MTL - Blue Sky Sword-v2 Chapter 314 The war begins [2 in 1]

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The old man looked puzzled, but he had already reached his own territory in Xianyang City.

With my own cultivation and strength, I am confident that even a little bit of turmoil can't escape my perception, but at this moment, it is obvious that a practitioner has broken through and promoted, and the situation is obvious. , but there was nothing there.

There are not even a few traces to follow. If it is placed in other places, or two, but in the vicinity of Xianyang City, it is actually a strange thing to be able to hide it from myself, and to hide it so tightly.

He frowned, carefully inspected everything around him, and suddenly reached out to flick the dead grass on both sides of the road.

The old man stared at it, and saw that there was a faint green color in the withered grass on both sides, and the vitality was contained but not exposed.

The old man made a gesture, and a stalk of grass had already fallen into his hands.

Looking carefully at the slightly green leaves, the old man frowned and twisted them lightly with his fingers.

"This is clearly due to the rich vitality gained by the gathering of Yu Ze's aura, otherwise, why would there be such a novelty..."

Walking all the way back, there are more and denser buds along the road, and more vitality can be seen everywhere.

His spiritual consciousness has always covered the entire journey, checking the past along the way, but to see where it starts and where it ends.

After a long while, the old man finally stopped.

"Seventy-two miles, it's as far as seventy-two miles..."

The old man was really shocked. According to his previous perception, the cultivation strength of the breakthrough promotion person is not bad, and it seems to have the peak level of the sky, but that's all. The benefit envelopes the creatures within the range, isn't this range a bit too wide?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but stroked his beard: "Where did this pervert come from?"

Then there were some slight thoughts surging.

It has been many years since I came back to visit my hometown. This time I went back to my hometown to offer incense to the tomb of my ancestors. The ceremony must not be interrupted midway.

But after an hour had passed since the ceremony was over, I rushed over to check again, but there was no trace of it.

Originally thought that the strength of the promoted person was only mediocre, and with his own cultivation and strength, he only wanted to track it down, but it was just a matter of nostalgia. Who would have thought that the opponent's methods were so sophisticated that he had no clue and no way to find it.

"But it doesn't matter. The spiritual accumulation left by this person after his promotion is peaceful, majestic, and even more closely related to the fortune of my Great Qin Kingdom. I don't think he is an outsider. Since he is near the capital of Qin... I think he will know the root sooner or later, but he is not busy. In a hurry."

The old man smiled sassyly, stretched out his hand slightly, and intercepted a breath in the air.

Then it disappeared without a sound, leaving no trace like a wind seal.

Unlike Fengyin, who can leave no trace with the help of a big tree, the old man is going to leave no trace, naturally.

Feng Yin, who was in the tree hole, was tying the cat's fur in handfuls.

"I'm sorry, I've shed too much hair this time."

Fengyin was really a little surprised.

The whole little guy is only heavy, but with so much cat hair, the weight is almost catching up with the weight, right?

Fengyin held Fengying in his hand and looked at it unwillingly. Originally, he planned to weigh the weight of Fengying again, but he saw that there were nine furry tails behind his buttocks, one more than before, neat and orderly. orderly.

Seeing that Lie Xin was happy, Fengyin couldn't help touching it.

It feels super good and stimulated, I touched it again.

Then put your hands on it and don't take it off.

Fengying fell into a deep sleep and hadn't woken up yet, so naturally he didn't know what Fengyin was doing.

I don't know that I have reached the level of the Great Demon King, and I don't know that this guy is constantly molesting...

After processing the cat hair in one pocket, he took out the other pocket, but successfully pulled out a bag full of snakeskin.

The Ghost Snake only sheds its skin once, and it has been successfully completed so far, while the six little ones have shed their skin three times each.



There are nineteen snake skins in total.

Fengyin took out these many snake sloughs from his pocket, and he felt bad and speechless.

No wonder I have a medical bag full of cotton in my pocket!

There are so many bits and pieces?

Looking carefully, the seven guys who are no more than the thickness of chopsticks are all sleeping soundly on the bottom floor.

Between each other, they are twisted into twists.

"Really... sleep very comfortably! "

Feng Yin simply enlightened each one again, except for the enlightenment for the little snake, the other six little guys were enlightened by gathering spirits.

