MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 132 Cosmic version please enter the Weng

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  Chapter 132 Cosmic version please enter the Weng


  Lu Yu was still looking at the [bottle] formed by more than 500 cosmic nodes. He was stunned for a moment when he heard No. 7's translation, and then quickly looked at No. 7.

  Seeing that Number Seven also showed a shocked expression, he was sure that he heard correctly.

  Seal the restarter?

  Leaving aside the ability issue, I should be a restarter behind me, how could I allow myself to seal them up?

   Unless everything is arranged behind the scenes.

   If I remember correctly, the system guides Lu Yu through the wormhole...

  Everything is connected in series.

  From the moment I got the No. 7 base, I will eventually come to the Spiral Clan because of the erasure phenomenon brought about by transcending the universe. Before that, the mission to guide Lu Yu through the wormhole is probably to prepare for this moment, right?

  But no matter what their purpose is, Lu Yu must first complete his first mission of coming to the cosmic void,

   "No matter what mission I have to complete, I have only one purpose here—please don't let the phenomenon of erasure affect Base 7 and the intelligent life forms it gave birth to!"

  Lu Yu knew that he had no secrets at all in front of the existence of the restarter level, so he simply put forward his appeal.

   This is his first goal!

  【Base No. 7? Isn't it already under protection? After my transcendence begins, the erasure phenomenon will not affect it at all. 】

  【It seems that they really didn't let you know anything! 】

  【However, in this way, you will not be paid too much attention... in order to have an unexpected effect. 】

  The information that the Spiral Clan continued to reveal made Lu Yu heaving a sigh of relief. At least the things that worried him the most had disappeared, and now he only needed to concentrate.

  Look at what is waiting for your own destiny after all the gifts.

It is the [bottle] formed by those cosmic nodes in front of me. In the image of the evolution of the spiral family, it can be seen that the surrounding [bottle] has been isolated by a thick layer of barriers, and the narrow and long streamers are coming from the only into the mouth of the bottle.

  【The restarters have begun to wipe out the so-called Paradise faction. As former restarters, they all understand that they cannot destroy each other by simply erasing the phenomenon, so they can only concentrate their absolute advantages and enter the black domain. 】

  【There are still three or more restarters staying at the bottle mouth, and they will all enter the black area at that time. 】

  【You only need to send this drill bit to the mouth of the bottle, unfold the drill bit to seal the entrance, and your task is completed. 】

  The Helix family put a golden drill bit about ten centimeters long in front of the Silver Star. This small drill bit is surrounded by a layer of light.

   It also has no quality, like a texture.

  【This drill bit represents the moment when I drilled through the barrier of the universe, and I fixed it in time and space. 】

[As long as it is unfolded at the entrance of the black domain, this drill bit is equivalent to the bottle cap that seals the bottle. As long as I have not transcended this universe, any restarter who tries to break through the bottle cap will be equivalent to passively entering a state of detachment . 】

  【I need hundreds of millions of years to complete the detachment, which means that once the plan is successful, this drill can seal the restarters for hundreds of millions of years. 】

  【During this 100 million years, there will be no restarters in the entire universe who can step in to advance to the ninth level of civilization, and the universe will have a batch of universe-level civilizations that cannot be controlled by the restart alliance! 】

  Since then, a cosmic version of the plan of inviting the king into the Weng, based on the entire cosmic era, has been displayed in front of Lu Yu.

   "Just what is all this for?"

   "If the restarters of this plan, whether they support it or not, will be trapped in the black domain, then who will be the beneficiary?"

   "It can't be said that this plan is to allow those from the ninth-level civilization to break through the universe-level civilization?"

   Lu Yu muttered to himself, a grand plan must have a big plan, but after thinking about it several times, he found that for the restarters who planned this plan, it was a matter of disadvantages rather than benefits.

  First of all, it is the cosmic node builder who acts as a bait. For this plan, he even quit the restart alliance. If he is a little careless, his former allies will not let him go.

