MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 80 Clearance

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  Chapter 80 Clearance


  A young man with a cut head, his body suddenly began to turn black.

  This jet-black skin makes him look dark all over, and contains good defense power.

   "We have many people, are you afraid that you have few people?"

   "Those who beat us, don't even think about leaving tonight!"

  The body of the girl in the hip skirt swelled and turned into a giant Samoyed dog with snow-white fur.

  Beside her, the partners all released their abilities.

  The girl in suspenders, her buttocks became more upright, and after a burst of swelling, her body turned into a giant corgi.

  The girl in shorts turned into a wrinkled, somewhat ugly behemoth French fighting dog.

   These four girls, when the global supernatural power came, they all touched animals, one cat and three dogs.

  When the two men and four women released their abilities.

   This way.


  The sound of weapons colliding resounded, and sparks flew everywhere.

  The huge sword directly slashed at the spiked shoulder of the man in the middle.

  The spike was very hard, and it was not chopped off by the giant sword.

  But before the battle, he had just done business with his female companion, so his physical strength was a little lacking.

   In the stalemate with the giant sword, he was directly thrown out and fell hard to the ground of the yard.

  The giant sword took advantage of the situation and chased after it.


   Li Hanmei saw that there were many people on the other side, so she also directly released her ability in the yard.

  The clothes are like snowflakes, flying all over the sky.

  Li Hanmei's body has turned into a clanging giant knife.


   Zhou Tianba roared, resounding throughout the space, and he also turned into a giant white tiger.

   It's just that Zhou Tianba's body is too big, and it's hard to stretch out his hands and feet in this narrow yard.

   "Wang Wang!"

  The girl in shorts who transformed into a giant French fighting dog barked twice.

  Because she saw the giant sword slashing towards the young man in the middle.

  This is her boy, how can he not bear it in his heart.


  The huge sword slashed down fiercely, and there was another ear-piercing sound of weapons colliding.


  The man in the middle screamed, and the longest spike on his right shoulder and a row of shorter spikes on his right arm were chopped off.

  The spike is the ability of the man in the middle, and it merges with him.

  The spikes were cut off, as if part of his body had been cut off.

  The piercing pain distorted his facial features and screamed again and again.

  Seeing that the house was in a mess, it was badly damaged.

  The Zhou family was very angry.

  Originally, they still had concerns about damaging the home they lived in.

  But the enemy solved the worries of the Zhou family!

   Alright, now you can fully engage in battle.

   "I'm really courting death!"

  Li Qingshan shook his head, looking at them, it was like looking at a dead person.

  The giant white tiger has a huge body, just like a moving cubicle.

   Moreover, Zhou Tianba also practiced Qi Yanjue, which is even more extraordinary.

  In terms of blood, the giant white tiger suppressed the giant goat and three dogs and one cat.

  A sense of fear swept over the young people's bodies.

   "You bastards, die to me!"

   Zhou Tianba was extremely angry.

  Without any worries, he directly culled into the dense herd of beasts.

  The goat had gathered enough energy to attack.

   But now, he saw that the opponent's big white tiger was several times bigger than himself.

   "Is this still a yarn?"

  The goat charged directly to the side, and then jumped.

   "Thirty-six tactics are the best strategy!"

  The body of the giant goat drew a flowing arc in the air, crossed the high wall of the villa, and landed on the road.

   Raising its four hooves, the giant goat started running wildly and fled the scene.

   ignores the fleeing goat.

   Zhou Tianba took the lead in throwing down the giant Samoyed dog.

  The hair on its body is white and soft.

  But Zhou Tianba's huge mouth was ferocious, and he bit it out fiercely, intending to bite off its snow-white neck.

  Destroying my home, like killing my parents, should be punished!

  Li Qingshan shouted at the critical moment: "Brother Tianba, don't kill me!"

   "Take them as labor force, clean the house and carry supplies for us!"

  It is not a pity for these people to die.

  Before they die, Li Qingshan will treat them as mustard, squeeze out the last value, and make them priceless labor!

  Zhou Tianba heard what Li Qingshan meant, and followed his arrangement.


  Blood splattered everywhere, Zhou Tianba directly changed the direction of the big mouth, and unloaded a dog leg of the giant Samoyed dog.

"woo woo woo woo!"

  The gigantic Samoyed dog whimpered and screamed on the ground.

   Then, she exited the supernatural state, recovered her body, and became weak.

   The Samoyed has the wrong leg.

  Zhou Tianba swallowed it in one gulp...

  Tasting the taste of blood, Zhou Tianba's tiger eyes turned scarlet.

   "Delicious, really delicious, I still want to eat it!"

   Zhou Tianba pounced on the giant corgi beside him.

  Although this giant corgi has already hid aside.

  But it's like a cat catching a mouse, let the mouse run a few steps first, but still be able to chase it!

   With a light pounce, Zhou Tianba knocked down the giant corgi.

   Without mercy, Zhou Tianba took off a broken leg of the giant Corgi and swallowed it into his stomach.

  The giant corgi lost a leg and couldn't run, so it whimpered and screamed on the ground.

  Then, it returned to its original state, as weak as a ball of cotton, and fell to the ground.

   Immediately afterwards, there was this ugly giant French fighting dog.

   It was also removed by Zhou Tianba, and then restored to its original body.

   "You're left, you **** ugly cat."

   Zhou Tianba was very angry, broke the door, rushed into the house, and threw the giant white cat down.

Puff puff!

  A burst of blood splattered, Zhou Tianba tore off all four legs of the giant white cat, and swallowed them into his belly.

   This giant white cat is like a cat stick, and it keeps making screams.

  Because it was still alive, it returned to its original form.

   All four cat legs were removed, and she became extremely weak and fell to the ground.



   A slapping sound resounded.

  Li Hanmei's broadsword slapped the young man with an inky black skin.

  He hit the wall, spit out a mouthful of blood 'wow', his face became pale, and he lost his fighting power.

   At this point, the combat power ends directly.

   In this battle, a goat ran away.

   The man and the short-cut man were divided in the middle, and the two were slandered.

  The man with white hair was seriously injured and his life was in danger.

  The remaining four girls were all beaten and maimed in the state of turning into beasts.

  They were now naked and fell to the ground weakly.

  Zhou Qingling glanced at the girl huddled in the corner at the far end of the room, and walked over.

   "Don't be afraid, we have helped you beat these bad guys down!"

  Zhou Qingling comforted her gently.

  At the same time, Zhou Qingling glanced at her back, where there was a cat's claw mark, the skin was torn and blood was dripping.

  (end of this chapter)