MTL - Black Technology: Starting From the Space Jumping Machine-Chapter 111 blockade

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  Chapter 111 Blockade

  The virtual reality in front of Lu Yu switched to the front of the Silver Star, and he is still staying near the gravitational wave broadcasting station of the Qing Clan.

   Before accepting a mission, at least one must have a certain understanding of the mission objectives.

   "After a period of consideration, we feel that the alliance of conscious life forms is a very interesting way of civilization. Why don't you introduce it to us?"

  Lu Yu is now using the name of the Horn Clan to the outside world, and he doesn't care at all about the day when the lie is exposed.

  The people who cheated and abducted are all horn races, so what does it have to do with us humans?

The Qing Clan is just a six-level civilization with a simple duty, and they don't have a black-tech cross-space communication system and don't know any secrets of the universe. From their point of view, the Silver Star has been staying nearby in a short period of time. Knowing that so much has happened behind the scenes.

  Suddenly saw the Horn Clan who was suspected to be a high-level civilization in front of him, but he changed his attitude and was immediately overjoyed!

  Especially the Silver Star began to approach quickly, and finally stopped at a distance of one light second from each other, which saved a lot of time for the two parties to communicate.

  As a youth who wants to be a worker in the Union of Conscious Life Forms, how can he miss such an opportunity?

   Finish this big ticket! I can be promoted to a river system level civilization!

  Adhering to the idea that the workers are going to get promoted and raise their salaries, the Qing nationality directly introduced the situation of the conscious life body alliance to Lu Yu in more detail.

   Its origin is unknown, but at least it has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

  In the beginning, the alliance only existed in the galaxy, and the founder civilization tried to spread the technology of uploading consciousness to the entire galaxy. Gradually, as more and more civilizations could not give up this technology that can make individuals nearly immortal, they became conscious life forms one after another.

  The civilization that completed uploading consciousness has achieved an unimaginable leap forward.

Their spaceships no longer need to consider the so-called living area, and the time of interstellar travel is no longer so difficult. As long as an individual is equipped with a powerful processor, one person can rival strong artificial intelligence. It seems that even the once-feared omnic crisis It can be easily solved!

   But the loss of biological nature is not without cost.

  Why civilization and technology were born, human sociologists began to conclude a conjecture based on human history after studying the historical data of lizard civilization and horn race.

  In order to prevent the genetic information carried by oneself from being lost, genes will promote individuals to better adapt to the environment.

   After expanding to the entire group, species that are more suitable for the environment can survive.

  Intelligent creatures have been screened by nature, and finally use wisdom as a weapon to develop civilization in the long-term confrontation with the natural environment.

  The initial stage of civilization is to allow the continuation of the ethnic group as the ultimate goal, which is essentially to allow the continuation of genes.

  With the development of civilization, intelligent creatures began to reflect the transformation of the environment by technology, in order to allow their own information to continue better, the selection of genes must support such beneficial changes.

  The relevant evidence is that the human brain has changed to varying degrees from the primitive human brain in tens of thousands of years since the development of civilization.

   But what does any of this have to do with mind uploading?

After collecting the information disclosed by the Qing Clan, Base Zero found that the thinking ability of the Qing Clan is countless times stronger than that of flesh and blood humans. However, it will take many years to consume and break through after directly receiving the technical support of the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms. Technology.

   This is completely inconsistent with the civilization observed by human beings!

  Looking at the Dyson ball civilization, even if there is only one brain left, the Dyson ball civilization has reached the pinnacle of the fourth-level civilization after tens of thousands of years.

  But it would take half a million years for the Qing people to digest the seventh-level theoretical knowledge alone, and this speed is still relatively fast in the alliance of conscious life forms!

   Of course, it is possible that there is a level of civilization beyond the level of civilization, and the amount of knowledge required to be mastered is too large, but this time is still too long!

  So the experts at Base Zero speculate that all civilizations that have become conscious life forms seem to have lost the potential for a technological explosion, because they have thrown away their biological nature.

  But members of the Union of Conscious Life Forms don’t have to worry about stagnation in technology, because everything has its founders!

  According to the introduction of the Qingzu, the founders had already reached the ninth level of civilization when they formed the alliance, and even above that!

  If he hadn't encountered the black card, Lu Yu would probably think that the founders had already reached the so-called cosmic level civilization.

   But after understanding the secrets of the universe, Lu Yu understood that the founders could at most break through the civilization blocked by the restarter

According to Heika, the matter below the quark has been covered up by the restarters. Of course, these matter hidden under the Planck length cannot affect the microcosm, and thus cannot change any phenomenon in the macrocosm, but they are The key to cosmic civilization!

But such a blockade is not absolute. In some extreme cosmic bodies, such as neutron stars, black holes and even the cores of galaxies, these substances hidden under the Planck length may be released in a very short time. observed within.

   Only by establishing observatories with a unit of ten thousand years next to these extreme celestial bodies, can it be possible to discover this abnormal situation by chance.

   And the second criterion of civilization - development!

The restarters cut off the way for the civilization of the entire universe to be promoted to the universe-level civilization, but as the founders of the civilization that developed to the ninth level, they suddenly discovered that there is still a way forward for the civilization that has come to an end. How could it be possible? What about giving up the advancement of civilization?

  It’s like the restarters who have already broken through the end of the universe. Isn’t it the same for the development of civilization to challenge [transcendence] and wait for the [restart] when it will reach the end?

The founders of the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms can be said to have found a possibility to break through the universe-level civilization, so it has established observatories on many extreme celestial bodies, and even spread a wide net after establishing the Alliance of Conscious Life Forms to build a The star map spanning one billion light years!

  The purpose is to establish observatories on more extreme celestial bodies, to collect those substances that can only be seen at a glimpse in the universe.

   But that's not enough!

  The blockade of the universe by the restarters is not the only one. They have passed through countless cosmic epochs. What kind of civilization have they not seen?

  So the founders have to face not only the unobservable problem, just like the civilization blocked by sophons, the problem of inaccurate observation also deeply troubles it.

  But the founders found the so-called method——to form an alliance of conscious life forms!

  "When the civilization is promoted to the eighth-level civilization in the alliance, all members of the alliance can choose to complete the consciousness fusion with the founder!"

   "This kind of integration is by no means a loss of the independence of civilization, but a real union, which truly connects each other's perspectives to observe the universe and discover the mysteries of the universe!"

  The introduction of the Qing family showed Lu Yu little by little the alliance of conscious life forms that he thought he would never care about!

  (end of this chapter)