MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 14 True sister

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At this moment, she made up for the tears owed to them then. It was not until a piece of parchment was wet that she stopped her tears with red eyes.

Both were frightened and looked at her eagerly.

"Otherwise ... in the future, I and Xianlian will come on a two-day trip? It won't work for one day. Please give my grandmother some peace."

Lu Mingyue looked at An Rushuang's appearance, and was really trembling, snoring, for fear of scaring the friend.

Since she was a child, she has made a good whip, extremely martial arts. At this time, this attitude made both of them smile a little.

She smiled when she saw An Rushuang, and Xianxian took a sigh of relief, stretched out her hand and pinched it lightly, wondering: "Let's not be in the capital for two days, it turned out to be

A veritable tear beauty. "

An Rushuang knew she was teasing herself and didn't care, so she reached out and caught the two.

Fortunately they are still there, fortunately they have not been dragged home by their own lives.

Xianxian and Mingyue glanced at each other and reached out and hugged her. When they came, they heard something, but they could not verify it. Now it looks like this picture is true.


"Well, you need to know that this is true of most men in the world, in fact, Uncle An is okay ..." Qianxian chuckled softly, with a cool face that was not quite the same age.


"Like my father, there are three bedrooms in the house now, and there is no need to keep her in mind."

Lu Mingyue also interfaced: "Yeah, a niece, what's ..." When she was half remembered, she was also a maid, and she couldn't help but choke on her throat.

Next, it is very uncomfortable.


An Rushuang suddenly remembered that when Xian Xian was married, he was planning hard for Zhu Han's succession. On the day of Xian Xian's marriage, Zhu Han asked her to meet the princess and give it to him.

The so-called 'Superior Lingdan', so she never saw that side.

Later, after she became the princess, the relationship faded. Except for the occasional on-site visit of Mingyue, Xianxian never visited the door.

She heard that Xianxian was not married well, and her aunt was mean. She married her to a merchant's house for expensive hires.

The man later made a donation of a small sesame official, which is a romantic species with wives and wives, and under such circumstances, even in the gatherings in the capital, Xianxian would not be present.

When An Rushuang saw Xianxian again, it was after she was killed that all the doctors wanted Mingzhe to protect herself. Xianxian appeared.

The first person she is sorry for is Slim.

An Rushuang swears silently in her heart that she will find a good home for Xianmian in this life, and then watch her get married to make her worry-free.

She twitched her lips and laughed: "Actually, what's the difference between him, no one cares about who crawled out of his stomach, we just have to hold on to our lives forever."

An Rushuang was so sad for her mother that she ignored herself.

At first, after the hypocritical Zhang family entered the house, she was very good to An Lingshan except she did not like Zhang family. But don't want to, An Lingshan is just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Careful planning will make the whole home settle down.

She smiled slightly, but stopped saying anything. She knew the niece's hardships. When she spoke of An Rushuang, she felt a little warm in her heart, but she didn't think deeply.

Is it shackled, what can I help myself?

It's just that Mingyue, who has always been careless, is silent at this time, seizing his life, is it easy?

After a while, she just smiled and said, "I don't want to mention these, but we heard that the second prince recently went to the house very diligently!"

She pressed the red-eyed An Rushuang on the carved chair at the back and teased, "You don't know how jealous those noble girls are outside. They don't bother you, but we are miserable.

Very, I have no time to relax! "

Xianmian also smiled, covering her face, and only said, "Not? You see, these are the placards entrusted to us." With that in mind, she waved at Bai Yan.

Bai Yan is Zhu Xianxian's close-fitting maid, and she is also a very gentle woman. She has a face with a slender eyebrow and is about seventeen or eighteen years old. She is very stable.

An Rushuang was common when she was in the Mohe. A few years ago, she often wore a crow's clothes, looking gentle but dull, and not angry.

But now it is bright and bright. She is white and beautiful under the cyan clothes. She laughs and holds a bunch of delicately crafted posts and puts them in front of An Rushuang.

Ann. "

An Rushuang looked at her for a moment, and she seemed to have seen this face when, for some reason, it disturbed An Rushuang's heart.

She frowned slightly and looked at Bai Yan.