If it is too late, you must be cautious. The future will be long, so there is no need to rush for a while.

And these little guys all need to go back to the snake clan.

It's too bad, it's not good...

"Since you slept comfortably, you might as well sleep a little longer. "

Fengyin muttered to himself.

Then he changed his mind and thought that the little snake was enlightened, so Fengying was naturally not bad, so he also gave Fengying a hint, a complete enlightenment.

If one's own strength has been greatly improved, then Fengying Xiaoxie will also take a big step forward, this is a good fit!

Ever since, the eight little guys fell asleep soundlessly in their pockets, and they didn't know when they would wake up.

Fengyin quietly escaped from the ancient tree, waiting to find a way to go to Xianyang.

After walking a few steps, suddenly his expression turned cold, "Huh?"

He looked at the young grass exposed on both sides of the road, and the withered grass that was neatly pushed aside, and couldn't help frowning.

"An expert came here!?"

Fengyin was surprised when he saw this.

But I'm not too afraid, my brother is now a master of the half-step cloud, even if I can't beat it, can I still not run?

With the current level of cultivation and using the stealing sky for the sun body method, even if the original owner didn't steal the sky, he would still be far behind, and he would be ashamed.

Fengyin even felt that his speed might be more than twice as fast as that of Wudoutian!

With this reliance, the current Feng Langzhong is very confident and at ease.

This is also the first time since he traveled to the present for such a long time, he feels that I can guarantee my life, the kind of absolute certainty!

This feeling was something he hadn't felt when he first got the golden finger, at least not so real.

Sense of security - a sense of security brought about by one's own strength.

——Mainly because of the speed of stealing the sky and exchanging the sun.

This is a modern soul, which is fundamentally different from the ancient or the indigenous rivers and lakes of the Anping Continent.

Prepare for a rainy day, and it is a rainy day imprinted in your genes.

Everything is to save life first!

Yuezhou side.

Wu Tiejun is still confronting Qi and Yan, and there has been constant friction during this time.

Originally, the commanders of the three parties were basically evenly matched.

Fighting in this terrain that everyone is familiar with, to be honest, the three coaches are very familiar with the terrain where two or more people can hide in the nearby mountains and forests, and what they really fight for is hard power.

There is no such thing as an ambush in advance, and it is all in the end.

That kind of method can only be used when a full-scale war breaks out.

And now, it's freezing cold.

Everyone is very honest.

Every day when we go out to fight, everyone scolds each other, but it is just a routine, there is something to do.

Slowly, Qi Yan simply didn't even go out to battle or do routine work.

Because you can't win a scolding battle, how can you win a scolding battle? !

Trouble speaking, for the Qi and Yan armies, it is simply an incomprehensible existence!

Well, the so-called incomprehension here is not just his swearing, which can be said to be unrivaled in the world.

If it's the troublesome talk before, it's better to deal with it, that is, the trash talk is hard to deal with, as long as you meet him face to face, you will attack him, and he will have no time to attack



If you open your mouth, you will naturally have a chance to overthrow him.

Or force him so hard that he has no time to speak.

But the old opponents found that this trick is useless for the current Fei Xinyu, or rather, Fei Xinyu is very happy for you to do this!

Because Fei Xinyu's current cultivation is at least seven or eight times higher than before!

With such a level of improvement, how can you beat your old opponents who are still almost standing still?!

Reluctantly go up to match, almost to death!

What's more, with the growth of cultivation base, Fei Xinyu's poisonous mouth skill has increased by at least a hundred times!

On the one hand, due to the growth of his cultivation base, his energy veins have become longer. With one mouth, the sound can vibrate for dozens of miles, and even a scolding team with hundreds of people can't beat him alone. Just a volume of sound wave Just stare, not an opponent, scolded for a whole day, but didn't grow angry, and came back the next day, full of energy and high spirits.

On the other hand, as his own strength increased, his swearing became more and more unscrupulous.

Those who didn't dare to swear too viciously and had taboos before, now Fei Xinyu swears very fluently, without any taboos, and he speaks with a heart, without hitting the slightest bit.

You can't even scold.

I can't beat it.

What a headache!

So much so that Wu Tiejun, who sits in command, gives his first order every morning, "Take care to listen to orders!"

