MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 79, the city of darkness

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Spring water with dark power!

It can pollute and turn into a spring of darkness!

It seems that this matter is related to him...

After listening to Qin Menglan’s words, Ding Hao also noticed that this matter was related to Ding Wei and was most likely part of his plan.

In this case, then this matter can not be ignored, and there are still things, you need [Meizu] to help...

Ding Hao thought of this, just heard Qin Menglan ask him to shoot, and promised that as long as this matter is resolved, no matter what the requirements can be promised.

"The patriarchs have said this, Ding Mou will not evade, will try to solve this dark spring..." Ding Hao did not hesitate, nodded and promised Qin Menglan's request.

"Thank you!" Qin Menglan heard the words, can not help but overjoyed, even his eyes were laughing into a crescent shape, this look is like a little girl to get candy, from the desire to cry to a charming look.

"The lyrics are heavy, you and I are just fair trades..." Ding Hao smiled and shook his head, and after he had asked to read the requirements of the Meizu arsenal, he immediately got the consent of the other party.

For Ding Hao's request, Qin Menglan didn't even think about it, and wanted to come to her and the whole [Meizu], this request is not a problem at all.

After talking to Qin Menglan again, I learned more about the Dark Springs, and after two days of going to the Dark Spring, Ding Hao went to his room and went back to his room.

After returning to the room, I was lying on my side and closing my eyes and snoring. I suddenly woke up and looked at Ding Hao’s eyes with some dissatisfaction. There are still some sorrows: "People are pets, you just knocked the head, but still Force, let the headache hurt for so long, how to calculate this account in the end, if you do not compensate, you decide not to ignore you again, let you die alone..."

"You think about it, if you don't talk to you in the future, how boring your journey will be, so if you know each other, hey, know what to do..." When you talk, it rises and rises. Exposed to the forelegs to reveal the meat ball, in front of Ding Hao, and raised his head.

"Oh, you just didn't sleep very well, what a headache, and what I want to say is that your threat is useless to me..." Ding Hao glanced at it, not afraid of its 'threat'.

"What, you don't worry, don't talk to you, God, you are so scared, you don't talk to you like this cute cat, you endure it..." Evil moon sees threats, can also hate Gritted teeth, but soon thought of something, sneered: "Ding Hao, are you sure you will not compensate for it? You have to know that you can have a handle in your hand, if you are not careful, you can expose it. It’s not good, you said yes...”

"If you think that it is the handle, even if they say to Xiaolan, I don't care, because we have nothing at all..." Ding Hao said with eight hundred.

Evil moon licked his mouth and didn't believe his words. He said slowly: "Get it, your words will only be believed by ghosts. You can't believe it at all. You two will have nothing? If you have nothing, just call you. uncle!"

"Are you sure?" Ding Hao raised his eyebrows and smiled at his lips.

"Oh, of course, the husband said one thing." Evil moon snorted and nodded firmly.

"That's good, you listen..." Ding Hao smiled and then slowly said: "I just said that Qin Menglan has told me that she will see me for a reason during the day..."

After that, Ding Hao said the news he had just received, and said the evil month.

"Amount..." After listening to the evil moon, he was dumbfounded and scratched his head. He smiled awkwardly.

"Well, you can call me uncle!" Ding Hao smiled and looked at the evil moon, waiting for it to call a grandfather.

But when I didn't expect it, the evil moon shouted the sentence "Your grandfather", and immediately fell down, fell down and slept, and the next second heard a snoring sound, it seems to sleep very deeply.

"Wow, your uncle, this is OK? Get up, call me a grandfather, evil month, fat cat is getting up..."



Soon, two days passed.

Under the voice of Qin Menglan, Ding Hao and Xie Yue left the room and went to the previous [Purple Temple].

After coming here, Ding Hao saw that tens of thousands of people were standing there neatly, like waiting for someone.

These figures are all beautiful women wearing white robes, and they are not less than the mirror of the true fairy, some are still the peaks of the true fairy, and even the foremost are the strongest in the eternal realm. Obviously, in these two days, Qin Menglan called for many good people in the family in order to solve the problem of the dark springs.

These tens of thousands of women, when they saw Ding Hao came, showed a hint of curiosity in their eyes, and looked at him carefully. It seemed to be very interested in him. He wanted to see him in general, clearly in these two days, Qin Menglan. Ding Hao’s situation has been told to them more or less.

As for the evil moon that has always been very mixed in the 'women's circle, at this moment, it is directly ignored. This makes the evil moon dumbfounded, but also feels very annoyed, yelling at these women is not a normal person, directly sullen Lying on Ding Hao's shoulder.

