MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 191 They who change the planet

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  Chapter 191 They who changed the planet

  Lu Yu's support played a decisive role in this proposal.

  The development of human civilization to the present, the role of the Silver Star is self-evident.

   What's more, with Lu Yu as a window, human beings have seen the vastness of the universe and so many civilizations.

  If you rely on the strength of human beings, how many twists and turns will you have to go through if you want to get to this point?

  Just looking at the database of cosmic sociology, there are a large number of social data of civilizations, including more than 33,000 planetary-level civilizations and more than 300 star-level civilizations.

   This is not something that was picked up casually.

  I really want to build up to the current scale of the database. Without millions of years of civilization observation and communication, it is impossible to get so many civilization observation samples.

   Now, relying on Lu Yu's window, humans can easily obtain them, and they even know more about the civilizations in the universe than some star-level civilizations that have stepped into the starry sky for hundreds of thousands of years.

   This is also reflected in a discipline.

  If it is in basic science and cutting-edge technology, the dependence on Lu Yu is even more serious.

  Whether it is the sample observation of space technology or the research on various technologies of the Zerg spacecraft, these major projects can only be realized by relying on the Silver Star.

  From the perspective of cutting-edge scientific research, once Lu Yu is missing as a bridge, human science and technology research will go back hundreds of years almost instantly.

  So it is not unreasonable for the system to judge that the Blue Star humans are Lu Yu's vassals.

   At this time, Lu Yu was the first to stand up to support the proposal, and no one could ignore his decision because he was still in deep space.

   Instead, because he is in deep space, the Blue Star humans have to pay more attention to any of his opinions.

  So when Lu Yu stood up, the strategy seminar unanimously chose to suspend the proposal.

  But it does not mean that the deep space business in full swing will be stopped. Now the Great Space Wall Project has reached a critical period. No one can stop the first star-level project bred by human technology.

   "You said that if the humans of Blue Star had no threat from the unknown fleet, wouldn't they be able to develop faster in the solar system than they are today?"

  No. 7's Q-version avatar pops up a dialog box: "If there is no pressure to survive, then human beings may still be immersed in the construction of the Earth-Moon system. Many technologies will be released slowly due to consideration of various factors."

   "The Lagrange point space city will be delayed because it stimulates the collective overreaction of the entire human being. The first spaceship will return to Mars and advance to the base"

  The analysis of No. 7 is not fabricated out of thin air. It combines human thinking and logic analysis with terrible computing power to construct a prediction of human behavior. It can only be said that big data may understand itself better than itself.

   But after the meeting was suspended, Lu Yu stayed in the personal space of virtual reality, did not relax himself in various ways, but let No. 7 connect to the signal, and he looked back at the single-celled organisms found in the acid sea.

  In the virtual reality scene, Lu Yu seemed to be standing on the dark and turbid acid sea, and there was a clearer sea below him, where the tenacious single-cell life lived.

   It's just that now this seemingly clearer area is beginning to be eroded by the surrounding turbid seas a little bit. Because of the drastic changes in the environment, the PH value decreases rapidly, and these single-celled organisms die in large numbers in the acidic environment.

  Only a small number of single-celled beings hid among the layers of corpses of the same family, barely dormant by thickening the cell walls, and survived.

   This scene reminded Lu Yu of his analysis of the ancient times of the Blue Star. The environment of the Blue Star was not suitable for the survival of living things today.

Taking oxygen alone as an example, in today's nature, oxygen is not only widely distributed in the atmosphere, but also has the highest content of oxygen in the earth's crust, accounting for 48.6% of the earth's crust. Oxidation of hydrocarbons, treatment of wastewater, rocket propulsion Agents and aviation, aerospace work, etc. all need oxygen to carry out.

Nowadays, animals need oxygen for respiration, life reactions and all oxidation reactions. Although a large amount of oxygen is consumed every day, the oxygen in the atmosphere will still remain at a relatively constant value, because the photosynthesis of plants is constantly increasing. Supplement oxygen to the atmosphere.

   Therefore, the first impression of many human beings about oxygen must be that "life is inseparable from oxygen", because the breathing of life is to obtain oxygen in the air, and lack of oxygen will lead to death due to lack of oxygen.

