MTL - Being an Author is a High Risk Occupation-Chapter 75

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The sentence of the broken car is quite right. Compared to the Gaoyang Mountain, Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing are now more anxious... how to make money!

They are now without any long things! Except for this body, there are no cockroaches, and even the clothes of the cover are provided by the broken car friendship!

It is impossible to rush back to the mixed Yuanzong or leisurely door without the magic weapon and the Lingshi! It doesn't matter how long it takes to walk, just wearing this dress for a long time is enough! Therefore, the road to return money to the door is basically blocked!

I really don't make a car break. It's a bad and strange design that doesn't fit close to the body! Isn’t he uncomfortable wearing him? Is his jj playing iron?

Oh, of course not.

It’s just being treated differently by a certain one. Although the styles of the clothes look very similar, but because of the different materials, and the male owner is still wearing a piece of iron that is not bad, so it will not feel uncomfortable at all, but it feels great.

The modern fat is absolutely good to build according to the human body curve!

It’s not the same as the open pants you wear in this group of ancient people!

It’s quite appropriate to say this in an extraordinary way: you are a group of fish lips!

Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing thought a little bit about it. There are many ways for the repairers to make money, but basically they are all similar: find things and sell money.

For example, selling picking grass, selling materials, selling eggs, selling cheats, selling news.

The first few are well understood. As for the sale of cheats, this is the most suitable for the family's declining children, while selling news means where there is a treasure, or someone's news.

In addition, there is one, that is, selling life.

There are almost no monks who ran to sell their lives, unless there was a deep hatred and hatred. Otherwise, whether it is a monastic or a sword, they are not willing to be **** and shackled for others.

Now all the equipment of Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing has been emptied, whether it is the clothes with attributes, weapons or magic weapons. They are all stripped away, and the mountains can no longer go. Otherwise, this body can't be saved (==), it is really sad to think about it. After the mountain can't go, there is no way to get the grass. You can't go too far and have no weapons. It's hard to find the monster to kill it and then get other refining materials. So the fastest thing you can do now is to sell cheats such as Danfang. Things and news.

The latter didn't play, they didn't take the fortune-telling of the group, and they knew so many things. And cheats...

Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing have been to other secrets. They have also received one or two inferior exercises. It is not impossible to record them and sell them. Although it is not a bad street, it is not precious. Even if you want to make a profit by selling cheats, you will feel sad.

Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing's tangled car is incomprehensible because he has money in his hands.

In fact, it has long been discovered that the broken car of the car with the storage space has begun to be scattered and scattered to his own family. Although he does not make a stupid space, but look at his collection. The collection is very suede, the car is broken and the more and more Lingshi is given more and more, very used to him. Over time, in addition to the usual things used in the broken car and a little Lingshi with occasional use, everything else has been given extraordinary. To put it simply, the money earned is owned by the 'wife'. So even if everything was robbed, the actual loss of the car was not even one-third.


#傻喵 In addition to the wife of the younger brother, the fourth identity butler ‘婆’#



Wu Zimo and Zhong Yanqing and the car broke off and left the town three days later. The three days were used to make money. Although it is not necessary to save all the equipment, at least one can wear clothes and one hand-worn weapon. I can't go empty-handed.

After the three men separated for a short time, Wu Zimo's disappearance did not care. He was mainly behind Zhong Yanqing, hiding his body and seeing him enter a consignment store. The car broke a little smile, and the inn opposite the shop broke his foot, and temporarily asked for a room, the window was facing the consignment store. The consignment store in the realm is the most popular, sending the things that you want to sell to the store, and then clearly priced, as long as the seller sells the message to the owner of the item. Just charge a 10% fee. If you can't sell it, you will receive the cost of three lower-priced Lingshi. Still cheap. Many people who are eager to buy eager to sell will come to the consignment store, and those who are idle will occasionally come to the store to visit. The consignment store was originally founded by the car family. With this one, the car family suddenly became the richest man in the family. It can be seen how popular the consignment store is in the realm of cultivation.

When the car broke through the window and looked at Zhong Yanqing into the consignment store, he lowered his head and gently grabbed the unusual black ear, and whispered a few words in his ear. The hot breath spit in my ear, and the itchy, uncomfortable ears moved a few times, and squinted at him after listening.

The man is really a bad water with a stomach.

"Benefits." Uncommonly raised the small chest and stretched out the black paws and held the hand of the car broken edge.

"Okay, don't make trouble." The car broke a little and smiled, and the hand took a shot on the unusually round buttocks. It led to a sigh of arrogance (stupidity), and the tail jumped off the knee of the man. The adult was dressed in clothes, hiding his tail and ears, and ran out. After Zhong Yanqing left, he quickly ran into the shop and patted the table and asked the shopkeeper: "Hey, that person just came in and sold it." What? I want it."