Qin Menglan, who is still a bright red robes, soon appeared in front of everyone. In the eyes of the female warriors who worshiped the respect, she waved her hand and said loudly: "Go!" Then he took the lead and flew, Ding Hao and The evil moon is followed, and then the female warriors who are strong.

A team of people, a great departure.

The arc of light in the sky is constantly passing, and the speed is extremely fast, such as the comet passing, it is dazzling.

In the forest, birds and beasts stunned, like a wave of tides, rushing to the sides.

I don’t know how many miles, Ding Hao and Qin Menglan finally came to the edge of the contaminated area.

"Ding Hao, brother, look at the other side, that is the place of the fountain of darkness." The crowd stood in the void, Qin Menglan pointed to the front, and there was a faint color in his eyes.

"Well!" Ding Hao looked at the front and found that the great forest was polluted by the dark forces and turned into a black rocky peak, like a dead object, surrounded by dark death.

The black air filled, exuding the scalp, trepidation, tens of thousands of people parked there, no action.

"Wait..." Ding Hao pointed a finger, a large ray of turbulence, a powerful force that did not know how to speak, suddenly broke out, turned into a big light curtain, tens of thousands of clouds in the sky to cover it.

Then, the light curtain is divided and covered on everyone's body...

Many female warriors felt the power of that moment, all the body trembled, the eyes were full of horror, although I don’t know how handsome the handsome man is, but at the moment they finally learned that Ding Hao is a terrible existence, at least they can’t Resist.

At the same time, their hearts are also relieved. With such a powerful Ding Hao, perhaps this action will not be the same as before...

Qin Menglan and Ding Hao looked at each other and saw that the latter nodded, she waved her hand: "Go forward!"

The team moved forward again and gradually approached the contaminated area.

Finally, in the small heart, I did not live up to expectations. Some nervous female soldiers, with amazed expression, entered the polluted area and there was no sign of contamination.

Just now, those dark forces felt that foreign objects had entered, and they immediately rushed like wild animals. They only touched the light curtains outside their bodies, as if they were blocked by a seamless wall. Over the light curtain.

At this moment, the unfavorable dark forces finally met the forces that could withstand them.

"Sure enough, I can resist it. It seems that I really didn't look at the wrong person..." Looking at the calm Ding Hao next to him, [Meizu] Empress Qin Menglan was in the dark, and then reminded the female warriors behind her: "Go ahead, be careful Around, there are always polluted creatures here..."

The sound is not big, but it is passed to everyone's ear.


The team continued to move forward and progressed slowly into the depths.

The gust of wind that rushed from the ear, like the sound of a screaming screaming at the ear, made the atmosphere tense again...

Everyone walked on a dark road, surrounded by black lacquered rocks, dead wood, and even flowing rivers, all black, making everyone feel like they entered the dark world.

However, the female warrior who came here is not one of the best in the world. The elite of the elite is even more powerful, and will be scared by this little tension.

Suddenly, the first Ding Hao walk in the forefront is a move, followed by Qin Menglan wrinkling a good eyebrow, and the words reminded: "Everyone is careful, something is coming close to us quickly..."

The sound of Qin Menglan fell, and all the female warriors looked awkward, pulling swords, knives, and arrogance. Various **** soldiers appeared at the same moment.

The gods and soldiers are all out, and the neat voice is like the movement of only one person.

The mysterious sighs are raised and injected into the hands of the soldiers.

At this moment, they are all prepared to deal with all the unexpected situations.

At this moment, a bang of sound came from the front.

After a while, a dark figure, with hundreds of words, appeared in the eyes of everyone.

"These people are the dark creatures in their mouths. Well, it is indeed the dark power, the hard-witted infections into this look..." Ding Hao looked at the dark creatures that were gradually approaching, thoughtfully.

I saw those who were infected as dark creatures, and they were black and sullen, and they were blind and stunned. They only had **** red eyes. At the moment, they were just a monster with no life power.

They roared, arrogant, rushing to the crowd...

Everyone's expression was tightened again, and some people changed their faces. Obviously, among these dark creatures, there are people they know...

"The first team, ready to fight!" In the sound of Qin Menglan, hundreds of people standing in front of them, turned into a front, rushed to the front, the sigh of smoldering, the dazzling light flashed, the gods roared The sound is endless.


With the blessing of Ding Hao’s power, they have blocked the dark forces. They are not worried that they will be polluted. They can safely rush to kill the enemy!

Hundreds of Meizu people rushed to the monster that was originally a family but was contaminated with dark creatures.

The first battle started!