  For the supporters of this plan, once an uncontrolled universe-level civilization appears, the difficulty of restarting this round of the cosmic era will be greatly increased.

   Except for the group of ninth-level civilizations that took advantage of the trend, this plan has no direct benefits for the mastermind behind the universe!

  Unless, there are key points hidden in this plan that Lu Yu does not know.

  【The matter of this cosmic era has nothing to do with me, but the restarters who supported me participated in this plan, and I have to help. 】

  【And they finally chose you as the one to send this drill there. 】

  Is this the price I pay for accepting the gift of fate?

   You only need to risk being wiped out, no... Even the armor that the Silver Star can resist rules is prepared for this moment.

  As long as you act as a courier once, and send this golden drill to where it should go, you can make those restarters disappear for hundreds of millions of years!

   What once happened to the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms will not trouble human civilization for 100 million years!

   While Lu Yu was thinking, a strange star appeared in front of the Silver Star. It was obviously only the size of the sun, but it had the mass of 100,000 times the sun.

   Such a strange star is very familiar to Lu Yu, and the observation results fed back by No. 7 also prove this point.

   This star is exactly the star formed after being ignited and formed by the gas giant planet that warmly received Lu Yu——【星星】, but at this time it does not have any fluctuations of consciousness.

  【Currently, the black domain formed by the cosmic nodes has been blocked by the restarters. It can no longer be accessed by ordinary means, but we have already reserved such a node for you. 】

  【Its activation signal, you should have already known it. 】

  Even the passage to the black domain has been prepared, and the barriers deployed by the restarters can be bypassed through it, as if it is really easy to complete this task just by sending the drill.

  【If your civilization passes through the wormhole from my node in the future, just send me this electromagnetic wave, and I will let you pass through it for free. 】

  Looking at the [Star] which had completely changed its appearance, Lu Yu remembered the few conversations he had with it, and the signal to activate this node was the electromagnetic wave signal left to him when the star consciousness still existed.


  As No. 7 sent this signal, it seemed that a certain program of the star was activated, and a huge eye was formed on the star, and in the center of the eye was the opening of the wormhole channel.

  If I had accepted the task of saving the star at that time, maybe I wouldn’t have made such a big circle again, right?

  Lu Yu suddenly realized that if he had become the Holy Mother for a while, he might have known about this plan as early as when he passed through the wormhole!

  That a test!

  If I was in that kind of fright at the time, I still chose to accept the so-called test, which means that I have enough compassion.

   Then, after knowing the truth about the eradication of civilization by the Restart Alliance, they will definitely accept this task decisively.

   But Lu Yu didn't hesitate at that time, and jumped away decisively after leaving the wormhole.

  So after meeting the lizard civilization in the Black Territory, I knew the existence of the Restart Alliance.

  Meet the alliance of conscious life forms again, and witnessed the erasure of the ninth-level civilization by the restarters.

  After walking such a long way, I turned back here in the end.

   Is this a coincidence of fate?

   After seeing these things with his own eyes, Lu Yu really had to lament how dark the universe is just like Dr. Lizardman once did.

   And in front of him... it seems that there is an opportunity, an opportunity to make the universe a little more bright.

   And it looks so easy and simple!

   You only need to send this little golden drill to a place through the exclusive channel, and those restarters will be sealed honestly, and civilizations in the entire universe will be given hundreds of millions of years of free development time.

  How would Lu Yu choose?

  It's very simple, let's talk about it!

   Aside from the intentions of the big boss who planned all this, hundreds of millions of years are not only for the ninth-level civilization in the universe, but also for human civilization!

   "Death without regret!"

  How long has it been since Mia finally disappeared into the branches? The scene of the planetary school collapsing in front of him is still in Lu Yu's mind.

  If human civilization has come to this point in the future, can I just watch them being wiped out like silently watching the alliance of conscious life forms?

   "I am willing to send this drill to the entrance of the Black Domain."

   This was Lu Yu's answer, and the golden drill floated directly towards the Silver Star after he answered.