Not many of the treasurers asked, there are people in this world, what is the relationship between this young man and the young man in front of him, and there is love and hatred. He does not care, he only needs to make money. Therefore, the juvenile's request did not question him, and he did not ask much. He should come up with a jade and a simple saying: "The monk's monk will record his cheats into the jade slip. The cheats are worth three Chinese spirits, jade Provided for the store, the fee is borne by the monk. The little monk can take away three Chinese spirits."

I took the jade Jane and looked at it casually.

"It's a footwork." The shopkeeper's opening said: "Although the quality is inferior, it is quite practical."

I don’t have much to say, I put down three Chinese spirits and left, very happy.

The Zhongyan Qing over there did not go far and received the message sent to him by the treasurer. He was a little shocked. This technique is just a footwork, and it sells too fast. Almost the effort of the front and the rear, is his luck really so good? After the happy, Zhong Yanqing thought about it again and was depressed. If it is ok, who is willing to sell the cheats of his own society, and teach others in the realm of cultivation to starve yourself!

Zhong Yanqing rushed back to the consignment store, deducted the fees charged by the consignment store, left with two pieces of Chinese stone and dozens of lower spirits, and vowed that he would never sell cheats in his life. I just didn't expect his vow to be broken soon.

There is a lot of jealousy over there to read it back and forth, but it is an ordinary cheat, the introduction text of the system is green, it really is the next product. Where is the thing of his treasure chest, the best of all the golden light can not wait to flash the eye, even if his brother gave him the practice of the red high-level exercises.

Uncommonly, the cheats were stuffed into the carry-on package, and the body was turned around from Zhong Yanqing, and the spiritual stone that Zhong Yanqing just got the hand went away. Thanks to Zhong Yanqing, there is nothing in the body that can be stored with him. It can only be placed in his pocket.

In a small window upstairs in the inn, the probe looked down at the corner of the car and showed a smile.

In fact, the car's broken edge wants to do very simple, that is, taking advantage of this robbed thing, it will smash the things of Zhong Yanqing.

Sure enough, as the car was expected to break, when Zhong Yanqing planned to buy a comfortable dress first, he found that his own spiritual stone had disappeared. Faced with the inquiry of the clothing store owner, Zhong Yanqing's face is not only pale and can be described. He has six gods and no one knows what to do. Even when Lingshi Shi lost it, it is impossible to know where it was lost. Not so much as it is lost, Zhong Yanqing believes that he has been taken away by the people, and that the **** repaired must be higher than him! (裴不凡:金丹期)

A person who is higher than him is at least a Golden Age, and may even be taller. Why do you stare at the two Chinese spirits in his hands? If you have the ability to go out and get rid of a good demon beast, you can get a few pieces of Chinese spirit stone when you sell it. Why do you want to lick his little things? It’s hard to see that he didn’t put Lingshi into the storage bag and felt that he would not take it without taking it. If so, he is too unlucky.

However, no matter how bad, it will not be moldy again. Zhong Yanqing bit his teeth and turned to the consignment store. Uncommonly, he kept hiding in the dark and stared at it. When he left, he quickly went in and bought things out. Then, after Zhong Yanqing got the Lingshi, he turned his head and stole Zhong Yanqing.

Can be one or two, and when the third time was stolen, Zhong Yanqing felt that something was wrong. He can not only be stolen, but also every time he sells something that can be sold quickly. Zhong Yanqing suddenly returned to the taste, he was stared as a fat sheep. The person who buys him must be someone who steals his spiritual stone. The person who sees him has no long objects and is eager to use the money. If he wants to get the cheats without spending money, he will count. There is only one thing he can't understand. Although his own monk in the base period is a good seed for the car family, but it is not a very rich person, how can he be stared at by someone who is higher than himself?

His cheats are not very useful for a monk above the Golden Age period!

Simply incredible!

What's more, the cheats of his meeting are almost ‘stolen’, ah!

Who do you think he is! How many cheats do you think he has run through a few secrets!

What have been stolen three times, what else is he still!

No, wait, he really has...

But that is the practice of the sub-car family that the sub-car family specially taught for the good seedlings that they valued. After all, it was signed by the big family. The family is not only to provide resources, but also to provide them with the following exercises. It is only one of them... This kind of practice belongs to family inheritance, although it is not a powerful thing, but It is also a mark of the family of the car, not to give it to anyone, let alone sell it. But now he can change money... and only this.

If this is found to be equivalent to betrayal, the car home will definitely let him not eat and walk.

What's more, there are also the children of the car family who are in the car family.

But if it is not for sale... Nima little brother is so uncomfortable! Even if he has no money, he can earn it himself, but at least replace this broken clothes first!

Zhong Yanqing is a courageous person. From the time when the family of the former car family did not lose sight, he dared to let the car break and was killed or even killed, even though they had a hundred thousand miles in the ion family. But from this point, it can be seen that he is a monk who dares to fight for a fight.

