MTL - Best Son-in-law-Chapter 3020 fight for life

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Before revealing this information, they must say hello to all the countries in the world they are friends with.

Make sure that when Lin Yu releases all the information to the world, there will be as many voices as possible to help them support and build momentum!

As long as it can set off a frenzy of public opinion internationally, then there is no fear that the World Medical Association will not be defeated!

"Okay, then trouble you!"

Lin Yu nodded solemnly.

"However, President He, you'd better go and talk to Annie!"

Xu Zhiyuan suggested, "After all, she was the vice president of the World Medical Association. If she also comes forward with you to expose the World Medical Association, her international influence will be even greater!"

"And the credibility and persuasiveness of these materials will also be improved to a higher level!"

The vice president of the World Medical Association took the initiative to stand up and expose the evil deeds of the World Medical Association. Just thinking about it, you can know that it will be formed internationally.

What an uproar**!


However, Lin Yu hesitated instead, "Forget it!"

He also knew that if Annie helped, he would be more confident, but he also knew how much pressure this move would bring to Annie!

He wants to protect her, not use her!

"Okay, it's all up to you!"

Xu Zhiyuan nodded without saying anything, and continued, "By the way, I said above, I agree with you to denounce the World Medical Association in the name of the World Medical Association!"

"In this way, your power is greater, and your name is justified!"

"Tonight, you'd better hold a meeting in the lecture hall and inform the members of the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so that they can at least know the general situation and save time to lose the chain!"

"it is good!"

Lin Yu nodded.

That night, Lin Yu summoned Song Lao, Dou Lao, Wang Lao and a group of doctors from all over the world.

The members of the association held a meeting in the lecture hall.

The lecture hall, which can accommodate hundreds of people, is crowded with people!

Lin Yu ordered someone to send them a very small part of the data on the hard drive that had been printed long ago, and each person had a copy.

"Damn, it turns out that the international rumors are true. They really experimented with living people, these beasts!"

"It's abominable, where is this doctor, this is a devil!"

"You've lost your conscience, what an insult to the title 'doctor'!"

"I really didn't expect that in order to develop genetic medicines, they would be so unscrupulous and useless to save lives!"

When everyone looked at the information in their hands, they were furious and furious!

Little do they know that the information in their hands is just the tip of the iceberg!

"The above has been approved, and I will come forward and make these materials public!"

Lin Yu said solemnly, "I also agree, allow me to use the world

As the president of the Medical Association, condemn the World Medical Association! "

"In other words, we, the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the World Medical Association, must completely tear our faces in the world and fight to the death!"

If it is said that conquering super pathogenic bacteria is a silent war between the World Medical Association and the World Medical Association, then standing up to denounce the World Medical Association is equivalent to a desperate **** battle on the bright side!

And the world's media and radio stations will be their desperate battlegrounds!

"Fight! Must fight with them!"

"Yes, kill them, kill the World Medical Association!"

"This kind of devil organization must be dispersed!"

The blood of the crowd was surging, and they echoed loudly.

Almost all of them put on an immortal awe-inspiring pose!

"Everyone calm down!"

After everyone's voices quieted down, Lin Yu said in a deep voice, "This kind of thing is not like what we said.

So easy to say! "

"Everyone knows that the World Medical Association has always been a slap in the face, not to mention that we are going to completely destroy their core interests this time!"

"Once we really stand up to crusade against the World Medical Association, it will inevitably lead to their crazy revenge!"

"In other words, if all of you here choose to stand up with me, He Jiarong, you may face the danger of losing your life!"

Although Lin Yu needs the support of the World Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, he also needs everyone to unite and move forward!

But he couldn't hide it on purpose, and he pulled these colleagues into the fire pit foolishly!

He must tell these people the stakes and let them make their own choices!

Hearing his words, everyone fell silent for a while.

Obviously, they were so emotional just now that they didn't seem to consider that the risk would be so great!

To fight for your life!

(End of this chapter)