MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 20 Decipher

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Chapter 20 Deciphering

Without Claude's expectations, Eriksson and Verricko were ready to play wildcats after school. Claude reminded them that although their fathers are nationals, they can legally own muskets, and they are now enjoying the national treatment of their fathers when they are not eighteen.

But after all, it is very dangerous to take a musket to shoot wild cats in the town. This is not to say that wild cats will cause danger to them, but Claude is worried that they will accidentally injure pedestrians with muskets.

Finally, these two guys still understand the importance of the matter, and decided to change the weapon. Verricko went home to get the hunting bow, and Eriksson went to the dock to find his own sailor to borrow. Although these two weapons have a much shorter range than the firearms, it should be enough to deal with wild cats.

Bok Al's family has a stone scorpion, which is a long-range weapon that his father will carry when he escorted the goods on a long distance. Under the squatting of Eriksson and Verricko, Bokal, who is still excited about the route plan planned for his father in the morning, decided to put the white deer town up and go home. Shi Yan and his friends went to play the wild cat and continue to be excited and excited.

Only Claude refused the invitation of his partners. His excuse was not to look for the wild cat to report his insomnia. Instead, he didn’t sleep well last night. He was almost late in the morning and took a day’s class. He was very tired and now feels The eyes are fast and can't open. So he wants to go home and have a good night's sleep. The revenge for the wild cat can only help his good friends.

This excuse is good, the partners did not force Claude to join them, but rather considerate to let him go home to rest early, and said that if there is a harvest tomorrow, bring some to the school to let Claude also taste the taste of cat meat.

When I got home, I was lucky. My mother took the chubby pier and went to the door next door. Mrs. Aleka, who was newly moved on the third floor, did not know when she became a good friend of her mother. She often went to gossip together and forgot to go home to cook. The most important thing is that Mrs. Aleka has a seven-year-old daughter. Xiaopangdun found a playmate and didn't think about it. She refused to go home several times.

Angelina has also returned home from school and is writing homework at the table.

Claude touched his sister's head and said it again, letting his sister write down, don't let people disturb him, unless he is called again at dinner.

Back to his own small attic, Claude swept his face with decadence and listlessness, and the whole person suddenly got up. Open the drawer, take out the results of last night, and copy the seven Manly papers written in Guhz from the seven-page recipe. In order not to confuse the sequence, Claude also deliberately numbered each piece of paper. .

Do you want to decipher it right away? Looking at the ancient Hertzian dictionary on the table, Claude's heart was filled with the urge to wait, and he really wanted to know what secrets were recorded in the hidden words on this magic recipe.

However, Claude still forced himself to calm down, and he was not in a hurry. At this time, he would be better off. He would be more energetic and then copy two pages from this magic recipe. Anyway, these Guhz texts on each page are also It’s just a few lines, so that you don’t have to decipher the seven pages and then you have to cut off the sidelights...

After concentrating on copying two pages of recipes, Claude finally began to decipher.


... Today is the Norman Magic Calendar August 11, 3341, rain.

After seven days of trekking, our eight people finally arrived at Jinshuilu Town.

We stayed at the Xianglu Tavern.

Ready to have lunch, I was shocked when I saw the recipe. I never thought that someone would use a magical stencil made of lion's skin to copy a recipe...

I asked the pub buddy, he said that half a month ago, someone took the wine account owed by this blank book. The recipe in the store was torn by two drunken drunks. The boss thought that the book was not easy to tear and was used as a recipe.

It’s a violent thing! I really couldn't stand such a precious magic-grain paper book that was used as a recipe, so I bought it with a Sullivan.

Brother Davali said that it is not worthwhile. Although the magic-grain paper made by the lion's skin is a good material for making magic books, this book has already copied the recipe, and the magic lines on the paper have been destroyed and cannot be reused. .

He is right, but I bought this recipe not for magic books. This time I came out without a diary, just use this book to write a diary. As for the recipe above, I can use it as a camouflage...


This is the content recorded on the first page of the recipe, and it took Crowder more than an hour to decipher it. After reading it, Claude was a little excited and disappointed, and still confused.

The excitement is that this recipe is indeed a magician's handwriting. Disappointing that this recipe hides is not the secret of a magician. This is very clear on the first page. The magician just discovered this precious one. The magic grain paper book made by the lion's skin was used as a recipe, and he bought it as a diary.

What confuses is the beginning of the 11th August 11th, 3rd Arnold Martin? The Faurea continent is also a dark calendar for more than four thousand years. Together with the Holy Light for more than 500 years, Claude has never seen any records about the Norman Magic. Could it be that this Norman Magic is a unique calendar for the magicians?

Sighing, Claude picked up the second and third pages of the transcript. There are only a few lines in the two pages. It is very simple to decipher.


... Norman Magic Calendar August 12, 3341, sunny.

Nothing happened during the day, I have been meditating in the room.

Last night, Paula found two pub waitresses in the next night, and I couldn't sleep.

I said two words at dinner, he was very impatient.

He said that there is no chance to enjoy it now, and everyone’s face is not good...


... Norman Magic Calendar August 13, 3341, Yin, the evening rained.

Meditate in the room during the day.

