MTL - Bigshot Gives in to His Wife Again-Chapter 71 Congratulations to Mr. Gu

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  Chapter 71 Congratulations to Master Gu

  Old Sun smiled, "I went to Los Angeles to find someone. When I was having dinner just now, I heard that someone upstairs had fainted, so I came up to take a look."

  They were in the ordinary box downstairs, and when the news came up, Lu Miao had already passed by.

  I thought that such a little girl was just warm-hearted for a while, and didn't know any professional first aid knowledge.

  He kept watching from behind, but found that every step she made was the best plan at the moment.

  There were many people outside, so Gu Shiyan directly invited people into their box.

  Mr. Sun looked at Lu Miao who was on the side admiringly, "Second Master Gu, who is this?"

  Gu Shiyan looked at Lu Miao in a blink of an eye, with a smile in his eyes, "My little friend."

   It's no secret that he was engaged and happy, Elder Sun smiled, "Calm when things happen, act decisively, take your time, Second Master is very lucky."

  Then turned to look at Lu Miao, "Where did the little girl learn medical skills?"

  With the rapid rise of Western medicine, Chinese medicine is now in decline, and there are not many people who learn it, and even fewer people understand the knowledge of these acupoints.

  Lu Miao stopped what she was doing, her face didn't blush, her heart didn't beat, she looked at Elder Sun and replied, "I don't know any medical skills, and I haven't learned any.

   It’s just that when I was in the country before, a neighbor had the same disease, and the grandfather doctor in the village gave first aid in this way. "

  Gu Shiyan looked at her, tapping his fingertips on the table unconsciously.

  Elder Sun nodded without thinking too much, "I think you are quick and steady, and you are a good candidate to study medicine. Do you have any idea to go to my research institute to learn about this knowledge first?"

   Said he was going to find out, but the young man who had been following Elder Sun was taken aback.

   It seems that Mr. Sun has moved his mind to accept disciples?

  The research institute does not know how many graduate students, doctoral students, are still working as various assistants.

   At the beginning, he followed Mr. Sun in the research institute for eight years before he was finally accepted as an apprentice. This little girl met for the first time today!

   "Thank you Mr. Sun for your kindness. I'm still in my third year of high school, so I don't have this idea for now." Lu Miao replied politely.

  Mr. Sun didn't force himself when he heard this, he chuckled, "Well, I'm really young, don't worry, you can think about it slowly."

   After talking here, Mr. Sun turned his head to look at Gu Shiyan.

   "Second Master Gu, I am here in Los Angeles this time, and I really want to ask you for help.

   I didn't expect such a coincidence, before I came to the door in person, I ran into you here. "

   "Mr. Sun wants me to help you, just ask." Gu Shiyan said directly.

   "There is a pharmacy over the traditional Chinese medicine market in Los Angeles, and the owner is a family member of one of my students.

  A while ago, a customer came to the door with an extremely precious prescription. The boss originally wanted to buy it directly, but the customer refused to sell it.

   also rejected the subsequent cooperation proposal, and did not leave any contact information.

  I want to ask Gu Erye to help me find this customer. "Mr. Sun said sincerely.

  Gu Shiyan reached out and poured two cups of tea from the side. One cup was brought to Elder Sun, and the other cup was conveniently placed in front of Lu Miao.

   "Understood, I will have someone investigate when I get back."

   Lu Miao, who was eating silently, lowered her eyes slightly, and took a sip of tea.

  Chinese medicine market? prescription?

   It seems a bit familiar.

   Tang Mochen was next to Gu Shiyan, whose eyes were sore. Gu Shiyan was a dog with only the opposite **** and no humanity.

  Thanks to the fact that he had robbed Fu Jingshen for him before, this **** wouldn't even pour him a glass of water.

  Over there, Gu Shiyan chatted with Mr. Sun for a while.

  Mr. Sun asked about Gu Shiyan's physical condition, and reached out to give him a rough pulse check.

   It's just that the more the pulse is raised, the more the brows are frowned.

   "Strange, strange..."

  Gu Shiyan subconsciously glanced at Lu Miao beside him, "Old Sun, what's the problem?"

   "Your pulse..."

  Old Sun's face was full of doubts, puzzlement, and a hint of imperceptible panic flashed by quickly.

   After thinking for a long time, I couldn't think of a suitable word to describe it.

   I had to look at Gu Shiyan solemnly, "Do you feel any discomfort in your body?"

  His reaction, even Tang Mochen, who was still crazily complaining about Gu Shiyan just now, couldn't help watching nervously.


  Hearing Gu Shiyan's answer, the doubts on Old Sun's face became even more perplexed.

  Thought for a while, "Then have you met any expert recently?"

  Gu Shiyan retracted his arm and rearranged the cuffs.

   Subconsciously glanced at Lu Miao beside him, "Yes."

  I saw her sitting there as motionless as a mountain, holding her own small bowl, and eating with all her heart.

  It seems that the children are really hungry.

  Old Sun nodded thoughtfully, "I wonder if Gu Erye can arrange for the old man to meet this expert?"

  Gu Shiyan reached out to take the serving chopsticks and a clean bowl, and while adding vegetables to the bowl, said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Sun, I'm afraid I can't.

  This expert has never shown up in public so far, everything is just uploaded from the Internet, and I have never seen it. "

  Push the rice bowl with the vegetables to Lu Miao.

  Lu Miao knew who it was without raising his head, and he was not polite to him, just focusing on the food in front of him.

  As if the people and things they were talking about had nothing to do with her.

  Old Sun regretted, "It's a pity that we can't meet such an expert.

  However, since there is an expert in charge, it seems that a solution has been found. Congratulations to Gu Erye. "

   A few months ago, when Shen Qinghe approached him, Gu Shiyan was already in a very bad situation.

   But at that time, at least he could feel something from his pulse.

   But when he took Gu Shiyan's pulse just now, he discovered that Gu Shiyan's pulse disappeared completely like a piece of stagnant water!

  Physiologically speaking, as long as a person is still alive, there must be blood flow and pulse beating.

  Gu Shiyan's pulse at this time, to put it mildly, has disappeared, and to put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the pulse of a dead person.

  No matter from physiology or medicine, there is no way to explain it.

  However, Gu Shiyan's own situation cannot be explained by common sense.

  If he met some kind of expert, it would make sense.

   Seeing that he didn't intend to explain further, he didn't ask any more questions.

  After dinner, a group of people came out of Tianxiang Tower.

   After sending Elder Sun into the car, Gu Shiyan turned and opened the door to let Lu Miao get in first.

  Tang Mochen was about to get into the car with him when Gu Shiyan slammed the car door shut.

   "I'll take her home, and you can take a taxi back by yourself."

  Took two steps, then turned back and said, "By the way, go to the traditional Chinese medicine market and check the person Mr. Sun mentioned just now."

   After finishing speaking, he walked around to the other side and got into the car, and left with Lu Miao.

   Ruthlessly left Tang Mochen standing alone, eating a mouthful of car exhaust.

  At this moment, Tang Mochen just wants to sing a song for himself. He should be under the car or not in the car...

  (end of this chapter)