MTL - Boss Mo’s Predestined Love Brought by Surrogacy-Chapter 18 Wen’s encounter crisis

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hotel room

After a few lingering, the young woman snuggled up on the man's chest, the woman's beautiful face had a ruddy face and blurred eyes, letting people know what happened to them just now.

The young woman slowly touched the man's chest and asked the man with a spoiled voice: "Peak, when are you going to marry me?"

For two years, although she knows that Wen Yunfeng has had many women in the past two years, he still looks for him to accompany her. He never told her about breaking up. This made her know that she had her, she and him. Already two years together, since he can't do without her, and she is not small, so I dare to ask him to marry her tonight, although she is the first to open, but he should not refuse her, after all, they The two Yemen are right.

"Hey you?" Wen Yunfeng's voice was very dull. Why is she asking for this? Did he give her any move to misunderstand her?

"Yeah, it’s been a long time, don’t you want to marry me?" Young woman is shy.

"Don't you know that I have a wife?" It was also known that he did not like women to be smart.

"You can also divorce, I don't mind." It is normal for people to divorce and get married now.

"But, I mind." After that, Wen Yunfeng opened the quilt and picked up the clothes at the bedside to wear it.

"Feng, I" young woman wants Wen Yunfeng to go, and then she wants to open her mouth.

"You have a good rest, I am leaving." Wen Yunfeng picked up his coat and wanted to go to the door.

The woman was in a hurry, and two white arms were holding the waist of Wen Yunfeng.

"Peak, don't go."

Wen Yunfeng's face was very unattractive. He opened the woman's arm with a hand and he did not hesitate to walk out of the door of the room.

Seeing the door closed, the young woman slammed the bed angrily. "Awkward" was very reluctant. She knew that she and him had ended.

After walking out of the hotel, Wen Yunfeng looked ridiculous, and sure enough, women are smashing goods.

He went to the parking lot, sat in his car, opened half of the window, picked up a light and pumped it up.

Married? These two words are his taboos. That position, I wanted to leave it to the woman I loved the most, but then everything changed.

For two years, he has been married for two years. He is a wife, what about it?

Wen Yunfeng took a cigarette in his mouth and slowly spit out the smoke.

He never thought about divorce. Even if Gu Yan was betrayed him, when he was about to go bankrupt, he thought she would be by his side. He thought that at least he still had her.

What he never imagined was that Gu Yan, a woman who had been raised by him since childhood, actually betrayed him. If someone told him that he didn’t even know that Gu Yan had actually hooked up with other men, even the children had .

He grew up with her and has always loved her deeply. Although they are happy, Wen Yunfeng never crossed the line, because the love between them is so beautiful, how pure, before he is married, he is not willing to tarnish such good, he always thought she would be her most Good to him on the wedding night. He doesn't know, when does the person change?

He was angry, and it turned out that women were so guilty, and their feelings of childhood and happiness could not be ruined by reality. Fortunately, his company was re-running later, and Gu Yan, a woman who was not worthy of shame, saw that he had money and ran back to pretend that nothing had happened.

In the past two years, he seems to be entangled with many women in revenge for her. He even has a sense of pleasure when he sees her sad.

The more she pretended to be a poor look in front of him, the more he wanted to destroy her, two years, for two years.

He knew that his inner wounds would not solidify. The existence of Gu Yan’s woman was to spread salt to his wounds over and over again.

She wants a divorce. Just dreaming, he wants to torture her, he wants her to ask him without dignity.

Thinking of this, Wen Yunfeng threw the cigarette butts on the ground with resentment and drove the car away.

A few days later, Wen’s Senior Meeting Room

After receiving the notice from his subordinates, Wen Yunfeng hurried to the company to hold an emergency meeting.

"What happened? Why is this happening?" Wen Yunfeng asked these senior cadres.

“President, I received a notice from the Moh Group today that the material for this month’s delivery had quality problems. They refused to accept the goods and returned all the materials and asked us for explanations and solutions.” One of the senior cadres Repeat the problem again.

"How can we have problems? Our suppliers have been carefully selected. There has been no problem in the cooperation." The purchasing manager has a lot of questions about this. He does not understand why there is a problem.

"Yes, we have regular sampling inspections for suppliers' incoming goods. The results of the sampling inspections are also in line with the standards, and there is no problem." The quality inspection department manager is also very surprised. Their departments are not idle, they are not going to do it. It’s good to do testing late.

“Which place is the problem?” The administrative manager is even more ignorant of why?

“Will it be the intention of the Moh Group?” The receiving department manager raised an inexplicable question.

"No, how can such a big company do this? And our cooperation with the Moh Group has not been a problem?" The sales manager did not agree.

"Unfortunately, all of our batch of materials are delivered to the suppliers, or we can find out what the material is crying." The dispatch manager said unfortunately.

“The Nemo Group has said that there is something wrong with the material?” The QC manager raised questions.

"They said that the materials that were delivered in the past were all oxidized, and all of them could not be used. We asked for a solution." The general manager finally said the first sentence in the meeting.

"How is this possible? How can so many materials be oxidized? Is the quality inspection department not carefully checked?" The transportation manager wanted to throw the problem to the QC department.

"Who said that our quality inspection department did not check well, is it bad that the logistics department has problems with transportation?" The quality inspection department manager knew that they would target the quality inspection department, and he was the first to express dissatisfaction.

"Nonsense, what is the logistics department? Who knows if the material is in trouble before loading." The transportation manager did not think that the quality inspection department manager dared to say that their transportation is the last process, who knows before No problem, I want to rely on their department, no way, no.