At this time, he did not lose money on the cheats that sold the car home. Only this time he was smart, did not leave after getting Lingshi, but bought a dress directly at the consignment store. Although the clothes in the consignment store are all more expensive than the ones sold in the clothing store, they are worth the money, but in the end, only a few pieces of the lower spirits are left to look pitiful, but they will not wear this again. A grind of clothes.

He is going to find a female Taoist in the future! Don't just waste it!

Zhong Yanqing thought that a few of the lower spirits of the monk should not be seen, but apparently he underestimated the extraordinary lower limit.

Don't say a few pieces of the next stone, even if it is a stone with a hint of aura, he will not give Zhong Yanqing the rest! However, when I met a madman who was out of heart, I went through the locusts and went through the bad habits of the grass. I learned a little ten of them. If I rob, there is nothing left.

When Zhong Yanqing walked a few steps, she found that she had almost nothing to do except the clothes.

Compared to Zhong Yanqing’s anger, the car’s broken edge is very happy. There are a few jade in the right hand, and the left hand is holding a sly face, regardless of the other side’s face. Take a small mouth and lick it up, then vomit a few cat hairs.

Uncommon: Mom! Helping you to do things without rewards is still cheaper! And what spit you spit, it’s your own!

Seeing the black eyes and the golden eyes, I looked very cute. The car was in a good mood and kneaded the uncomfortable head. I took out the last jade. "You know what this is?" ”

I don’t want to shake my head.

"The sub-car family's practice is not designed to be used to build a good seedling in the family of the car." The car is sneer: "With this thing in hand, don't say I am harming him. I will count It is to mention him to several major sects and all the family members in front of him to kill him with a knife. Others will not only say that I am cold-blooded, but also praise me for a clear-cut, unbiased. I betray the teacher and the family, wherever they are. It is a crime of death." At this point, the world and the sects are very consistent, and no one will raise an objection.

"But... it doesn't have to be so fast..." The car broke the edge and closed the jade. This jade has the spiritual power of Zhong Yanqing, and he is not worried that he will deny it. If you keep it, you may use it someday.

A few days later, when Wu Zhemo set off, Wu Zimo had already put on a light-colored robes. There was no such thing as a mess. Wu Zimo’s money-making was going very smoothly. In addition to this dress, he even prepared several magic weapons. A storage bag. The broken edge of the car also replaced the clothes that were uncommonly given. Although he wanted to continue wearing it, but he did not add defensive attributes and the fabric was too ordinary, not to mention waterproof and fireproof. A wire would break when it was slightly hooked. Therefore, you can only change it and wait for it to be worn when you are in the future.

It is worthy of the fact that half of the original text is the total attack of h, except for the upgrade in the mind is [哔-].

Compared with the two armed men, Zhong Yanqing is the most shabby. There is nothing but the clothes, the price is the biggest, and all the secrets of the body will be copied again! I will sell the money on the map of the poor painting! Nima really wants to go to this point, he doesn't have to mix it, just straighten his neck and thank the world!

I don’t know how to make an enemy of the man’s enemies die forever. He squats in his arms and squats in his arms.

The next trip was very peaceful and even boring. Wu Zimo almost gave up hooking Zhong Chunqing and turned to the car to break the edge. From the wearing of several people in the collection, I can see how the two people’s skills are. Although Zhong Lingqing’s Lei Linggen’s spiritual recovery is not only a quick rise but also a lethal force, it is to wait for Zhong Yanqing’s spirit. After the pulse repair! In addition to this, one relies on the car family, and the other is the child of the car family. One is a disciple of Jianxian Valley, and the other is a disciple of the leisure door. One is the head of Dabi, one...

Simply put, a rich and handsome and a poor ** silk! Which one to choose?

It’s just that Gao Fushuai suspects that there is a lover, but it’s not quarreling at the moment, and he has even broken up.

Poor ** silk has been asking for him, to help him treat the poor ** silk can be directly upgraded into a high-slaughter level! Ok, still poor...

Wu Zimo took a few days to think about it and chose a plan that he thought was very reliable and actually found to be dead. In the Ming Dynasty, the seduce of the car was broken, and Zhong Yanqing was treated as a friend. Before that, they were also embarrassed and did not make it clear. If the broken edge of the car is really good with him, then he is not easy to be rejected if he asks for help. In addition, a rehabilitated Rylingen repairer used ‘reward’ to let Zhong Yanqing also help, and Wu Zimo thought that his trouble would soon be solved.

However, Wu Zimo, when you have been rushing to the side of the car, have you noticed the black cockroach in his arms?

Mao is about to blow up! Are you close to the letter or not, he is scratching you?

The broken edge of the car also naturally found the intention of the person around him, but he did not poke, and the approach to Wu Zimo was only slightly alienated and not directly rejected. The reason is very simple, his family's stupid jealous!

There has never been a stupidity that shows him that he has such feelings because he is jealous because of this person!

The smell of sour and sweetness in the heart of the car broke, and the whole person was beautifully bubbling.

Today is really a happy day~
