MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 160 giant man-eating crocodile

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  Chapter 160 Giant Man-eating Alligator

   These scarlet eyes looked as big as a baby's fist.

  Under the moonlight, its outline looks huge and slender, like an extremely long fishing boat.

  If you look carefully, you can see that it is covered with layers of fine black scales the size of a one-dollar silver coin, which has a strong defensive power.

   This is a man-eating crocodile of amazing size. It looks extremely ferocious, especially the long black crocodile tail, which looks like a long black whip.

  It even has terrible spikes on it, as if it can penetrate everything.

  If someone with supernatural powers was whipped by this man-eating crocodile, he might die on the spot.

   But that's not even worse.

   What's more terrible is that there are small piranhas around this man-eating crocodile.

   They haunt the city, and they seem so out of place with everything around them.

   "This family is very dangerous."

   The giant man-eating crocodile headed by it is the ability of a supernatural person.

  The little piranhas around him were discovered by him in a nearby artificial pond, with himself as the leader and follow him.

  Leaded by supernatural beings, these man-eating crocodiles became organized and disciplined, acted collectively, and appeared in groups.

   Now, this supernatural person has his eyes on the four delicious dishes in front of Li Qingshan's house, and he really wants to go up and eat a buffet.

   "Although this family is a bit dangerous."

   "However, there are four delicious dishes here, so you can't let them go easily."

   "Moreover, every time I eat a supernatural being, I can obviously feel that I have become much stronger."

   "I have to eat them all!"

  When the supernatural being was thinking about it, his eyes became more murderous, and he really wanted to open his fangs and mouth, eat a buffet, and eat their heads in one bite.

   There seemed to be more than 20 small man-eating crocodiles around them. Feeling the boiling murderous aura of the leader, they also became restless.

   After observing for a while.

  This supernatural person feels that he should be more cautious.

   "Let's observe more."

   "Come back tomorrow, don't be in a hurry."

   "Now let's find other delicious dishes that have been ordered."

  The supernatural person thought to himself.

   Then, he led the group of man-eating crocodiles to fade away, and began to look for some supernatural beings who had fallen alone in the night.

   "My ability is very strong, and I can transform into a giant man-eating crocodile."

  “During the day, I was an innocent crowd huddled at home waiting for rescue.”

   "But at night, I am a crocodile that eats people without spit out bones."

   "Eat it, Zhao Haotian."

   "Sooner or later, you will become the top existence in this city!"

   "My little crocodiles will witness my peak."

   "Glory brings hypocritical supporters, and dusk witnesses devout believers."

   "When I was growing up, you supported me; when I become the top powerhouse in this city, I will protect you and make your status above all supernatural beings!"

  Zhao Haotian's pair of deep beast eyes were full of hot and brilliant light.

  He was in a turbulent mood, feeling that he could definitely become a strong man in this city.

   Just because of oneself, can eat people to become stronger.

  What Zhao Haotian doesn't know is that he doesn't actually become stronger by eating people.

   What he ate was actually the inner alchemy of the supernatural being, which was the source of his strength.

   But this crocodile is really too big, and it swallows other supernatural beings directly without checking their bodies.

  So, Zhao Haotian never knew the existence of Neidan, but mistakenly thought that eating people would make him stronger.

  He knows that cannibalism is an evil behavior and will be rejected by other supernatural beings.

   Even, they will be surrounded and attacked by all the supernatural beings, just like the eight sects in the novel besieging Guangmingding, they will be directly surrounded and beaten to death.

  Dying like this is a very unjust death.

   Therefore, Zhao Haotian keeps a low profile, and only at night will he bring his army of man-eating crocodiles out to fight and hunt for food to become stronger.

  Zhao Haotian retreated with his army of man-eating crocodiles.

  They are like cats, very dexterous, although there are many of them, they are not very powerful.

  This is what makes them most terrifying.

   If you are not careful, if you walk alone on the street, you will be caught by this group of man-eating crocodiles.

   And Li Qingshan's side.

  Inside the yard.

  The four supernatural beings who were buried in the pit did not know that they were being targeted by a group of man-eating crocodiles just now.

  The faces of these four people were sore by the terrible wind at night.

  The wind is wild and cold, blowing on your face, as if someone slapped you with a thick, thorny palm in all directions and without dead ends.

  These four supernatural beings are not comfortable. They feel like they are in a prison and are being tortured hard all the time.

  In the room, Zhou Tianba crossed his legs and deduced the Qi Yanjue technique in his mind to make himself more familiar with it.

  In each room, Li Qingshan, Zhou Qingling, Zhou's parents, and Luo's sisters began to sleep and entered a sweet dreamland.

  Time passed bit by bit.

   Soon, one night passed.

   "Nothing happened overnight, this vigil was a success."

   Zhou Tianba yawned after evaluating himself.

  As a night watchman, he can't sleep at night, so he has to stay alert and beware of the outside world, so as not to have supernatural beings or strange beasts invading.

  Li Qingshan and Li Hanmei came to the kitchen and cooked breakfast for everyone.

   "Auntie, bread, milk, rice, eggs, tomatoes, here we come!"

  Li Qingshan shouted.

  Then wiped the storage ring, and took out bread, milk and other food supplies from inside.

  These things are stored in the storage ring, which can keep fresh forever and never break.

   "Well, auntie is going to cook porridge."

  Li Hanmei responded, "By the way, where are the green mountains and water?"

   "Water is spraying out now." Li Qingshan smiled slightly.

   Then, Li Qingshan made a strange movement with his right hand in the void, which was the power of water art.


   Immediately, a jet of water gushed out from Li Qingshan's right hand, and fell into the water basin next to it, filling it completely.

  However, Li Qingshan sprayed out too much water using the water art, making the water basin too full and overflowing.

   "It's overflowing, it's a waste." Li Hanmei said with some distress.

   You know, in this chaotic world.

  There are some bad-minded supernatural beings who will go out and destroy the water supply system of some residents.

   There are no maintenance workers, so the water is very precious.

  Li Qingshan waved his hand, and responded: "It's okay, auntie, I have plenty of water, as much as I want. As long as I have enough spiritual power, we will not worry about water."

  Hearing what Li Qingshan said, Li Hanmei was relieved a lot.

  But she still said: "Qingshan, I know you have a lot of water, but you can't waste it in vain."

   "Look, the water in this water formula has overflowed and wet the floor."

   "Next time, just control the amount just right, there is no need for so much."

   The writing is very serious, it should not need to be reviewed or be harmonized. The first more delivered.



  (end of this chapter)