In the evening, Dawari’s face was very serious. He told me a message that a team of wizards was ambushed in the valley of the Bino, and all the eleventh and three ring mage were killed by muskets, only one five. The three rounds of the Tour Master escaped.

The Binho Valley is only a hundred miles away from Jinshuilu Town. This is really a bad news.


Strange, there were muskets at that time, and even went to ambush the magician's team. Crowder became curious and continued to decipher the fourth page. There are more words on this page.


... Norman Magic Calendar August 14th, 3341, sunny.

I met Jones Master today. Like me, he is a four-ring Master.

When I saw him, he was very embarrassed, and he was desperately pouring rye into his mouth in the pub lobby.

Brother Davari said that he was killed because he died in the dead.

Master Jones came from Russau City and received the summons of the Magic Deacon in the same way as we ordered them to come to Jinshuilu Town.

They were thirteen people, and they were also ambushed by the Musketeers in the wilderness less than fifty miles from Jinshuilu Town. They only ran back to six people, and Jones Master was one of them. However, according to him, their counterattack also caused great casualties among the ambushes. The town has now organized the team to go to the scene.

You don't know... they are not afraid of death... Jones Master is crying there:

...even if we used a bursting fireball to blow some of them into pieces, their accomplices still stood in the same place and fired on the rifle. Even if the blood splashed their faces, they still stood there and raised firearms to fire at us. ......

... I cursed the person who invented the musket! This is the weapon of the devil! Those black irons are using the weapons of this demon to spread the blood of our noble mage to the earth...

Master Jones finally drunk and died.

Before going to bed, Davali’s brother came to my room and strictly prevented me from telling others about the improvement of the musket. I am not stupid, I will not say this.


The amount of diary information on this fourth page is a bit large... Claude looked at his digested diary and thought about it. First, the magicians received a summoning order from the Magic Deacon, gathered in Jinshuilu Town, but also ambushed by the Musketeers, and the damage was great.

The second is about the musket. It seems to have a great connection with the magician who wrote the diary. At least he participated in the research on the improvement of the musket.

The knock on the door sounded.

"Second brother, second brother, did you get up? Mom told you to go downstairs to eat..." The voice of Angelina was born outside the door.

Claude stood up and opened the door: "Know it, I will go on."

"Wait, Anna, I bought you a present yesterday." Claude shouted at the sister who was going to go downstairs, picked up the sterling silver flower card from the bedside cabinet and called it to his sister's hand: is it beautiful?"

Angelina’s eyes lit up: “Thank you brother, I will take it to my mother.”

Turned around and went downstairs.

"Oh..." Claude wanted her to take the four pirate villains to Xiaopeng, forget it, or take it with him.

The dinner is very rich. The main course is the potato stewed beef tail, and there are two yellow-fried long-tailed sword fish, which are the specialties of the Beringa Lake. They are always famous for their taste and taste. A large plate of grilled lamb ribs, and a half-red-red roast goose, with a small basket of blueberries on the table.

Is it a festival today, or is there anything to celebrate? However, Claude soon understood that this should be the rest of the banquet last night. It is impossible to have so many dishes at home.

Sitting on the main seat is Albert, and this goods regards himself as the owner. This will be sitting in the father's seat and cut the only one of the half of the roast goose and chew it in his hand. My sister Angelina stood at the table holding a knife to cut the white bread, and the mother was feeding potatoes to the chubby pier.

"Give, Xiaopangdun, do you like it?" Claude handed the pirate villain to Blovik, and Xiaopeng jumped out of the chair with a cheer, holding the pirate villain to look at the West and feel like it. It is.

"Claude, you spend money again, just bought an issue card for Anna and bought a toy for Buick." The mother put down the small wooden bowl in her hand and complained.

"Not much money, I bought it when I saw it was right for them. Right, father?"

"Your father sent someone back in the evening to report that if there is something in the evening, he will not come back to eat."

Oh, it seems that my father is still busy with the route plan that they are planning at night. It is no wonder that Albert dares to sit in the father's seat like this.

"Anna, don't cut it, so many slices of bread are enough, sit down and eat." Claude ignored the goods sitting in the main position, took two silver plates for himself and his sister spoon potatoes and oxtail blocks.

"Oh..." Albert slammed the red wine in the cup. This red wine should also be left over from the banquet last night. This will only be a small half bottle. Then he despised Claude and said, "There is a lot of money. I want to buy this. I am still asking you, I have a silver tower and I have disappeared at home. Is it for you?"

Claude really didn't want to care about him, but this product has no self-knowledge and always provokes himself.

"Would you like to say this? Don't say a silver tale, it's a black penny. You haven't been at home. I warn you, don't mess with me, understand?"

"I said there is there, otherwise you will come to buy gifts for them!" The goods are still coming.

Claude sneered: "Oh, where can I manage my money? I know where your money is. I have two coats and a coat. White deer is so big. So a few, I will know if I ask..."

"Oh..." Albert was ashamed of his throat, saying nothing, just staring at Claude.

"I don't want to control your scandals, I don't want to care about you. I just hope that you don't let your parents get angry. So in the future you have to control your own mouth, and try to appear in front of me as little as possible, unless you want to be jealous. I mean Do you understand it?"

Claude happily forked a piece of potatoes stuffed with beef sauce and stuffed it into his mouth.