"The end is here!"

"Waiting for you to fight!"


Then Fei Xinyu came with people, stood in front of the battle, shot the ground, and Fei Xinyu started the day's performance.

"Sons, here comes Daddy again..."

Then there was a roll call with the names of the leading generals on the opposite side, and there was an endless stream of obscenities, and the tricks were basically not repeated.

In the beginning, it was from the names of the eighteen generations of ancestors, including what the ancestors of each generation did, what wives they married, and how many concubines they took.

Afterwards, he said everything he knew and was pretty much the same, and then he started to talk nonsense, embedding flowers and trees, but his nonsense was serious and serious, as if it was true.

After telling stories like this before the battle, the soldiers on both sides actually listened with great interest and never tired of it.

Only the scolded one vomited blood angrily.

Fei Xinyu comes today, tomorrow, today to scold your great-grandfather, and tomorrow to scold your grandpa and father, all in all, generations are not good things.

Later on, all kinds of vile, nasty and dirty **** and farts came one after another, full of wit and humor.

For example, a certain ancestor stumbled while going to the toilet, fell into the pit and accidentally took a bite... After coming out, to avoid embarrassment, he said to people, "It tastes good..." and so on, it was done by a certain ancestor of the general opposite. When and under what circumstances, and who are the witnesses, etc...

It is said that a person with a nose and eyes is alive and well.

The general involved was so angry that he had emphysema, but there was nothing he could do about him.

Gradually, this guy became more and more presumptuous, scolded one day in front of the Qi army today, and scolded another day in front of the Yan army tomorrow


With his profound cultivation today, his voice is so loud that it is rare for the whole army not to hear him cursing generals.

Behind him, there was a water bag specially prepared for him by his subordinates. When he was thirsty from cursing, he drank two sips of water to moisten his throat, and continued cursing.

The momentum at the end is like a rainbow, unparalleled and unparalleled!

Invincible in the world!

And this kind of "warfare" was quite effective. After being scolded for three days, a vanguard of the Yan army finally lost his mind due to rage and swung his army to attack.

However, Fei Xinyu counterattacked fiercely, and all 3,000 people under his command were killed. The pioneer himself was beheaded by Fei Xinyu himself, and displayed in front of the crowd.

After that, Fei Xinyu became more and more aggressive, and simply used a big gun to show off his might in front of the battle.

All kinds of provocations, all kinds of cheapness, all kinds of foul language



, showing the incisiveness of the interpretation.

Finally, a few generals from the Yan Kingdom couldn't help but rushed out, "Take Xinyu to shut up your **** mouth, you're kind of a one-on-one!"

In this regard, Fei Xinyu can be said to be in the middle of his arms, and he will not refuse anyone who comes.

It is very flattering to go out, killing three generals in an instant, it is easy and enjoyable, and it is easy to do!

The so-called undeserved bravery is probably nothing more than that!

The morale of the Qin army was naturally boosted!

After this battle, Qi Guo has learned how to behave, no matter how much you spend your time scolding, I just won't fight, what can you do?

But several young and relatively light generals have to cover their stomachs every day, and have stomach pains every night.

The bastard's mouth, some words, no words, it's really irritating.

Fei Xinyu scolded and fought so repeatedly, Qin Jun had already regarded Fei Xinyu's scolding as entertainment.

Every time Deputy Commander Fei came out, everyone on his side was quiet, just waiting to hear the Deputy Commander swearing.

Everyone smiled brightly, very excited, full of pride and pride.

Even the few generals who usually do not deal with Fei Xinyu, who are about to die under the tone of Fei Xin, feel very enjoyable.

I really have to admire, this guy is indeed suitable for this kind of work.

It's almost... the dead can be mad at him to die again.

It can be said that it is unique in the world, and it is absolutely peaceful, who will compete with it?!

All the generals also admired Wu Tiejun more and more because of this, Wu Shuai really knows how to use people well.

Using the dirty words here is really the ultimate weapon on the battlefield!

This mouth...Admiration, admiration!

As expected of a member of the Fei family!

The low morale of the Qi and Yan armies can be seen.

Being scolded every day can't stop, and no one dares to fight.

Is this here to invade others?

This is to be scolded, right?

