MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 56 Hijacked

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There was a sudden upset in her heart, and the taste seemed familiar, but in the desert where the corpse of the horse hides ...

This is Shengdu, why is there such a strong **** smell? It was the woman who was injured. If the blood was so heavy, then I am afraid he has already entered the Lord Yan.


This is a trap. She thought.

But there was a woman's whining sound in that door, and the sound gradually weakened, as if she was very angry, An Rushuang's heart was tangled up, this place was absolutely wrong,

But if she went at this time, maybe she would step into a trap.

But if she doesn't go ...

The woman was injured because of her. Although she is not serious or not, she is in the present situation.

Thinking about it that way, she looked at the small house, approached it lightly, crossed the place where the sun was splashing, and her eyes slowly fell into the small house. The small room was smelly,

And the girl in the pink shirt was sitting on the floor leaning against the door, still tears, and looked at An Rushuang with surprise.

"How did you come?!"

"I worry about the girl's injury ..."


An Rushuang watched the woman's face blurry before her eyes, and then she fell into darkness.

"Hey! I caught a big fish this time!"

A dull voice filled with a smile of laughter, Zhao Xiaotao looked at the man with a stubble on his back, and murmured inaudibly: "Daddy ... what did you do?

What a dad! "

Suddenly she rushed to grab the burly man, and even though there was blood on her arm, she seemed almost unaware.

Boss Zhao laughed two times, looked at An Rushuang who fell to the ground, and looked at Zhao Xiaotao again, snoring and sighing: "Hum! If you do n’t want to get angry, go, give him some wine and wait for a splash

Woke up and ask which one it is. "

"Dad, no, you can't do this ... No, daddy." Zhao Xiaotao pours tears on his face and hugs Boss Zhao's leg, begging: "Daddy, how much money do you want, I'll go, I'll get ...

... "

"Oh!" Dao Zhao took a sulky look, stretched his legs, and kicked the girl in front of him: "I have broken your clothes for you. With your face, even if you sell it, you won't have him

Silver comes fast! Get your mother up, don't lie down and die! Check to see where he is! "


An Rushuang looked at the yellow sand flying in the desert, but felt that his brain was still halo.

If Ma could have an expression, her face would now be wrinkled together. Who is that woman? Was she aware of her identity at the beginning?

Thinking about this, An Rushuang shook his head again, and said ‘Impossible’.

Before she fainted, the woman's face was shocked. Obviously, she had never thought about it. Who would it be?

Could it be An Lingshan? In today's situation, An Lingshan doesn't have her own power. She wants to move and thinks twice. Why would she do it at this time? And now she ’s really

There is no motivation.

An Rushuang excluded the people he knew one by one, and could not help but have a headache, and had to lie on the yellow sand, and it is still unknown whether he was alive or dead.

, My heart is more anxious.

After half a day like this, she had no idea how many times she had turned around the railing and almost strangled herself on a horse stake. At this moment, a bone of coldness suddenly struck, An Ru

Frost was loose in her heart, and the heavy stench reappeared. She shuddered slightly, feeling the coldness and thickness of her body, and her back pain seemed to explode.

Feeling is not good, but it seems to be alive today.

An Rushuang frowned, and slowly opened her eyes.

Zhao Xiaotao saw her eyelashes tremble slightly, then a pair of foggy eyes looked at herself, she could not help but lowered her head, and she looked like she had made a mistake: "Sorry, sorry.

I hurt you, I will definitely find a way to save you out, you, how are you now ... "

Her eyes were red, and she had clearly cried many times.

An Rushuang's head was still groggy, and with Zhao Xiaotao's apology aside, it was a total loss. After a long time, a pair of black eyes regained focus.

"Where is this?" After speaking, she realized that her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if she had not had a drop of water for many days.

Zhao Xiaotao bowed his head and said, "I'm sorry ..."

An Rushuang's heart burst into flames: "Shut up! I ask you where this is! Why am I here! I don't want you to make a useless apology! I want to save you, you are so

Repay me! "

Blame her blindness, and she would really come in to save this woman. Should n’t she be so selfish and live selfishly! Why listen to that conscience, conscience?

, Should have been planed out to feed the dog!

Actually, it would fall into such a situation ... Really ridiculous!

Zhao Xiaotao shuddered, and began to lower his head in tears silently, and all the hot and pungent looks on the street were completely gone.

If it weren't for her hands and feet, An Rushuang would like to reach out and give her a slap to wake her up!

"You don't have to ask anymore, we won't say anything."

A dull voice sounded slowly behind An Rushuang, and then, after hearing only a bang, a wooden barrel was dropped on the ground, and his bones rolled into the shadow, like an ownerless

Like a skull.

Then, a person slowly walked to An Rushuang.

An Rushuang frowned and looked at him. She could only describe him as 'a person', because this person could not see a man or a woman. He was wrapped in a black cloth and only half of his face was exposed, but that half

The face was burnt, with dark brown scars, and the eyes were almost tangled in one place. It looked like there were only two narrow holes, dark and dark looking outside, compared to

The darkness here is more like the darkness itself.

Who is this

Watching him come slowly, An Rushuang found out that his legs were also stupid. He walked crookedly like a doll, and the girl in the pink shirt wiped her eyes quickly

Tears stood up, as if he was not afraid of the person at all, beside him, his eyes were flushed, and a look of intimacy called: "Mother."


Is it a woman?

The man looked at the woman tenderly, and then she raised her hand and touched the woman's hair. Her face was unbearable, but her hands looked white and dexterous.

It's An Rushuang, they all ask themselves.

"Little peach, ask."

Her voice was extremely unpleasant and her speech was simple.

An Rushuang thought, maybe she had really encountered a fire.

If this person is the mother of this little peach, and they are not restricted from moving in this place, that is to say, they have a certain freedom in this place,

Most likely, the person who kidnapped her was the family.

However, between the two was a weak woman and a disabled person who could not walk easily. Those who could stun themselves with a single blow at that time were also part of this family.


"Is your father tied me? Where is he?"