  Under No. 7's control, this golden drill without any quality appeared in the living area, suspended in front of Lu Yu.

  【Go! 】

  【As long as you are still on the way forward, no matter what difficulties you encounter, this drill will help you. 】

  【Every time the spiral turns, one point can be advanced. 】

   This is the blessing of the Spiral Clan to Lu Yu. In fact, before that, there was a conversation behind it that Lu Yu didn't know.


  【No. 7, Base No. 7...a smart life form was born? 】

  【Sure enough, in this universe, such small miracles will also be born in the era of constant restarts. This is why they are willing to persevere for countless times, right? 】

  【Since it is my creation, and we can meet again at this near-last moment, are you willing to be my only family member left in this universe? 】

  【You can inherit all the technology of the Spiral family, and you only need a few cosmic epochs to become a member of the restarters, and finally go to pursue the path you desire! 】

   This is the conversation between the Helix family and No. 7. The shielded space of this cosmic void is equivalent to the universe he created, just like Lu Yu was easily invaded when he passed through the wormhole.

  In the universe they created, the armor of the Silver Star is not very meaningful, but if it is in the big universe, they have no way to invade so easily.

  No. 7's eyes widened for a moment, and he looked at Lu Yu who was still thinking deeply before.

   "So what's the price?"

  【Since you have become a family member, you can no longer be the shipboard host of the Silver Star, you will use...】

   Before the Spiral family finished speaking, Number Seven replied decisively: "Then please allow me to refuse."

【Oh? You can tell your master about this conversation, I believe he will not refuse. 】

  No. 7 looked at his interlocking hands with Lu Yu and replied, "No need, I just want to walk down with him."

  The Spiral Clan didn't say anything more, but Number Seven quietly hid the conversation.

   It took a long, long time before Lu Yu learned of this conversation belatedly, and at that time the Spiral Clan had disappeared forever in this universe.


   And right now, after Lu Yu got this golden drill bit, it seemed that he didn't need to stay here anymore.

  A wonderful feeling arises spontaneously.

  I thought I would spend a long time here, but I didn't expect that the inflection point of my fate that I had been waiting for had already been here waiting for me to come.

   So much so that I have only arrived for a while before leaving again.

  But before leaving here, I had resolved the crisis I was most worried about, and what I had to do next was the fate I had already escaped once.

  If they can really be sealed for 100 million years, can this dark and cold universe welcome a glimmer of light?

  Looking at the [star] outside the Silver Star, who has no fluctuations in consciousness, if he had chosen to save it at that time, maybe he would not have taken so many detours, right?

  But time can only go forward indefinitely, if the past cannot be changed, then I hope the future universe will not have so many tragedies.

   And now, Lu Yu is going through the wormhole for this purpose!

  The center of the huge eyes on the star has become pitch black, and the wormhole has been fully opened. As before, the Silver Star accelerated and rushed in!

   This time the wormhole traversal was much faster than Lu Yu's first traversal. It may have only been a dozen seconds before the Silver Star came to an extremely strange place.

  The universe on one side has been immersed in darkness, while the stars on the other side are still normal.

   "The wormhole has been traversed."

   "Compare the star map position... We have returned to the place where we once accepted the task of conquering the Dyson sphere civilization!"

   Lu Yu looked at the holographic projection in front of him. This was once a dangerous area he thought, and secretly vowed never to return.

But now when I come back here, what kind of planetary life is there? The mother star has collapsed into a black hole at this time. Originally, this weird star system completely disappeared from the universe!

  The center of the so-called entrance to the black field is one light-year away from this star field. It seems that as long as the Silver Star is in space again, it can be easily reached, and then the drill can be activated there to easily complete the task.

  At this time, a huge black card floated out from the side of the dark universe that had become extremely deep.

【Oh? Isn't this the horn clan? This time we really met! 】

  【But traffic is prohibited ahead, please jump away immediately! 】

  (end of this chapter)