After scolding like this for ten days, Fei Xinyu was just like yesterday. He was swearing up his lips and tongue, and the sky was dark, the sun and the moon were dark, and he was elated.

A gust of warmth came with the wind, and the three armies all cheered up.

This spring breeze that suddenly appeared in the severe cold almost represented that the war was about to start!

From the two countries of Qi and Yan, more than a dozen groups of soldiers and horses came out together to encircle Fei Xinyu forcefully, and this scourge must be left behind!

The generals of the two countries have put in all their strength this time, and they will take down this *** no matter what!

A big battle, at the moment when the spring breeze suddenly appeared, suddenly ignited

However, Fei Xinyu led 5,000 forward soldiers under his command, rushed left and right under the siege of the enemy's superior forces, shouting and fighting fiercely, not only did not want to break through the siege, but determined to counterattack.

And in doing so, he

They were naturally besieged by the enemy's superior forces like iron barrels, and they were in danger.

However, Fei Xinyu's move was not because of lack of resourcefulness or wisdom, but because he was attracting the opponent to invest in troops.

If not, Wu Tiejun on the stage, seeing Fei Xinyu fighting fiercely in the formation, with blood raining down on the battlefield, would have ordered rescue early on.

It was obvious that he had the same plan as Fei Xinyu, that is to force the other party out.

lure out.

The opponent now seems to have dispatched more than a dozen armies, but in fact only more than 30,000 people have been thrown into the battlefield.

As far as this military strength alone is concerned, it can certainly be regarded as a big battle.

But there is still a lot of gap between the expectations of the two.


Next to him, a general was terrified when he saw the battle situation on the other side.

The soldiers and horses of the Yan and Qi countries all had ferocious faces, as if they were about to swallow Fei Xinyu alive.

This guy is really too capable of provoking hatred.

Even if he sacrificed his life to open a hole in his body, or even bite him, it would be a sigh of relief.

Fei Xinyu's situation is dangerous.

Even if his cultivation level has skyrocketed now,



He is the best general in the current battlefield. Once he is alone in the midst of thousands of troops, he will inevitably die from exhaustion.

But Wu Tiejun did not order rescue for a long time, he was waiting for the opponent's main action.

Because he knew that the commanders of the other two countries were also waiting for him to rescue Fei Xinyu.

At times like this, everyone is fighting for patience.

If the enemy does not move, I will not move, whoever moves first will be the beginning of defeat!

Both are waiting for an opportunity to change the situation of the battle.

And this opportunity may have to be exchanged with thousands of lives.

The three coaches all kept calm and watched the changes.

The four words "benevolence does not control soldiers" have been interpreted most vividly here and at this moment.

Fei Xinyu is like an angry dragon, leading his subordinates to form the ghost general formation he is most familiar with, circling back and forth, rushing from left to right, looking at each other from head to tail, protecting each other, even under the encirclement and suppression of the tenth army, Tietong, he did not fall behind The wind, You Zi recruited counterattacks, always striving to be the first.

Wherever they passed, the enemy troops fell one after another.

The spear in Fei Xinyu's hand was like an angry dragon, like a vicious tiger, and every time he swung it, at least a dozen people fell off their horses, or there were obvious blood holes in his chest or throat.

The strike is fierce, and the move is fatal.

Even in such a fierce fight, he still kept his hands and mouth, cursing while killing, and killing while cursing.

The viciousness of the words, the richness of the abusive vocabulary, and the magnificence of the trash talk made all the enemy soldiers besieging him flush with anger and burst into flames.

I really can't think of it, how can this guy live so big with such a vicious mouth.

Obviously the soldiers are fierce and the battle is so dangerous, why do you still have time to talk and talk, won't you be distracted?

And he attracted such anger, which naturally caused many enemy troops to surround Fei Xinyu's position, and the encirclement became denser and denser.

Ever since, Fei Xinyu's big move finally started to be activated, and it was really hit one by one, one by one...

It's really thanks to this great improvement, even with such a strong output, it can still be supported for a while, at least on the surface, it looks right.

But even though the siege was difficult to succeed and could not be defeated for a long time, the opponent never sent new troops to participate in the siege.

On the commander's platform, Wu Tiejun sighed softly: "As expected of a veteran of all battles!"

