years. When he came back, it was already a matter of fact. Street view is no longer the same as before. He was a little scared when he looked at these changes in the morning. He was not sure that the person he was looking for still lived in the old place. After he returned to China, his connection with this side was almost broken, so he now looks for a person and a needle in a haystack.

Mo Yichen walked into an apartment with Chen Yu and knocked on the door in his memory. But the person who opened the door was not the one he was impressed. Mo Yichen asked him to sell the house to him. Who, that person said a name but Mo Yichen did not know, it seems that the person he was looking for has been away for too long.

Behind this bustling neighborhood is the home of one of the world's top universities and the mother's alma mater of Mo Yichen. Fortunately, today is not the weekend on every campus, Mo Yichen found his former professor to ask him the news of the person, the professor told he. He is not in this continent, and Mo Yichen has to go to the general address and rushed over, waiting for the two to arrive at the destination is already dusk.

They came to a vineyard, and now is a good time to harvest the grapes. The crystal clear grapes are hanging on the branches like a purple gem. The morning of Mo Yichen is too late to eat in this bright and colorful. In front of the grapes, I couldn’t control myself anymore. I picked a grape juice that was put into my mouth and bitten the skin. The grape juice pumped out and rendered every cell in his mouth. Mo Yi morning is still not ready to pick another one.

"Okay! Your kid can't contact me for so many years. When I come to my farm, I don't go to see me first, but I steal my grapes here." A jeep parked in front of them, a person from the window. Exploring the head to tease the morning.

Mo Yichen does not seem to buy the grapes in his hand and put it in his mouth. Hey, he will show his mouth to the people in the car.

The left-hander in the car found that there was nothing but a woman in the side of Mo Yichen. "You are so empty and don't bring a gift. It really disappoints your fine traditional customs!" The person Nunu mouth expressed very dissatisfied.

In the morning, Mo Yiyin couldn’t see or see the jeep in Gu Yan. The jeep stopped in front of the farmhouse at home, presumably this is the jeep owner's mansion.

Three people got off the bus, and Mo Yichen said to Chen Hao: "This is the death party Charlie of my university."

Mo Yichen is preparing to introduce Chen Hao to Charlie. Charlie is one step ahead. "I know this is your wife!"


"Ah! Ah! I understand, girlfriend!"


There is an inexplicable embarrassment in the atmosphere.

Chen Hao had a bad face, and now it can be said that it is as dead as it is!

"She is just my partner." Mo Yichen explained.

Charlie pretended to be amazed, because the two entered the house.

"Oh! Your kid hasn't taken the opportunity to look at it for so many years. When you come back, you will come to me with a professor. You can do it!" Charlie began to ask for sin.