MTL - Begin Immortality By Slaying Demons-Chapter 230 Counting the harvest, a bumper harvest

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Chapter 230 Counting the Harvest, a Great Harvest

Shen Yi rode the clouds to a deserted slope.

 In sight, there is a mountain of flesh made of monsters.

According to Qinghua's report, Songzhou County is actually not that big. There are a total of 102 counties in the four counties, and a total of 636 demons have been captured. Even the pocket treasure phantom cannot hold so many corpses. They can only be piled here temporarily.

 Compared to Qingzhou’s Xiaoyue Demon King, he only had a dozen demon lords with him.

The Red-Eyed Demon King has obviously established a firm foothold and made a name for himself. He has nearly a thousand demons under his command. Even so, there are only six or seven demons in an average county, which can frighten the people of the entire county.

 Among them, the Kaizhi demons accounted for about 60%, with more than a hundred in the initial realm, dozens in the Jade Liquid realm, and sixteen pill-condensing demons.

You must know that this is the result of a fierce battle between them and the Demon Suppressor and another demon king, and there are still such a huge number left.

 A little demon in the Jade Liquid Realm left more than 100,000 people powerless to resist.

The Ningdan Demon can even lie down in the county government office, scaring the warriors of more than a dozen nearby counties into not even thinking of escaping.

Such a strong sense of oppression is naturally not groundless.

 For those who did things simply, Songzhou might not have been able to survive today and would have been completely eaten up.

Even though she already possesses strength beyond ordinary people's imagination, Shen Yi still cannot be as calm as a martial arts master who regards the world as a chessboard and the devastation of living beings as exchange pieces.

 He is not a sentimental person.


 【Remaining demon lifespan: ninety-four thousand six hundred years】

In the previous fight with the red-eyed demon king, he punched it down, as if back in Liuli Temple Village, he stabbed the steel knife into the heart of the dog demon, stabbing it in over and over again, in order to vent the feeling in his heart. Anger.

It must have taken countless lives as a reminder to make the people of Songzhou suffer from liver and gallbladder splitting and become like this now.

His eyes were cold, and he opened his mouth to turn the towering mountains of flesh in front of him into rivers of blood, and the six to seven hundred ferocious monsters quickly turned into shriveled skins.

But their real value lies not in this.

It’s not even enough to support a battle in which Dao Ying fights with all his strength.

Shen Yi breathed a sigh of relief. When she saw the head stuck on a spear at the door of General Zhenmo's Mansion, she somehow suddenly thought of General Chen Qiankun.

 Sure enough, little people are little people.

Shen Yi shook her head slightly and quickly adjusted her mood.

 But after witnessing the situation in Songzhou, I still felt a little uncomfortable in my heart.

Among the demons, the red-eyed demon king's eating method can even be considered "merciful". He eats incense and the power of his will instead of delicious blood food. He just allows his demons to eat regularly to maintain the life in the hearts of the people. The precarious fear.

 And even more ridiculous.

Rivers of blood gathered in mid-air, condensing into demon blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Shen Yi raised his eyes and looked at the panel. The extremely exaggerated numbers made his heart beat slightly faster.

 The sky looked bright red, but when it gradually turned darker red...only four drops of demon blood were left in Shen Yi's mouth.

Among them, only the eleven thousand years of the four-headed demon king holding pills and the more than seven thousand years of the red-eyed demon king were captured by Shen Yi personally.


 The rest are all written by Mrs. Qinghua.

 Shen Yi called out the other party's spirit, and saw a woman wearing a blue and white gown floating lightly beside him.

“Go to the edge of Songzhou and look for any fish that have slipped through the net.”

“The blue and white flowers will obey my Lord’s decree.”

Mrs. Qinghua's face was pale, but she didn't object at all. She bowed down respectfully, quickly returned to the Yin God, and then floated away with the Yin God.

  Shen Yi put the beast essence and demon elixirs everywhere in his pocket, and then took out the bodies of the elixir-holding demon king and the red-eyed demon king.

 The magical power of transforming blood was used again.

A moment later, twenty-three drops of demon blood floated out from the four demon kings. Judging from the number, their strength was slightly inferior to that of the little demon king. Sure enough, only two brushes could survive the firefight.

On the other hand, Shen Yi was slightly disappointed by the Red Eyed Demon King. Fifty-seven drops of demon blood was far inferior to the Blue and White Lady. "kindness?"

 Under the empty skin of the black bear, there is a black wooden box.

Shen Yi swallowed the demon blood, picked it up with a wave of her hand, and opened it to see that there were neatly arranged envelopes inside.

 Open it one by one and read it.

 All letters are from the same power.

The content of the letter is also very simple, almost all of which are explanations of the practice of exercises.

 Signing is a force that Shen Yi is quite familiar with.


 In the letter, they called the Red-Eyed Demon King a worshiper.

 After taking away all the letters, there was a thick book of exercises underneath.


 Shen Yi opened the exercise method and quickly scanned the contents.

 Soon, there was an extra line of text on the panel.

 【Wuxian.Wanxiang Shenxiu Dafa: Not yet started】

He thought of the precious armor and weapons that had been condensed on the black bear before, and condensed the invisible power of incense into something visible to the naked eye.

No wonder a demon suddenly wants to change his appearance and become some kind of god.

 It turns out that he was taught by his master.

 “Just keep it first.”

Shen Yi waved his hand and turned off the panel. Although he got a generous sum of demon longevity, this situation in Songzhou is not normal. If other states were like this, Daqian would have died long ago.

 The province should have flowers.

This kind of Yin Shen technique is at best a desperation choice, not to mention Mrs. Qinghua's current ability, how can she have any spare power to control the more powerful Yin Shen.

It would be great if I could miss a Demon King of the Divine Transformation Realm...

 Shen Yi will focus on the origin of demons, or feed her another one of these?

 Let’s wait a little longer.

This is tens of thousands of years of demon longevity. If it is not necessary, he does not want to waste it on Qinghua.

  Let's go back to the Martial Temple first to see if there is anything more that needs practice.

As for the relationship between the red-eyed demon king and Qingqiu, Shen Yi doesn't really care. Qingqiu has long been on his silent list, and this time it can at most deepen his impression.

“Including the previous ones, one hundred and twenty-six drops of demon blood should be enough.”

Shen Yi put the wooden box away, including the demon pills. These things can now be used as tonics instead of demon blood, so they cannot be wasted.

 He sat cross-legged and poured the demon life essence into the Nine Demon Transformation Techniques.

This time it is the second fairy monster that I am feeding.

 【In the first year, you integrated the demonic blood into the limbs and bones and fed it to the tiger, and it began to eat it unconsciously】

 The same changes as before occurred in the tiger.

Shen Yi opened his clothes and looked at the tiger lines that quietly appeared on his body. The demonic blood blended into its body, turning it into a slightly weird bright red.

 At the same time, vast power began to burst out within his body.

 The amount of demon blood decreases rapidly.

 Soon, he lost more than 70 drops, but the tiger continued to absorb it.

[In the 4200th year, the tiger's absorption speed began to slow down. Its aura seemed to have reached a certain peak, making the immortal dragon next to it feel that its status was threatened. The colorful tiger looked at the opponent indifferently and swallowed it again. A drop of demon blood]

 (End of this chapter)