  However, for some life, oxygen is "poison" instead, and these strange anaerobic organisms are an important reason why Blue Star can develop human civilization today!

  Early before Lu Yu stepped into the starry sky, anthropologists had already had sufficient evidence that the blue star had low oxygen content in the atmosphere in ancient times.

   And all these changes will start with the birth of the first batch of life on Blue Star!

The earliest life on the blue star appeared about 4 billion years ago, and the current blue star is about 4.6 billion years old. The oxygen content in the atmosphere of the blue star began to gradually increase 2.6 billion years ago, which means that the early life of the blue star did not need oxygen!

The original life of the blue star was born in the depths of the ocean. They do not need oxygen or the heat of the sun, but rely on the "hot springs" in the depths of the ocean. The heat of these hot springs comes from the lava that seeps out of the blue star. There are a large number of chemical substances near these hydrothermal vents, and the first life on the blue star was created in such an environment.

  The first batch of life on the blue star were all prokaryotic organisms with relatively simple structures, and they were all "anaerobic organisms" that did not require oxygen. For these organisms, oxygen was really "poison".

Archaea may be the oldest form of life, they can survive in all kinds of extreme natural environments, whether in lake water with high salinity, or in extremely hot, extremely acidic and absolutely anaerobic environment, archaea can survive safely life, even in extreme cold, archaea can survive.

Archaea like extreme environments, and the extreme anaerobic characteristics of some archaea actually imply that humans who later excavated this period of history, these oldest life evolved these characteristics after a very difficult period, which happens to be The answer is the same as that anthropologists got from the formation: the early blue star had a harsh environment and was extremely hypoxic.

Since there was no oxygen in the atmosphere of the early blue stars, life at that time was anaerobic. For these organisms, oxygen is really "poison", but for the vast majority of life on the blue stars now, oxygen is Indispensable necessity, saying that oxygen is a "slow poison" is just grandstanding.

If there is no oxygen, the life on the blue star is still a simple structure of archaea, how can it be possible to build a complex and diverse life system, and then give birth to wisdom in order to adapt to the environment, without wisdom, then the foundation of technological civilization will cease to exist .

  So, what happened to cause oxygen to appear in the atmosphere of the blue star?

The simplest and most direct reason is that there is a kind of organism that has evolved a unique skill "photosynthesis". Cyanobacteria is a primitive single-celled life, but this organism can perform photosynthesis. Cyanobacteria do not have chlorophyll, but They can still undergo oxygenic photosynthesis.

  The emergence of cyanobacteria has made blue stars develop from anaerobic and low-oxygen to modern blue stars with sufficient oxygen content. The appearance of oxygen is one of the basic factors for the complexity of life. Eukaryotic life is generally larger than prokaryotic life. This is a good proof.

In addition to cyanobacteria, there were also some environmental changes in the blue star at that time. There were a large number of "methane bacteria" in the ocean at that time. These bacteria would release methane during their metabolism. When atmospheric oxidation events occurred, these methane bacteria died on a large scale due to unknown reasons, so not only cyanobacteria were releasing oxygen, but greenhouse gases were also relatively reduced, providing a more suitable basis for the increase of oxygen.

If there is no such life as cyanobacteria, and the coincidence of environmental changes, the earth may become the second Venus. The severe greenhouse effect makes the planet's environment extremely harsh, thus rejecting civilization before the initial filter. .

   And the single-celled life that was born in the acid sea in front of me, could it be the life that can change the fate of the entire planet?

  Just like the cyanobacteria of Blue Star, it took hundreds of millions of years and countless generations of life to forcefully change the entire planet.

  Perhaps on this unnamed planet, these single-celled organisms had worked hard for hundreds of millions of years before Lu Yu arrived to open up the sea area in front of them, but it is obvious that they are still far away from success.

   It may take hundreds of millions of years, or until the star becomes a red giant, it still fails to turn this planet into a planet suitable for breeding intelligent life.

  Looking at the dead single-cell life forms layered upon layer, Lu Yu was surprised when the turbid sea of ​​acid eroded them, and the turbid sea of ​​acid became clear again.

