MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 66 She would rather go into the abyss

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Ye Chengzhi swallowed and said dryly: "Master, Miss's injury was in the back of the head, and now she suddenly fainted. I saw that she was physically weak, but I don't know if the injury on her back affected her.

How it sounds, now you can only wait. If you wait until Miss Tomorrow wakes up, then nothing will happen. If you have n’t woken up tomorrow ... "

At this moment, Ruby yanked his shirt with anxious expression on his face: "What happens if I can't wake up!"

Ye Chengzhi sighed and spit out four words: "Let the fate of the sky."

Everyone was silent.

The successive sounds slowly faded, and then disappeared for a moment. An Rushuang looked at the blank white eyes, looked around, but frowned.

This place is not home, nor is it somewhere in the desert. The fog is everywhere, and you can't see the way or the way back.

Her clothes were thin, but she did not feel cold, and her feet were soft, as if she was stepping on a wave of water, and her whole body seemed to have lost weight-where is this?

"Is anyone there?" She walked step by step, and she could smell the delicate floral fragrance on the tip of her nose, but no flower was seen, and the mist surrounded her like a cage.

"Amitabha, the donor stops." A Buddha's horn suddenly sounded in this little, echoing and enduring.

An Rushuang looked closely, but she still couldn't see clearly. The voice seemed to be distorted in the mist. She could not hear the men and women, and could not discern the young and old. She couldn't help but wonder,

"Who are you?" He asked aloud.

Asking so, she didn't stop there.

"The road ahead is wrong, the donor stops."

The voice rang again. road? As soon as An Rushuang's eyes turned, Wu's heavy eyes looked down, but this place was really weird. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't touch the ground.

When she stepped on her feet, she could feel an unusual soft touch, but she could not touch her with her hand out, and she was breathless slightly, so she gave up the move and stood up

Come here.

Then she walked forward step by step.

The sound repeated again, An Rushuang chuckled, and only said: "Because I can't see the road, then where I stand now is not necessarily the road, why bother with the road ahead?


After a short while, the voice sounded again. "If you can stand here, then this is the way. I say there is no way ahead because I can see it, but you cannot see it now, but if you are attached

Go forward, and the next step will be the endless abyss, which is no longer possible. "

An Rushuang's jaw lifted slightly, watching the hazy mist, and his lips slightly smiled, with a little irony.

"Then how do I know, are you lying to me? Hide and hide, do not dare to show people the true face, I can't believe this."

She was so decisive.

Outside of this mist, a monk wearing a puppet is sitting side by side, but there is a wave of water under him.

It looked as if he was floating on the water. His eyes were frowned, and his expression was pitying. Then he opened his eyes slowly, a little golden shimmer in his eyes, and his eyes touched the water.

The sparkling instantly turned into heavy land, and the mist gradually disappeared.

In front of the girl, but one step away, it was a cliff wide by a few yards wide, and the sound of the wind roared in the cliff, like the screams of countless ghosts.

"This is what you want to see is true."

The monk looked at her from the cliff and said slowly, but the sound seemed to ring in An Rushuang's ear.

The mist suddenly dispersed, and An Rushuang's feet also hardened, and her bottom was like a bottomless cliff, as if the land had been cut off.

Take over the abyss.

She stopped breathing, and then stopped, but did not step back, but stood on the edge of the cliff and looked away at the monk in cloak: "Who are you? Where is this?"

The monk still looked sad and unhappy, and said longly, "The unspeakable person, the inseparable place. But now the donor turned back and had time."

An Rushuang only felt hard in her mouth, as if she couldn't say a word, and after a while, she asked the monk: "Where to go?"

The monk didn't look at her, but raised her hand and tapped the ground, and said a Buddhist horn in her mouth.

Immediately afterwards, An Rushuang's ears suddenly made a very strange and slight sound. The sound came from the ground, and the ground slowly started to build up small drums, and then,

There was a sprout of green buds in this drum bag. The dense green buds struggled to poke out their heads in the ground, struggling to stretch the body. Then, the green buds were like humans, distorted.

As you put on your body, you slowly grow taller, giving rise to more branches and leaves ...

Eventually, they grew to half-arm length, which stopped their movements, and An Rushuang looked around, and on this loess, there was already a greenness.

On the opposite side of the abyss, the monk was still sitting on the vast land, and on that land, he was the only one who was **** red and looked like a bright red flower.

"You turn and look at this road, this is the way you came."

An Rushuang was full of doubts, turned his head and looked back, but saw a green path left by one person. The path was extremely narrow, but the end was faintly visible.

A piece of Zhu wall glazed roof, even if far apart, An Rushuang can see at a glance-that is the palace.

An Rushuang had a little chill on her face, turned to look at the monk, and asked, "Well, you don't say who you are, who on earth sent you here?"

This man looks very strange, unlike any monk, maybe he is really an evil warlock!

Otherwise, how do you know if she is from the palace? Suffice it to say that he knew about past life.

An Rushuang thought, could not help but feel a little uneasy.

Hearing the monk again: "The poor monk knows that the donor is in trouble, so he came here without anyone else's instructions." He was not angry at all, but still kind.

"Oh?" An Rushuang chuckled, looking at the endless abyss in front of him, and took a step forward slowly. At this time, the rubble on the edge of the abyss was frequent, and An Rushuang's embroidered shoes were half.

They all stepped on the empty abyss, as if they would fall in the next moment.

"As you said, if my calamity is the abyss in front of me, I would rather step into the abyss than look back and go back to that palace!"

The green leaves on both sides also began to slowly fall to the ground and merge into the ground. The color of the land became deeper and darker, but there was a bud slowly blooming in the branches without green leaves.

A ray of slender petals bloomed slowly like blood, slowly, and gradually, from a distance, it looked like blood.

"The other side blooms, just to attract the soul." He said in a deep voice: "Every step forward of the donor, you will be killed by your life. Even so, won't you turn around?"