MTL - Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons-Chapter 257 Xuan Jian Zhenren Nie Jun (Thanks to Mr. Golden Piaoxiang for the

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Chapter 257 Xuanjian Zhenren Nie Jun (Thanks to the leader of the golden fragrance boss)

The girl in the red dress stood on the steps, silently looking at the old man in gray, a trace of emotion flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Mei Xiyao has been responsible for the guest coming and going of Bafang Restaurant for hundreds of years, so she can be considered well-informed.

 With a little careful thought, you can identify the old man's identity.

He is not only the master of Hunyuan, but also sent by Xuanguangdong.

Daqianwu Temple was once one of the three top human forces, but now it is in a state of decline, looking a bit desolate.

 It was precisely the reputation that was so great in the past that turned it into a drag.

 The life is not as elegant as that of a small power like Bafang Restaurant.

 “If you need anything, just ask them.”

Mei Xiyao nodded politely, and the old man in gray looked back and nodded, his expression calm.

“My lord, do you need Qinghua to be the monk who can kill those Xuanguang Cave monks?”

 After all, the inspector is there to guard the door, and he, the deputy inspector, is equally disgraced.

 The most important goal of this trip is the monk's cave.

Shen Yi put down the teacup and glanced at the old man casually.

He also thought with his heart and replied: "Can you beat me?"

The blue and white flowers stand indifferently, perhaps imitating Shen Yi too deliberately, and now every move she makes carries a strong shadow of the other person.

 As for the group of people in Xuanguang Cave...

 To be honest, I must feel a little uncomfortable.

 Beside the square table in the corner.

He rolled his eyes at her quietly.

 “Calm down, I thank you.”

The old man looked away and listened to the whispers downstairs. As if he was used to it, he slowly closed his eyes.

 But it’s my first time here and I haven’t figured out the situation yet.

Mrs. Qinghua thought carefully for a moment and said seriously: "I can't beat him, but Qinghua is willing to fight to the death for my lord."

 After thinking about it, he looked around.

 It is not his character to be reckless and reckless in order to gain momentum.

 It is best to obtain treasures similar to spiritual roots.


Shen Yi picked up the tea brought by the waiter and took a sip.

 Until the girl in the red skirt turned around and went upstairs.

When there is a chance, Shen Yi doesn't mind collecting their treasured treasures to see the secrets of the Immortal Sect.

Even though I read a lot of books before coming out, I still couldn't recognize the identity of others at a glance.

 These people actually have the lowest level of cultivation in the Dan Bao realm.

 There is even an aura that is only slightly lower than the realm of Changqing Zhenren.

“A skinny camel is bigger than a horse. In fact, the monks outside are no better than Da Gan. It’s just that those who dare to participate in the monks’ cave have some means.”

Mrs. Qinghua explained carefully.

 “What are you doing?”

Shen Yi saw a group of people also in a corner, and placed a few gems beside the table. While covering their breath, the voices of their voices were also completely isolated.

Qinghua floated over and watched for a while, staring at the movements of several people's lips. After a while, he came back and said: "While trading treasures, one of them seemed to have made a mistake. In the end, he was tricked by others, and those people were laughing at him."


 Shen Yi recalled it and found that the most valuable thing on her body was probably the Leng Yuxuan silk hand she had just acquired.

As for other things, they are either irreplaceable, cannot understand the value, or are of little use to monks above the Hunyuan realm.

 The foundation has not been replenished for a long time.

“I’ll investigate again and report again.” Qinghua obeyed and floated out. She was a demon soul and no one else could see her.

Wandering around here and there.

 Soon he came back with a lot of news.

The most important one is the monk cave in Bafang Valley.

"According to what they said, this cave has actually appeared at least three times, but no one knew about it before. That is, the people in the food building would go in and try to find some new ingredients. Later, the people in Xuanguang Cave knew about it, and they Write it in your travel diary.”

Mrs. Qinghua said with her heart: "It's just that they miscalculated the time last time and arrived a little late to avoid being trapped, so they evacuated hastily and their exploration was rough. Even the most important Tibetan Dharma Pavilion was not accessible." not found."

“But it did allow them to find traces of weapon refining.”

"The owner of this cave is most likely a weapon refiner, which is why Xuanguang Cave was invited to investigate for the second time."

“These people are just here to try their luck. Generally speaking, big forces are more generous in doing things and will not care about the leftovers with them.”

After Shen Yi listened quietly, she noticed that Qinghua was looking upstairs subconsciously, and then continued: "But Mr. Nie is here. If he also sets his sights on the cave, it may have an impact on my lord. Would you like Qinghua to go..."

 The words are not finished yet.

Shen Yi took the panel back directly.

This one also affects my lord, and that one also offends my lord. If she does it her way, I and others will have to lie here on one side today.

That is a golden body of two feet and three feet, not twenty-three feet.

At most, it is better than the monks who have just entered the realm of gods. You still have to see if the opponent has any killer moves hidden.

It's far from enough to support Shen Yi's unscrupulous behavior.

  While he was deep in thought.

 A figure smelling of alcohol walked down the stairs at a steady pace.

You can see that he has a young face, long and messy hair, and a loose green robe with his heart open, making him look a little bohemian.

The long and narrow eyes look calm, but make people feel a slight chill inexplicably.

"Step aside."

 He walked behind the old man in gray.

The old man was obviously stunned on the spot. It was not until the other party reminded him that he quickly stepped aside and said respectfully: "Senior Nie."

Nie Jun walked downstairs.

 Compared with the bustle when Master Zhang arrived, the whole hall was completely silent at this moment.

Until he walked down the stairs, he suddenly turned back and frowned: "Put that thing away from your waist, you look upset."

Hearing this, the old man in gray stretched out his hand to touch the jade talisman and hesitated for a moment.

If he had not learned a lesson, who would be willing to bring his own forces with him when he is embarrassed?

It’s not that I don’t want to collect it, I just don’t dare to collect it.

 “I asked you to collect it, do you understand?”

Nie Jun said calmly. He didn't need to ask the reason, and he didn't need to know who the old man was afraid of.

The old man in gray clothes did not dare to hesitate any longer and hurriedly put away the jade talisman: "Thank you, Senior Nie."

Until Jun Nie stepped towards the door, a mysterious light flew out of his sleeves and turned into a wide mysterious sword. He walked up to the sword, and his whole person suddenly disappeared on the spot.

 The sound of breathing resounded in the hall again.

Even Zhang Zhenren from Xuanguangdong walked down from the third floor, made sure that the other party really left, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

If Jun Nie also fell in love with this cave, even if Zhang was unwilling, he would have to hand it over obediently, and maybe even say thank you for your hard work.

Mei Xiyao walked out of the restaurant to see each other off and stood respectfully for hundreds of breaths.

 Then he turned around and walked into the hall.

 Suddenly he was surrounded by several Hunyuan Grandmasters: "Miss Mei, Senior Nie has finished his meal..."

The owner of Bafang Food House only works for Nie Jun. The old man has the ability to turn decay into magic. A delicacy is no worse than a precious treasure. Anyway, Nie Jun only uses the best part. This is a well-known thing.

 (End of this chapter)