   "It turned out to be acid-base neutralization?"

   "Can the corpses of those single-celled organisms secrete alkaline substances when they encounter strong acids?"

   Data analysis in virtual reality allowed Lu Yu to understand what happened. But the more so, the more he couldn't help but meditate.

  If you look at the big universe, the environment of the universe is not suitable for civilization, but isn’t civilization struggling to survive in the universe like cyanobacteria and these single-celled life?

  So... Will one day, through the efforts of generations of civilizations, be able to transform the universe into an environment suitable for the survival of civilizations?

   Like cyanobacteria, like these single-celled life?

   With the current Lu Yu, he still can't come up with this answer, but if he can survive the long, long years, maybe he will have the opportunity to witness that moment, right?

   "Civilization, civilization."

   Lu Yu chanted in a low voice for several rounds, and finally withdrew from the virtual reality.

   Opening his eyes in reality, he was lying on the soft grass with his head resting on Number Seven's lap.

  Today's virtual reality helmets have been changed for several generations, as long as the film-like electrodes are attached to several key positions of the head, they can be connected to virtual reality.

   Such a technology, before Lu Yu left Blue Star, he couldn't believe that there would be a day when it could be implemented.

  Now, virtual reality technology has penetrated into every corner of human civilization, and new ideas triggered by it are sprouting.

  If placed in other civilizations, such new ideas will affect civilizations for hundreds of years in the future.

   It's just a pity that such a new idea will soon appear to be behind due to a new round of productivity explosion when placed on Blue Star.

   Maybe in the big universe, that is, the human civilization of Blue Star has enjoyed this kind of magical treatment?

  As long as you have enough time, you can step into a star-level civilization without hindrance, and even ignore the big filter screen that a third-level civilization has to work hard to break through.

   "Is there any movement in the delta spaceship these days?"

  Lu Yu still enjoyed the soft and smooth special pillow, No. 7's skin was no different from that of a real person.

  Such bionic technology has been quite mature on Blue Star. Lu Yu once used virtual reality to see the street scenes of several emerging cities, and once thought that he had come to the set of a certain game.

  Besides, with No. 7 here, human beings don't have to worry about the omnic crisis that the third-level civilization deeply fears.

   "It's still the same, the ring family doesn't seem to plan to use the method of gravitational lensing, and use a more concealed and more efficient space correlation observation method."

   "Our knowledge of space technology is really still blank, so we can only keep it as it is."

  The original status is just not talking, pretending to be a master.

  The pleasant voice rang in his ears, and Lu Yu just shook his head helplessly.

  He has already prepared for the problem of the concept of time.

   Spending a month without moving here is probably just a short moment in the life of the members of the Huan civilization, and it is not as good as a second in human perception.

   But for human beings, one month is equivalent to one-thousandth of a life.

  In the past, before Lu Yu left Blue Star, his life span was only a thousand months.

  One thousandth, compared to one second in other civilizations.

  Time has completely different attitudes towards creatures of different civilizations.

   "Would you like to go back to the folding space?"

   "At least there is no need to watch single-celled organisms reproduce all the time, and you can earn points for teaching those ultra life forms!"

   "I don't know how long it will take for this triangular spacecraft to finish its observations. If it is the same as that lucky star-level civilization, it came for hundreds of years first... then this mission is basically sent."

   "Why don't you settle the [Exploring the Starry Sky] first, collect enough points, repair the Silver Star, and then consider the mission of the Ring civilization after finding a way to return to the solar system?"

   Lu Yu was thinking about whether to throw the triangular spaceship on the ground for a while, and he felt that Number Seven's little hand became gentle in his solar system.

"What's wrong?"

  Lu Yu opened his eyes again and asked, he knew there was nothing wrong, No. 7 would not disturb him when he closed his eyes and rested his mind, she just silently waited for him to wake up.

   This is the tacit understanding that the two have gotten along with over the years.

   "The delta spacecraft has sent a message."

  Seeing that Lu Yu opened his eyes, she continued: "Observe the target star system, and the result is obtained!"

  (end of this chapter)