So he ordered Mingjin to withdraw his troops.

Fei Xinyu took the lead and led people back to kill, his state became more and more crazy, but how could the other party allow him to go back?

After finally being surrounded and making dumplings, it is bound to leave this dirty mouth here!

So he worked harder.

The two sides collided with a desperate momentum, and hundreds of people fell off their horses instantly and went to hell.

But these people, relying on their **** courage, stopped Fei Xinyu's imposing momentum for life!

Seeing this, Wu Tiejun couldn't help frowning, and waved his hands: "The vanguard of ten thousand people, attack in two directions, meet the deputy commander, and the other soldiers and horses, swallow their wings forward."

"Follow the order!"

The two groups of people rushed out like an angry dragon going out to sea.

The whole army lined up with swallow wings, pressing on both sides, and with one movement, the power was first launched.


The armies of the other two countries also retreated from Mingjin, and they all saw that Wu Tiejun had no good intentions. It is really not suitable for a decisive battle at this time.

Wu Tiefei was well prepared.

Reluctantly confronting it is really a disadvantage.

But with the ringing of the two armies' orders, the situation of the three-party battlefield, which was in a stalemate, suddenly changed, and it turned into troublesome words and turned back, restarting the pursuit.

Obviously, this product sells well when it is cheap.

"Didn't you want to kill me? Hahaha... sons, your father is here oh oh oh oh oh oh..."

The voice was so low that even his own subordinates behind him had black lines on their foreheads.

The generals leading troops from Yan and Qi countries gritted their teeth tightly, making loud noises.



But the general order has been issued, and now it can only be withdrawn. The established tactics have failed, and the military order must be followed.

Well, I want to briefly explain here, battles on the battlefield are by no means a simple fight to establish the situation of the battle.

Especially the kind of veteran who has experienced many battles, he is extremely cautious when issuing orders.

All kinds of temptations, all kinds of predictions, all kinds of battles of wits and courage, all kinds of tricks, come one after another.

Want to have a hearty decisive battle, one battle will determine the winner...

Among such old men, it is basically impossible.

The two veterans on the other side were in charge to suppress Wu Tiejun in order to wear down Wu Tiejun's patience and force Wu Tiejun to attack first.

Once something is done, it will reveal flaws, or vulnerabilities that can be attacked.

But Wu Tiejun clearly saw through the minds of both sides, and while not being fooled, he also put up a reverse pocket formation.

After considering the pros and cons, the two veterans had no choice but to withdraw their troops.

Because if he presses up to chase Fei Xinyu, he will get into the opponent's pocket.

This is not only unwise, but more likely to cause defeat.

After a fight, the battlefield finally returned to calm.

Fei Xinyu lost more than 800 of his 5,000 soldiers, while the opponent left more than three times as many corpses.

The main reason is that Fei Xinyu knows it well: it doesn't matter if you are seriously injured, you can live without dying.

The comrades who were seriously injured by one's side were all protected, and there were very few people who risked their lives and dragged each other to die together regardless of their lives.

This also led to the fact that the Qin army had many wounded but few killed.

But the other party was different, he was almost blown out of his lungs by Fei Xinyu, and fought desperately regardless of life and death.

Both sides clean up the battlefield.

Fei Xinyu returned to the camp and was treated like a hero, but Fei Xinyu was so happy from ear to ear, but one sentence completely changed the position of the generals——

"You **** are very happy..."

You said the generals didn't have the idea of ​​wanting to eat him, let alone when.

But this guy had just finished the war, and after a few curses, he went to greet his comrade's body.

Although he had won the battle, everyone could see the gloomy look on Fei Xinyu's face. This guy was actually very sad.

During this period, many old brothers died in battle.

Wu Tiejun sighed and stopped everyone from following.

Everyone understands what he means, UU Reading Let him be alone for a while, cry for a while, follow the past, it will be even more uncomfortable for him not to cry.

"The spring breeze is coming... the big battle is not far away. "

Wu Tiejun looked at the sky and sighed softly.

In this battle, I don't know how many brothers will leave...

It was also at this moment when the spring breeze blew, Fengyin quietly entered Xianyang City.

His identity has long been created - Dong Deduo.

A name that sounds good and is easy to remember.


[The tempo has been accelerated. 】

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