MTL - Bigshot Gives in to His Wife Again-Chapter 178

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  Chapter 178

   "Boss, when and how did you meet my idol? Why haven't you told me?"

  Lu Miao coughed twice, and said with a little guilt, "Actually, he is Gu Shiyan's own brother."

  Gu Ziheng used the surname of Shen Qinghe when he debuted back then, in order to avoid being picked out by others and saying that he had no strength to rely on his family. It's called Shen Ziheng.

  Even if he retreated behind the scenes later, he still used this name habitually.

   Because of this, fans have never known his true identity for so many years.

   "So, you have known him for a long time, and you still haven't told me?" Su Mo looked at her with eyes full of resentment.

  Lu Miao explained dryly, "I didn't see him until a long time after I arrived at Gu's house, and I forgot to tell you later."

   "How can you forget such an important thing!!" Su Mo screamed.

   "Group photo, plus three autographs." Lu Miao directly offered the compensation conditions.

  Su Mo immediately bargained, "I want to sign, five!"

   "Deal." Lu Miao sold Gu Ziheng without hesitation.

  A black McLaren drove out of the hospital and stopped in front of the two.

  Lu Miao pulled Su Mo into the car together.

  Su Mo sat on the back seat, holding and shaking Lu Miao excitedly the whole time.

   During the 20-minute journey, Lu Miao was almost thrown up.

  When the car arrived at the door of Su Mo's house, Lu Miao beckoned Gu Ziheng to get out of the car, and took a dozen photos of him and Su Mo with his mobile phone.

   Then he took the pen and notebook from Su Mo's schoolbag, and said simply, "Sign it."

  Gu Ziheng has always obeyed Lu Miao's words and cooperated obediently throughout the whole process.

   Finally, a hug was attached.

  Su Mo blushed with excitement, "Boss, I declare that you will be my reborn parents from today on!"

  The corners of Lu Miao's lips twitched, covering her face.

  The old lady just had hypoglycemia, so she didn't need to be hospitalized, but she just stayed at the hospital for a physical examination, and she will be discharged today.

   After Gu Ziheng sent Lu Miao back to Lingyue Mansion, he went straight back to the hospital.

   Lu Miao didn't realize until she got home that she forgot to buy talisman paper again.

   After dinner, I went upstairs to do my homework, checked the time, put the phone on the stand, put on the mask, and opened the live broadcast room.

  As soon as it was turned on, the screen immediately refreshed.

  The barrage scrolled so fast that she didn't even have time to see clearly what the fans said, and all kinds of gifts were flying all over the sky.

  【The flying groundhog sends out 99 fireworks! 】

  【The milk tea monster gave away a Porsche! 】

  【Potato **** send out an angel! 】

   Gift effects one by one.

   In just a short time, Lu Miao roughly estimated that after sharing with the platform, it was almost 10,000 yuan.

   Moreover, the number of people in the live broadcast room has quickly exceeded 5,000, and it continues to soar.

what's the situation?

   Lu Miao was a little confused.

  【Hahaha, Missy looks so cute in a daze! Friendly reminder, you can click to open the account to have a look. 】

  【Recommended by a friend, let’s see Missy! 】

  Lu Miao clicked on her personal account, only to realize that in just one day and one night, her account fans had exceeded 800,000!

  Looking at the bullet chatting on the screen, it seems that it is all because of the painting on the wall behind him.

  Is this the banknote ability?

   "Let me first find the elder brother from last night."

  Lu Miao clicked on yesterday's chat history, found the elder brother and directly clicked on the video link.

  The eldest brother quickly agreed on the other side.

  The video was switched on. Although the elder brother still had the unshaven appearance of last night, his dull and dull eyes yesterday were amazingly bright today, with an expression of excitement on his face.

   "Brother, how is your side, have you caught anyone?"

  The eldest brother nodded excitedly, "After you sent me the location information yesterday, I immediately took someone to the location you mentioned, and I caught him early this morning, and the police station has already detained him.

  The loss of 3 million yuan has also been recovered, and the bank has also unfrozen my company's account.

  Master, thank you, really thank you!

   You saved my life! "

  While talking, he swiped and swiped five angels in a row.

   And the number of people in the live broadcast room has directly exceeded 50,000 people!

  【I'm going, it turns out that the eldest lady has real skills! 】

  【This is too accurate! 】

  【Who knows if they colluded in advance? 】

  【Missy is worth more than 100 million for any decorative painting. Is it necessary to play with you? 】

  Some people sneered, some people spoke for her.

  Lu Miao clicked on the ID of the person who picked the trouble, and decisively kicked him out.

   After finishing the video with that big brother, he asked, "Is there anyone who wants to count today?"

   A large area on the screen called me my mine.

   Lu Miao looked at it. If it really counted, it would probably exhaust her to death.

   "One will be deducted for the calculation. I will randomly select three. From now on, I will only calculate three hexagrams every day."

  【What kind of bolt from the blue is this, if I had known last night, I would have forgotten it. 】

  【Regret + ID number. 】

  The screen was full of wailing.

  Lu Miao first drew someone whose ID was Zhaocai Xiaomiao. After connecting to the video, a pretty girl appeared on the screen.

  A black shiny hair is particularly eye-catching, but there are thick dark circles around the beautiful big eyes.

  The little girl opened her mouth nervously after directly swiping an angel descending.

   "Master, I seem to have changed my face."

  【I'm sorry, it's a big night, it's so exciting if you want to come up! 】

  【What does it mean to have a different face? Isn't this face yours now? 】

  The little girl picked up the tablet beside her and clicked on a photo.

   "This is the original me."

  Although the little girl in the photo is also beautiful, she is cute, with short hair at the ears, and has completely different styles and faces from the bright beauty in the video.

  【Are you sure you didn't have plastic surgery? 】

  Someone questioned on the barrage.

   "No, the photo I just showed you was from a week ago, and everyone around me can testify.

  I just woke up in the morning a week ago and suddenly became like this.

   And every night when I go to sleep, I am frequently pressed by ghosts on the bed.

  Later, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I changed to sleeping during the day, and at first I could sleep for a while during the day.

   But within two days, sleeping during the day also began to be suppressed.

  I have been to the temple, and I have also gone out to find the witch, but it was useless.

  Master, what happened to me? "The little girl is about to collapse.

  Looking at the little girl in the opposite video, Lu Miao tapped lightly on the table with her fingertips.

   Slowly said, "Is that a wig on your head?"

  The little girl didn't understand, so she nodded, "Yes, my hair grows too slowly, and I really want to grow it, so I bought a fake wig."

   "Bought it a week ago?" Lu Miao asked.

  The little girl thought of something, and her face changed instantly.

   Happy new year to everyone~



  (end of this chapter)

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